• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Will anyone fill WOTC's shoes with 3E?

Would I stay or would I go?

  • I would stay with 3E if a company stepped in to fill the void

    Votes: 32 15.8%
  • I'm going on to 4E, no matter what.

    Votes: 61 30.0%
  • I'll just go on to another RPG system.

    Votes: 16 7.9%
  • I'm staying with 3E no matter what.

    Votes: 52 25.6%
  • I'm doing something completely different (other)

    Votes: 42 20.7%

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I suspect the 3rd party publishers will have a difficult decision to make. Certainly, in the meantime, they'll continue to make 3.5 books, and I suspect many of them will try to make crunch-light books to appeal to (or easily change to) 4th edition gamers.

Probably many of the PDF publishers may in fact make games available for both 3.5 and 4e once 4th edition is released, and may adjust their own creations to whichever one generates the most sales.


First Post
I voted Other, simply because it is too early for me to tell what I'm going to do right now. I haven't seen the rules for 4E, and I think it's ridiculous for me to make such a decision without having that information available.

I will buy the core books for 4E, even if I don't immediately play it, because someday, I will be in a 4E game. It's the nature of the RPG community.

I personally play Grim Tales right now, and I haven't heard if GT is going to be revised by Bad Axe Games once 4E comes out. Somehow, I doubt it, though.

In terms of fantasy gaming, I'll probably play or run whatever system will attract the players I want to game with. If it's 3E, it's 3E. It it's v3.5, then it's v3.5. If it's 4E, then it's 4E.

Like I said, it's too early for me to tell until we've all had a chance to see the new rules.

However, just because it's too early for me to tell, does not mean that it's not too early for the rest of you. Some have already made their decision, and that's cool. Obviously, my mileage varies from others, and I'm okay with that.

With Regards,

:shrug: 4e doesn't bother me nearly as much as 3.5 did. What a crock.

Besides, we don't yet know how compatible the new edition will or won't be with the current system. Totally unusable? Or only a few quick and dirty conversions necessary?

But honestly, the main reason I don't care that much is because my hobby is playing and running role-playing games, not buying roleplaying games material. I'm not that hard up for new product. I'll check out 4e no doubt, but either way I'll probably just shrug and keep on keeping on. I already pretty much don't run D&D anymore, and I'd rather play something else if offered too.


Knight of Solamnia
It's interesting to note that 3e will slowly be going the way of 1e and 2e, editions that are no longer supported, yet are loved by a certain percentage of the gaming community. The difference is that now there can be continued support for 3e!

Personally, I think the company that should be out there championing the 3e cause is Malhavoc. Monte's got the name recognition as one of the guys who designed 3e. Malhavoc is known for being a solid rules company, and their Arcana Evolved line is highly compatible.

Of course, with Monte apparantly leaving the gaming scene, this probably won't happen. But it should, at least in my humble opinion.

I would say that Paizo would be another solid contender. I'm going to discount Green Ronin on this note just because I think they'll focus on True20 and M&M. True20 already makes for a great 3e alternative, and I think it will find a greater audience when 4e hits.

Whatever the case, there is room enough out there for a variety of views. I think 4e will have a strong audience. I think there will be those who don't want to move on who will look to some company to champion the cause. Question is, who will take advantage of this opportunity?


Front Range Warlock
Devyn said:
Can't really do worse.

Sure you can. Look at how T$R dealt with customers (and employees) in the AD&D 2e era. Dear god. It was two decades of ignoring fans and employees in favor of horribly, horribly, flawed approaches to the market (best summed up as "print things that shareholders have an interest in, regardless of whether they're viable, throw them at the wall and pray that something sticks" design). In the end, it literally killed the company.


Eternal Optimist
My feeling is that most gaming companies would be mad not to move to 4e (that includes Paizo).

Here's the logic:

Players who buy everything new will get 4e, and 4e supplements. They're new.
Players who don't buy everything new won't get 4e, but they haven't been getting 3.5e supplements anyway.

So, which group do you want to sell to? :)

More seriously, it'll depend on how good 4e is. It may surprise everyone - really suck, or blow 3e out of the water. ;)



World of Kulan DM
TerraDave said:
There is enough (3e material) out there to literally play 100s of different kinds of charecters in 100s of adventures in dozens of settings for probably 100s of years.

If you like 3ed. Your set.

While it would be great if a company like Goodman Games or Malhavoc Press continued to produce 3rd Edition material, I'm not counting on it. Part of me thinks that any new 3rd edition material will more likely be fan created.

Some will try to sell their material as PDFs, for a while, but I think more of us will create new 3e material and simply share it with our fellow gamers because we want to keep it alive. The d20 System SRD and the OGL License simply gives a us truly legal way to do it.

And think about this, what about the D&D fan websites? Athas.org has created a excellent set of rules for use with Dark Sun, and it's now 3.5 compatible. I'd still love to run a 3.5 Dark Sun game, if I could find some players who were interested in the setting as much as I am.

Sure they might start moving towards a Dark Sun4e, but that doesn't mean Dark Sun3e isn't still available to the fans.

It's a great time to be a D&D fan, regardless of what edition you play.


First Post
Treebore said:
my favorite candidate being Green Ronin
Green Ronin has all but replaced 3rd edition (or D&D v3.5 if you prefer) already with True20 and Mutants & Masterminds. I'm not sure why they'd move backwards towards Wizards of the Coast core rules.


I voted 4E no matter what, but honestly it depends.

I don't know if I can convert an ongoing campaign very well from 3.5 to 4. If not, judging by most of my campaigns, we will be playing 3.5 for a long time.

When the campaign ends we will give 4 a spin. If we like it, we will convert. If we don't, it will be 3.5 or another system (probably WFRP 2E).

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