D&D General Why I love Point Buy or Array when creating a PC


For those as likes point-buy or array for stats, do you also give everyone equal funds to buy starting equipment, or is that level of funds randomized somehow (a la 1e), or do you just assign starting gear?
Either standard equipment or standard starting gold based on class, plus what you get from background.

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
In theory I guess, but most of the starting gear is not terribly valuable and will soon be replaced anyway so it really doesn't matter terribly much. Stats will last for the lifetime of the character, so to me they're a huge deal, whereas gear, especially cheap mundane gear, is transient.
This. Outside of AC 18 plate armor (which is essentially a mundane magic item), I'm not terribly interested in making the players quest to get mundane gear just to realize their starting concept.


For those as likes point-buy or array for stats, do you also give everyone equal funds to buy starting equipment, or is that level of funds randomized somehow (a la 1e), or do you just assign starting gear?

We usually start at 3rd level and use the rule of 'reasonable'.

They get clothes and a pack, misc. low value items, 2-3 weapons, armour except half or full plate, and 2 healing potions.

I feel like that is a good starting place.

If we started at 1st level then only cheap armour and no healing potions.


Victoria Rules
So in summary, from the last ten or so posts, it seems pretty much nobody gives the player a randomized (within limits) amount of gold to spend on equipping their characters any way they like; and then leave the choice of how and with what to equip said characters up to the player?

Mundane equipment - even including essentials - is one way of customizing a character right out the gate; and also provides some sometimes-tough player-side choices. For example, when equipping a Fighter you might be forced to choose between starting with good armour but only one weapon or lesser armour but a better selection of weapons. Can you afford a longbow? Wooden shield (cheap but less durable) or metal shield (more costly but likely only have to buy once)?

And with my last few g.p. do I buy something practical (e.g. a cup, plate, and utensils) or not practical (e.g. soap, a comb, and a facecloth)?

Sure you'll in theory soon have enough money that these considerations become moot, but that time isn't yet.

Interesting that this seems to be getting downplayed in favour of kits, which while certainly convenient don't exactly encourage personalization.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
So in summary, from the last ten or so posts, it seems pretty much nobody gives the player a randomized (within limits) amount of gold to spend on equipping their characters any way they like; and then leave the choice of how and with what to equip said characters up to the player?

Mundane equipment - even including essentials - is one way of customizing a character right out the gate; and also provides some sometimes-tough player-side choices. For example, when equipping a Fighter you might be forced to choose between starting with good armour but only one weapon or lesser armour but a better selection of weapons. Can you afford a longbow? Wooden shield (cheap but less durable) or metal shield (more costly but likely only have to buy once)?

And with my last few g.p. do I buy something practical (e.g. a cup, plate, and utensils) or not practical (e.g. soap, a comb, and a facecloth)?

Sure you'll in theory soon have enough money that these considerations become moot, but that time isn't yet.

Interesting that this seems to be getting downplayed in favour of kits, which while certainly convenient don't exactly encourage personalization.
This level of personalization is firmly in the "who cares?" territory for many folks. 🤷‍♂️


So in summary, from the last ten or so posts, it seems pretty much nobody gives the player a randomized (within limits) amount of gold to spend on equipping their characters any way they like; and then leave the choice of how and with what to equip said characters up to the player?

Mundane equipment - even including essentials - is one way of customizing a character right out the gate; and also provides some sometimes-tough player-side choices. For example, when equipping a Fighter you might be forced to choose between starting with good armour but only one weapon or lesser armour but a better selection of weapons. Can you afford a longbow? Wooden shield (cheap but less durable) or metal shield (more costly but likely only have to buy once)?

And with my last few g.p. do I buy something practical (e.g. a cup, plate, and utensils) or not practical (e.g. soap, a comb, and a facecloth)?

Sure you'll in theory soon have enough money that these considerations become moot, but that time isn't yet.

Interesting that this seems to be getting downplayed in favour of kits, which while certainly convenient don't exactly encourage personalization.
You aren't surprised about this though, right? You've heard enough people talk here where your type of game-- wherein a PC might not even make it to level 2 before being killed (and thus customization of equipment might be the ONLY customization that specific PC will ever get)-- is a rarity. Most other people will gain enough GP within the first few sessions that those hard choices you speak of will be washed away almost immediately, and thus randomized personalization of equipment purchases is not a gameplay loop most folks are going to care about.

Voidrunner's Codex

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