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Wizards, Whiskey and Wonderful Things - Concluded

Silver Moon

Chapter 131, “In need of new lawmen”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 4:00 P.M.

Again Jake is silent for a few more moments before he gives a little snort of a laugh and says, "Can I get off the chair now and get dressed too?" He dons the other outfit he purchased when they went shopping and puts the same ash gray waist coat over it. "Ruby, I... I mean... let's go, I'm hungry."

Ruby doesn't move after Jake's comment, she just looks at him. Finally she speaks, "Look if I got the you caring about me part wrong, well, I didn't mean anything by it. But unless you have the burning desire to set me straight let me keep my fantasies, ok?" She grabs her shawl and waits by the door. "I was thinking maybe we could go back to the show tonight. I really enjoyed it. Box seats this time."

"See, there it is again." Jake blocks the door with his body. "Every time we talk about that guy somebody takes something wrong. Enough about all that, let his shadow pass and leave no doubts. Let your caring and infatuated boy friend take you to dinner now." He takes her hand and kisses it. "Save your fantasy energy for something more productive." He opens the door and gives a little bow. "I'm sure that clever hotel clerk can arrange some box seats for us."

"As you wish," Ruby responds with a grin. "My fantasies are already working overtime. Now let's go find out about those seats." She gives Jake a kiss then heads down the stairs. Ruby stops at the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the wall, letting Jake speak to the desk clerk. Jake speaks to the desk clerk for a couple of minutes quietly, out of earshot from Ruby. He thanks him for the service so far, especially the picnic spot.

Jake gives him $50 towards the bill, "I know the hotel has been buying many things on my behalf, and this is for you," handing him another $5. "But, my good man the red flowers didn't show up last night." The man suddenly looks panicked. "Oh, Mr. Cook, I apologize I - " Jake cuts him off. "That's alright. Just have them there for first thing in the morning, no excuses. And can you arrange a private box for the show tonight? Good." Jake returns to Ruby and tells her the show should be taken care of.

"Great," Ruby smiles suspiciously, "It was so enjoyable last night, I bet it'll be even better tonight." They start walking to the restaurant but Ruby runs back to the clerk and says quietly, "Could you send up a rib-eye tomorrow morning, say 11am? Include a very large glass of good whiskey." She turns to walk back to Jake, then stops. "Oh and some chocolate cake too," she giggles.

Walking back over to Jake with a flip or her hair, she takes his arm. They are seated at private table near the front window. Jake orders some wine while they look over their menus. "So tonight, after the show... Do you want to go back to the Silver Dollar? Or try another fine gambling establishment? Or something totally different?"

He replies, "Hmmm, I don't know. Cassidy may not want to have you play cards again there no matter how much he wants to see your, ahem, pretty face. You took away a good haul. We should stop by and at least be friendly, if they invite us to stay we can decide then. Might be more interesting to play where we are not known. Tell you what, we will let the wind blow us where it will."

They chat about nothing in particular for a while before Jake says, "I wonder if someone here has a faro board they want to sell. Might be our opportunity to get one cheap. You and Wyatt Earp both think we could make could money with it, so why not? Just another step towards making the Lucky Lady the best saloon in the territory."

"Well, we should offer what our customers want, no?" Ruby says while sipping her wine, "I think you'll agree variety is the spice of life. We have lots of plans to discuss, we should get started on expanding the Lucky Lady soon. I want to keep Nanuet busy and out of trouble. Plus I want a better stage and kitchen for Maria AND a bath, plus a billiard table."

"We can ask around, maybe ask Neil if he's still here. I wonder if they left today or if they are with Wyatt. I hope you're not slacking on your duties by being here with me." Ruby bats her eyelashes a couple of times then gets a more serious look on her face. "I do wish we knew what was going on."

"We will find out soon enough. Relax, you need behave as promised. Remember? You are supposed to entertain me." He says with a broad smile. He leans back and adjusts the dark maroon scarf that sits around the neck of his pale yellow silk shirt. "You have got the whole saloon thing figured out. All that beauty and brains too, I am such a lucky man."

He leans in towards her across the table. "Do you want a bath for our guests or a private bath tub for Ruby West? I am sure we could arrange for a private tub for you, have someone fill it up with clean water at night and I bet you know how to warm the water yourself don't you? If we do that then you'd never get to see Mrs. Gilson though."

"A private bath tub for Miss West, and of course, if Mr. Cook wants to share, well, Miss West will consider all requests." Ruby raises her eyebrow. "You already know the answer to that other question," she giggles. "Entertain you, huh? I know what you want." Ruby stands and glance around the restaurant. It isn't too crowded, so she stands up and starts singing a sweet song for Jake. When Ruby is finished singing Jake applauds and several restaurant patrons join in. Ruby gives a little curtsey and sits back down as their meal has shown up.

They enjoy their fine meal, gossiping about all their friends back in Promise City. By the time they're finished it's almost 6:00 P.M.. "Now what do you want to do until the show at 8PM? We could walk around town, we could go over to Neil’s saloon and say hi liked we planned, although we might miss the show if we start playing cards," Ruby giggles. "What do you think?"

He says, "Let's swing by the Marshall's office again just to see if Wyatt is back and check to see if the other men at back at Fly's or not. They could be eating dinner at the saloon, we could try there next and ask about a faro table." Jake rises and pulls out her chair for her. "We have plenty of time, it is not far to any of those places." After he helps her rise, he straightens his new vest, the black one with diagonal silver lines that make diamond shapes, and brushes off his woolen trousers. The dark gray herringbone pattern matches quite well with the vest and waist coat, damn he thinks, all that and she has astounding fashion sense too.

Ruby watches Jake fix his jacket and smiles. A man who likes to look good.. Before she gets lost in her thoughts she takes his arm. "Off to the Marshal's Office again then. I know it's just because you want to show me off," she laughs. They head over to the Marshall's Office first. Jake and Ruby find the Marshall's Office and Jail still locked and dark. Checking at Fly's brother Buck says, "They're both over at the saloon, apparently they've been there all afternoon."

"What kind of example does that set, spending all day and night in a saloon?" Jake quips to Ruby on their way over. Ruby laughs freely at Jake's comment and moves her hair around. "I hope I can wish lots of money again if we come back later to play cards. I liked that." They enter the saloon and look around for Cassidy or Fly.

They see both men sitting together and talking in a booth in the very back corner of the saloon. Neil's partner is dealing another poker game but makes no attempt to invite Ruby or Jake to join him. Aside from the poker players there are five other patrons of the saloon, two seated in stools at the bar dressed as ranchers and three seated at one of the tables dressed as businessmen and playing some sort of card game that appears to be neither poker or faro. Jake is sorely tempted to go over and observe the game but instead he heads over to the two men in the back for whom he was looking.

They gesture for him a Ruby to sit down. A half-empty bottle of Scotch is on the table, the only glass being in front of Cassidy. Roger says to Jake, "Good, you're here. What are we going to do?" "We take care of the most pressing issues first. We need more glasses." Jakes say with a serious tone. "Uh, what are we going to do about what?"

Cassidy gets up and walks half way to the bar. He stops and calls over to a man working at the bar "Bobby, two glasses for my friends. And bring us some of that chicken, they looked good."
He returns to the table as the young man hurries over with the glasses and a plate of barbequed chicken legs. Once the boy leaves Roger says, "What are we going to do about a Town Marshall?" Jake replies, "I don't understand. What's wrong with Wyatt Earp?"

Neil says, "Didn't you hear? He's now a wanted man. Sheriff Behan is organizing a posse to go hunt him down." Jake replies, "Roger, Why don't I try some of this scotch that Neil is enjoying and you tell me all what is going on and I won't have to ask so many stupid questions." Jake pushes the two empty glasses over to Cassidy to fill.

Roger says, "Well, we met Wyatt when his train pulled in at 11:30. Him, Warren and those two other guys go off and went straight to the Cosmopolitan Hotel while Virgil went to the Jail. We followed Wyatt. We weren't there five minutes when Sheriff Behan shows up and tells Wyatt "I want to see you." Wyatt gives him a dirty look and with his hand near his holster replies, "You've seen me once too often." Guess that scared Behan because he left.

Neil interrupts, "He asked for some time to settle in and get a bite to eat. We said we'd be back later to see him. Word was then floating around town about Frank Stilwell of the Cowboy Gang being found dead in Tucson."

Roger continues, "We right headed back to the Cosmopolitan but Wyatt and his men had already left. We sat down there to wait but they didn't come back." Neil says, "Then we heard about Behan's posse. The Sheriff got a telegram from the Tucson authorities to arrest Wyatt for the cold blooded murder of Frank Stilwell. Behan's now recruited some of the worst sorts around for this posse of his. He’s deputized Buckskin Frank Leslie, Charlie Villiers and Bronco Madson, the worst cold-blooded killers in these parts."

Ruby glances around making sure no one is listening then continues in a whisper. "Do you think Behan is one of the moneymen that Gifford was talking about? Part of the Cowboy Gang?" Neil says, "I don't know him much, he arrived in town around the time I left for Promise City. My partners tell me that he and Wyatt have a lot of bad blood between them, going all the way back to late 1880 when they both served as Deputy Sheriffs together."

Roger says, "According to my brother Buck that intensified last week. That actress Josie and Behan apparently go way back, some sort of romance between them. But at Saturday night's performance neither she or Wyatt could take their eyes off of each other. A lot of people noticed that, including Behan." Ruby smiles. "Always over a woman." She shakes her head.

Jake says, "I'd say it is pretty simple. The sub-committee's work is done. You can't convince Wyatt to come back if you can't find him. If he does come back he'll be sitting in a jail cell until a judge can sort things out. Look's like our Marshall is on leave." Jake takes a taste of the scotch and swishes it around in his mouth. "I doubt the Merchant association will consider our mandate included to find a new Marshall and make an offer. I'd say enjoy yourself and head back to Promise City." He shakes his head back and forth, "I think this is an acquired taste."

Ruby interjects, "Jake is right, the Merchant's Association isn't going to appoint someone just because you think that's the right person. Staying out of Wyatt's way right now is probably a good idea." Ruby takes a sip of the scotch, scrunches her nose, then place her glass back on the table. "Have the two of you come up with any ideas? I mean, I doubt there is anything we can do to help the situation between Behan and Earp, do you agree?"

Neil says, "Yeah, we've been bouncing ideas off of each other for the last few hours. But it's not just a new Marshall that we need, Wyatt took Warren with him. We're down two lawmen." Roger says, "Good thing we voted in that Martin guy. You folks know him don't you?" Ruby states, "Yes we do. A very upstanding citizen." Jake replies, "She’s right, we do know him well. He's a straight shooter. Typical soldier type, does what he's told and good with his guns. I wouldn't worry about his honesty. I wonder who else would make a good lawman, even temporarily?"

Ruby glances at Jake. "Well, we'll need to find two Marshals when we get back then. I guess that means Rodriquez just got promoted. He seems like a good guy too, I'm happy with him in charge, although not all the City will be because of his race. You gentleman aren't racist are you?" Ruby looks at them with a smile on her face.

"Not likely," Jake snorts as she is talking and tries another sip of the scotch. "Oh, are you going to do it, Mr. Cook?" Ruby snips back. Jake chokes on his scotch. When he is done coughing he says, "You didn't hear the Merchants Committee on that topic. Without Wyatt in town he may not even have enough support to keep his job let alone be Marshall." "No, I didn't hear what the Merchant's Committee had to say about it. Poor guy, I hope he doesn't get fired."

Roger says, "You asked if I am a racist? Are you kidding? One of the boarders at my boarding house is a half-orc! Coolie Fagan, who works for Wells Fargo!" Neil says, "And I'm one of the few businesses in town who hires wood elves. You've both met Juan Tolucca. He's my best employee. But you're right, Adair and his ilk would never accept a non-human Marshall."

Ruby shrugs. "Well, there isn't much you can do. You can't choose the new Marshal's. What ideas did you come up with today?" Neil says, "The Scotch was the best I could come up with." Jake raises his glass to Neil, "A man of vision." He takes another sip, still not sure if he likes it or not.

Roger says, "Yeah, and heading back to Promise City tomorrow." Ruby declares, "Gentlemen, this isn't a terrible thing. We'll find someone new, perhaps someone better. Don't worry." She lifts her glass up, "To new beginnings," and she takes another sip of her scotch. Jake says, "I'll bet lawmen will be hard to come by right about now with the Cowboy gang active and Earps leaving the job for one reason or another. Anybody else around these parts ever express interest in the job?" Ruby adds, "And who has been considered in the past?"

