I've played both and dnd 5e is definitely easier. Not because the rules are easier but because in PF2E you are expected to work as a team and maximize every action. Over the course of a game there is a lot more stress on the players to not screw the other players by misusing an action.The people I know who have played both tell me the exact opposite.
Then again I'm playing online through VTTs. But even without them - the actual math in play seems shockingly simple in large part because it's repetitively consistent.
To add to some of the stats above, we're now also being told that the Humble Bundle which has the rules and more sold over 100,000 copies BEFORE it was extended. Now what I don't know is if they're cheating that stat or not - if by 100,000 sales do they mean the bundle, or the individual items in it totaled up?
That said, even if they did "cheat" the number and count each individual item as a sale (meaning my one purchase was about '20' in that stat rather than '1' - it would still be a very impressive number of sales in so short a period of time.
I'm getting the impression we're seeing a wave right now.
That said, if you're doing VTTs and in any place other than Foundry it might look dead - because any sane online GM moves their game to Foundry as soon as they can afford the thing, and once they do it starts to look like PF2E is a nearly dead game if you're only counting somewhere like Roll20 where PF1E is still played.
Another side effect of all the sales Paizo has had and the Humble Bundle is that it might look quieter in some local shops than the actual activity is even in that community. I guess that begs the question of do PF2E players need to make a push to support their local shops more or am I just imagining this based on responses in this thread alone?
5e on the other hand has no expectations of how players will react .
I do think PF2e is easier for new DM's to pick up and start but then it become's harder because the math is so tight. One encounter with too many adds, or a boss a level or two higher than optimal and you can easily wipe the party.