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Wizards' boards down?

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We could accuse you of being French.

*cough* Not that there's . . . anything *chuckle* . . . wrong with . . . *snort* . . . being French. *bursts into laughter*

That brings up an interesting question. When Dragon magazine presented the city of Paris in a recent issue, did they have any poor-taste French jokes?

Oh, and if any French people read this, please note that I only think the French are funny because of their accents. And I'm from Texas, so feel free to mock at will. :D


You aren't alone Morrus... I can't stand ice tea, love real tea.

I hate herbal teas and crap like that, though... but on the list of teas I _do_ like

"standard" black tea (I forget what this is called
Earl Grey (My favorite)
Green tea (A close second
Oolong tea (An aquired taste, IMO)
Any form of black tea with a touch of mint (I'm probably strange here)
Dave's Blend (One part "stanard", one part earl grey, one part green... try it, it's good!)


Since that last abominable 2 or 3 week downtime, I've found the WOTC boards some of the easiest to get on and by far the fastest loading that I visit. I've been really impressed...

Hope they don't screw em up ;)


First Post
Out of curiosity, has WotC ever managed to get their boards back up when they said they would?

After all, if all they are doing is "scheduled maintenance" shouldn't they have at least a rough idea of how long it will take? Accurate to, say, plus or minus a week.

Earl Grey? Oh no. Darjeeling is my personal favorite. Mmmhh the sweet flavor of a first flush Darjeeling. *slobber*

Of the blends I usually drink an English breakfast tea blend with milk.


Darjeeling is a bit overrated, IMO.

Ugg, and MILK?

You sick, sick, sick person you. :)
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First Post
I wonder if there's a difference with your guys' version of iced tea, and what I grew up with in Ohio. There, it was just a large quantity of tea allowed to steep for quite some time and cool. Pour in about 1/4 as much water as you have tea, put in a pitcher, sweeten to taste.

As to hot teas, I like plain black, Earl Grey and Jasmine. Haven't found Jasmine tea in a long, long time though. :( And no, I don't like flavored teas either.


You can get Jasmine around here... I almost always keep some around, I have a friend who likes it, and I find mixed half and half with green makes a nice tea for late at night.

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