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Why Do You Hate An RPG System?

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That someone better
I am not going to accept responsibility for people that can't engage in a reasonable discussion


Especially the inability to recognize that the very premise of "hating" an RPG means that those opinions will be inherently irrational to the people that don't share them. People like what they like, and don't what they don't.

Life is too short to actually hate an RPG elf game. It's just a game.

That being said...

My Hat of the following RPG's know no limit!!!!!

1: Die-step rpg mechanics. Savage Worlds I'm looking at you! They explode when you roll high - and the higher your die the less likely they'll explode. This makes my RPG brain say BADWRONGFUN! Yes I know the math is relatively solid and there is only a few percentage points of variance around the d4 d6 d8 dice. I don't care. It's wrong I tell you!

2: Fate. A rules-light RPG using special dice that can do anything! Of course it can; at that level of rules lite I'd be shocked if it couldn't. But that doesn't make it good. They had the rights to the Dresden Files IP and they used this milquetoast hot trash for the game mechanics. Sold a lot of copy based on the IP alone. Who plays in the Dresden-verse now? No one. Because it is powered by fate, and nobody cares.

3: Runequest. Call of Culthulu is the money maker RPG that allows Chaosium to delude themselves into thinking that people actually want to roleplay in Gorlantha. That's right, I said it! The only reason Gorlantha is still a thing is because it has benefitted enormously from its early entry into the RPG hobby as one of the first-mover D&D alternatives that integrated system and setting. Gorlantha as a setting/RPG would go nowhere if it was introduced today because we now have tons of settings that are far more relatable, and actually good.

4: Shadowrun 4-6e. There was nothing about the SR 3e rules that couldn't have been fixed. 4-6e changed the way the die pools worked for no reason because Catalyst never addressed the underlying system complexity that made the game unwieldly in play. As one of the first mover cyberpunk games it does gets attention when a new edition comes out, because people really liked the setting premise. But then people see that it is still a hot mess, and stop playing it just like the previous editions. This is the main reason Shadowrun has faded. People will come for the IP, but you can drive them away with the system!

5: The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Conan, RPG's. For the love of all that is good, beautiful, and true; will someone please do a version of these evergreen RPG IP without special symbol dice? Being actually good would really help a lot too...

6: WFRP Systems. WHFRP has always been a great setting perpetually held back by mediocre systems. WHFRP system has been rather mediocre because of its determination to not be a BRP clone. And possessing some strange need between editions to do a clean sheet redesign each time - which just keeps them from putting out an edition that actually fixes the issues of the past one. i.e. WFRP 4e: What does C7 do when they get the license? Release a cleaned up version of WHFRP 2e with known issues addressed and some new features to enhance the WHFRP experience? Noooooooo... Such obvious ways to update the game are for losers! Complexity must be added! With all new issues to fix!

I shall end here before I say something actually controversial.

Like the fact that without exception every single RPG IP property from the 80's to mid 90's that would contend for the #2 spot behind D&D have all been mismanaged straight into total also-ran status.
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Re: Mouseguard. Gosh I agree. I am such a huge fan of the source material and of Jared but this game is full of fiddly bits. I think Mausritter is closer to what I was expecting but gosh somewhere in between would be the best. :)

The only systems that I have "hated" are ones where the attacker rolls a bunch of dice then the defender has to roll a bunch of dice in response. I can't remember if it was Save The Day or Wicked Pacts that had this issue really badly. :(

Stay healthy!


I always wanted to like/love Palladium Rifts RPG because it was the one of the few things out there that legit had a Macross RPG for it. And I am a huge Macross hussy. The problem?

I really dislike percentages in games: ESPECIALLY in RPGs. And Palladium and their RPGs were percentages incarnate.
Yeah the idea of Rifts factions or random PC fighting alongside the TMNT with Michangelo flipping riding a Macross Valkyrie, out of control probably, sounds like one hell of a mental image/scenario that would sound gravy right up my soul. But I just could never....get Palladium's system/math.

Fate is another one that I don't dislike but I want to try to play/like and so far, no luck. I got the Atomic Robo: The Roleplaying Game version because from a number of sources I've read online, Atomic Robo's take on the Fate engine is the most/a pretty good, streamlined take on the Fate/ the mechanics themselves. So, I figured that by using that as the base/guide to learning Fate, it should be cool, and I could do my prequel Hell Boy 5E campaign using Atomic Robo(Fate) to be used for the WW II section of the past.

I get some parts of it like the Bennies and taking a complication to gain a Benny. How to actually level up/play it/the Aspects/or how combat works in it......uh.

In regard to dice system/mechanics, Rolling Under isn't exactly my first choice of use if making a game: I'm too used/ingrained to rolling for high numbers in RPGs due to DND.

Thomas Shey

Re: Mouseguard. Gosh I agree. I am such a huge fan of the source material and of Jared but this game is full of fiddly bits. I think Mausritter is closer to what I was expecting but gosh somewhere in between would be the best. :)

The only systems that I have "hated" are ones where the attacker rolls a bunch of dice then the defender has to roll a bunch of dice in response. I can't remember if it was Save The Day or Wicked Pacts that had this issue really badly. :(

Stay healthy!
Depending on where you draw the line at "a bunch" that could describe either.


I get some parts of it like the Bennies and taking a complication to gain a Benny. How to actually level up/play it/the Aspects/or how combat works in it......uh.
I recommend finding and reading the free pdf The Book of Hanz, which is a collection of mini-essay postings about Fate by Hanz that were gathered from their Google+ community postings. That's a pretty good start for understanding Fate's framework.


So far, Giantlands seems like another thing I'd don't like. despite the fact TSR sucks to begin with.

I never realized how much I'd dislike a system that is D100 until I started reading this poor guy's experience with it. That or they just simply suck at making a system like that.

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