I'm excited to see more from the Dungeon Dudes and Ghostfire Gaming, and I'm excited to see Griffon's Saddlebag as well.
I'm only really interested in the rest of the Tome of Beasts and the Creature Codex from Kobold Press, as their other products that I have tried to use have been rather lackluster for me personally but I know a lot of people really like their content so I'm happy to see more coming to DDB
I haven't had much exposure to the content made by Hit Point Press, though I'm excited for their Floral Dragons book.
I don't think I have seen much content from Free League or Loot Tavern, but I'm interested in seeing what products will be coming to DDB.
Honestly, MCDM is the only one that I'm really not interested in at all, but still a lot of people like their products so I'm happy to see them included here for others' sake.
All in all its a good line up, and I do hope to see more creators join as time goes on.