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Wraith's Whispers - CoSQ (Update: 4/5/04)


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Greetings and salutations. I hope you enjoy my writing and my story. My players and I are really enjoying this game.

If you want details on adventures, settings, characters, NPCs, etc, just let me know. As long as the knowledge would not effect the players, then I will give details freely. Also you can check out my website (see my signiature) for some NPC info, player character details, and other fun stuff.

This is a modified version of the City of the Spider Queen Campaign. I have crafted a prologue and taken many liberties with what was already a fine campaign. Kudos to its author. It really is a smart set up.

4/5/04: Updated! Playing tonight. Some 'off camera' scenes in this update as well. Really enjoyed writing this update.
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Session 1

Dagger Falls, Daggerdale, Faerun - Spring

The town of Dagger Falls is rough around the edges. Civil war has the effect on people. Weapons are common, so are rough attitudes, and even rougher people.

"Buncha, damned sissies!" The dwarf stomped away from the front door, slamming it closed behind him. He stood in the street and fumed. "Won't nobody help me with freein' me mines?" A thought occured to him. Randall Morn, the city's ruler, might be able to help him find someone.

A few hours later...

"I understand your predicament, Master Alepounder, but you must also understand mine, I just don't have the men to spare. The Zhentarim could make another move on Dagger Falls at any moment. News has already come of more raids in the northern most farms. I just can't spare anyone."

"Please, call me Durgaden. Ifn' ya can't spare men, then mayhaps you could point me towards a place where I might find some people willing to help me." Durgaden Alepounder was getting desperate. He would even take nondwaves with him at this point. He was finally prepared to take back his home. The great dwarven mines of Tethyamar would once again sing with sound of dwarven hammers and forges.

"Try the Blackened Chalice," Morn shuffled a few pieces of parchment from in front of him into his desk. "Most of the people looking for work around here end up there at some point or another."

"Great. Much obliged, and when me mines are once again flowing, you can rest assured that Dagger Falls will be a welcome trading partner!"

"Indeed." Morn tried to smile. "Now if you don't mind I have -"

"One other thing... coulda have some write me up something I can post at the Blackened Chalice, me common handwritin' ain't so good."

Morn stiffled his distaste. "Of course." He scribbled something onto a piece of parchment and handed it to Durgaden. "Show this to my assistant, he will get you a scribe."

"Wonderful!" Durgaden turned and walked out, the massive iron shield strapped to his back had a large mug of ale partially tipped over, brimming with foamey ale, the first few tastes pouring out one side. Morn just shook his head, assuming it was the last time he would ever hear of Durgaden Alepounder.


Tanerus listened from his seat, lifting the large ale mug in both hands so as not to tip it. He once again thought of buying his own ale mug and carrying it with went he came into taverns, human mugs were so cumbersome. But knowing humans, they would charge him human prices for halfling portions. Oh well.


The front door to the Chalice burst open and grey haired dwarf dressed in a breast plate with a huge shield and axe slung across his back strode in and looked around. Spying the large central pillar covered with notices, the dwarf stomped up and began ripping of other notices, pulling the nails out of them. He unrolled a large notice of his own and began using the nails to post it soundly on the column. He failed to notice the dozen or so nails without notices that stuck out, unused, from the column.

Tanerus stood and walked over and read the dwarf's notice. Interesting, the dwarf was headed to the Mines of Tethyamar. Sounded like it was were he was headed. Might as well get paid.

"How much you paying for help?" Tanerus asked.

"Paying? Uh... well you get to keep part of the treasure we find. But the mines are mine." The dwarf seemed pleased with himself. Normally Tanerus would bargain a bit, but he wasn't really after the pay anyways. "Alright. I'm interested..."

"Great. We are meeting atop Fallen Stone hill. Right outside of town." The dwarf turned and walked toward the door, humming some sort of drinking song as he went.

Tanerus slipped out behind the dwarf but knew he had to make a stop first. The alchemist's shop was dusty. But then Tanerus had never been to one that wasn't. A small bell chimed as he slipped through the door, and the purveyor looked down at the small fellow. "By the gods, a Ghostwise... what are you doing in these parts little one?"

"How do you know what I am?" The xenophobia was ingrained in his being. No one really knew about the Ghostwise Halflings, at least not many, and being confronted with his heritage kinda startled Tanerus.

"I get around. What can I do for you?" The old man pushed his glasses up a bit on his nose, a futile effort rewarded only for a moment with clear sight before the glasses slid back down.

