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d20 Modern. CoC d20. Star Wars d20. M&M. Spycraft d20. And a whole lot else. D&D 3.0 spawned not only a plethora of variant fantasy rpgs, but a variety of rpgs inother genres, with variable but overall modest success. With 4e I know modern and/or scifi has been tried but not with anywhere near the profile (I'm sure someone will educate me on the details). I'm surprised I haven't seen this addressed yet. So, speaking hypothetically for the moment...
Will 5e be designed like the original d20 system to be portable outside the fantasy genre?
Will WotC produce a 5e Modern?
Can a D&D skeleton applicable to all genres be done well?
Should it be tried?
Will 5e be designed like the original d20 system to be portable outside the fantasy genre?
Will WotC produce a 5e Modern?
Can a D&D skeleton applicable to all genres be done well?
Should it be tried?
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