I've noticed that for all (or most) of the heritages in a5e with a flying speed, there's a limitation of 3 rounds at a time without gaining temporary fatigue. Some of them can take a Paragon feature that allows them to save against Fatigue, but it's still a risk.
Aside from the obvious disparity that non-magical flying doesn't have this limitation, this is a huge nerf from the O5E versions of equivalent ancestries. It also leads to things feeling incredibly underwhelming from a story perspective. Literal bird-people can only fly for 18 seconds at a time until they're one of the most powerful bird-people in the realm at level 10, and even then have to expend a lot of effort to stay airborne.
Did flight really cause such great balance issues when playtesting A5E heritages that this nerf is neccesary, or do you think it would be okay to ease the restriction somewhat?
Aside from the obvious disparity that non-magical flying doesn't have this limitation, this is a huge nerf from the O5E versions of equivalent ancestries. It also leads to things feeling incredibly underwhelming from a story perspective. Literal bird-people can only fly for 18 seconds at a time until they're one of the most powerful bird-people in the realm at level 10, and even then have to expend a lot of effort to stay airborne.
Did flight really cause such great balance issues when playtesting A5E heritages that this nerf is neccesary, or do you think it would be okay to ease the restriction somewhat?