"I need a healing potion."

"Healing potion eh? What strength? I have, 'Ouch that was a nasty paper cut' all the way to 'Oh no, I accidentally lopped off my hand.'"

Tanerus smirked, "Something in between."

"How about 'I just cut myself really bad with my knife and need to stop the bleeding'?" The old man produced a potion bottle filled with a blueish colored liquid.

"That'll do." A few minutes later Tanerus was walking out of the gates of Daggerfalls. Atop the hill outside of town, Fallen Stone Hill, lay two massive ancient menhirs. Set between them was a massive inferno of campfire. The dwarf could be seen adding even more wood to the fire. "Subtle," Tanerus muttered as he strode up the hill.


A knock rang out through the apartment, and its owner went to the door. The place was neat, but well used. Most of its more important contents were neatly packed in a bag on the table. Someone was preparing for a trip.

"Will, glad you are here. Remember that book I gave you? The one that talked about the mines that you were so interested in?"

William Farseer opened the door farther so his cousin could come in, "Yes."

"Well some dwarf is name Beerguzzler, or something, is leading an expedition there." Gerik seemed more excited that he had found out the news for Will than in the news itself.

Will smiled, "Really? Where is now?" He walked over and picked up his crossbow, slung his quiver over his shoulder and his bag over his other shoulder. "When are they leaving?"

"I don't know when they are leaving, but hes up at Fallen Stone Hill, burning the place down."

Will looked at his cousin, one eyebrow raised.

"Well it is a really big bonfire... though I suppose you can't really burn down a hill. I mean hills don't burn. Well, the grass would, but not the earth or the rock. Especially not those rocks. They are probably enchanted. I'll shut up now." Gerik snapped his mouth shut and waited for Will to say something.

Will looked around, ignoring his cousin for a few more moments. He had everything he needed. He held out his arm, his pet owl flew from its perch and landed on his thick bracer. "Its okay Gerik. Thanks for telling me. You will look after my apartment while I'm gone right?"

"What else is family good for?" Gerik beemed, Will had a great apartment.

Will tossed Gerik a key and walked out, calling back, "Stay out of the dresser, its enchanted and will know if you get into it." Gerik looked at the dresser in awe. An enchanted dresser, such neat things adventurers bring home. He wondered if Will would bring him home anything. Walking across the room toward the cupboards he gave the dresser a wide berth.


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Session 1 (Continued)

Will knew his horse would make enough noise that even the loud drinking dwarf would hear him coming. What did surprise him though, was the small wild looking halfling that sat with the dwarf. The little one had darker skin than most halflings, and though his clothing was civilized he seemed a bit... wild.

"Greetings human!" The dwarf raised a mug at him. Will smiled and nodded, "I hear you need help clearing out the mines. I might be interested."

"Aye. Me mines awaiting. Nothing but a bunch of goblin and orc sissies sitting about waiting to have the heads stomped in."

"Thats funny, I had read the mines fell to a horde lead by demons."

"Bah! Foolish talk! I been out there and scouted it out meself. No demons. Just some orcs and maybe a few humans. Its nothing. You interested in helping?"

"I suppose so." Will knew there was more to this, but he did not really see any point in dragging this conversation out. "Its getting dark, we leaving in the morning?"

"Aye. Want some ale?"

A couple hours passed and just as they were getting ready to bed down for the night a low howl rolled across the rough terrain to the north of them. The winds swayed in the night breeze and at first they thought it was just the wind, but then it came again, a low bellowing howl. It seems the fire had gotten something's attention.

The three scrambled to their feet, Durgaden pulled out his shield and axe and took up position between the where the two massive menhirs almost came together. Will stood behind him and off to one side, staring into the darkness. Tanerus slipped out of the back of camp, into the night. The soft glow of the light of town to the south revealed an ancient fallen tree at the base of the hill. Beyond that, rough grasslands spread into the darkness.

From out of the depths of darkness, shapes began to be made out. One large form, followed by several smaller forms.

Durgaden reached down, picked up a massive leg of lamb he had been eating on and tossed it out into the darkness, "Chew on this a while!" The response was unmistakable. The large creature bellowed out a yell and began charging toward the group, covering lots of ground with its massive stride. As it came closer, it was finally visible for what it was, an ogre. Beyond it, the smaller forms (about the size of humans) stopped and flight of bolts flew out at the party. They clanked harmlessly off the ancient rocks, but Durgaden and Will had sense enough to get out of the open.

