Why I'm not boycotting the movie, video games, comic books or novels over the OGL scandal, just D&DB & hardcovers.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
I don't think that will happen. Pretty sure most people will be over this by then as the new OGL is released.

Consider it a thought experiment, then. Somehow, the new OGL isn't out yet. Or, the new OGL comes out, and it is crummy, and Ginny Di says folks should go picket to get WotC to change their minds....

Consider it a thought experiment, then. Somehow, the new OGL isn't out yet. Or, the new OGL comes out, and it is crummy, and Ginny Di says folks should go picket to get WotC to change their minds....
That would be pretty wild, but sorry I just can't see it happening.


1. WotC has already lost, they've walked back almost everything, and a lot of what's left that folks hate will be dust from the D&D Beyond boycott and hardcover boycott. The last, biggest part the OGL 1.0a revocation is already on shaky ground because of internal opposition, bad PR, and the current TTRPG boycott, and WotC has no legal case to revoke the OGL not even counting the perpetual vs irrevokible issue, they will lose any court case Paizo and others bring against them, which will come, and in the extremely unlikely scenario that WotC wins, Paizo will likely get an injunction against revoking OGL 1.0a until the case is resolved, which could take years to resolve, destroying WotC schedule and making One D&D ompossible to release next year. This is a no win scenerio for them and the smallest loses are letting go of the new OGL altogether.

2. I don't blame WotC for this, I blame CEO Chris Cocks, WotC President Cynthia Williams, and D&D Vice President Rawson, those are my targets, not WotC. I've learned its more effective to go after corporate leadership then a corporation.

3. Most of the damage this will do has already been done, most 3pp aren't coming back for the foreseeable future.

4. The Forgotten Realms has been severly under supportered in 5e, especially mid to late 5e, FR needs this movie and it's novels. Frankly FR setting is more important to me then D&D, so that is my priorities. Not that things will get worse for D&D see point 1.

I will continue to support the D&D Beyond and TTRPG hardcover boycott until I'm satisified we will get the best deal possible.
You will get no judgement from me. The reason that I am "boycotting," if it can be called that, is that whenever I look at it I want to vomit. It makes me feel like I need a shower. I'm just repelled from it now.


I'm thinking WotC believes this as well.

And that's the thing that has me all bent out of shape.

To me, the game is more important than the brand. I have more positive memories of making up stories in a room with a bunch of fellow nerds than I do of reading D&D novels someone else wrote by myself. I have more positive memories of my friends joking around through a campaign than I do of Chris Pine's charming smile. I have more impactful memories of character arcs and stories from people that changed me than I do of any TV show of any genre. Not because of the brand of D&D, but because of the game of D&D. That's the thing I want to teach my kid, that I want to introduce newbies to, that I want to share with people like me, to make a connection over this weird little game.

The game means something to me, and it's being blown up because it means less to WotC than the brand does. The brand doesn't mean much to me. The stories I made with my friends will always be more meaningful to me than the stories Wizards made up that didn't involve the characters and villains my friends and I built.
Oh, the game is more important for me too. But I don't matter in the grand scheme of things. The brand is more monetizable, the brand has more copyright protections, the brand can be translated in to other medias. As a company, in this capitalist world WotC is right in knowing the brand is the most valuable thing in D&D. That doesn't mean that it was a smart move to defecate all over the game, the community and their own reputation...


Oh, the game is more important for me too. But I don't matter in the grand scheme of things. The brand is more monetizable, the brand has more copyright protections, the brand can be translated in to other medias. As a company, in this capitalist world WotC is right in knowing the brand is the most valuable thing in D&D. That doesn't mean that it was a smart move to defecate all over the game, the community and their own reputation...
it might be more valuable, sure, but I for one could not care less about it now. I will not see the movie or get anything D&D related outside of the actual TTRPG, let their whole brand strategy burn to the ground, so they focus on the game instead of trying to ruin that in an effort to establish a brand

As to the TTRPG itself, I have no idea if I will get anything the next two years, remains to be seen, but if I do not, then I am certain I never will again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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