Roger says, "Bill Watkins has. But that would be the same as putting the Vigilance Committee in charge of the town. My wife would love that idea, and probably divorce me if I don't support it too." Neil says, "I doubt that Fisk, Adair or Lumley would ever support Watkins, and those three have a lot of influence."

Ruby says, "I hope I'm not being too forward, but it sounds like your wife needs a wild and crazy night out on the town, Mr. Fly." Ruby gives him a knowing smile. "You never know, it could help. But yes, it would be unwise to put the Vigilance Committee in charge of the city. They are already trying to cause too much trouble."

Jake states, "We have a show to catch gentlemen, perhaps you'll be around later? We'll stop by and see. Either way I expect we'll all be on the stage back to Promise City tomorrow. Are you ready Miss West?" "Yes, Mr. Cook I'm ready. Don't despair gentlemen, it'll work out." She rises from her seat, "I hope we'll see you later looking a little happier." She smiles and takes Jake's arm.

On the way to the theatre Jake whispers into Ruby's ear, "I wonder if Josie and Wyatt have gotten beyond staring at each other? If they have she might be a way to contact him. Seems foolish not to try but I wonder if it is really a good idea or not." Jake then chuckles and says aloud, "Not that something being a bad idea ever stopped me." At the theatre Jake gives them the tickets to the private box, and asks for pen and paper. He writes a quick note:

Miss Josie, We thoroughly enjoyed your performance last night, so much so we had to come back again tonight. Would you do us the honor of allowing us to congratulate you in person after the show? He writes the box number on the note and gives it to the man with a dollar, "Please see that she gets this."

After they are escorted to the box and they are seated he says, "Now we enjoy the show." Ruby notes as they enter the box it’s made for four people, with a thick red curtain over the back for privacy. Ruby runs her hand over the thick velvet as she walks past. Jake looks to Ruby, “I bought all four seats so I wouldn’t have to worry about some jealous man watching you instead of the show.” He stands behind her chair and waits for her to sit before he sits next to her.

Ruby smiles mischievously and kisses Jake. “Have I mentioned that I’ve seen this show already? It was certainly excellent, I particularly liked the third act, but perhaps some other entertainment might be in order…” Confused, Jake looks sideways at Ruby, “What, you want to leave the theater? You made me buy this damn box.” Some of the candles around the theater are blown out, the performance is about to begin.

“No, Mr. Cook,” Ruby says with a smirk, rising from her chair, “Let’s find out how good your poker face really is…” As Ruby stands her tiara falls off her head and she says loudly, “Oops! I dropped something,” she says falling to her knees with a mischievous grin, “Now where could it have gone to…” The first act begins immediately. Jake finds the act mighty stimulating. By the intermission between the first and second acts Ruby finally locates her fallen jewelry and manages to attach it more securely to her hair.

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Silver Moon

Chapter 132, “Setting a Trap”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 12:00 P.M.

When she returned to the El Parador, Kate sat and had lunch with Ginnie, careful to keep her hands out of sight whenever possible. She would have to deal with Dorita sooner or later, but just at this moment she wanted to avoid it.

After lunch she let Ginnie into Mr. Gonzales rooms to resume her studies while Kate went back to their room and pulled out her box of Tom's things. She talked to her husband as she went through the things; the first time since he'd told her he would always hear. It was an hour before she returned to Ginnie to spend the afternoon in study.

As Chester opens the door he sees Postmaster Edward Palmer standing on the porch, apparently about to knock. Palmer says, "I have a letter here for the Town Marshall from the Territorial Court, needs to be signed for." Chester replies, "I'll sign." Palmer replies, "Guess that's all right what with the Marshall out of town." Chester writes his name and title on the sheet and Palmer hands him over a tan wire bound package with the Territorial Seal stamped on it.

Chester’s heads back inside and Eduardo asks "What have you got there?" The bundle contains a cardboard envelope inside of which is a letter. The letter is dated Sunday, March 19th and reads:

Marshall Earp,

I heard about the killing of your brother Morgan Earp in Tombstone. My deepest condolences for your family's loss. I should be finishing up in Wilcox on either Monday or Tuesday. I think I'll be returning to Promise City instead of heading up to the towns in Graham County. It sounds like you could be needing me soon.

Judge Nathan Isby

Chester hands Eduardo the letter. "It's from Judge Isby. He's coming back soon." Chester notices that Gormley starts to act nervous upon hearing that. Chester motions with his eyes toward Gormley. Eduardo picks up on that and says, "Yep. It says here that he could be here as early as today." Chester says, "I'm sure the Judge would be very interested in what you have to say. We could help you tell your side of the story."

Gormley blurts out, "If I tell you what I know will you let me go? Before Hanging Nat Isby gets here?" Chester rubs his chin. "That depends on what you have to say. What do you have?" He closes and locks the door and takes a seat at the desk. Eduardo leans forward.

Gormley says, "Johnny Ringo....he told me to stay in the corner room and watch the El Parador. I'm to tell him when he returns to town what Mrs. Kale and her friends are doing. But my main job is to make sure that large quantities of books aren't removed from the El Parador, and if they are I’m to follow and find out where they are moved to. That's all I know, honest." Eduardo says, "Tell you what. I'll go and get the priest Thomas Valdez. He knows a spell that will confirm if you're telling the truth or not." Deputy Rodriguez leaves.

Chester states, "Do you know when Ringo is due back? He won't be happy that you failed in this mission. You might give him false information, as if you did see what Mrs. Kale and the others were doing. It'll be dangerous. If he finds out, he'll kill you outright. If we found out that you double-crossed us. That could earn you a trip to the gallows."

Gormley says, "I don't know when he'll be back, he'll contact me. But I'm willing to cooperate with you guys, honest. I just don't want to hang. I didn't do nothing!" Chester says, "OK. OK. Calm down. Deputy Rodriguez will be back soon with the priest. Then we can talk about what you can do for us." Rodriguez and Valdez arrive around five minutes later. Chester states, "Good afternoon, reverend. Mr. Gormley here has some things to say and we'd like to know if he's telling the truth or not. Is that OK with you?"

Valdez replies, "I see no problem with that. let me prepare the proper prayer." He casts zone of truth "Now everyone in the building cannot lie." He nods to the two Marshalls. Eduardo asks, "Are you working for the Cowboy Gang?" Gormley replies, "Yes." Chester says, "What did Johnny Ringo tell you to do?" Gormley states, "He wanted me to spy on Mrs. Kale and her friends. And he wanted me to know if books were being moved out of the El Parador."

Chester nods and says, "Will you do some things for us. Give Ringo false information and such?"
Gormley answers, "Anything you want. Just don't let Judge Isby find out that I'm with Johnny."

Gormley then looks to Chester and asks, "Are you going to let me out of this cell?" "Yeah. Yeah. Hold your horses. So what are you going to tell Ringo?" He unlocks the cell door. He replies, "What do you want me to tell Ringo?" Chester thinks over it for a moment. "Tell him that the Indian took a wagon load of books left town going toward Dos Cabezos." Gormley leaves.

Eduardo says, "Thanks for coming over, padre." Chester adds, "Yes. Thank you for helping us out. he's a big link to the Cowboy gang. Hopefully Ringo will go on a wild goose chase looking for those books." Chester asks, "You want to have lunch at the Lucky Lady?" Eduardo replies, "Sounds good to me. Let's go."

At the Lucky Lady, Minerva, Kate and Nanuet start with the upstairs and make a methodical search of each room. Opening closets and checking under the beds as well as asking anyone they come across if they have seen anybody or anything unusual that morning. When they have finished with the upstairs they do the same thing on the main floor of the building.

Kate, Minerva, Nanuet and Jeff reconvene back on the ground floor, having found no "surprises" at the Lucky Lady. Jeff questions if they should maybe board up the windows in the second floor room where the liquor is stored just to be on the safe side. Chester states, "Sounds like a good idea to me Jeff. Minerva, if you could give me just a few more minutes to take care of that then we can eat lunch?" Nanuet and Jeff eagerly grab some lumber stored behind the Lucky Lady and get to work boarding up the windows to the room that Jeff mentioned.

Once things settle down, Minerva approaches Katherine and asks to speak to her in private. Minerva says, "Senora, It will be necessary for you to prepare for the ceremony to thank the goddess Diana . Although, It would be helpful if I knew the reason for your change of heart, it is not required for what you must do." Kate states, "It's not a change of heart. I already told you why I wish to thank Diana, she brought my husband to me, if only for a short time. But I won't suddenly start attending services every Sunday or become pious. I'm very grateful to Diana, I can't say how much, and I wish to thank her. I have no reason to change my opinion of the other gods."

Minerva places her hand gently on Katherine's shoulder and looks deep into her eyes. Satisfied with what she sees she nods, "That is an honest enough answer. I will not push you. It is enough that you see the wisdom in giving thanks to one who has shown you favor." Minerva's tone becomes more business like. "Now this is what you must do to prepare." Minerva details what Katherine must gather for the ceremony and how she is to prepare herself for it. "It should take a day or two to prepare. I will pray on it and tell you when the time is right." She answers Katherine's many questions and gives reassurance. "Now if you will excuse me, I have promised Nanuet that I would join him for the noon meal."

Nanuet finishes his work boarding up the room with the liquor on the second floor. He then heads downstairs and checks in with Maria to see that lunch is ready. He then cleans himself up and looks for Minerva. He finds her standing with Kate. "So ladies, I think the Lucky Lady is safe for now. I thought Chester was coming right over, he must have found out something if he is detained."

Kate says, "Both are good news. I'm beginning to think Ringo meant to blow up the Lady with magic. The saloon has been thoroughly checked over twice with no sign of explosives. We know the Cowboys use magic, so I think we need to keep our eyes open. Now I believe you both had a lunch to eat, and I should get back to Ginnie. I'll get Jeff to walk me back." Nanuet says, "So Miss Minerva, I asked Maria to make lunch for us as you know. I hope you are hungry. Another eventful moment in our little town here wouldn't you say?" Nanuet continues the conversation as he leads Minerva to a table in the corner.

Minerva says, “He is probably interrogating the prisoner. Let us hope that, that Senor Gormley has given him some useful information. I am getting rather hungry. Excuse my while I go and freshen up. Than we shall dine if that is agreeable to you, Senor." He replies, "Quite agreeable. I'll get everything ready while you freshen up."

Nanuet heads into the kitchen and gets everything needed to set the table. He grabs the flower vase from the bar that he raided the other day and sets that in the middle of the table. He asks Maria to bring the food out as soon as it is ready. "Hope it is not too spicy!" Nanuet says lightheartedly to the young wood elf. "No, not too spicy, just spicy enough for you too. Now go, I bring food when ready. five minutes." Nanuet heads back to the main room and sets the table, then is seated waiting for Minerva's return.

Minerva re enters Jake and Ruby’s room and fills a basin with water that she has scented from a bottle on Ruby's dresser. She freshens up and re enters the saloon to find Nanuet waiting for her at the table. She takes up the conversation where he left off "There certainly is never a quiet moment in this town!"

He says, "I think we have just the right combination of people who attract trouble. Maybe it was our fate to be drawn together here in this town to do some deed or maybe we are just lucky that way."

She laughs, "Perhaps that is it! The god Hermes is a real prankster. I believe that Senor Jake keeps him entertained most of the time. Perhaps when he comes back from Tombstone the god will no longer need us for his entertainment" At that moment, Maria brings the food out to the table. "Chiles Renellos" she announces as she places a plate in front of each of them. "Poblano chiles stuffed with beef. I hope you like!" Maria can't help but giggle as she walks away looking back over her shoulder before entering the kitchen.

Minerva looks toward the sounds of Maria's giggling and then back at Nanuet. "Is there a secret joke between you two?" He says, "I don't think so, I don't keep many secrets. I do believe I know why she giggles though, I think she believes we are a couple."

"I asked her not to make it too spicy, I am not a lover of spicy foods. I like my food plain and simple I guess. Not sure what that says about me, if anything." Nanuet says with an uneasy laugh. Minerva replies, "It says, Senor, that you are a man who knows what he likes to eat and is not afraid to say so. Tell me, do you like everything in your life to be plain and simple? From what I can see the only thing plain and simple in your life is the food that you eat. "

He says, "Shall we make a toast? How about a drink to new friendships?" "Si, Nanuet, that is a fine idea." , she says and raises her glass "To new friendships, and new beginnings. May the gods lead us down the path of happiness!" she spills a small amount of her drink on the floor in an offering to the gods before raising the glass to her own lips.