The ogre reached the massive fallen tree and started to climb over it. Another few moments and he would be on them. Durgaden grinned and gripped his axe tightly. Soft enchanting words came from behind him. Startled he turned to see that Will had both feet planted and his hair was whipping back in some otherworldly wind. The last syllables left Wills lips and he pointed at the ogre. Giant black tentacles sprouted from the side of the tree and began grabbing at the ogre, squeezing and pulling the massive beast in every direction.

Durgaden swallowed and then nodded to Will, as another flight of bolts bounced off the fallen menhirs. Tanerus continued to make his way hidden around the hill, he stopped dead upon seeing the writhing tentacles ahead. Just as he made out what it was he was seeing loud wet ripping noises came from the massive of tentacles and the ogres screams died quickly as it was ripped limb from limb.

The black tentacles seemed content to each writhe in the air, bits of the ogre grasped in each tentacle. Durgaden blinked, not believing his eyes, "Thats some magic you got there Will!" His praise was cut short by another volley of bolts aimed at their position. Will stepped out from the cover, raised his hands and began chanting again, this time a reddish glow appear between his hands, his hair whipped back from his face as he shouted the last arcane words pushing the pea shaped ball of fire out at the archers.

It arced across the plain, spiralling, growing, till it landed and blossomed into a massive explosion of fire. Tanerus through up his hand to protect his eyes from the light. He blinked a few times and when his eyes finally readjusted to the darkness, none of the archers stood. The few closest to the center of the blast were completely destroyed. Durgaden whistled, "That is SOME magic you got there Will!"


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Session 1 (cont)

The next morning found the party making their way towards the mountains east of Daggerfalls. The journey up the side of the mountains was hard, but there was a path to follow, so at least the way was clear. Eventually the party came to the top of the ridge marking the highest point in the pass they were travelling through.

The mountainous Tethyamar Road seems nearly impassable by wagon, but the semifresh ruts dug into the road seems to indicate otherwise. The amount of work it would take to get a caravan along this road seems almost not worth the effort, but traveling far to the south, to get around the mountains and the desert beyond would mean traveling through Cormyr and some people just don’t want the scrutiny of such a public path.

The road heads up the side of the mountain where the grade is the lowest. Huge rocky protrusions sprout everywhere with moss and other higher elevation greenery growing between and on the rocks. The path somehow meanders through the protrusions taking an eternity to finally crest this part of the mountain. From the crest you feel like you can see for leagues. The road itself snakes down the other side of the mountain and dips into the dark recesses of the Border Forest. Beyond that lies the great Anauroch Desert.

Your awe inspired view is disrupted though, when you hear the sounds of battle below. Through the rocky crags you can see a huge figure being harassed by several smaller figures, from here it looks like they could be human or orcs. They are using crossbows to pepper the beast from different directions. Each time the beast turns his attention to one of the small groups, they begin to retreat. That seems to be the cue for the second group to relaunch their attack. All the while, a single pair stands far off to the side, watching the whole scene unfold.

Durgaden rubbed his beard a moment, "That be a stone giant!" But something was wrong with the giant, all of them could tell. It whipped its head back and forth each time it was attacked, and swung wildly as it stumbled about.

Tanerus voiced what they all thought, "They've blinded it." It was about that time, that one of the pair of attackers watching from beyond the battle pointed up toward the group and began talking to the other of the pair.

The one pointing out the party was slender, feminine, draped in a massive cloak and laying against a large boulder. The other was an armor clad brute of a man, broad shouldered, carrying a bastard sword and black shield. He took up his weapons and began striding up the hill towards the giant. His companion seemed to peel herself from the stone and threw up her hands and began chanting.

Will frowned muttering, "Incoming." He too threw up his hands and began casting.

Durgaden growled, "But this ain't our fight, we should let em kill the giant and move on." He drew his axe and spurred his mule forward nonetheless. They were going to be drawn into this anyways it seemed.

Tanerus dug his heals into his riding dog and the two shot down the trail. The trail was rocky and winding and the footing was treacherous, but Tanerus knew how to lean into the turns, and lean back to aid the dog in descent, so things were going well for him.

Durgaden on the other hand was all curses. His mule wasn't fairing so well.

High above the battlefield, energies collided as the sorceress' spell collided with Will counterspell. Rage red fire collided with an intense blueish black ball that Will had thrown forward. With the sound of a howling wind both spells dissappeared into the weave.

