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Wolverine build ideas?


Registered User
Howdy guys, I'd like to build another wolverine... and I am kinda stuck where to get claws or claw like weapons from. Any ideas?

Fast healing: Better proposals than dragon shaman anyone?

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Shifter race (Races of Eberron)
Soulknife class (Expanded Psionic Handbook)
Construct Graft feat (Faiths of Eberron)
Warshaper (Complete Warrior)

Fast Healing:

Suggestion: Shifter race, get as many shifter feats as possible to increase the number of times and the duration you can shift. You qualify for Warshaper because of your shapechanger subtype.


Staff member
I've got one right now who is a Halfling (Logan is short & furry) Ranger/Brb using clawed gauntlets/bladed bracers (I forget which).

(He also has spiked armor and some trogstink grenades because of other influences on the PC design.)

The Rgr levels get him 2WF, the Brb levels give him Rage, Diehard, and Fast Movement...and big HD.

It wasn't available in the campaign, but I'd add or sub some PsyWar levels in there, too. With PsyWar, you get the various Claw powers, plus things like Body Adjustment (Body Adjustment :: d20srd.org) for healing as well as Biofeedback (Biofeedback :: d20srd.org), Thicken Skin (Thicken Skin :: d20srd.org) and Intertial Armor (Inertial Armor :: d20srd.org) for avoiding damage.

In addition, I like the suggestion of the Soulknife class, too...especially if you use Dragon #341's list of Soulknife Feats. Among them is one that lets you choose a weapon with which the PC is proficient and shape the Mindblade into it- its functionally identical to but more broadly drafted than the similar feats listed in Complete Psionic. This would let you shape the PC's mindblades into claws.


Staff member
Other races:

1) Choosing an Anthropomorphic Animal race from Savage Species gets you some of what you want right away.

2) There is also some kind of anthropomorphic race in Planar Handbook that might work- they're either skunk- or badger-esque.


First Post
The Feral Template (if you can take it, 3.0 Savage Species) goes a long way to making Wolverine. Fast Healing!

I also endorse the Razorclaw Shifter Ranger/Barbarian/Warshaper idea.

I think one of the Barbarian varients (or at least Barb PrC) also gives natural attacks.

Amazing Mumford

First Post
If you have access to it, try looking in Dungeon #129-- Chosen of Malar template. It's a big level adjustment, but it gives you fast healing, very nasty claws, a huge Con bonus, and a few other immunities and abilities. Throw a few Rgr/Bbn levels in there for rage, speed, 2-weapon fighting, and Track-- there's a pretty decent Wolverine. You'll just have to figure out some way to get Scent...


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Sphinx Claws soulmeld from Magic of Incarnum--the dwarf in the sphinx claws picture looks like he's fighting almost exactly like Wolverine! If you take two levels of Totemist and the Open Least Chakra feat, you get 1d8+5 claws and can pounce with them.


First Post
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Sphinx Claws soulmeld from Magic of Incarnum--the dwarf in the sphinx claws picture looks like he's fighting almost exactly like Wolverine! If you take two levels of Totemist and the Open Least Chakra feat, you get 1d8+5 claws and can pounce with them.

Agreed, near bottom of this link:
Magic of Incarnum Excerpt

You need to bind the chakra to to totem, but yeah it works.


First Post
Check out king of smack builds. With vampiric claws you have pretty darn good healing. I don't know how to get admantine bones, maybe half contruct/warforged? Just be ready to explain to your DM why you should not be banned, dealing 72d6 in one round and healing 36d6 at the same time usually makes DMs want to burn your sheet.

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