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D&D 5E Why does WotC put obviously bad or illogical elements in their adventures?

Lost Soul

First Post
I see someone is commenting without knowing the context:

The Storm Giant king has been abducted, the Queen is dead, the ordening is broken and all the giant races are on a power struggle for control. This makes the long winded explanation above not applicable and exposed the core reason hill giant guards aren't logical on its face.

Yep, but for some reason we gotta put the Keystone Cops in charge so the PC's can bluff them very easily without much effort. *sigh*

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Wow, so many people defending usage of inept guards for VIP in a D&D game but would be hard pressed to find parallel examples in real life. It makes me wonder if many of SKT's defenders are the writers or their family members LOL!:heh:

I'm not sure what fantasy games/novels/movies/programs you've experienced, but inept guards have been a staple of the genre since time immemorial - right up to Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones. As I said before in this thread, care to take the issue up with the producers of GoT or George RR Martin himself? They seem to have no issues with having inept guards for a VIP, and I assume they have more Emmy and Hugo Awards than you do...
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Lost Soul

First Post
That's nice. When you don't agree with someone, imply they are dishonest. Classy.

No, its not lacking class to call someone out for making the same strawman argument trying to justify putting dunces as guards to a high level VIP. If the President of a country was incapacitated, the other people in line of succession would be protected by the very best that country has to offer, including the president's family so the country could perform during this crisis. If you are just arguing against it without any validation your motives for doing so should be called into question. Should a movie critic not savage acting or writing in a movie if he or she feels it is poorly done and adversely effects the story that is being told? Absolutely, as long as the critic can back up his snark with valid points skewering the movie. The hill giant guards are like a bad line from an Austin Powers movie.

Dr. Evil (Giant's Script Writer) "Ok. I've captured Austin Powers. I will detain him with one inept hill giant guard."
Scott Evil (Lost Soul) "Why do you do this? Just kill Powers now. You lock him in the room with one inept hill giant guard and he'll escape and ruin our plans. You're an idiot!"
Dr. Evil (Giant's Script Writer) "Hello Scott. Who has the script Scott? Who has the Doctorate in Evil here? You? No, of course not. Zip it!"
Scott Evil (Lost Soul) " Awh..come on! He'll escape! You..."
Dr. Evil (Giant's Script Writer) "Zip it..zzzzip..zip it!"

If you want to see the full scene watch Austin Powers "The Spy who shagged me". Its a perfect example of the flawed logic behind this module. No excuse for poor writing and plot.
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No flips for you!
I'm not sure what fantasy games/novels/movies/programs you've experienced, but inept guards have been a staple of the genre since time immemorial - right up to Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones. As I said before in this thread, care to take the issue up with the producers of GoT or George RR Martin himself?
Well, then, I'm certainly put to bed on this! I mean, who could possibly argue with George R. R. Martin?!1eleven!? Sacriledge, right?

Or maybe it was dumb there, too, and GRRM isn't a magic touchstone (and also didn't write that bit as he can't be bothered to write the novels and the screenwriters had to do it).

Well, then, I'm certainly put to bed on this! I mean, who could possibly argue with George R. R. Martin?!1eleven!? Sacriledge, right?


(I know you are being sarcastic. I am being serious.)

(Well, only semi-serious ;) But you can't deny that the creators of the hottest fantasy property at the current moment felt that it was perfectly fine to have that exact same scenario in their TV show. Mistake or not, "inept guards" is such an established trope that it's going to find its way into fantasy works no matter how much complaining us done).
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No flips for you!

(I know you are being sarcastic. I am being serious.)
Appeal to authority is an informal logical fallacy. You're welcome to be serious about it, but that doesn't require anyone to take you seriously.

Also, way to go on spoilers, especially in a thread that has nothing to do with the show so that hit you cold. I don't watch (I learned how much Martin hates his fans with Crows), but I bet a bunch of folks here do. Dropping next day spoilers is seriously uncool.

Lost Soul

First Post
I'm not sure what fantasy games/novels/movies/programs you've experienced, but inept guards have been a staple of the genre since time immemorial - right up to Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones. As I said before in this thread, care to take the issue up with the producers of GoT or George RR Martin himself? They seem to have no issues with having inept guards for a VIP, and I assume they have more Emmy and Hugo Awards than you do...

What are you talking about? In Game of Thrones skull duggery plus bribery gets you into the palace guards. The greens who start as the knights watch would not make it into the royal house guards. Your saying that Samwell Tarley would be in the King's guard? No way..no how. Inept guards are not staples of VIP in any fantasy genre that I am familiar with unless they are placed there intentionally to cause a problem. Case in point, look at the movie the Godfather. Paulie calls in sick and Fredo is his Father's bodyguard when the hit occurs in the because no one expects a gang war at that time. The Corleon family easily deduces that Paulie sold out the Godfather and have him murdered. Fredo is instantly removed from any guard duties because he is incompetent.

Lost Soul

First Post
I'm not sure what fantasy games/novels/movies/programs you've experienced, but inept guards have been a staple of the genre since time immemorial - right up to Sunday's episode of Game of Thrones. As I said before in this thread, care to take the issue up with the producers of GoT or George RR Martin himself? They seem to have no issues with having inept guards for a VIP, and I assume they have more Emmy and Hugo Awards than you do...

So what your saying is that if I get George R.R. Martin or another well known writer or game designer to poke holes in this module by calling out the obvious plot holes and inconsistencies then you will reverse your opinion? Funny how you would raise their name when they have nothing to do with this discussion and would have no input whatsoever. Talk about a strawman


41st lv DM
Anyone who has read he HotDQ and RoT APs knows that logic flies right out of the window with these things. No one has yet explained why the gold and treasure in HotDQ travels hundreds of miles north along the coast to get to a place where a portal opens up to get to a place where a cloud giant castle then transports the treasure back to a location that is orders of magnitude nearer to the starting point of the adventure. When I was running those adventures, it didn't really dawn on me until right before my PCs were about to ask that question of me. Sensing their impending confusion, I had to change the location of the Well of Dragons on the spot to one much further north.

You'd have thought that would have been a very obvious and basic issue for the authors...but no.

Yes, as players (most of wich are NOT FR savvy btw) we noticed this right after we got done rescuing that stupid monk.
*So we've got this group known as The Cult of the Dragon running around looting places.
*Said cult likes to entertain itself with making(?)dracoliches & aiding evil dragons.
*A bit Eastwards of Greenest there's this spot on the map called The Well of Dragons. ??
*What's known about that place? Oh, it's a dragon graveyard!
*I wonder... Since we have a cult running about who's all about evil/dead dragons if maybe we should go check that place out? You know, just in case? Cause if I were in a cult focused on dead dragons that sure sounds like it'd be a pretty interesting place to set up shop. And what do dragons, alive or undead, like? TREASURE! Gee, I wonder where it's all going....

We discussed going there. But we decided to be nice to the 1st time DM & play dumb & follow the track. Had this not been his 1st foray into DMing though....

And oh look, we eventually ended up at The Well of Dragons. We were shocked.

No, its not lacking class to call someone out for making the same strawman argument trying to justify putting dunces as guards to a high level VIP. ....
Obviously you will believe what you want and try to justify your behavior with long drawn out justifications that have nothing to do with my complaint about your behavior. I think you called people dishonest with no basis in fact. To say such behavior is lacking class is being polite.

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