Durgaden let out a hoot and waved his axe, still trying to reach the battlesite below. "No saucey spellflinging wench gets past Alepounder's crew! Har!"

Will smiled and began to cast his own spell. "See how they like it when the giant isn't blind...." A small arc of energy left Will's hands and blossomed into a blue glowing bubble that centered on the giant and grwe outward before fading from sight. It seemed to have no effect at all on the giant's blindness.

The sorceress took advantage of Will's distraction with the dispel magic to toss another fireball, this one, Will could not counter. It blossomed into a raging inferno around Durgaden and Tanerus. But when the flames fell away, both were still standing. Tanerus had somehow ducked into a small crack beneath a boulder and was unharmed. Durgaden, though blackened seemed only to get madder.

Tanerus rolled to his feet, as two of the archers switched to swords and charged him. They were overconfident, leering as they tried to cut down the little halfling, but this package was more than they bargained for. He lept to one side, caught with minor blows to one arm, and thrust his small sword deep into one man's stomach. Though it did not kill him in one blow, a twist and a wrench and the man fell back dead.

Screeching in rage, the sorceress flung her hands forward again, muttering faster arcane words, a short spell that Will somehow managed to match arcane symbol for arcane symbol. Bolts of energy flew from her hands, arching up toward Will. He smiled as his own bolts flew, unerringly smashing into hers. Her bolts fizzled when hit and small harmless sprinkles of magic rained from their interception.

The armored assailant reached the giant and began to cut the blind beast hard. He hack at the creatures legs first, hoping to bring it down to finish it off.

The sorceress slinked forward, putting herself behind a boulder so Will could not see her, just the other side of where the giant battled her companion.

Tanerus sparred with the other fellow attacking him, the rest of the archers kept on the giant, seeming determined to bring him down. One archer turned and began up the hill toward Will, dropping his bow and drawing his sword. Durgaden arrived and easily cut down one of the archers moving to intercept him.

Without the sorceress in sight, Will decided to take the offensive, his incantation complete a mass of webs began roping between several boulders, soon, the giant, his assailant, the sorceress, and several of the henchmen where caught up in the sticky substance.

Durgaden and Tanerus continued to dispatch the stragglers of the archers, seeing that they could not get into the web to do anything there anyways.

A loud bellow erupted from the web and the armor clad assailant came flying from within the web, his shield bent in half and his armor severly dented. The giant had apparently finally made contact with something. The black armor clad assailant fell in a heap, sliding to a halt at the base of a boulder.

Will began a now somewhat familiar incantation and black tentacles grew inside the webs, grabbing at anything they could find. He had aimed the spell back, away from where the giant was emerging from the web, knowing that was where the sorceress had been. But the screams from within where only masculine.

Tanerus was busy with a few more archers, as Durgaden turned toward the man clad in the black armor. The man stirred, and Tanerus yelled to him, "Ye can be given up now or later!" The man's response was to quaff a potion. It seemed to clear his head and he gained his feet quickly. A pair of his henchmen rounded the boulder to help protect him. Durgaden just smiled, "Thats how you want it eh? So be it!"

The one that had climbed up the hill at Will was getting closer, so Will intone a quick protection magic, turning his skin hard as rock. Then from behind a nearby boulder slunk out the sorceress! She had used some sort of transporting magic to escape the webs. Will saw his companions far into the valley, with him alone with these two and swallowed hard, this might not end well after all...


First Post
An aside...

I would love to hear some comments, questions, anything. :p I'm a feedback junky, so please don't be bashful. Oh and the rest of session 1 and session 2 should be posted shortly.

- Wraith
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Session 1 (wrap-up)

The sword swung out at Will, but clanged harmlessly off his stoney skin again and again. Will tried to keep his attention focused on the sorceress, without ignoring the man attacking him.

At this distance Will could tell that the sorceress was not human, she moved more like a snake, and was covered in soft scales. Her ears were pointed, and her eyes glowed a dull red. Will had seen and heard of the these creatures before, she was demon tainted.

She locked eyes with Will and smiled. Her voice was unearthly and seemed to cut straight to his heart. "*Don't attack me... We can be friends... we can work together...*" Will started to lower his arms, his eyes where caught in her gaze and he felt like a blanket had been thrown over his mind.

He thought how lovely she might truely be. How his heart longed to be with her for eternity. Perhaps they could work together. With their combined magic who knows... they might even...

