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Guys, knock it off with the "troll" accusations. If you have something constructive to add, please do, otherwise keep out of it.

Ashrem Bayle

Consider me chastized.

If in fact this post is legit, reffer to my first post for constructive advice.

Further constructive advice:

In the future, it is better that your first post doesn't have such a controversial subject. ;)


Half-breed, still living despite WotC racism
I believe it's likely the post is legit. I've toured Print shops and I've been trained at working a press. I've a good idea of what can go wrong and personally find it amazing when anything actually goes right. :D

However you do have a hard case to prove after 6 months.

If I were WotC I'd want to see the book in person to be sure there was no glue on the inside, and the moment I found the razor blade marks I'd be very unlikely to validate your claims.

That said; my books have held up very well. Which is the case for me with all my RPG book from various games despite all the claims I always see on the net.

I've only ever had one book fall apart. 1st printing of 3E GURPS. The glue on the 'perfect bind' hardened and cracked off. But the book was also not well treated. It was a buy in the days when I'd learned to handle books right after getting into 'Comics speculation' but before I'd started a full 'hands off' policy on my books with my fellow gamers.

I'd also been a fool and followed SJG's own advice and 'flattened the book down' to make it easier to read.

Something I never do now. I've caught people grabbing my books and trying to do it and it's a very good way to really tick me off.

I watch people at the table who claim they treat books well... and I've only seen one, maybe two people in the last 15 or so years since I started taking care that actually met my standards. Most of them; I know full well why their books fall apart but I refrain from saying anything to save their egos.
Last edited:


Been here a while...
This won't change the fact that you feel ripped off, but...

try going to your local public or college library. They may be able to reglue/rebind it for you for a small "donation". Back in college, a friend of mine worked at the library. Practically all she did was repair and rebind books.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
Well I have made my dissatifaction with the binding on the 3e books well known. You can't lay them open on a table or the binding gives. And to flog a dead horse I still have 1977-1980 copies of the original "core" books and they have PERFECT binding and I can lay them open flat and stack other books on top of them. :D


Flexor the Mighty! said:
Well I have made my dissatifaction with the binding on the 3e books well known. You can't lay them open on a table or the binding gives. And to flog a dead horse I still have 1977-1980 copies of the original "core" books and they have PERFECT binding and I can lay them open flat and stack other books on top of them. :D

The 1e books were also a lot *thinner*.

I actually use the SRD for most of my game planning/designing/etc. It fits on my iPaq, and I have copies on all my computers, so I'm never without the 'core rules'.

I have to inspect each book out before I even decide if I want to buy it. I have become so obsessed with the condition of my books at the time of purchase, I actually have my own standards. If the book fails one, it is put back on the shelf.

Buying online, you just do not know the condition that you are receiving. I would have recommended returned the book when you first received it and just asked for another book.

Though my friends mock me, ensuring the quality of the book at the time of purchase, saves much hassle when other books start falling apart. Of course, it could be that I am just entirely too anal about my books! :)


Thats nothing, my DMG is missing pages 19-45, and like a real dumbass it took me 8 months to finally notice it. Too late to take it back or anything. I guess i am going to have to breakdown and by a new one.


Rashak Mani

First Post
Overall this is a good Reason why online sales will never overtake going to a shop and buying a nice new book you can look at... nobody likes surprises.

As for e-mail responses... Dragon Magazine after a second and more AFFIRMATIVE answer promptly helped me out. The normal isnt this thou.

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