D&D General Wilderness Random Encounter Table for Hardby - Greyhawk Campaign Prep

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Can you use an existing table for the terrain? I guess it’s temperate and populated hills nearby.

I think you could get by with using the Abbor-Alz and Greyhawk tables, @haakon1 , but I wanted to include encounters from the Wild Coast, and the Bright Desert too (and the Gnarley, and Maure Castle!), which is what really prompted me to build the new table.

Hardby is also sufficiently far away from Greyhawk that feels like it should be in its own "zone"/table, too.


I think you could get by with using the Abbor-Alz and Greyhawk tables, @haakon1 , but I wanted to include encounters from the Wild Coast, and the Bright Desert too (and the Gnarley, and Maure Castle!), which is what really prompted me to build the new table.

Hardby is also sufficiently far away from Greyhawk that feels like it should be in its own "zone"/table, too.

Hardby is definitely a cool place. I’m long-range planning a campaign direction to the Isle of Dread and thinking starting port is Saltmarsh. Can’t think of an excuse for a port of call in Hardby, but it would be fun.

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