Will blinked and shook his head. "What the hell am I thinking? No!" Quickly he incanted a spell and globe of protection sprung up around him. The sorceress screeched as his her charm faded harmlessly away and threw up her hand, a black bolt flying forth at Will. He dodged to one side and the bolt sizzled as it impacted behind him. It had gone right through his globe, it was indeed powerful magic, worse she hadn't even cast a spell... that was some sort of innate charm and attack ability. Will wondered if the travel magic she used was innate as well. It would explain how she got out of the webs.

Tanerus dispatched the last of the archers on him and turned to see Durgaden deep in melee with three, including their leader. But Durgaden seemed to be in his element. His feet were planted and he seemed to just know where attacks were coming from. His armor and shield would always be angled to catch the blow just right, and his axe lashed out in revenge again and again.

Tanerus smiled, Durgaden didn't need his help, but he was gonna get it anyways. He stepped up behind one of Durgaden's assailants, lept up, grabbed the back of the mans shoulder, planted a foot in the small of the man's back and from his little perch, easily slid his sword through the mans neck, severing his spine and ending his life in a flash.

The leader fell, cleaved down one shoulder, almost to his waist. Durgaden grimaced, the man's bastard sword had cut him deep, but there was plenty of fight left in the stout dwarf. The last man fell quickly to the combined sword and axe of Tanerus and Durgaden.

The sorceress tried another fireball, but again Will countered. The man in front of Will seemed downright frantic, clanging his sword off of Will again and again. Durgaden and Tanerus turned and began racing as fast as they could up the hill.

The sorceress launched into another fireball incantation, and Will's face fell... he just was not prepared for this many. Flames raced over him and his assailant. Will stumbled back, his assailant nearly dissentegrated in the flames. When the flames receeded, Will was still standing, though shakey. He through his arms forward and cast a quick minor spell at the sorceress, catching her off guard. Her limbs began to move slower, her movements seemed like she was in water. She screemed in anger, an unearthly screem, not due to the slow spell, but rather due to her heritage.

Tanerus and Durgaden got closer, charging as fast as they could up the hill toward the demonic sorceress. Her gaze moved from party member to party member, as her hand slowly moved up to unclasp the large cloak that covered her. As the cloak fell to the ground massive batlike wings unfolded from her back.

"No!" Tanerus yelled and whipped a knife out of his sleeve and pulled back to throw it. Durgaden pulled a hand axe from his back and also looked to throw. Will slumped to his knees, looking down at his hands. He was spent. All his energy was gone. The few minor spells he still had prepared would do nothing to keep her from getting away.

As the sorceress spiralled slowly up and away, Tanerus and Durgaden both lowered and then stored their weapons. There was no way they would make a throw that long. This one would just have to get away. With ground so rocky, and the direction she was headed, there was no way they could trail her, and eventually the slow spell would wear off and she would fly even faster away.

Will sighed and stood up. Durgaden looked back at the giant, who had sat down on a large boulder. Tanerus began searching the body of the closest fallen foe. No one had much to say. It had been a tough fight, and it seemed their main foe had gotten away.

End Session 1


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Character Info

sparhawk said:
Can you provide some character information?

Sure. Are you interested in the PCs or NPCs they faced?

The Ogre in Encounter 1 was a 4th level barbarian. He had 68 hit points and went down so fast it was not even funny. I had originally designed the encounter a little easy since the party was one member light. After that I decided not to let up on Encounter 2.

The henchman in encounter 2 where all level 2 warriors, humans and orcs. The Lt was a 6th level fighter. The sorceress got away so I won't be giving out any info on her.

Quick PC Run down:

Will is a Human Invoker, Level 8. He hates wizards that dress in pointy hats and carry signs that say shoot me first, I'm the mage. So he prefers to carry his crossbow visibly, and travel in travellers garb, hoping to be mistaken as a ranger or even just a nobleman. His family are merchants in Daggerfalls, so he is fairly well off.

Durgen Alepounder (which I thought was Durgaden, I will have to check with the player on that one) is a Shield Dwarven Defender/Fighter, Level 1/7. He is a descendant from dwarves that resided in Tethyamar wastes no opportunity to call Tethyamar 'me mines'.

Tanerus (not his real name) is a Ghostwise Halfing Fighter/Rogue, level 2/6. Originally Tanerus was going to take enough levels of fighter to get specialization, but now he is really leaning toward the Shadowdancer prestige class. If there is one thing he does REALLY well, its be sneaky. REALLY sneaky.

