D&D 5E Why D&D? - Complexity is not fun for me


I like simplicity too and 5e is real easy to simplify even more than the offical rules.

I am interested in the dice mechanics of the FFG Star Wars game but I don't care for the fiddly bits of the system. I wish more systems had basic rules that focused on actual play and less on character building.

I was bored last week and decided to search online for innovative and "award-winning" rpg systems and came across Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. I was very impressed to say the least. At first I was confused with all the custom dice and dice pools but when I actually dove into it, downloaded the Star Wars dice app to run some mock resolutions, I was really excited. I was worried at first that it would slow down the game too much but when I dove into it, I got used to the dice and interpreting results and really dug it. It allows for granular successes and failures and allows shared narrative control between GM and PCs. I imagine you could have many unique and memorable encounters and sessions with that system. Plus as a DM/GM that enjoys improvising and narrative play, the system is magical.

It also has a nice character creation and progression system that allows you to make pretty diverse characters that aren't locked into a class or role with all the goodies like talent trees and specializations. I love The Traveler RPG but felt like it wasn't a good system for long term play. SW:EDOTE is like a better Traveler.

I've been trying to locate a local game to play in and try it out but haven't had much luck.

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