He says, "I am not sure I choose the things in my life or if they are chosen for me. I am a simple man who believes in honesty and a hard days work. I take things as they are laid before me and do what I feel is right." Nanuet takes a bite of the food, which as it turns out is mildly spicy, but certainly more than he is comfortable with. He tries to keep a straight face as he chews and swallows. He grabs his drink and slowly but steadily gulps half of it down. "See, sometimes you can't avoid the spice even if you try."

Minerva chuckles at the pained look on his face as he gulps down water. She continues to eat with gusto and laughs. "We are so different you and I. I live for spice!" They continue to laugh and make light conversation as the eat and refill their glasses. He says, "Well Miss Minerva, thank you for your pleasant company. I don't really have anything planned for the rest of the day except hanging around here. How about you? I am sure your festival work is keeping you busy."

She replies, “Si, but it is coming together quite nicely." Minerva tell him about the various aspects of the festival and who is involved. "Would you be willing to share some of your culture at the Festival, Nanuet? I know that you do not care much for such displays but it would help to dispel prejudices. If people were more educated they would be more accepting of the different cultures in the area. Perhaps we could get some support from the local hualapai and Navajo nations also. What do you think?"

He states, "I am willing to help, not sure about the others though. There is not much love for the white people around here. I have a feeling though that a display of my culture would meet with much ridicule, but I am willing to try."

Deputies Rodriguez and Martin arrive at the Lucky Lady. The pair see Nanuet and Minerva. Chester asks, "Afternoon. Mind if we join you?" Nanuet says, “Always room for more at my table Chet. Greetings Mr. Rodriguez. So, did you guys find out anything from the astronomer?"

Chester looks around, but sees no one else. He says, "He was working with Ringo after all. Ringo told him to keep watch over Kate and all of us. Gormley was to pay special attention to large numbers of books leaving the El Parador. Those are the books Ringo was holding us hostage for, right?" The Indian says, "That's what Kate said." Chester replies, "I convinced him to lie to Ringo. He's going to tell the guy that you took a wagon full of books toward Dos Cabezos. So, you may want to lie low for a day or two."

Nanuet replies, "Hmm I may want to, or I have to. Well I was thinking of heading out to see Kajika soon anyways, maybe once Jake and Ruby return I will do just that." Minerva, looks alarmed, "Senor Chet, you told him to say that Nanuet took the books? Have you released him yet? We will need a plan to trap Senor Ringo and Keep Nanuet safe before you do."

Chester says, "Well I said 'the Indian' took the books. Wasn't going to share your name with him. Sorry about volunteering you for that. It was the only thing I could think of. We just let him go. He said he was waiting for Ringo to come back to town. Can you think of anyway to trap Ringo, Minerva?"

Nanuet says, "Yeah, I am not sure sending the last leader of the Cowboy gang on my trail without warning me first was the best idea. Maybe Mr. Gonzalez can help me change my appearance again? I had planned on being around here when Jake and Ruby got back into town."

Minerva suggests, “We could go up toward Dos Cabezos, place the wagon some place where he would find it ,without the Indian in it, and trap it.. but I'm not familiar with that area or how to trap a wagon." she says shrugging her shoulders and looking worried.”

Nanuet states, "We could just do nothing and I could stay here. Let Ringo do what he may. He may not even buy it. How do we even know this guy will tell him what we want him to, let alone that Ringo will believe him? He probably saw that he got arrested anyway, or someone that has eyes here that reports to him saw him. Your idea does have merit though Minerva, although like you I have no skills necessary to accomplish it." Chester says, "We don't. He's scared of Judge Isby, although that's not strange. If Ringo believes him, he'll go running off. If not, then maybe, he'll start doubting his other spies. never thought it'd be me stirring up a bit of chaos."

"Well one thing I am certain of, and that is that we are safer if we stay together. You almost died once and I do not know if I could save you again if you were seriously hurt. Whatever we do , we do together." Minerva says with a stubborn gleam in her eye.

"Nanuet says, I agree to that. I let my anger get too much control of me that day and almost paid with my life and put others at harm. I do not wish for that again. I agree that we stick together. We should ask Miss Kate too. She is a very smart woman and may have some tricks we have not thought of."

Nanuet, Minerva, Chester and Rodriguez finish their meal. Nanuet spends the rest of the day around the Lucky Lady making sure everything is in order. After the meal is done though he approaches Minerva. "I know our lunch got interrupted, hard to find a moments peace around here sometimes. I promised to tell you my story so would you be willing to meet me later tonight? We can go for a ride or something. I think it should be safe enough."

She states, "Si, I think a ride would be a nice end to the day. Perhaps, around sunset when it is a bit cooler? We have had a fair amount of rain and the desert flowers should be showing off their colors about now. I do not know much about the Arizona flora, but Bea has told me that when the conditions are right and the desert flowers grace us with their blooms that it is a sight to rival the beauty of Venus."

Nanuet meet's Minerva at the Comstock house on his new mount. "Mine hasn't told me his name yet." Minerva says affectionately patting her new stallion as she straightens his saddle. "I think he is waiting to see if I am worthy of him." She places the bit in his mouth, making sure that it is seated properly and gives him a light kiss on the cheek before springing into the saddle. She has with her a new parasol that she straps behind her and she checks the fold of her skirts to be sure that her pistol is secure in it's secret pocket. "Please Nanuet, you may lead the way." She says cheerfully and not waiting for a reply gently kicks her mount and heads toward the desert.

Nanuet spurs his mount forward to catch up with the quick acting woman. "I agree that when caught at the right moment the desert will come alive and reveal it's wonders. Let's see what we can discover."

Silver Moon

Chapter 133, “Josephine Marcus”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 9:00 P.M.

The two are nestled cozily with their seats pushed together and Jake's arm around her when an usher arrives with a note. Always happy to meet my fans. Josie Jake and Ruby watch the show with a bit of laughing, snuggling and kissing mixed in.

After the show is over they stop at the bar and have a drink. Jake asks for some pen and paper and as they enjoy their beverages he writes up a note. Then they make their way over to the stage area and wait for Josie to come out.

When the door opens Josephine Marcus notices Jake and Ruby. She lets out a loud explanation "Ruby! It is so wonderful to see you again", even though they have never met. She rushes over and gives Ruby a warm embrace whispering "Play along, we're being watched".

Ruby hugs her in return and smiles, "Yes, it's been too long!" She whispers back,"Is there anywhere private we can go?" Then she kisses Josephine's cheek, "We have much to catch up on. Let's go get a drink and start our stories right away. This is my new boyfriend, Jacob Cook."

Josie says, "Yes, come with me. Ruby you just have to tell me everything that's happened to you since that night in Omaha." They quickly make their way over to the Lazy Ace Saloon. She leads them through the main room and into a back room. As she shuts the room she whispers "They can't see us in here but could still be listening at the door or the windows." She then exclaims, "Ruby, tell me about what you've been doing this past year!" She gestures for Ruby to speak loudly.

Ruby speaks loudly as she describes in detail what she's been up to, mostly talking about Promise City and how she's been performing in her very own saloon every night. As she speaks she gestures for Jake to take out his note from earlier. Jake chimes in during the conversation at an appropriate time and says, "Of course I didn't expect you to know Ruby." Then he secretly passes the note to Josie

The note reads: We know Wyatt from Promise City. I have some information for him, I don't know how important it is. I don't know if he needs assistance. We will be leaving Tombstone headed back on the stage tomorrow. We will be around town tonight, and are staying at the Grand. He is probably being cautious, you can prove it is me by telling him I said I still prefer poker to faro. Burn this note.

Jake says:"It would have been different if I had known you were expecting her." Josie flips the paper over and writes. "I was with Wyatt this afternoon. He asked about you and Mr. Cassidy. I'll pass on your message. He trusts Kate, the owner of the Grand Hotel, so I'll get a message to you through her."

Ruby nods her acknowledgement. "Now Jake and I have some other plans for this evening. What are you doing tonight? And how long are you in town?" Ruby scrawls on the paper, "Make sure to ask him if he needs anything from us..." Josie nods and replies, "I'm not sure how long the Acting Company will be in town. Probably until people stop showing up for the show. We usually spend a good month at any one place. Thank you for the offer to go out but I'm rather tired and will probably turn in soon."

Jake rises and says, "Well then, we won't keep you. It was a pleasure meeting you." On the way out, in a voice loud enough so Josie can hear him, he says, "What do you say Ruby, stop by Neil’s saloon and see what is happening there for a little while before we go dancing?" Ruby nods yes and they stroll over to find Neil Cassidy.

Arm in arm, one half the owners of the Lucky Lady saloon enter the saloon looking for their friend Neil Cassidy. Ruby spots him behind the bar speaking with his bartender. She and Jake take a seat there and chat about nothing for a while with Neil, not telling him about their private contact with the actress Josie.

Jake snaps his fingers as if he just remembered something. "Neil, any idea if somebody in Tombstone has a faro table they might want to sell? We've been thinking to add one." Neil agrees to have his partners ask around for them and see, commenting that with so many saloons in town and how often they open and close there must be one.

Then Jake leans in and quietly asks him for a favor. "I'm playing kind of a joke on someone, and I don't want them to find out. I need a big chest full of old books. I don't care what they are, or what condition, because they will never be read. If you could find some kid or somebody that wants to a buck or two collecting a chest full and can keep his mouth shut I would really appreciate it." Jake chuckles and adds, "I'll give you an insight to one of our regular players bluffing tricks for it."

Neil smiles subtly and taps his hands together. "Done." His smile gets bigger. "Here is five bucks for the kid, books and shipping. Don't let anyone know there are books in the chest. Have them shipped to you in Promise City and I'll get them from you there." They chat some more before Ruby starts looking around for a poker game.

Neil notices that and says, "Finn wants another try at making his money at poker. Now I would never ask you to lose, but could you quit if you start winning big? If Finn loses his shirt again he's going to be mad at me for inviting you folks over." Jake nods sympathetically, and Ruby says with a charming smile, "Oh, don't you worry Neil, we'll take good care of Finn."

On the way over Jake whispers, "Be nice now." Ruby only laughs. There are a couple of seats still open on a game starting up, and Finn invites them to sit down. Quick introductions are made and the game begins. In the first few hands Ruby plays poorly and looses around $50 mostly to Finn. Jake doesn't makes eye contact with her after those hands but doesn't convey anything. Jake plays even for a while during which time Ruby wins some money back from Finn. The other men's fortunes go up and down rather quickly but no one is close to being out.

The play is unispiring, and Jake thinks that Ruby is as bored as he so he forces some bigger pots. Jake, Ruby and Finn were all ahead at this time anyway so Jake figured the risk was low. In a matter of five hands Ruby wins $50 from the bald man with the brown shirt and then loses the same $50 to Jake; Jake has won just over $100 and Finn cleans out one of the other players for almost $150. Finn calls a break, two of the newcomers are wiped out and the third is down only $30 but looks like he feels outclassed at the table. Jake apologizes that they won't be back after break, "Looks like you've shaken off whatever was bothering you yesterday." Indeed Finn was up $172 for the set. Jake didn't mind though he was taking away $134 and Ruby another $43. He'll do better attracting new money if we aren't sitting there, Jake thinks as they leave.

"How about some more dancing?" He asks Ruby. "What took you so long to ask?" She asks Jake.
They go off in search of music and dancing. They enter the dancehall and the atmosphere is definitely more exciting than the night before. This place is packed full of people drinking, laughing, playing cards and dancing. There is a band instead of just a piano. They survey the place and decide to stay. Ruby squeezes up to the bar with Jake staying close behind her, resting his hands on the bar around her while they wait.

Ruby orders them 4 whiskeys and she turns around to face Jake with one in each hand, her body pressing up against his tightly. “What should we toast to tonight baby?” "Hmmm, how about the band? May their music sound better with every drink!"

They touch their glasses together with a clink before slamming them back quickly, Jake with an audible “Aaaahhhh,” and Ruby with a scrunched up nose. She leans back and grabs the other two. “This should make us both loose enough to dance all night,” she laughs and drinks her second one down. With that she pushes past Jake and bounces out to the middle of the dance floor, waiting for him, laughing and smiling. Jake shakes his head and mumbles, “These are meant to be enjoyed…” then drinks it down, slamming the glass on the bar. He dodges through the crowd to the dance floor, then scoops Ruby up into his arm and lifts her off the ground, spinning her around. Ruby responds by throwing her head back with more smiles and giggles then finally a warm kiss as Jake deposits her back to the ground. With that they start their dance.

