Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

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So it matters if you otherwise don't care about the tone at all. I consider that a thoroughly useless answer.
That's not what I said at all.

You decide the game's tone. You decide whether flying heritages and monsters are common in your world. You may decide that a heritage with unlimited flight, or even any flight ability, is inappropriate for the tone you're trying to have. And that's fine! Nobody is saying it's not fine. But the tone of your campaign also entirely different from the generic rule set, and flying heritages from the main book or 3pp products shouldn't be nerfed because they don't fit your particular setting tone or because you don't want to adjust encounters.

It would be like me saying that because halflings and elves don't fit the tone of my campaign setting that they shouldn't be in Level Up at all.

Thomas Shey

That's not what I said at all.

You decide the game's tone.

Which adds up to exactly what I said.

As for the rest, if its okay to tell someone they can just decide to not use something then its just as legitimate to tell them if they want it they can add it in. Neither one is self-evidently the better choice, its just a question of which master its serving.

Voidrunner's Codex

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