WOIN WOIN new: psionics: is psionic bast affected be armour soak?

Greg Lewis

First Post
I wonder if purely psionic exploits like psionic blast would be affected by armour soak. I can imagine this might be so for game balance reasons but can’t think of an in game reason for it. I also wonder if the same exploit would be stopped by a 3 inch thick Perspex wall

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In general, SOAK only applies to attacks which target MELEE or RANGED DEFENSE (N.E.W. pg 94.) Though, there are a few items in the Psionic Gear article in EONS that provides SOAK to Psionic attacks.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Armour does not protect against psionic damage unless it is specifically designed to do so. Note that not all psionic attacks do psionic damage - some do electricity damage, for example.

Voidrunner's Codex

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