An hour goes by before they decide to take a break. Sweaty and panting they grab some drinks from the bar and head outside for some air. They both sit on the railing of the porch, the loud sounds of the music wafting out the open door. Ruby quietly stares up at the stars for a while twirling her hair around her finger before looking back at Jake. His cheeks are flush, his hair plastered to his forehead in spots and he is staring right at her with his intense, sparkling brown eyes. Ruby gives a little shudder at his stare. She sometimes felt like it could cut right through her into her soul. Jake's eyebrows come together, “Are you cold?” Ruby shakes her head no. “You look very sexy right now baby, you really do,” Ruby says sincerely. “I mean, you’re handsome to start but something about the way you look right now…” She doesn’t finish her thought.

It must be the inspiration," Jake replies smoothly, "I am positively strengthened by your mere presence, you kindle a flame in me I cannot explain." “You know what? I am having fun here but let’s go back to the room, we can play cards and finish off that bottle we have waiting, what do you think?”

"Yes, I like it. I have grown weary of sharing your radiant looks with those other jealous eyes," Jake grins and takes her arm, "It is time to have you all for myself." They stop at the desk and ask the clerk to send up a tray with some light food on it. Once back up at the room they kick their shoes off and set up cards. Ruby reaches up the back of her dress and pulls something out, handing it to Jake. “By the way, this is yours.”

"Thanks for carrying that. Hermes, all that weight was wearing me down. I suppose it is light enough for me to carry now?" Jake asks wryly. “Perhaps you should look. I only stole it back from the kid who stole it from you,” Ruby replies casually. “I figured we didn’t need anymore drama so I swiped it back without telling you,” she pauses then giggles, “Or him. Now come on, deal some cards. What should we play for this time?”

"Drunk and distracted, bad combination. I should know better. I do know better, which is why most of my money is in the other wallet." He reaches out and pushes the shoulder strap off Ruby's unscarred shoulder and down her arm, leaving her shoulder bare and showing more ample bosom. "Seems I enjoy the distraction too much. I've only ever played cards for money or sex. Seems like you already have all of both from me." He chuckles. "Five dollars ante, bet in fives, five card draw, one draw three card maximum and seven hands. Overall winner gets......"

“Anything they want! Since I’m going to win, I want anything I want. If you win you get anything you want. Brave enough for that bet?” "No! I am not brave. I have never been brave, and will not likely be brave anytime soon. Haven't you learned a bloody thing about me?" He reaches over and opens the bottle of bourbon. "Damned sure of yourself though aren't you? Fool I am, and drunk enough too. I'll take your bet."

"And what do you mean you played for sex? You're a naughty boy Jake Cook." "Yes I am a naughty boy and naughty boys don't live on money alone." Jake pours a drink for each of them.
Ruby acts shocked, then laughs. “I guess I shouldn’t say anything, that’s how…” her voice trails off as she clamps her mouth shut. She wasn’t going to ruin this moment by running her mouth off again. Instead Ruby narrows her eyes playfully, “You’re just trying to make me jealous. Well, it won’t work this time Mr. Cook. I’m on to you.” Ruby takes a drink from her glass. “I’m not as foolish as I look.”

Ruby looks at the cards in her hand. Slightly blurry, she has to squint to see them. She had a plan, and it was a good one. She would let Jake think he was going to win, then come on strong in the end when he wasn’t paying attention any longer. “Hum… I’ll take 2 please,” she hiccups.

Jake nimbly handled the cards and kept the game moving along. He was accustomed to being drunk, and could deal even when he couldn't walk. He wasn't sure if he could in fact walk right now. But he was winning, pleasantly drunk and enjoying the company. He thought about cheating, but the cards were coming his way. He laughed at the pouting expression Ruby feigned when he won the first two hands but inside thought she is up to something. Then he thought that he didn't really care.

So far her plan was working. Due to her being really good at cheating or just plain old drunk Ruby had lost the first two hands and tied Jake the third. Now was the time to make her move. “Daaarrrrling…,” she purrs, leaning way over the cards towards him making a good show of her cleavage, “I need more…” she bites her lip, “…Bourbon!” She holds her glass out, quite aware of the effect she was having on Jake.

He reaches to pour but positions the bottle just short of her glass making her lean just a little farther forward. "That's better," he says. "You look crooked my dear," and with that reaches forward and knocks the other shoulder strap onto her arm. "Much better."

Ruby plays dumb with a smile, “Now that my glass is full, yes, much better.” She slowly sits back and looks at her cards. She has a heart flush to the queen, her favorite card. “Baby, you can’t win this hand,” she says confidently throwing her cards down on the bed. Jake looks at her cards and laughs heartily. “You’d be right if that 10 was a heart and not a diamond.”

“What?” Ruby picks up the 10 and puts it right up to her nose. It was a diamond and not a heart. “Dammit!” she swears, throwing it down, this time with a real pout. “Deal again!” she commands. As Jake deals Ruby gets her composure back and puts the smile back on her face. “I did that on purpose, just letting you think you have a chance,” she says sweetly. “Now let’s see…” She looks at her cards again, this time making very sure she knows what she’s got.

She watches Jake’s eyes and can see they are getting unfocused. She glances at the bottle, half full. She looks back to her cards and starts tapping her lips with her finger as she tries to decide what to do. “Hum…hum… is it me or is it getting hot in here?” she asks as she lets her fingers slide down her neck and end on her breast. She pulls slightly at her dress, “It IS getting hot in here…”

Jake watched her fingers and felt his own temperature rise. I am going to enjoy this so much, he thinks, and she is so good at this I am tempted to let her win. Even as drunk as he was, the devious little voice that lived deep inside him still spoke clearly and enticingly. Ruby saw the leer of a smile that sprang to his face and was sure that she had him. Jake swallows and says, "Mighty darn hot, I agree. Why don't you crack open a window and loosen that pretty dress of yours."

“I think I will,” she answers, still moving her fingers, “But first,” Ruby continues, “I’m going to win this hand.” They throw down their cards and Ruby is right, she does win. At this point she is down $80 from where she started $160 away from Jake. She gets a cocky smile then stumbles off the bed to the window.

As she opens it a blast of cool air comes in, sending her long hair flying around her. She giggles then turns back to Jake. As she walks she loosens the ribbons on the front of her dress but doesn’t remove it. “There, that should help.” She continues in an innocent voice, “But didn’t you mention that you were hot too?” She suddenly reaches out and rips Jake’s shirt open, button popping and flying everywhere. “There, that should help,” she repeats to Jake with a grin. She bounces back into her chair, taking her seat across from Jake.

When Ruby was opening the window Jake quickly counted his money, twice. Then in his fuzzy brain he counted the hands they had played; one, two, three, four, five. Good, that only leaves two more. Is that right? Five and two is seven, right!

"I should really take these boots off, my poor feet would sure feel better. Besides," he says looking at her daringly exposed flesh, "I don't think I'll be needing them soon." Jake takes another sip of his bourbon and slouches in his chair without making a move to take the boots off. “You don’t need them now silly.” Ruby gets out of her chair and kneels down in front of Jake. She puts her hands up his pant leg and, wrapping her warm hands around his leg, slowly pulls his boots off, one at a time. She looks up at Jake from under her eyelashes before rising leisurely from the floor.

While Ruby is seductively removing his boots, he is momentarily entranced. Gods! She is astounding! Focus Jacob, focus, he tells himself, you'll get to that soon enough. No, the other lustful voice inside says, now is not soon enough! It will be worth it says the devious voice, it will be worth it. Jake arranges his money in three piles from right to left; $30, $40 and the rest. He does this subtly and surreptitiously. All you have to do, you worthless sot, is lose what is in each pile in order, think you can do that? Ruby bends and turns so seductively that Jake's tongue seems to swell in his mouth. He wants her so bad it hurts.

She adjusts her gown and, satisfied that it’s hanging off just the right amount, Ruby sits and continues with the next hand. Jake is obviously barely paying attention to the cards anymore and she easily wins the next hand, leaving only a $50 difference to make up for the last hand.

“Alright baby, are you ready for the last hand? Don’t forget the winner gets anything they want!” she hiccups. “I wonder, what am I going to ask for?” She runs her fingers through her hair, leaving it fluffy.

"Let your imagination run wild girl." Jake says chuckling. Just count the bets, he thinks, to Hades with the cards. Come on Jacob just make sure you leave enough to call with from the pile on the right. The final hand is dealt and both Jake and Ruby are having trouble comprehending what’s in their hands. A smile comes to Ruby face when she finds the Queens of Hearts. “Baby, baby...” Ruby sings, “Baby… what am I going to ask of you when I win?” Jake is really focusing, she can’t tell if he’s looking at his cards or her breasts. She laughs, “Come on, don’t be shy, bet all your money. You already said I have all your money and all your sex, you might as well give them both freely.” Jake asks for one card, not even really looking at what is in his hand. He just wants the card game to be finished. He is only paying attention to Ruby and his last bet. "I've got you this time." he says with a wide happy grin.

Ruby shakes her head at Jake. “No you don’t!” Another loud hiccup slips out of Ruby’s mouth surprising her. She giggles and touches her fingers on her lips again, “Ooppsss. I may have drunk too much tonight. No matter, I’m about to win anything I want from you, Mr. Cook.” She leans forward, placing her cards down on the table, a full house, Queens over Jacks. Her dress start falling off but she quickly grabs it and holds it up with one hand. “Well, let’s see your cards…” Licking his lips, Jake throws down his hand. Ruby looks at it, “Ha! You don’t have anything! And look at my hand Queens over Jacks.” Ruby is practically bouncing off her seat. “I won.”

"You won," Jake says feigning disappointment in his voice. At least he thinks he is. "Here you go," he says pushing the $80 pot towards her. He tries hard not to smirk. Ruby jumps up, takes the money and throws it up in the air, letting it fall like leaves to the ground. As she watches it fall she tilts her head and looks at the money curiously. “Hey wait a minute… did you cheat?” She glances at Jake’s raised eyebrow. “You did that on purpose! You didn’t bet all your money so I would lose!” She puts on a real pout and as she stands in front of him. “Ok, ok... you win,” she says slowly, “You were right, you GOT me. Now what are you going to ask for, since you can ask for annnnyyytthhiinnnggg?”

He stands up a bit unbalanced, almost surprised that he can stand. He comes up behind Ruby and wraps his arms around her mid section and presses his body close to hers. He can feel her warmth and the faint smell of flowers in her hair. Focus, Jacob, focus. He lets his hands wander down her legs and then up the side of her torso before going back down her arms. He pulls her hands up to her shoulders, kissing one hand and then the other. "Anything I want, but there are so many things I want from you. I must tell you I want all of them very badly right now." Without releasing her hands he begins kissing her neck. "Since I should decide before I can't think of anything but you, I'll take this," he says his fingers holding the ring on her right hand.

A gasp escapes Ruby’s lips when his body touches her. She closes her eyes and lets her head fall back onto Jake’s shoulder, exposing more of her slender neck to him. As he kisses her neck she practically purrs. She reaches back with her left hand, putting her fingers in Jake’s hair. She opens her fingers on her right hand without hestitation, letting Jake slide the ring off her finger. She tries to speak, but it’s getting harder to do anything but give into the sensations running up and down her body. “But what are you going to do with it? Why do you want it?”

He quickly slips the ring onto his little finger, and then returns his attention to running his hands over Ruby's slightly shivering body. "Why?" He says between long slow kisses. "I'm hoping you'll want to win it back," he lied with ease. He then pushes the loosened dress top down to her waist. "Enough talking," he whispers breathily into her ear.

As Jake pulls her clothes off Ruby practically collapses from the desire coursing though her. Her knees feel weak, her arms are like jelly, her entire body feels like it is melting. She turns and grasping Jake’s neck so she doesn’t collapse, desperately kisses him, her lips and body practically begging him to take her. She quickly discovers that begging is not at all necessary as he clumsily removes the rest of their clothes and pushes her to the bed. Rapacious and drunk, passionate and urgent, they collapse together on the bed. Amid the gasps and moans, the torrid flame that is Ruby West and Jake Cook burns feverishly for a while before the room is quiet.

Silver Moon

Chapter 134, “Desert Flowers”, Tuesday, March 21st, 1882, 2:00 P.M.

Nanuet leads Minerva out of town and down a path they have not trodden previously. They only ride for about 10 minutes when they come to top of a low rise and can see a wide open flat area below them. The rocky area is not barren but instead is covered in wildflowers and cacti of various shapes and colors. "There you see, the desert does not always hide it's beauty, it sometimes just needs to be seen in the right light."

