D&D 5E World building: The forbiddance spell in military application

If teleport is on the table, all generals can retreat to bunkers.

The ones who don't have the possibility of getting Alexander-esque levels of loyalty. (Alexander pouring the extra share of water he was given out in the desert comes to mind) This presumes they are competent generals and not delusional idiots who think they are unbeatable.

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Let's see, a quick search for "permanent" under spells in DDB only adds a bit
  • Temple of the Gods. Creates a temple if you cast it every day for a year. Kind of tricky though because you have to designate who can open the front door.
  • Mighty Fortress. Not as powerful as some of the other spells, but who doesn't like a fortress just 'cuz? You even get invisible servants, how cool is that?
  • Glyph of Warding. Permanent until it's triggered and can cast any spell you want.
Then there are things like continual flame that I incorporate into the world. Having a perfectly safe light always available is something we take for granted. Now take that light and make it available anywhere any time, it would be pretty incredible. It may cost a lot to cast, but most households in my campaign world have one because they literally last forever. You can even go the route of Eberron with magitech, which I do a limited degree.

One question with these spells (forbiddance, hallow, sanctum) that you may want to think about is can they be dispelled if you cast dispel magic at any point that the spell affects? I've always said no, you have to cast it at the point of origin which will typically be well protected.
Teleportation Circle is another one that can become permanent after a year of casting. Kind-of the opposite of what the OP is going for, but still a useful thing to have logistically if you can place it in a defensible location outside of your Forbiddance / Private Sanctum.


Crazy low-tech solution to help against teleportation: Redecorate every day with different materials and furniture arrangements, maybe mix in some Stone Shape, so that even if someone's regularly spying or scrying, the area never becomes Very Familiar.

Crazy low-tech solution to help against teleportation: Redecorate every day with different materials and furniture arrangements, maybe mix in some Stone Shape, so that even if someone's regularly spying or scrying, the area never becomes Very Familiar.
I woke up today and decided I wanted pink and old grudge look mixed... this isn't me changing my mind every day, its for security I swear.


A suffusion of yellow
Back in 3e we played a high level War game where I chose to be a Level 18 Druid using Hallow to lock down my Sacred Mountain from Teleportation and Storm of Vengeance and similar to snipe from a mile away (all the spell needs is a point I can see). Staying in Whirlwind (elemental) form helped too. It was brutal

Voidrunner's Codex

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