Amador (introduced in Session 2) is a Moon Elf Cleric/WarPriest of Corellian Lorethian, Level 7/1. He is very devoted to his worship of Corellian and his elven heritage is very important to him.

Oh and the quoted text in Session 1 is my typed description for an area, so you guys get a feel for what my players are told for the area, etc. I like to do descriptive texts when I have the time, so I might as well share them, eh?
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Session 2

Somewhere in the Mountains West of Daggerfalls

"So giant, why should I be saving ye, and not cutting ye off at the knees?"

What have I ever done to you?

"You're a giant, ye kin and my kin are always fightin'! Ye probably killed plenty a dwarf in yer day."

Not my kin.

"Well what are you doing in these parts?" Durgaden wanted any excuse possible to cut the giant down. His blood boiled at the thought of helping a giant. Next he would be helping drow!


Tanerus piped in, "Travelling where?" He had collected all the items of interest off the bodies.

Will was surveying the items, a quick enchantment cast on himself to see which of the items were magical. He pointed to the potion they had found off the leader, "Just the potion, Tanerus."

To the woods. The giant pointed north.

"Where ye be from?"

The mountains. The giant pointed to the south.

Tanerus asked, "Why are you going to the woods?"

The giant smiled and patted his large club. My club does well, but I think its time for a new one. There are good trees in the woods, not like the scraggly little trees in the mountains.

"Yer goin' to the woods to get a new club?"

Will turned to the giant, "Giant, I can temporarily dispel the blindness if you don't mind me getting close." He mounted his horse as the giant agreed. Will moved his horse closer, and his globe of invulnerability engulfed the giants head the giant blinked and smiled.

Much better... but only temporary?

"I can cure the blindness, but not until tomorrow and we have a ways to travel yet today. But the real question is why should I cure you?"

I'll pay you... with this. The giant pulled a large gem from his pouch. In the giants hands it looked tiny, but in truth it was a fairly decent sized gem.

"Sounds good to me."

"What? Are ye daft?" Durgaden really couldn't argue the point. But he didn't have to be happy about it.

"We'll tie a rope to my mount and lead you with that, until such time as I can gain some rest and cure you."

Very well then.

With that, the party was off, they quickly made their way down out of the mountains and began into the forest.

Tanerus called a halt. "There is a figure moving up ahead."


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Session 2 (Cont)

Tanerus rolled off his dog and into the brush so quickly and quietly it was near impossible to see him, even though Durgaden and Will saw him move off. Sure enough, some 90 feet away, a figure wearing chainmail, carrying a sword, led a horse through the less denser portions of brush.

As Tanerus crept forward he could tell that the figure was actually elven, a moon elf at that. He slipped in behind the moon elf about the time the moon elf saw the rest of the party and decided to hunker down behind some brush. Try as he might though, the elf couldn't get his steed to be very stealth.

"Oi! No use hidin'. We done already seen ya!" Durgaden's voice rolled through the trees. To the elf it sounded like boulder's crashing against a hillside. So much noise from one so little.

"Yes, but I don't know you and you don't know me." The elf's reply made a bit of sense. "Besides that, you are travelling with a giant."

"Eh him? He's blind. We are just gonna help him. Come closer sos I don't hafta yell so much!" The elf thought anything was preferable to the dwarf continueing to yell so he moved up closer to them.

"We be ye? I'm Durgaden Alepounder, and this is Will."

"My name is Amador."

"What are you doing way out here?"

"I have business out here, I am in the service of my diety, Corellian Lorethian." He stood a bit taller at the mention of his diety's name.

Durgaden grumbled to Will, "Wonderful, not only a pansy eater, but a damn holy pansy eater." A bit louder so that the elf could hear, "Headed south?"

"Aye, you as well?" The elf seemed hopeful, he hadn't had anyone to talk to in a long while and this group seemed on the up and up, at least he was not getting any negative feelings from them.

"Aye. We be headin' to me mines. The Mines of Tethyamar... could use a healer." To himself and Will, "Even if he munches on daisies and hugs trees."

"Wonderful. I accept." Amador started to stride forward when Tanerus walked past him. Amador started and looked back behind him where the halfling had come from. His saddle bags seemed undisturbed.

"You should pay more attention." The halfling's voice seemed distant, but Amador was too startled by the whole thing to realize that the small creature had just spoken in his mind.

The party made camp a short while later, following directions by Amador on where a good nearby camping spot was. Amador used his healing powers on everyone, including the giant (much to Durgaden's chagrin).