Minerva is stuck by Nanuet’s words and thinks "You are like the Desert, Nanuet." Hiding yourself behind those brooding eyes and quiet exterior." She watches as he attempts to educate her on the local flora but does not hear what he is saying as she studies him in an attempt to sort out her own feelings.

Nanuet hops off his mount and offers a hand to Minerva and helps her from her horse. "Let's go take a closer look." Nanuet leads Minerva down the hill and into the field below. Once there he points out several of the flowers by their common names. "This one is Mantana Vehepse or Milkweed" he says pointing to a plant with thin white stalks ending in narrow petal yellow flowers. "And this one is the White Mallow" he says pointing to a delicate looking large white bloom. "This one may be my favorite yet. Nanuet kneels down near a long stalk that has about a dozen large purple flowers on it. "Penstemon, this one is called." Nanuet spends the time as long as Minerva will listen naming all the flowers they see.

He wasn’t rash and boisterous like other men she had encountered. Not prone to snap judgments as she could be. Sure, You could assume that his quiet, steady nature and even temperament were due to shyness but those who knew him well would disagree. Those that he allowed into his life learned that he guarded his deep passions and beliefs and shared them, and his fierce loyalty, only with those whom he deemed worthy. His friends, the few that he had, also knew that once he had made up his mind, he was quick to act.

Yes, it was true that he was often cautious and methodical in his approach to a problem, whereas she would just go with her gut feelings and deal with the consequences later, but she liked that about him. His steady ways balanced her own explosive nature and, she reasoned, he could be trusted to keep his word and get the job done.

She had never depended on or trusted anybody that way before. It was an oddly comforting feeling to know that she was no longer alone in the world, that someone actually cared about her well-being …and she KNEW, even though she didn’t always appreciate it, that he didn’t just “say things” to please her or to get his own way. Well that was an understatement for sure", she thought dourly, "It was easier to pull a rat out of a rattler than it was to get the words she wanted to hear out of him"

No, his words and gestures were ALWAYS a result of deep contemplation and so could be counted as true, and not the result of impulse, or temper… as hers so often were. “We are like two sides of the same coin.” She thought and smiled wryly at the irony of the gods.

Her eyes narrowed as she focused on his features while he continued to point out the desert landscape. What was it about him that caused the breath to catch in her throat and this strange tangle of nerves in her stomach? You wouldn’t refer to him as a handsome man. Arresting was a better description, she mussed as she unconsciously twisted a strand of her dark hair and continued to study him unawares.

Everything about him seemed rough and rugged, his sharp nose, his hollow cheeks, even his complexion, ruddy and weathered from a life out of doors in the dry, western heat reminded her of the beautiful angles and shadows of the Arizona landscape which had molded him.
He was not an overly large or muscular man. He had a runner’s body, lean and tight. She could easily picture him gracefully leaping over rocks and rugged terrain like the wild elk that inhabited area, and like those noble beasts he held himself aloof with an air of quiet strength and dignity.

Maybe it was the primitive half-savage look of him or his long chestnut braid, which he kept neatly tied with a string of beaded leather, combined with his mysterious ways, which caused women to glance twice, and other men to make a wide berth when passing him on the street.
“I wonder what it would feel like to loose that braid and run my fingers through that wild silken mane.” she thought and held her fist to her stomach to quiet the unfamiliar fluttering that she had come to associate with his nearness.

She shook her head lightly to clear her thoughts and refocused on his face. Of all his features, it was his eyes that drew Minerva in. Those deep, moody eyes framed by a strong line of brows. She had seen those dark eyes flash in anger and battle fever, had felt them warm and soften with kindness and understanding, and had watched on in confusion and frustration, as they turned cloudy and unreadable when he masked his feelings from her. Those eyes, she sighed, She could lose her “self” in those eyes if she wasn't careful. She feared those dark shrewd eyes that could pierce her soul and know what was in her heart.

Nanuet, sensing that he was being observed paused in his dissertation and looked over at Minerva with a timid smile and a questioning look in those beautiful savage eyes. She smiled in return and bravely met his gaze, but not willing to give herself away, quickly averted her own eyes before he could shine a light on her heart.

"Well! That is all very interesting. You certainly know your flowers, Nanuet. I have an interest in herbs and botany. Perhaps some other time you could share your knowledge of some of their uses with me. OH! I brought a bottle of wine and Bea gave me a small basket of food. This looks like a lovely spot to settle and watch the sun set. Let me get it from my bag." She says in an overly bright voice and talking much to quickly. She nervously wipes her palms on her skirt and scrambles off like a skittish rabbit to retrieve the basket from her saddlebag.

Nanuet takes this chance alone to wipe his sweaty palms on his pant legs and swallows hard trying to force his dry mouth to produce some moisture. Why am I like this around her? She seems to understand me better than most others, I should feel more comfortable around her. Perhaps it is her beauty? Maybe it is the passion that she lives her life with that enchants me. I suppose it is all those things. She returns now and my knees feel weak. Do I tell her? Not yet, speak with Ruby first, she will know how to do this right.

"Well this is a surprise, sharing two meals on the same day with you Priestess is an honor."

Nanuet takes the blanket from her and spreads it evenly on the ground being sure to leave the fauna untouched. He allows Minerva to sit first and then he sits immediately beside her. Nanuet opens the wine as Minerva unpacks the food. They have some light conversation, Nanuet remarking that Bea is an excellent cook and he would like to sample more of her food. There are several awkward moments where the two reach for the same object at the same time and more than once find their hands touching. This occurs once when they are packing up and Nanuet holds fast onto her hand this time and looks into Minerva's eyes. He holds her gaze staring deeply for several moments. He opens his mouth as if to speak, but then the words fail him. He lets her hand go and shyly turns away and begins folding the blanket.

After the picnic Nanuet escorts Minerva back to the boarding house and bids her goodnight. Before she walks away he leans quickly forward and gives her a quick kiss on the cheek. Before he can see her reaction he scurries away, heading towards the Lucky Lady. Nanuet spends a restless night at the Lucky Lady. He completes his reverie but not without difficulty, his mind wandering to the vision of Minerva.

The rest of the day passes uneventfully for the Deputies. Evening arrives and Chester leaves the office for the Lucky Lady. Chester has a nice chat with Niles Hoover and listens to Kate play piano for Clarisse. At around 9:00 PM miner Ajax Gormley walks in and asks "Mind if I talk you to you for a minute Marshall?"

Chester replies, "Not at all, Ajax. Let's go outside for some privacy." They step onto the front porch. "Is this about Thad?" Ajax replies, "Yep. Melissa Smith evicted him from the Promise City Hotel because of that incident earlier today. I wanted to let you know that Thad is staying with me now. I share a small house with Brian Kelso over on East Street, next to the Wong family." Chester answers, "Thank you for telling me. It must be hard to see a nephew mixed up with the wrong bunch like that."

Ajax slumps a little and says, "Marshall, I appreciate what you did with the boy, not arresting him and all. Right now Thad is a nervous wreck, I've had to get an elixir from Doc Eaton just so the boy could get some sleep. And speaking of Elixirs."

He reaches into his pocket and takes out a metal drinking flask, handing it to Chester. "Ringo had given that to Thad. It contains a magical elixir that makes a person invisible. Yeah, I know, sounds far fetched. But that's what he and Pony Deal used the other day at the Great Western. I'll get Thad to tell you the whole story later. Figured it was best to get that out of the house before he panics and uses the damned thing. Magic's a dangerous thing, not something for a young man to get messed up with."

Chester looks at Ajax in feigned surprise. "Magic? That's serious stuff. A fellow could get into big trouble for having that. It's a good thing you took this from him." Chester puts the flask in a pocket. "When he wants to tell me the whole story, have him drop by the office. Keep him away from Ringo. The guy had Thad spying on townspeople. He's a dangerous man." Chester pats Ajax on the shoulder and goes back inside.

Chester sits at his table watching Clarisse sing. How did I get so lucky to have a woman like her in my life? I need to ask Minerva if she would chaperone us again. When Clarisse is finished for the night, Chester walks her home. "If Miss Florencia is available, would you like to have dinner with me again? How's Thursday sound?" She replies, "Of course, Chester. Can we go to the El Parador again? I had so much fun." "It's a date then. Goodnight Clarisse." He leans in and kisses her. Some time passes before they let go. "Goodnight, Chester." She goes inside. Chester turns and heads for home.

Mid-way through the night at the Lucky Lady Patrick Seawell arrives with a distinguished older gentleman. They take a seat at the table near the stage. When Kate comes by to take their order Patrick introduces her to his father, Colonel Michael Seawell, retired United States Army. He tells his father "And this is Katherine Kale, the woman who I told you about. She saved Deputy Marshall Earp's life in January. She is also the one who sold us the building for our office."

Kate blushed lightly. "How do you do, Colonel? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm afraid your son doesn't give himself enough credit. I would not have been able to help the Marshall without his assistance." She shrugged and smiled. "I'm not very strong. And I was glad to be able to put the building in a friend's hands. I got a good deal and I enjoyed passing it on."

The Colonel continues to chat with Kate for several more minutes. He is very polite and gracious and in many ways reminds Kate of her father. He says that he plans to spend the next few days getting their office in order. Kate talked a bit about her father and his time in the army, where he had also been a Colonel before he was discharged.

"I'll be trying to get my school in order. I hope you won't mind children around. Once the school is up and running they'll be back and forth, but we'll try to be good neighbors. If there's anything I can do for you in the next few days, just let me know. Now, is there anything I can play for you? I know most of the standard songs, and many classical pieces, although there isn't much call for those." Kate finished the conversation and was walked back to the El Parador. She was glad to get to bed early on Tuesday night.

Silver Moon

Chapter 135, “Meeting with the Goddess”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882, 12:00 P.M.

Still sweaty from the passion they shared, Jake closes his eyes and wraps his arms around Ruby, and passes out. She should be passing out too, but instead her mind is reeling. She is not sure if it’s the euphoria she is experiencing from the pleasure of having Jake and the pleasure of him having her, the overwhelming emotions she has been feeling lately or the liquor.

Ruby considers the past two days, full of fun and happiness, minus a few snags. I feel so much better, she thinks, Spending this time with Jake has brought me back to myself, made me feel alive again. I do love him. Sure, I was wrong last time I thought I loved someone, but this time is different, this time I know it and feel it with everything I am. It just feels right, like it was always meant to be. She smiles to herself, And doesn't it sound funny that you, Ruby West, would ever believe in fate or destiny? She tosses in the bed, kicking the blankets off.

I should be so happy I’ve finally found someone who cares enough about me to not abuse me, to look after me, take care of me. He knows who I am and wants to be around me anyway. I’ve lived my whole life with no love, why should now be any different? I love him, why isn’t that enough? Ruby sighs out loud, but Jake doesn’t move. She squiggles and faces him in the bed, moving a strand of damp hair off his face. “You need a haircut,” she whispers quietly and smiles.

Staring at him for an unknown period of time, she finally asks the question, “Why can’t you love me, Jake? Why won’t you love me?” Just admitting that out loud hurt Ruby and made her heart ache. A couple of tears flow down her smooth rosy cheeks. I have loved him and given him everything I could, I just don’t have anything more to give. I don’t think he believes me when I say I love him, he never believed me about George.

We’ve been together three whole months already, a lifetime, practically an eternity! I told him how I felt, laid my heart on the line, made myself vulnerable and he said nothing in return, just a kiss to get what he wanted. Not that I should be complaining, I wanted it too, it's just...

Face it girl, if he was ever going to love you, he would have known it by now. Perhaps he needs more than what you have to offer. Or perhaps, she thinks darkly, he really is like all the others who only want one thing from you. Hollow and empty with no feeling for you, just lustful desire. No, she reprimands herself, Jake is different, he does care about me and she refuses to entertain the thought further.

You know the truth, that you are destined to never be loved, as your life has been before, it always will be the same. And as lonely as you’ve been, you’ve survived. Just accept your fate and be done with it. Ruby finally closes her eyes, the remaining tears squeezing out as she does. I thought I already had… With that thought she falls asleep.

Jake sleeps soundly oblivious to the rising of Ruby’s spirit as she is summoned through the Veil of Dreams.
Ruby awakens abruptly to find herself standing in the desert under a hard white moon as fog slithers gray shapes along the ground. The eerie chill of the cold barren landscape creeps deep into her bones causing a sad and haunted look to cloud her eyes as she is overcome by a feeling of profound loneliness. A desperate cry escapes into the night but she does not recognize the sound of her own grief as she keens, like a wounded animal, to the comfortless sky.

