I followed your link and the Dresden Files novel's are included as Urban Fantasy, along with Ghostbusters, Buffy Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf, Gremlins. This is interesting because any vampire, werewolf, undead theme would be classed as an Urban Fantasy, I suppose? I did not see Lovecraft listed, possibly due to Horror has its own category type?Are Dresden Files and the various WoD games superhero games?
Then the Underworld films would be classed under urban or horror? I guess it depends in the purpose of the story. If the monster is meant to only kill you and to be hunted as a pest, then it is classed as a Horror. And if the monsters co-live in your society, thus film/comic Blade would be Urban fantasy, like the Larping games Werewolf and Vampire, and video game Cyberpunk? This would be good to start another blog thread to answer this maybe? Lol.