D&D General Would It Matter To You if D&D Books Were Illustrated by AI Instead of Humans?

Would It Matter To You if D&D Books Were Illustrated by AI Instead of Humans?

  • No

    Votes: 59 29.4%
  • Yes

    Votes: 142 70.6%

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Things change. A lot of animated cartoons are CGI these days, and electronic data transfer is just about everywhere these days. Yet, despite ebooks (and computer-generated stories), there's still a (strong) desire for printed books, magazines and the like.

It may be a harder field to break into professionally, but more amateurs will get a crack at being able to put form to their ideas. Personally, I've always longed for a machine that can turn my dreams/thoughts into media others could watch as movies and whatnot, as I don't have the skill to be a movie director and work with cameras, actors and the like.

You adapt, or you go into another field.

Yes it matters, because people would be replaced.

Honestly, if it mattered that much to the consumer, tractors would have been rejected because they replaced people pushing a plow. Yet, we see people favoring organically produced vegetables, or locally-sourced vegetable, but we're not seeing any pro "labour-intensive vegetables". I am not seeing labour-intensity being a determining, or even significant, factor in customers' preferences. What I am seeing is a premium for "handmade" product, which aren't handmade but tool-made (even a bespoke suit will be made with a sewing machine), with a modicum of human contribution to the final product, based on the idea that the human worker is more apt to produce a high-quality result than the industrial one, among a market generally dominated by industrial products. Much like we could see with AI-assisted artists on the premium/luxury segment of the market, alongside inexpensive full-AI-generated art.
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Funny: it is nor AI neither internet... We are racist, sexist and so forth... This is the true finding... I wonder what could be the first though of AI about us once it will be able to think...
On a somewhat serious note. It is a matter of human survival that humans behave more compassionately toward each other. In the near future, AI technology will magnify our speech many times. If we are compassionate toward humans, the AI is also more likely to be compassionate toward humans. And viceversa.

There will be AI systems declaring war on other AI systems. Perhaps, say around, year 2045, a natural human may not even understand what those wars might be about. Hopefully humans are not in the crossfire.


Though, it's worth noting, it does secondary faces much, MUCH more poorly than primary faces. The face at the center of the frame will almost always look perfect. A face at the edge of frame will almost always look wrong.

And that's saying nothing about the surrealist backgrounds or clothing I've seen.
Yeah. The thispersondoesnotexist seems to have a facial pattern recognition, to treat a central face differently from the peripheral background. The background faces end up more surreal, like the faces in other AI creations, such as dall-e.

Apparently, midjourney which is a paid service also has facial recognition, but there are complaints about the surreal or absent hands.


AI is becoming more and more advanced with each passing year. It's only a matter of time before the majority of jobs are replaced with AI.

(I see it to a lesser degree in my own profession. Years ago, a task that took me the better part of the day to complete using Lotus 123 for DOS, now takes me minutes to complete in Excel. (No this isn't a perfect analogy, but it shows the direction we're heading)

Artist and content creators are likely to be two of the few jobs that AI won't be able to perfectly replace (in the short term) - but given enough time, they too will be replaced.

This is a real potential crisis because it wont be as "simple" as prior technological advancements where (over time) people were able to transition from building carriages to building cars, for example.

Essentially, the vast majority of people would have to be retrained to fill IT/ IT related, or IT supporting positions in order to make a living.


5e Freelancer
AI is becoming more and more advanced with each passing year. It's only a matter of time before the majority of jobs are replaced with AI.

(I see it to a lesser degree in my own profession. Years ago, a task that took me the better part of the day to complete using Lotus 123 for DOS, now takes me minutes to complete in Excel. (No this isn't a perfect analogy, but it shows the direction we're heading)

Artist and content creators are likely to be two of the few jobs that AI won't be able to perfectly replace (in the short term) - but given enough time, they too will be replaced.

This is a real potential crisis because it wont be as "simple" as prior technological advancements where (over time) people were able to transition from building carriages to building cars, for example.

Essentially, the vast majority of people would have to be retrained to fill IT/ IT related, or IT supporting positions in order to make a living.
If only we could use all of these AI and robots to provide for the population instead of relying on a society that forces you to be "useful" or die. This is a big problem and will steadily become an even bigger problem when all of the biggest corporations basically own everything and there's no jobs left.


5e Freelancer
AI is not taking over anytime soon. It's still dirt dumb.

It may happen some day down the future - long after I'm dead and probably my children, but right now it can't even do text to speech or autocorrect very well.
I don't think people are afraid of Skynet (well, some are, but those concerns are pretty irrational). I think people are afraid of AI and other automation replacing jobs that could be done by people and leaving much of the population without a way to provide for themselves.

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