Crumbling to her knees, Ruby sinks to the lifeless desert floor and watches in despair as the greedy sand steals her tears away. “No one will ever know that I have wept here. No one will care.” She whispers forlornly. She picks up the salty sand and lets it fall through her fingers. “The love that pours from my heart is no different than these desert tears. It nourishes nothing. Nothing! It is wasted!” She weeps bitterly “Nothing ever grows of it. Nothing ever will.”

Time is lost and her sobs slowly subside to ragged breathing. She lays in the cool sand her mind as empty as the sky. The faint tinkling of music reaches her ears, it is a sound so soft that she has to still her breathing and strain to listen. She can barely hear it. Just a wisp floating over the hill. It seems to be calling to her. “Is this the life you choose for yourself?” it whispers.

Her eyes dart around in a panic and stumbling on the soft sand in her haste she scurries over the next rise. As she tops the crest of a dune she is met with the most astonishing sight. It is not the miles of sand that amaze her, but the startling and unexpected sight of the woman. A stunning contrast to the bleak scenery, she lies draped over an ornate chaise lounge.
Ruby continues approaching slowly. Mesmerized by the woman’s unearthly beauty, Ruby marvels at the golden hair, yellow as daffodils and how it appears to cascade over the woman's delicate, alabaster shoulders and small firm breasts.

“Her naked form is so smooth and flawless it must surely have been sculpted by Michael Angelo… or perhaps by one of the gods themselves,” Ruby whispers in awe “for look, even the moon cannot resist such loveliness as it reaches down from the heavens and gently caresses the exquisite body with its soft luminescent light.” “There is something so familiar about her, I can feel it like an ache in my heart and yet I KNOW that I have never encountered anything as beautiful before.”

As she nears, she is surprised to see a rosy-cheeked toddler sitting at the woman’s feet. He plays contentedly tracing hearts with arrows through them in the sand. The cherub is scantily clad, revealing rolls of soft, chubby flesh. An archer’s bow rests in his lap and a golden quiver of blood red arrows is tossed carelessly on the ground at his side. Ruby’s lips begin to part in that special, gentle smile that females reserve for babies and puppies, but it quickly vanishes to be replaced by cold suspicion when her gaze is met with ancient, knowing eyes.

The beautiful apparition watches Ruby's reaction, amusement dancing in her eyes and in a voice musical and strong, faintly exotic, she repeats; Is THIS the life you choose for yourself?" “Who are you?” Ruby wonders aloud, her voice echoing off of the shimmering sand. The woman responds with a cocky half-smile and twirls her golden tresses in a perfect parody of Ruby’s own familiar flirtatious pose. “You do not recognize me?" She smirks and waves her hand in a dismissive gesture. “It does not matter. It is sufficient that I recognize you, Ruby West.”

“Where am I?” Ruby demands as she shivers and holds herself against the coldness of the place.
“Has not the Priestess Minerva told you of her own recent journey to this realm?” “I do not believe in such things.” Ruby says, eyeing the woman defiantly. “Your belief is not required for the life YOU have chosen, Ruby West.” “Why have you brought me here?” Ruby persists, as she angrily wipes tears of confusion from her eyes.

“Do not despair, I offer you only what you desire, my favored one. But first you must answer the question.” She points around to the harsh desolate landscape. “Is THIS the life you choose for yourself?” "What I desire?" Ruby repeats softly, "Your favored one? I don't understand." She shakes her head, sending her flaming red hair dancing about her. "The life I live is NOT of MY choosing if that is what you are asking," Ruby stubbornly clenching her fists as she spits the words, "It's what was given to me, left to me by those that would be unkind."

Filled with the bitterness of her own cold response, she shivers silently as the night swallows her anger. Empty and defeated she lowers her eyes and hangs her head low. Her voice becomes quiet as a butterfly's flapping wings. "This is not what I would choose. I don’t want to be alone anymore."

“And yet you have not chosen otherwise.” the woman calmly replies and sweeps her hand to encompass the empty desert. A waterfall appears. It sparkles in the moonlight as it falls upon the desert floor creating a crystal blue pool that quickly overflows it’s banks. As the newly formed stream runs merrily on its way it nourishes all that it touches, replacing the thirsty sand with an oasis of lush green foliage. The earth around them awakens and begins to bloom with new life as a variety of flowers and exotic plants spring up from the rich soil transforming the lifeless landscape with their bold, vivid colors.

As Ruby drinks in the wondrous sights she hears familiar laughter and turns to discover her twin perched on a rock enjoying a warm spring day. All of her friends are present gathered around her laughing and teasing in easy camaraderie. Jake, her handsome lover, sits at her feet, relaxed and content. He is laughing in appreciation of some witty remark she has just made and his eyes are bright with admiration and love for her. It is easy to see that all the love she has yearned for over the years is returned tenfold and that she is cherished by her companions. Tears shimmer in her eyes as she beholds the mirage of her deepest desires. She turns to the goddess with an expression of desperate longing.

The woman smiles tenderly. “You have but to honor me to have it my child. It is already yours. You need only accept it as the gift that it is--Yet you continue to disappoint me” She chides. “I have always favored you, bestowed my most precious gifts upon you and YET you choose to waste them as tears upon the sand. You are an ungrateful child to think that you can steal love from the gods. It cannot be stolen. Love is a gift. You can choose to accept it or deny it.

But tribute must be paid to US for such a precious boon,” she says motioning to the child playing in the sand. “Love is OUR domain and WE bestow our gifts upon those whom we choose to show favor. Yet despite our intentions you stubbornly choose to remain blind to our very existence.
“Mark my words,” she admonishes. “For so long as you do not recognize us, so shall you remain blind to the love you receive from others.”

The woman gracefully rises from her rest and unconcerned by her lack of clothing lightly takes Ruby by the hand and leads her through the lush paradise to a garden of roses. She reaches out and plucks a single perfect red rose releasing its intoxicating perfume to the air. “They are beautiful are they not?” She says brushing its soft petals across Ruby’s cheek. “Do you know why I christened roses “the flower of love”?” and not waiting for a response she places the blossom in the palm of Ruby’s hand and cruelly squeezes it shut around the stem. Ruby cries out and pulls away as the razor sharp thorns cut deep into her palm.

“ Love is painful, Ruby West. You cannot hold it in your hand and remain unscathed by it. Love demands the greatest price of all for its acceptance is the fastest way to the soul. Open your heart and soul to me, Ruby West, and I will grant you what you desire most. Your time is running out. Honor us for the gifts of love that we have bestowed upon you before they are, forever, lost to you.” It is the time that you mortals mark as Spring. A time of renewal. The time to give honor to the gods for life and love. The choice is yours to make, Ruby West. The Priestess will know what to do."

Ruby awakens and bolts straight up in her bed, shaking and soaked in a cold sweat. She blinks her eyes a few times until she recognizes the hotel room. She could see a tiny bit of light peeking through the open window. Ruby sighs in relief, “Only a dream, it was only a dream.” She blinks again and lets out a long slow breath, “Only a dream.”

Suddenly a loud gasp escapes her lips as she looks down at her clenched fist. She realizes she is still clutching the rose from her dream in her bloodied palm. Trembling, the rose falls from her hand onto the bed, drops of blood and a couple of tears following it.

She holds her bloodied hand away from her staring at it, as she clutches at the blankets around her with the other, holding them to her still cold and shivering body. Shocked, awed and scared, she doesn't move, she just stares at the perfect red rose lying in her lap.

Silver Moon

Chapter 136, “Summons from Earp”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882, 8:00 A.M.

Time goes by, Ruby is unsure of how much actually passes. Eventually she climbs out of the bed. She picks up the rose and places it on the small table near the window. Then she sits in the chair next to the table, lost in her thoughts. There is a knock on the door and Ruby startles out of her thoughts.

Morning light has come and she is still sitting in the chair. Jake is still snoring fitfully. She wraps herself in a robe and opens the door to see one of the hotel staff with his arms overflowing with flowers, all of them some shade of red. She blinks a few times before she finally says, "Oh, yes bring them right in." The man quickly places the bouquets of roses, red yucca, mixed wild flowers and a dish of cactus flowers around the room trying hard to pretend not to notice the mess or Jake sleeping on the bed. He also tries not to stare over long at the parts of Ruby the robe does not hide.

"Where... who ordered the flowers?" She asks him, still not fully aware. "The man ordered them." He replies quietly and then quickly leaves not waiting for a tip. Jake starts to stir at the sound of the closing door. Ruby looks at him and then seems to come out of her morning stupor. Moving quickly to the door she opens it and calls to the man going down the hall. "I've changed my mind, have them make the breakfast now and send it up when it is done."

Ruby heads back in the room and quietly sits back in the chair, pulling her feet up underneath her. She looks to Jake, then around at the bountiful flowers. A small smile comes to ger lips, then she looks back to Jake, watching him slowly wake up.

The noise of the door opening and closing twice was enough to make Jake aware of the dull throbbing pain in the front of his head. "Ugh." He rolls onto his side and when his stomach doesn't protest he thinks, good sign. I wonder if there is any of that bourbon left, hair of the dog and all. He cracks his eyes open and in his blurred vision he sees splotches of red. "Mierda," he mumbles, "I've drunk so much my eyes are bleeding." He rubs his eyes and attempts to sit up, but the dull throb protests and he lays back down.

"Ugh." Finally he opens his eyes again and they slowly come into focus. "Flowers? Right, flowers." He reaches over with his arm to find Ruby but she is not lying there. Of course stupid, somebody answered the door. He turns his head around and sees her sitting in the chair, with her legs tucked underneath her. He smiles at her, which makes his head hurt too. They just stare at each other for a while. Jake finally says, "Do you like them?"

The small smile comes back to her face as she looks around at each bouquet in turn. "Yes, they are very pretty." Jake does not notice her glance at the single red rose. Again they just stare at each other for a while. "You will probably not be surprised when I tell you my head hurts." Jake tries again to sit up and succeeds.

Ruby starts to speak but there is a knock at the door. She accepts a tray from the man and puts it on the end table. "Steak and whiskey for you. Cake for me." The smell of the freshly cooked rib-eye causes some parts of his brain to wake up and his stomach to grumble. The newly awakened parts of his brain also throb dully in concert with the rest. "The steak smells good, but I think I need the whiskey first. You are just too good to me."

Ruby says nothing, but rises from the chair and reaches for the large glass of whiskey. She carries it over to Jake and sitting on the bed next to him, passes it to him. Then she notices her other hand, the dried blood still there. She stares at her hand for a bit before taking a napkin off the tray and, dipping it in some water, wipes her hand clean. Ruby's eyes widen slightly as she notices the wound is not only still bleeding lightly but it's in the shape of a heart.

Using the napkin she covers it quickly as she shakes her head. "Drink your whiskey, Jake, it'll make you feel better." She wished she had ordered some whiskey for herself but had the feeling that whiskey wasn't going to be the cure for this problem. He asks, "What's wrong with your hand?" She looks Jake in the eyes for a long moment. She starts to speak but then stops herself. "I...uh..." she looks down at her hand and closes it tight. "I just scraped it," she lied, "It's nothing, it's fine." And there is no way you would believe me if I told you the truth...

Jake nods and pulls on some pants. It takes a few sips of whiskey before he is ready for the steak, which he eats slowly at first and then devours the rest. Ruby picks at her cake in a disinterested way. They are both fairly quiet, and chat about nothing.

Downstairs in the Grand Hotel a 5' 7" 135 lb man wearing a fringed buckskin leather jacket and matching six shooters continues talking to the clerk at the desk. "Those two always sleep in this late?" The clerk replies sheepishly "Uhh... well they did come in late last night sir." "I know what time they came in, I didn't ask that! Nevermind, I'll just have to keep an eye on things."

The clerk is rather shaken as the man walks slowly away from the counter. He thinks about warning the guests in room 21 but since the man didn't leave he figured he was best to stay put. "Buckskin" Frank Leslie was not someone to trifle with.

Big Nose Kate had led a long life, several different types of lives in fact since her birth into European aristocracy. Her present life involved running the best hotel and restaurant in Tombstone and brought about interactions with such men as Wyatt Earp and Jake Cook, the current errand she was on concerning both of them. Jake and Ruby's leisurely Wednesday morning in their hotel room is interrupted by Kate's knock on the door, followed by her saying "Mr. Cook, are you there?"

