WoT Book 11: Knife of Dreams


Knife of Dreams will be released in exactly one week's time. Any thoughts? Speculations? I found book 10 to be entirely dissappointing. Jordan had built up so many plots in book 9, and I though they would come to fruition in book 10, but they didn't. In fact, nothing really happened in book 10. The main characters barely got 2 chapters each.

But I have hope for book 11. A lot of people say that they havn't liked any of the books since book 6, and book 6 was the last one to be thoroughly proof-read and fully edited and re-edited. Well Jordan's taken the hint, and they've gone back to the old way of editing for book 11. Hopefully it will be a good one.

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I'll wait for the series to be finished before I read any more. I'm a little tired of the delays authors like him and Martin seem to have in common.


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Flexor the Mighty! said:
Jeez how many books in this series? :eek:

Jordan seems pretty insistant that it's going to be twelve main sequence books, which is to say one more after Knife of Dreams, and he's under contract for two more prequels.


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Well I have to agree with you that book 10 is the suxx. I am trudging through it in anticipation of the 11th book but it is hard.

I have hopes that book 11 will be more like the first 6 or 7 books. The last 3 have been terrible. I want to finish the series because I have invested so much time and enjoyed the first few immensely, but if 11 is bad I may not wait around for the final installment. If this is the final installment.

I recenly bought the prequel novel but have not read that yet. Hoping it is decent. I like Moiraine (sp?) as a character and was a bit sad to see her go.

In book 11 I think that Perrin and Nynaeve will develop an intimate relationship and Lan will slaughter the both of them. That way I never have to read about either of those boring characters again. Oh, and Faile will be overcome with grief and commit suicide. That will get rid of her as well. At least I still have my dreams.

Since I haven't finished 10 I can't say what I think will happen in 11 but I hope it is better. I want to see more Rand, Mat, and Egwene. Those are the characters I like. Elayne is cool as a secondary character but Perrin and Nynaeve I can do without. I used to like Perrin but he has done nothing for me since the Great Hunt.



Even if book 11 sucks, I'll still have to finish the series. I've invested too much time into it not to.

Here's my anticipation of what will happen:

Perrin, on his way to rescue Faile, is heading straight towards the area where he encountered Slayer in the wolf dream. Which also happened to be right near a tower that suspiciously looked like the tower of the Ael'Finn. So my supposition is that he'll run into Thom Merrilin, and they'll all go to the tower where they'll find Moraine. (Remember the Ael'finn were very insistant about bringing no instruments of music). Then there will be some sort of hodge-podge woman debate between Moraine and Nyneave about Lan.


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Xath said:
Perrin, on his way to rescue Faile, is heading straight towards the area where he encountered Slayer in the wolf dream.

::Groan:: I am only halfway through the 10th book, and he has been looking for her for like 2 books or something now. He doesn't find her by the end of book 10? Ugh.

...and they'll all go to the tower where they'll find Moraine. (Remember the Ael'finn were very insistant about bringing no instruments of music). Then there will be some sort of hodge-podge woman debate between Moraine and Nyneave about Lan.

I hope they do find Moiraine. That would be pretty cool. Maybe she can take Nynaeve out! Sure, healing weaves will be set back into the stone age again but I think the sacrifice will be worth it.

Any thoughts on Rand, Xath?



First Post
I'm sort of hoping the entire planet goes up in a fiery supernova. I'm determined to finish this series (i.e., line Jordan's pockets with undeserved money), but I just want him to put it to bed. Don't even get me started on the sequel thing...

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