Level Up (A5E) Why isn't A5E on Demiplane? Or Alchemy?


My apologies!

Honestly I don’t always look at what sub forum something is in - I tend to just click on subjects that interest me.

Like I said, I was literally just commenting on Steampunkette’s statement. I wasn’t promoting or anything like that.

Honestly sorry if you took it any other way, seriously!
You're fine. You are fighting a troll and unfortunately you forgot to do fire damage.

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That's not true... Roll20 did buy Demiplane.

But that's the only part that's true, it seems! (The rest was, after all, speculation about EN Publishing and being unaware of 3rd party products on DNB... weirdly, a search for Kobold Press on DNB only shows their joint works, not their own products)

I don't want to harp on this on a LevelUp Thread, but DnD Beyond has expanded to increasingly include 3PP that they have nothing to do with. However, as @Morrus implied, you can't just put your stuff up there, you have to be let on the platform and the DnD Beyond team does all of the coding.

Now, they have talked about wanting to make DnDBeyond more like DriveThruRPG so that people can just upload their stuff and they (DnD Beyond) don't have to do anything. But that seems like a long shot for several reasons.

From what I see there are currently 16 3PP products on DnD Beyond:

EDIT: Just wanted to add that I would 100% buy many levelUp books if they were on Beyond.
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TIL that Marc Radle is "Art Director and Lead Graphic Designer, Kobold Press" - had to look it up. I just thought you were some rando posting information on a forum somewhere on the internet.
That's awesome.

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