Jake answers the door, barefoot and shirtless. "Good morning." "May I come in?" she asks. Jake notes that she looks worried. "Uh, sure." He steps aside to let her in. He looks up and down the hallway before closing the door. Ruby turns her head to look as Jake invites Kate inside. The thought occurs to her that she is still sitting in her bathrobe, but the care is fleeting. She nods hello but doesn't say anything.

She states, "Mr. Cook, I have a message to you from from Wyatt. He wants to meet with you and Mr. Cassidy at Brunckow's Cabin as soon as possible. Mr. Cassidy will know where that is. He said for you to not bring Fly, or even tell him about the meeting. Also, Buckskin Frank Leslie is downstairs and asking for you. He's been watching the place since last night and has become bold enough to now inquire directly. Behan deputized him, so he now has a badge and has a right to question you. I have a back door and can arrange to have some horses delivered over to Mr. Cassidy’s saloon."

Jake turns to Ruby, "How would you like to take a ride this morning? It won't be as much fun as yesterday's ride, but seems like we ought to." Ruby thinks it over a moment before answering, "I'm not sure I would be welcome on this ride." "I didn't ask you if you were welcome, I asked you if you would come along." Jake watches Kate's expression out of the corner of his eye. "You already know where we are going, you know everything that I do, I don't really like the idea of leaving you for Leslie to find, and I'd rather have you with me than alone. Now if this is a trap or somehow we get followed then I've put you in danger." Jake shrugs. "How can you rescue my ass if you don't come along?"

A small smile came to Ruby's lips. "You're right," she says rising from her chair, "Of course I'll ride with you." He says, "Well Kate, seems like we are in your capable hands. Give us a couple of minutes to get dressed and then lead us out of here." Kate steps outside the room to let Jake and Ruby dress. "I didn't bring real riding clothes," Ruby comments. "I'll have to go in a dress."

He replies, “Wear some of my clothes if you'd rather. I don't really think it is a trap, just my naturally suspicious nature. I can't think of any reason why Wyatt would try to set me up. Even if he doesn't like me, I should be useful. You know, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, or at least someone to be used for a while." Jake talks while dressing, strapping on both pistols, both knives, buttoning up the duster to cover as much of him as possible, and shouldering the weapons pack.

She finds a clean napkin and wipes her hand again, still looking in disbelief at the deep but small wound. "Do you think this is a trap? What do you think Leslie wants with you?" Jake says, "Who knows, maybe Wyatt does trust me... I'm not sure that Leslie is just looking for me, but maybe he is. Both of us have been around when lots of Cowboys turned up dead, that is probably enough reason. If what we heard is true, Leslie could have been put on our trail by Ringo. So Leslie could think we could lead him to Wyatt, could think we are just a problem, or might even know we were involved in the ranch and road attacks that thinned out the Cowboy gang's members." Jake pulls his hat down firmly on his head. "Another murderous Cowboy with a badge." He shakes his head, "Judge Isby is really slacking."

Ruby laughs for the first time this day at Jake's remark. "I guess he is. I'll make sure to tell him you said so when I see him next." She chooses some black pants and a white shirt of Jake's, the closest fit she can find, and dresses. She rolls up the arms to her wrists, then pulls her boots on. "Ready," she says while putting her gun in her pocket. "Let's go."

Once Ruby and Jake are ready to go they head out the door where Big Nose Kate is waiting for them. She says, "Not the main staircase, follow me. They head into a room at the back rear corner of the hotel to what looks to be no more than a storage closet. She leans over and removes some loose floorboards, revealing a trap door down to the first floor with a ladder. She leads the way, with them arriving in a pantry on the first floor. Kate listens at the door then exits. She motions for Ruby and Jake to follow and they find themselves in the kitchen of the restaurant. "Hurry, out the back," she says, gesturing to a back door.

Jake goes first making sure they are not seen out the back door. "Which is the best way to get there without being seen?" He asks Kate. She says, “Stick to the back alleys and cross in the middle of Fourth and Third Streets. That'll get you to the back door of the saloon. I'll arrange for three saddled horses to be there in fifteen minutes." Jake and Ruby follow Kates directions, keeping out of site, and doing their best to keep from being recognized. At the back of the saloon they ask after Cassidy.

"What's taking him so long?" Ruby says while looking at Jake. She didn't need to glance around the streets, he was doing enough of that for the both of them. "I wonder if anyone's told him yet that you two were summoned." The three horses arrive before Cassidy does, being delivered by the same hotel clerk who had been answering Jake's requests since they had arrived in Tombstone. He says, "Let me know when you're through with them and I'll return them." Cassidy arrives momentarily, exclaiming "What's the emergency!"

Ruby reconizes her horse from the previous day and smiles. She hops up onto the brown stallion and leans forward, petting him gently. "I believe you've been summoned." Ruby lets Jake briefly explain the situation. Once he's done Ruby speaks up again, "And we have a coach to catch later so we'd better be off."

They ride south for a few miles while Cassidy tells Ruby and Jake a bit about their destination. Ruby was having a hard time paying attention to Cassidy's story. Not only did she have very little sleep plus a hangover, the distubing dream was on her mind and she continually glances at her hand.

He says, "Frederick Brunckow was a German miner, one of the first humans to come to this county after the Gadsten Purchase. I think the only human here longer was Emery Shaw. Anyway, Brunchow found silver in the San Pedro River around twenty-five years ago. Staked his claim and started mining, with visions of being rich. Hired on a mining engineer, a machinist, a cook and several dozen Mexican wood elf laborers. Built a large stone cabin as his headquarters.

The machinist needed new parts at one point in 1860 and rode off to Fort Buchanan forty miles away. When he returned he found Brunckow and the engineer dead from rather violent deaths and nobody else around. The cook was eventually found wounded, and said that the Mexicans had revolted and robbed the place. Some of the elves were found and claimed that the cook was the one who killed them. That mystery was never solved and the mine was abandoned.

Brunckow was a fool. Not only did he hire unreliable people but he was digging in the wrong place. It never occurred to him that the silver had flowed from further upriver. Ironically, when Ed Schieffelin discovered the main silver lode here in Tombstone five years back he was using Brunckow's cabin to stay in." Finally Ruby looks up, "That's a creepy story. I wonder what actually happened?" she says to no one.

Cassidy replies, "I don't know but it gets creepier, they say that the cabin is haunted. And not just the ghosts of Brunchow and his engineer Moss, they say that close to twenty men have died in that cabin. Odd place for Earp to pick for a meeting, but it's safe to say that Behan wouldn't think to look there." Ruby says, "And I was going to make a joke saying I hope the place isn't haunted. How silly of me," she says flatly. "But 20 men? That's a lot."

She glances around the desert before speaking again, "Mr. Cassidy, any idea of why Wyatt would ask for you and Jake but not Mr. Fly?" Cassidy replies, “No idea, we'll have to ask him." She says, "Well, Wyatt must have had his reasons. Let's just get there and see what he wants."


Queen of Everything
baradtgnome said:
but what is up with that Jake character?

He's a young lazy gambler and saloon rat, what did you expect from him? :p

Lucky for him things are about to change...
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Silver Moon

Chapter 137, “Wyatt Earp the Fugitive”, Wednesday, March 22nd , 1882, 9:00 A.M.

They arrive at a bluff with the cabin in the distance a quarter-mile away. They then spot a lone rider who they recognize as Warren Earp alongside aside a rocky outcropping near them. He rides forward and says, “Follow me.” As they near the cabin they pass areas where two more gunmen are strategically positioned behind large rocks.

Warren comments, “If anybody has following you they’ll handle it.” Cassidy asks, “Are those guys Turkey Creek Johnson and Sherm McMasters?” Warren nods back that they are. They reach the cabin, where Wyatt is waiting for them and ushers them inside. Warren ties up the horses and then follows them into the cabin.

Wyatt says, “I asked you guys here so that Warren and I can formally resign from our duties as lawmen.” He then hands Cassidy both badges. Jake states, "I suppose you know that Behan has a posse looking for you, and that Buckskin Leslie has a badge on in Tombstone. What are you going to do now?"

Earp replies, "Yes, I heard that Behan had deputized Leslie and two of his friends. That’ll make those three off limits for now. If we were to kill a lawman they would have the authority to send the Arizona Rangers and other Territorial law after us. I’m just glad that Behan is leading the posse instead of Buckskin Frank. Behan’s no outdoorsman, so we should have no trouble avoiding that group.

Ringo had told his men that “The time of reckoning is at hand“. He is correct, but he’ll find himself on the receiving end. Without the restrictions that come from that badge there will be no stopping us. I do have to keep Virgil out of this. In Tucson I made sure that he stayed by the train and had nothing to do with Stilwel. If Behan is able to force him out of the Marshall’s job then Tombstone goes to Hades-in-a-hand-basket and the Cowboy’s win.

“It’s time to strike while the iron is hot. The Cowboy Gang is now in a state of disarray. If we can hit them before they reorganize the gang can be shut down for good. Cook, you have as big a score against these guys as I do. You’re welcome to ride with us. Otherwise it's just me, Warren, Johnson and McMasters.”

Cassidy asks, “About Johnson and McMasters, can you really trust those guys? They were part of the Cowboy Gang.” Wyatt says, “Yes, I trust them wholeheartedly. If they were going to betray myself and Warren they had the perfect opportunity to do so in Tucson when we were moving up on Stilwel. They stuck by us then, and will going forward. And you just saw what the Ringo did with Gifford, these two know there's no turning back. They’re now committed to this as much as Warren and I are. They’ve also been invaluable in filling us in on the history and inner workings of the Cowboy Gang, which will help immensely with dismantling it.”

Jake says, "It's no secret that the Cowboys been trying to put us in the ground for some time now, I'd be happy to return the favor. Depending on what you have in mind and when, there are others that would help. Before we discuss this any more, Neil do you want to hear this or not? It see that Wyatt trusts you, but you don't have to lie about not knowing what is being planned if you don't listen." Neil says, "Do you take me for a coward Cook?"

Wyatt interjects, "Nobody's saying that Neil, he's just making sure you realize the stakes here. I knew that you two played poker together and I am usually a good judge of character. I figured that you were of the same mind as us on these matters. But Cook's right, if you stick around you'll be hearing some rather frank talk about recent encounters with the Cowboy Gang that the papers only detailed a fraction of. You can head outside the cabin in you want and none of us will think any worse of you." Cassidy replies, "I came here to talk with you Wyatt. That's what I'm doing."

Wyatt replies, "Fair enough, I expected as much. That's why I asked you to not bring Fly. His wife is heavily affiliated with the town’s Vigilance Committee. If word gets back to them of some of our extracurricular activities there’s no telling how they’d use it against both of you in the future. Plus Roger's brother Buck is good friends with Johnny Ringo so there's no point in us taking unnecessary chances."

Ruby sat by silently listening to the men talk about war. She was desperately hoping Jake wasn't signing himself up for his funeral. As much as she disliked Wyatt and the Earps, at least they had been trying to protect their family. Ringo, now there was a man she despised, forcing them to choose sides in his little war. And the Cowboys had openly come after them to get what they wanted, so the choice was obvious. But what Wyatt was proposing was extremely dangerous, and Ruby knew it. She sighed and continued to watch and listen to the men talk.

Jake turns to Cassidy and states, "Like Wyatt said, no offense Neil, just giving you an out. I'm up to my eyebrows in trouble with the Cowboy gang. Remember when the Barkley family were around and they shot up the Cowboy gang? Well that was us, with some help from the Barkleys. I tried to keep it quiet, but Ringo knows. They'll be after me, my friends and my business if they aren't stopped. I'm glad to have you on board, I hope you don't regret it."

He glances at Ruby and then turns back to Wyatt. "I don't know what you know about the latest activity. You probably know by now we raided the Cowboy ranch to free the Indian and Chester Martin. Sadly, none of the Cowboy gang who we found there lived to tell the story. I believe that guy Len was there, and they had a Gatling gun that we destroyed when the barn burnt down. Later on we ran into more of the gang on the road. Fortunately, the Shaws were with us."

Jake raises an eyebrow, "Once again, sad to say, none of the Cowboy gang lived to tell the story. Seems to be a pattern. Claibourne died there on the road. Between the ranch and road about twenty Cowboy gang members went on to their rewards. Lastly, there was some shooting in Promise City just three days ago and Martin killed Pony Deal. Earned him a job as Deputy Marshall." Jake looks sharply at Wyatt. "The only other thing I could say is we are pretty sure that Hamilton Fisk is one of the money men for the gang. Now I'm sure you know a whole lot more than me...."