"I swear to all that is short and holy, if you heal that damned giant one more time, I'm gonna take out your knees." To himself he continued, "Fool elf."

The next morning Will successfully dispelled the giant's blindness. He and Amador were both rewarded with gems.

"Now be off with ye, before I take my axe to ya!"

The giant looked down at Durgaden and smiled, "Little dwarf, my blindness is cured. I have no more need of taking your insults, I shall be on my way, because I chose to be. You'd best think again before insulting me further. I have no quarrel with you, but if you make me angry I will kill you."

The entire party bristled. Durgaden's mouth gaped open, disbelief at being spoken to so. Before he could say anything though, the giant turned its back and began to walk away to the north. Durgaden shook his head, and gruffed, "Eh... good riddance... giant. Sheesh."

Soon the party was on the road... a road that seemed to be getting more and more... cramped.

The forest seems to swallow the road. A caravan could never make it through the brush that is growing over the road. The brush is green, but far too large to have naturally grown over the road. It’s passable, but only with a lot of work. Suddenly the path opens up into a small clearing. A large fallen tree blocks the road. The tree is some five feet around and someone has stacked fallen brush in front of and on top the fallen tree. There is one break in the brush, and from behind it, you can see a something moving.

The party halted and the Tanerus went to scout ahead. As he moved forward he pulled his magic cloak out of his bag and slipped it around his shoulders, all but concealing him from view. He dodged up towards where the trees branches had landed, knowing it would be easier to scramble through there than up and over the massive trunk.

On the other side of the tree he found a figure, laying on its stomach, covered in a huge volumous cloak. A gauntlet female hand was visible from one side. The figure moved as if hurt, moaning softly and trying to sit up again and again but failing to push itself up for long.

Tanerus whispered, his sword out, just in case. "Are you okay? Do you need healing?" The figure spun quickly, faster than Tanerus was really ready for. She thrust out a hand crossbow, loaded with a bolt, pointed at him. Her silvery hair flowed from the hood of the cloak. Her black skin was marred with dried blood and dirt. Her spiderwebbed armor was dented and smashed with many holes all through it.

"Kinsith tilianoc?" Her language was foreign to Tanerus, and he really didn't relish the thought of being shot, so he leapt at her, trying to kick her wrist. His boot slammed into her wrist, the crossbow went off and Tanerus cried out as the bolt sunk into his thigh. She fell over from the attack, seeming to give way to her exhausted state.

Tanerus cursed, lifted his blade to attack her, then slumped forward, victim to the poisonous bolt's effects.

Hearing Tanerus's cry, Durgaden lept out of the brush and started toward the tree. Amador was quick behind him. Will however stayed back, eyes narrowing, glancing around, waiting for an ambush.

Durgaden lept up on the tree, saw the drow woman beneath him and Tanerus sprawled out in front of him. He jumped off the fallen tree, landing shield first on the drow woman. She offed and half came up at the attack, her eyes shot open, though little clarity was in them. Durgaden headbutted her for good measure. She slumped back into unconsciousness.

Amador quickly checked out Tanerus, and began chanting a spell. Tanerus' eyes fluttered open just as Will arrived. "Ow," the halfling muttered, holding onto his thigh.

Seeing what they had the party quickly stripped the armor and weapons of the drow and tied her hands up. A quick minor heal spell from Amador and her eyes fluttered open.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" Will asked.

"Chinikallia forsoon. Tikala mitaka."

"Do you speak common?" Will asked slower in common.

"Or elvish? Or ..."

"I... I speak your common." She frowned, obviously still in a lot of pain. "Just kill me and end it so I might be with my mistress."

"Lolth?" asked Durgaden, gripping his axe tightly.

"Of course... rockbiter." She hissed her words, sneering a bit to add to her own venom.

Will intercepted, "What are you doing here? Who attacked you? Talk to me, we can help."

"You can not help. You are nothing compared to the power of this nightmare."

"What nightmare? Tell us something and we will -"

"Will what? Let me go? Right... I am already good as dead, so you can not threaten me with that. And when you are done with me, I will die anyways, so why should I tell you anything?"

The group could tell by the look in her eyes that she did not fear death, but welcomed it. Something had rattled the faith of this priestess, but they had no idea what.

"Just kill me and get it over with." Will started to say something, but Tanerus' blade slid through her ribs and found her heart.

Everyone looked at Tanerus. "She wasn't going to tell us anything. We can't take her with her, and we can't let her go. It was the only way."

