My second vaccine dose is Monday. Tentative plans for an outdoor, in-person game on the evening of May 15.
As mentioned earlier in the thread, the pandemic has actually caused a massive INCREASE in the amount of D&D I'm playing, all of it online, both as a pro DM and with friend groups. My current schedule:
Every other Monday - DMing Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage 6:30pm-8:30pm (friend group)
Every Tuesday - Pro DMing Curse of Strahd 7pm-9pm (they are now level 7 & in the castle; game started in-person but moved online in March 2020)
Two Saturday evenings per month, 6pm-10pm - player in Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus (recorded for ongoing
2-3 Sundays per month 11am-3pm - pro DMing Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden (transitioned last week after completing Lost Mine of Phandelver)
I also run paid and free one-shots maybe a couple times per month.
It's pretty clear to me that from now on, online games will be the rule, not the exception, for me. The Strahd group will likely continue indefinitely, but players relocated during the pandemic and in-person games will be a few times a year at most. For the podcast, it's obviously better for recording quality if everyone works from their home studios. For Rime of the Frostmaiden, players are in New Jersey, Florida, and Copenhagen.
The one group that could most easily return to in-person is the Mad Mage group (which is the one that will be meeting up next month) - but that particular adventure is just WAY easier to run on Roll20 anyway. Even when we do play in person, I am considering using a big projection screen in the backyard to show the Roll20 map.
I think that at this point my in-person games are likely to be more special occasions or at client request.