Wyatt replies, "Well, that consistent with the history I've got from Johnson and McMasters. Guess I'll start from the beginning. The Cowboy Gang started was the brainchild of the Clantons. The Clantons own a ranch outside of Tombstone, been around since before Tombstone was founded. Old Man Clanton organized the cattle rustlers, which at one point numbered as high as three hundred. Most of the cattle they stole were from across the border in Mexico, so they didn’t have to worry about the United States law. But last August the Mexicans got wise to them and lured Old Man Clanton and around a dozen of his rustlers into an ambush, killing them all.

After that his sons Phineas, Ike and Billy all tried to lead the gang. First off they decided to avoid Mexico so as not to share their father's fate. So they branched out to ranches as far west as California, as far north as Utah and as far east as Texas. Since they were now operating in the states they needed protected so they started bribing the County Sheriff, not just Behan but the ones before him too. But we messed up that plan when my brother Virgil became Tombstone's Marshall and couldn’t be bought. Also, none of Old Man Clanton’s three sons were much as far as gang leadership was concerned, Phineas not being much of a risk taker, Ike being a drunk and Billy being a hothead.

That's when Curly Bill Brocius stepped in and took charge. Things went well for them after that. The silver had played out in Galeyville so the remains of that town soon became a magnet for criminals to gather, increasing the Gang's ranks. Curly then set up shop in the hills nearby with the cooperation of the Apache chief Geronimo. But then Curly Bill messed up and invited Deadeye Douglas to join the gang. That was last January. Curly wound up dead, Deadeye getting the credit for killing him, although we know it was you guys who actually did it.

Deadeye was happy to take the credit for that killing since it made the gang afraid of him. He then organized a series of six stagecoach robberies. I guess don’t have to tell you folks about that Ruby and Jake since you had the misfortune to be riding on the stages during two of them.

Only two of the six robberies were successful, with several dozen Cowboy Gang casualties. That resulted in Deadeye getting into a heated argument with the Gang’s three top lieutenants, Billy Claibourne, Johnny Ringo and Frank Stilwel about the future direction of the gang. They all decided to stop going after stagecoaches but couldn't agree on what next. Deadeye wanted to switch to robbing banks while the others wanted to go back to cattle rustling. About the only thing they could agree on is they needed to get their sawbones back.”

Ruby suddenly speaks up, "What's a sawbones?" she asks with furrowed brows. Earp replies, “Sawbones? Oh, that’s a nickname for a doctor. A couple of things that never made any sense to me was why Dudley Yeats took those shots at me, or why his wife suddenly decided to become an outlaw. Turns out that those two had been affiliated with the Cowboy Gang for well over a year at that point. Dudley and Pamela Yeats had both worked in an Army Hospital for many years, met there in fact, and while neither were licensed physicians they both knew a lot about doctoring. Their Trail Dust Saloon in Promise City was just a front, where they ran an unlicensed medical practice from the back room of their saloon with the Cowboy Gang as their customers.

That incident at the Trail Dust happened on the afternoon of the day when you had taken on a bunch from that gang in the morning. You had left a bunch of wounded, some of whom had made their way into town for doctoring. So when I showed up at the Trail Dust that afternoon to ask Dudley about his Merchant’s Association dues there were Cowboy Gang members recovering from wounds in their back room, including Claibourne. When I started walking towards that part of the building Dudley panicked and began shooting to distract me.

So I arrested Dudley Yeats, he was sentenced by Judge Isby and was then shipped off to Tombstone. Johnny Ringo allowed himself to be arrested and jailed on unrelated charges just to be there to make sure that Yeats hadn’t talk. Deadeye then managed to bust Yeats and some of the other Gang members out of jail, and since they were then obligated to him for the rescue, were convinced to join him for the bank robbery. You know all about that one too Cook, since you got shot up pretty bad.

That failed robbery caused a big revolt in the Gang’s leadership since two men got killed for almost no reward. Deadeye felt a sense of obligation to mount another jailbreak to free the captured Pinto Joe Weems and Pamela Yeats. Claiborne, Stilwell and Ringo strongly disagreed with that idea, figuring it was just another bad idea, plus by then they had lost their confidence in Deadeye as leader.

So Douglas quit the gang, taking Shotgun Sally Fox and Mongo Bailey with him, he mounted a successful jailbreak, and then left the Territory and were last seen in Wyoming. In hindsight that was a pretty stupid move on the Gang’s part, as they not only needed Deadeye’s reputation to help hold the gang together but loosing Pamela Yeats left them without a Doc. Seems she was the top sawbones, not her husband.

In the two months since the Gang was in flux, with each of the three remaining leaders not supporting one another but instead organizing their own factions and securing their own sponsors. Stilwel’s faction was headquartered in Tombstone, Claiborne’s at the farmhouse near Dos Cabezas and Ringo’s in Galeyville.

Things heated up two weeks ago when Morgan caught some rustlers moving cattle through the Dragoon Mountains. He shot and killed all four of them, but there were two more that he hadn't seen who escaped and reported back to Stilwel. He called a council with Claibourne and Ringo and they decided that this was now their time of reckoning against the Earps.

They started preparing for war, stocking large quantities of weapons and ammunition at the farmhouse while Ringo tried to simultaneously recover some items of his that he said he needed which were lost when Curly Bill died. Claiborne managed to steal a Gattling gun from Fort Huachuca and they were bringing it back to the farmhouse when your friends Martin and Nanuet has the misfortune of running into them on the road. As Gifford had just been caught in Promise City before that they assumed Martin and Nanuet were heading to Tombstone with a message for me.

You guys managed to mess up their war plans by then hitting Claiborne’s stronghold, killing Claiborne and all of his followers and destroying all of their stockpiled weapons including the Gattling gun. You were right in thinking that you didn’t leave any witnesses, so they naturally assumed that we Earps who were responsible. Probably still think that unless you’ve told folks otherwise.

Stilwel and Ringo jointly decided to make Virgil and me suffer for what we did by first killing off our siblings. Among their planned targets were my brother James as well as his wife and daughter. That went beyond the pale for Johnson and McMasters. If the leaders had kept it just to the lawmen it would have been one thing, but James and his family were totally innocent. When Johnson and McMasters objected Ringo backtracked and convinced those two he’d abandon that plan and come up with something else. But was lying to them and went ahead with the attacks on Morgan and Warren anyway. That’s when Johnson and McMasters decided to change sides.”

Ruby states, "That's a lot of information Mr. Earp, you must trust us. To be honest, we tried to stay out of all this. But Ringo came to the Lucky Lady and threatened us and the Saloon. Then he implied that he kidnapped Mrs. Kale's ward to get those items you referred to back. So I can understand wanting to protect the people you care about and keep them safe. What are you planning next? What do you want us, or Jake, to do?" Ruby asks the last question a bit nervously.

Earp states, "At this point I have to trust some folks, and since you've actually killed far more Cowboy Gang members that I have why shouldn't I trust you? Right now the Gang is divided. You killed all of Claiborne’s group and part of Ringo's. With Stilwel and Deal now gone that creates further chaos and a deeper leadership vacuum. Leslie is now caught up with Behan's posse so can't do much gang leadership without implicating Behan. So that pretty much leaves only Ringo to try to keep this together.

Johnson and McMasters were with Stilwel's faction and know who almost all of those guys are, so we're going to pick them off one-by-one until there aren't any more left. You're welcome to join us. Or, if you'd prefer, head back east and see what you can do about Ringo and his Galeyville faction. Sounds like that might be more of your immediate concern anyway, but with Warren gone he might just leave Promise City alone."

Ruby closes her eyes. "I don't think Ringo is going to leave us alone." She opens her eyes and looks right at Wyatt. "Do you have any advice on how we can get to him? We've tried to shoot him and something seems... amiss."

Earp replies, "I'm not sure exactly what you mean. He might leave you alone though. He thinks we were responsible for the farmhouse and that shooting in Promise City on Sunday was targeted at Warren. Since there is no telegraph service to Promise City the Cowboy Gang figured that the first word of Morgan’s death wouldn’t arrive until the Sunday evening stage arrived, so they planned on the afternoon assassination of Warren before he even knew that his brother was dead.

Ringo and Deal went there to kill him. Ringo was checking to see if he was in the jail while Deal checked out our rooms at the Great Western. If Warren been in either place he would have been killed. As it was though, he wasn't even in town. I had sent a rider overnight with the news about Morgan and Warren left on that morning’s stage unbeknownst to the Gang. It’s funny, well over half of Promise City had known that since it was apparently announced at the worship service that morning, but cattle rustlers and murderers don’t regularly attend church services. So they went to
all that effort for nothing, with Ringo blowing the alibi that he was working so hard to establish."

Ruby excuses herself and makes her way outside of the house. Before she sits on a bench she notices one of the men behind the rocks smoking a cigarette. She glances down the road and figures enough time has gone by that if someone were following them they would have known by now. She makes her way over to the man. Without asking his name she asks, "Can I get one?" He looks her up and down but she ignores him and asks again, "A cigarette, can I have one?" He smiles, nods and lights one for her. "Thanks." She heads back to the porch and sits on the steps, nervously smoking her cigarette, waiting for the rest of the meeting to be over.

Inside, Jake says, "I don't believe that Ringo is going to leave us alone, best we could expect is for him to regroup and get stronger which only delays the reckoning. With Deal dead and Leslie busy in Tombstone who else is Ringo going to rely on as top men?” Earp replies, "Can't think of anybody other than the Clantons." Jake asks, “Do you know how many men he may have in Galeyville?” Earp replies, "No, not much is known about them, which is why they needed Gifford dead. He was with that group and could have told everything."

Jake says, “How long do you think it will take you to clean up the rest of Stilwell's men? If it was fast enough I'd say we work together to finish that job and then we go after Ringo, the last real leader needs to be put away quickly. If you think it is going to be many days, then I don't think I can leave Ringo that much breathing room." Earp answers, "With Behan after us it could take weeks. It's a safe bet that they'll be expecting us to hit the Clanton Ranch so we'll strike elsewhere instead until we can draw them away from it."

"Weeks." Jake repeats. "I can't disappear for weeks. Besides fighting this war in Promise City, what do you need from me? How do we work together?" Earp says, "I could get word to you on occasion. If you could find out more about the Galeyville group that would help. Other than that I'm not sure, we'll be playing this day-by-day." "So that's it then for now?" Jake turns to Neil and asks, "What are you planning on telling folks about how you got the Earps resignations and the badges?" Neil replies, "For most folks we could just say that they were left for us at either the Cosmopolitan Hotel or Oriental Saloon. But I think that we should probably tell both of the Deputy Marshalls the whole story."

Jake says, "Wyatt, are you going to use this place after we leave? I'm not sure we should tell the whole story, won't that put the Deputies in an awkward situation?" Wyatt says, "No, I doubt I'll be coming back here. Please pass on to Eduardo what I have told you, he may need to know that. Honestly, I'm sorry now that I asked him out here." Jake offers Wyatt his hand, "Good luck then, good hunting."

As Jake and Ruby begin to walk away Wyatt says, "Miss. West, may I speak with you for a moment?" "If there's a law against smoking you can't arrest me now, Mr. Earp," Ruby smiles. Once she sees the look on his face she continues quickly, "I was only kidding Wyatt, of course."
She takes his arm and walks him to a more private spot. They stop walking and she looks at him curiously. "What can I do for you?"

He asks, “Could you please get a message to Josie for me? Ask her to get out of Tombstone as soon as she is able. I’d hate for anything to happen to her." He pauses and then says, "This is insane! She’s Behan’s gal! And I just met her for the very first time last week, and yet there’s a connection there….kind of hard to explain. Now I’m trusting her, a relative stranger and the girlfriend of my enemy with my very life and yet I have no worries about her betraying me. Does that make any sense to you Miss West?”

For once Ruby gives Wyatt Earp a genuine, warm smile. "Yes, it makes sense. Sometimes fate has more plans for you than you have for yourself. I will give her your message and make her understand the urgency. By the way, how do you know Behan is with the Cowboys for sure? There is someone I know who would like that kind of information." Wyatt replies, "Sherm McMasters saw Behan and Stilwel planning together. I've always suspected his involvement, this just confirms it."

Ruby takes a puff on her cigarette. "Thanks, I appreciate that information. I'll get that message to Josie." She starts walking away, but turns back. "Take care of yourself." With that she walks back to Jake. When everyone is ready, they mount up and head back to Tombstone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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