Once again they laid the fallens gear out and Will cast a quick enchantment. Other than some empty potion bottles, the only thing she had that was still magical was her amulet. A spider shaped amulet with intricate web working, it looked silver at first, so Durgaden picked it up, placed it against the fallen tree and smashed it with his axe.

Or at least he tried to. The axe didn't even marr the surface. "This isn't silver." The axe blow had knocked some of the corrosion and dirt off. "Its mithril."

Will whistled. "She had a magic mithril holy symbol? How high up on the priest ladder was she?" Not having anyway to answer that the party decided to keep the amulet for now. Durgaden wrapped it in cloth, wrapped that in leather, then put the whole thing a bag which he then placed inside his magic backpack.

Tanerus looked around, "We should get out of here."


Soon the forest was behind them and ahead of them....

The track has been fairly hard to follow, but you think you have finally reached the outskirts of the ancient dwarven territories. A massive Menhir covered in ancient dwarven script, moss, and some large vines stands off to one side. The track splits at the Menhir, wagon ruts going east, south and west, though its not obvious which way they came from or went to. Just to the south of the Menhir, off to the side of the road is a half visible busted up wagon. From here it looks like an axle probably broke. Several crates lay broken behind the wreckage, barely visible from here.

The party looked around for any sort of ambush and Will sent his owl circling up to look for anyone around. When the owl returned with an all clear the party moved forward to investigate. Durgaden stomped to lead at the urging of the party, to 'check it out'. He started kicking aside the wreckage.

"I don't see anything here but some old hard tack and some-"

A ball of fire erupted from in front of Durgaden and engulfed the party. Durgaden screamed in anger and pain, Will doubled over and stumbled back. Amador threw up his shield and was a little less burned than the others. Tanerus managed to duck behind Amador and peaked out, unharmed.

"- cloth." Durgaden looked down at the now over burning wreckage and grumbled, "Send the dwarf forward." He retreated to where Amador was patching himself and Will up. Soon everyone was healed.

Will frowned, "That had to be meant as a warning sign, someone doesn't want to be surprised by us coming to visit them."

Tanerus fidgeted a bit, "We need to get out of here. That blast will call attention to us quickly." Everyone agreed and the party hightailed it out of there. Well as fast they could... Durgaden's mule had perished in the blast.

As they walked the party began discussing things they knew so far. "Okay so we know that there is someone at the mines. Someone who has apparently allied themselves with a demon tainted sorceress."

Will was trying to put pieces together. "These same people seem willing to both work with monsters, and to take them out. They worked with the ogre outside the city, but were attacking the giant.

"Someone who is powerful enough to set a fairly hefty fireball trap. We also have a mostly dead fairly powerful drow priestess of Lolth in the area, without her guard. Priestess of that power never travel alone. So what hurt her so bad, caused her to use up all her magic, and left her with no entourage?

"Add to that they seem prepared, with traps and ambushes." Will scratched his chin a bit. "Something is definately going on around here."

Tanerus added, "Don't forget the fresh wagon ruts. They can't be very old. So someone has been using these roads, and fairly recently."

"Sounds like someone is trying to mine me mines! We need to get a move out, no one can have me ore!" Durgaden quickened his pace. For a dwarf he had incredible stride and seemed to nearly leap with each step.

The rocks and sandy hills that have cropped up since the menhir finally break to show a rocky, sandy bluff. The bluff stretches as far as you can see to north and the south. At the base of the bluff is the ancient desert, Aunuroch. The track skirts the edge of the bluff, heading south along the top edge. A tumble off to the right would probably be fatal with the pitch of the slope.

Further to the south you can see an area that opens up. The track passes through it and to the base of a large rocky cliff face. The open area is dotted with ruins. Half walls, bits of masonry, corners of long collapses buildings, toppled columns, and a single standing ancient structure mark the remnants of what must have been the surface dwellings of the ancient dwarven city of Tethyamar. Tents and other semi temporary shacks and structures have been setup at the far east side of the city, against the cliff face and on either side of the track. Another set of tents is set up along the southern cliff edge.

At the base of the cliff, the track goes up a large sloping ramp and then disappears into a massive gaping hole in the cliff.

The party stayed perched at the edge of the city, taking it all in. No one could easily control all of the ruins of such a large area. They looked a bit closer at the larger tent grouping. A single flag flew over one of the large tents. The flag of the Zhentarim.

Voidrunner's Codex

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