D&D (2024) Wildshape and Reduce Self - How do you interpret it?


So the new druid does have the enlarge/reduce spell on them. How this works with wildshape is open to two interpretations:

  1. I cast reduce on myself to become small. I transform into a small animal. Since wildshape doesn't let me go smaller than small until high levels, and the reduce has already "reduced" me, I remain small.
  2. I cast reduce on myself to become small. I transform into a small animal. The reduce magic then kicks in, making me tiny. As wildshape doesn't have any requirements that I can't make my animal form smaller once I've wildshaped, this is allowed.

So which open do you think is appropriate? For me, I go with Option 2, and here's why.

If I had cast shield of faith on myself, I wouldn't suddenly go "oh the +2 AC doesn't apply when I wildshape, because the form has a specific AC". I would get my new wildshape AC, and then apply +2, because the spell is still active and functional. If I had cast barkskin on myself, same idea. The wildshape doesn't "turn off" spells that were precast on me, if they are still active, then their benefits continue to apply.

To rule that reduce would not shrink the small animal you have turned into, is to say that NO magic that is on you before wildshape continues to function after you wildshape. And if that was the case, I would assume that would be specified in wildshape itself (just as its note about items is specified).

So this seems like the way for druid's to get their tiny animals back. It takes a little magic and concentration, but it can be done.

How do you interpret it?

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Just let them be tiny, same as now. Not letting a druid transform into a ferret or whatever as soon as they can shapeshift is lame. The new suggestions for wild shape need a ton of work; they won't go into effect as currently described.


The order of operations is a bit off, hard to say whether two concurrent size-altering effects would reinforce or override each other - if you wild shaped and then someone cast Reduce on you, that should definitely work.

Either way, you're still only going to be able to stay that way for one minute, not enough time to accomplish much scouting or infiltration.


The order of operations is a bit off, hard to say whether two concurrent size-altering effects would reinforce or override each other - if you wild shaped and then someone cast Reduce on you, that should definitely work.

Either way, you're still only going to be able to stay that way for one minute, not enough time to accomplish much scouting or infiltration.
It is enough to let you enter or escape though a small space and I would allow the druid to become tiny that way they are spending enough resources on it.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I mean, I think having to wait until 10th level to be tiny is dumb to begin with. But, even with that restriction, I absolutely think you should be able to Enlargs/Reduce from Small to Tiny, since that’s the function of the spell. If it can turn a halfling Tiny, it should be able to turn a druid who wildshaped into a dog (or whatever) Tiny too.

Just let them be tiny, same as now. Not letting a druid transform into a ferret or whatever as soon as they can shapeshift is lame. The new suggestions for wild shape need a ton of work; they won't go into effect as currently described.

Actually no.
The druid should not be tough as a barbarian, stealthy as a rogue, healee like the cleric and caster like the wizard...
Not at level 1. Probably not at level 3... but also somewhere before level 11...


If we rely strictly on the RAR, then choice number 2 is valid.

However, I imagine it goes against the spirit of the rules (a work-around that the designers didn't intend)

Voidrunner's Codex

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