D&D (2024) WoTc and TSR... what is D&D


Book-Friend, he/him
Oh yeah! I ran PotA in just that way. We did an episodic "dungeon of the week" campaign with my group of old gaming buddies from college whenever we could get together for a gaming weekend (twice or so a year). It was a blast - very beer and pretzels type of gaming.

Yeah, when I was breaking it down for @GMforPowergamers I was thinking that CoS had more than its share of satisfying locations (every village, the Castle, Amber Temple, the Mountain Pass, the Winery). I guess it's just my tastes, but I'd put any location in CoS against anything in Rime.
Storm King's Thunder I don't remember too much because I heavily altered it because we went way off the (admittedly nonsensical) rails Wizards of the Coast laid for that campaign. If I remember right, the Fire Giant area was really solid, though.
The rails are usually the weakest parts of these books, though some (Curse of Strahd, Tomb of Annihilation) are better at that than others (SKT, Tyranny of Dragons).

But bust open SKT, look at the chapter titles and page counts.

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Victoria Rules
This is really apparent in Ghosts of Saltmarsh. It's three interconnected modules (U1-3) and four additional (unrelated, but fitting theme-wise) old Dungeon Magazine adventures rolled into one book, with some extras (Seaborne encounter tables, extra maps and rules/stats for seaborne vessels).
The more I hear about GoS the more I find myself thinking I really should give it a long hard look sometime. :)


The more I hear about GoS the more I find myself thinking I really should give it a long hard look sometime. :)
I bought it for myself on Amazon for Christmas one year. I think they were doing a buy 2-get-1 free deal - I picked up Saltmarsh, Eberron, and Descent into Avernus. (I tell myself Avernus was the free one - it makes me feel better.)
I really liked the original Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh adventure. I had converted it to 3.x back in the day and had a great time. Then it was the first thing I tried to run in the D&D Next Playtest.
I was thinking about running it for my 5e group, but one of the players had to go and buy the adventure and read the whole thing. Now it's on my "can't run it list."
But the Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh is definitely solid - the other two in the trilogy (Dunwater and the Final Enemy) are less so. I don't really know about the rest of the compilation's contents.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
It's certainly better here than on other forums I've frequented in the past, but almost any discussion where it comes up, you'll find a "that guy" spouting some of the same old "it's too anime" "it's WoW the rpg" "it wasn't D&D" nonsense that makes a person very tired. Why the last guy who said stuff like that in a thread I was in was so tired about it he started yawning!
There are also forums, like rpg.net, where the 4e love is almost over-effusive. At least here you get a rounder picture.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I joke with people about that being a major offense... but I skip from encounter at far point to tasha's death, to season 3 myself so no stones to throw. (I know in there is an Okay Romulan episode and a GOD awful planet Africa/polyamory episode...but I can't remember much else)
Measure of a Man from TNG season 2 is top-notch. Carries forward thematically to a lot of future Trek too.


They started with Hoard of the Dragon Queen in 2014, and just put out Call of the Netherdeep.

All of the 5E Adventure books have chapters that are "coincidently" about 16-32 pages long. When Perkins was on Dragon Talk for the Tyranny of Dragons reprint he was pretty open about how they design the books as bundles of modules with removable veneer of story that can be mixed and matched.
I’ll have to disagree with him because they failed at that.


Book-Friend, he/him
I’ll have to disagree with him because they failed at that.
I'm not gong to claim they are all winners (since this was in the context of Tyranny of Dragons), but name any of the Adventure "paths" and you can break out how they have individual chapters that are equivalent to older modules.

Voidrunner's Codex

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