D&D General Why TSR-era D&D Will Always Be D&D

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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
The only real thing I can remember Planescape says about the Forgotten Realms is that natives of Toril are somewhat more savvy about the Planes than berks from other worlds. And that's about it.

Also, Dark Sun is not as locked off as one might believe- as the Githyanki found out in Triple Crown when they thought Athas would be easy pickings for conquest...

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
Both, from what I understand (and fervently hope).
I mean I guess it could be fine, but I'm a little skeptical in that I think one or the other of the original settings, be it Spelljammer or Planescape, is going to be diluted by this cross pollinization. But I guess it's better than both settings languishing in obscurity?

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I mean I guess it could be fine, but I'm a little skeptical in that I think one or the other of the original settings, be it Spelljammer or Planescape, is going to be diluted by this cross pollinization. But I guess it's better than both settings languishing in obscurity?
I don't actually think its necessarily better, but I have hope their's something usable in Spelljammer. The MC they gave everybody was pretty cool.

Its certainly painful trying to read a wall of text written in a style from the 1960s. Gramps.

I love Snarf's writing style. I wouldn't characterize it as 1960s. I would say it's pretty unique and draws on a range of influences. I think for those of us who grew up reading books, it looks like good and stylistic writing.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I love Snarf's writing style. I wouldn't characterize it as 1960s. I would say it's pretty unique and draws on a range of influences. I think for those of us who grew up reading books, it looks like good and stylistic writing.
You mean back in the 60's?

2. The % of D&D players who still prefer to play TSR era D&D is probably higher proportionally than the % of video gamers who still primarily play the Atari or original NES as their go-to video gaming experience.
3. 5e took off, in part because of going back to some pre-4e design elements and playstyles. You can't do that with a video game and expect the same level of success. You don't see PS5/Xbox1 devs going back to side-scrolling or top-down linear games with no save points, do you? It would....not be successful lol. Certainly not in comparison to 5e's success.

While I don't disagree with these points necessary I do think there are a lot of people who would happily buy classic video games if the controls match the game play. I grew up on atari, intellivision, Sierra games on the computer, and Nintendo. I don't play video games anymore. Sometimes I watch youtube video playthru's of those games. I would definitely consider buying a retro console that played those classic games but also made new games in those styles if it were well supported.

You mean back in the 60's?

I grew up in the 80s. I read books that were current, books from the 70s, 60s, 50s, and so on down to the 1800s and further back. But Snarf's writing style doesn't seem especially 1960s to me. Looks like a range of writing styles.

Either way, even if it were a 1960s style of writing: that isn't bad. A lot of great books were written during that period.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I grew up in the 80s. I read books that were current, books from the 70s, 60s, 50s, and so on down to the 1800s and further back. But Snarf's writing style doesn't seem especially 1960s to me. Looks like a range of writing styles.

Either way, even if it were a 1960s style of writing: that isn't bad. A lot of great books were written during that period.
I was just making a funny. I love Snarf's posts.

Voidrunner's Codex

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