• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

wikidogres DS camp


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Wikidogre said:
Well, i am leaving mission 3 summary up too wallshot, and i was going to post the stats for the elf baylen (I Think), no no really! But he happened to be the first casualty of war, from now on he will be refered to as Liquid! Basically thats what happened, he became liquid, he had about 4 Hp's left, and got hit with a crit from a blaster rifle......he he he:D .

Peace for now

Not all liquid....I managed to salvage a hand! At the first opportunity we will get him ressurrected or something!! so HA!

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our story continues(maybe we should have this slid into the story hour now or sumthin) as we all load up in our ship, the , and set off in pursuit.

We jump to an outlands world and do a life scan, which reveals no consentration of life, but does show massive man-made structures (or elf-made as the case turns out). we decend inside the atmosphere and follow vapor emitions to a landing spot where the ork ship is located.

we land, disembark, run a kwik scan of the area and the ork ship and find notta sept a boat on the docks below. spud and grunt rig the ork ship to blow if they try to take off and we head down to the river. spud and grunt scan the boat for explosives and they deem it clean. we all load up and set off upriver (downriver is the ocean and that would be bad.

we travel upriver and suddenly i hear a pinging sound. scanning the sides of the boat, we see a little red dot moving towards us slightly below the surface. we take shots at it but manage to miss is until it is right next to the boat and BOOM we now have a huge hole in the side, and we are listing badly, but we can keep going, so we do. travel maybe 5 minutes when two more mines start tracing us, but we manage to blow them up b4 they get to close. we decide to do a more thuro search of the boat and locate below the boat a homing becon that is arming and attrachting the mines. Nny tries to pull it off, but the magnetic grip is too strong. i hear him scraping at the bottom of the boat, so i aim and shoot a hole in the bottom which dislodges the becon.

we come up to a city and dock and start tracking the orkz who appear to be dragging something heavy. our two snipers take point and Sights gets bumrushed as minotaur stampedes thru a wall and slams into him. we hightail it to his position and comense eliminating it with extreme prejiduce. we fall back and another comes bursting out and we toast it too. we rest and repair.

when we set out again, we are following the ork trail and come across a blockade. tho we dont see NE one, we do notice a gunbarrell potruding out of the camoflauge. in my infinite wisdom, i attempt to shoot down the barrell and blow up the ordinance. whoever, my ambition is greater than my aim, and i only accomplish alerting our enemy to our presence, which they kwikly use to fire upon us.

during the ensuing fire-fight, Baylen decides to "toast" a guy with a bullet that is encasing a fireball spell. the blast not only destroys the intended ork target, but also hits the rotted wooden structure he is standing beside. Just so happens that the orkz had decided that would be a good place to store about 100 frag grenades...lucky us. the resulting explosion (we ad hoc'd the rules since Imperial Supply wasnt in our possesion at the time) blew out the building, the sniper on top of the building that we didnt even know was there, the bunker blocking the road (which also uncovered the bigest, nastiest ork NE of us had ever seen), another ork, our healer and drops grunt and spud.

The big nasty ugly ork takes no time in wasting baylen, blowing a massive hole in his chest. he then takes aim and drops my bro. i step up and drop a healing potion on Stitches, then a heal on my Nny. we regroup and storm the ork, sept he isnt going NE where. the healer steps up and manages to strike complete terror into his heart and he drops his massive gun and runs. we decide that it might be in our best intreast to let him go for now, seeing as how we lost a member of our unit and the rest of us are looking pretty frazed....


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to much sorrow and pain, i, Wyndan Turretto, hereby atest that my brother, Nathynrix "Nny" Turretto, is officially deceased. Out of respect for family, friends, and his own personnal wishes, there will be no attempt made to return his spirit to this plane.

let it be known that Nny was a noble and just soul and that he lived his life by standards higher than any i have ever known...

im sorry, i cant go on....

ill miss U bro:(


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Alas Nathynrix "Nny" Turretto is gone........I'll miss that character.....

anywayz...this just allows the creativity to flow once again on a new character...

Tasariel Syldaryn
Elven Fighter/Psychic Warrior
(more info to come.....after the next session.....don't wanna give away NE thing to the other plays...yet...Wikid has come up with a nice way to introduce my newest incarnation..)


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Mission #4

we decided to hole up for the night in a twostory farmhouse. we all needed rest and the medic needed to prepare a spell to preserve Baylens body till we could make it back to an inhabited world. During the night we all have dreams of floating thru space and then crashing into a planet, and while on watch, we catch a glimps of flashing blue light and Sights notices a figure in the light.

we all get up and attempt to leave the farmhouse, but it is surrounded by walls of force-energy. a ghost appears and tells us that if we help her, she can help us. she basically wants us to rid her planet of the orkz, and since thats why we were here in the 1st place...we agreed. Ghost vanishes and with her the forcewalls.

we set out following the ork track, when suddenly Sights falls into a deep depression in the ground...and as we move up to investigate, a T-Rex comes bursting thru the trees and snatches Nny in one bite. Just like that. My brother is gone. We were so stunned that the soldiers could barely get their shots off. we manage to destroy the beast and reclaim my brothers mutilated body. we decide to camp for the night after trekking some more so Stitches can prepare the same spell to preserve my brother. During the night, however, Baylen wanders into camp, very much alive (tho still reeking of being dead for two days). He explains that he did indeed die, but then somehow was brought back. About this time, Nny rises from the ground, good as new.

unable to explain it, we decide to ignore it and set out again. we come across another port town and fan out to scout the area. we take no more than two steps outta the trees when snipers let loose. we storm the buildings (luckily avoiding some mines) and procede to take out all orkz who dare to step in front of us. the orkz dont hesitate to use explosives, and after a few grenades, most of the party is seriously injured. all of this is a perfect time for the ogre leader to step out with a rail cannon. he misses Baylen a couple times. Nny manages to draw the ogres attention after blasting it in the back. it procedes to turn on my bro and open fire. Poor Nny didnt stand a chance. for the second time in two days, i watch my brother die. screaming in anguish i unleash a hail of bullets and, with the assistance of some C4 and my companions, we manage to bring the brute down. However, a group of orkz and the crate they had been carrying, managed to escape. with two of our own dead and three seriously wounded, we thought it best to recover as best as we were able.

Whatever strange powers had brought my brother back from the dead before apparently didnt have the ability to return his life again....

next week: burial oathes of vengence

Voidrunner's Codex

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