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What if the 'new' Dwarf somehow comes upon the group as they are being marched into the Underdark? (he would of course be using a system of tunnels only known to Dwarves to speed he way to the location where his bretheren had fallen. ;) ) and lets just say that the Priestess has gone on ahead with some of her party and left the PCs in the hands of a small escort.

Maybe this Dwarf 'knows' of Drow and their ways and can either trick the Drow into fleeing without the prisoners or devise some other trap to even the playing field to help free the prisoners.

Just a thought.

I really like situations like this and the pieces seem to be falling into place to make quite the adventure out of this situation.



nemmerle said:
Gimme a link so I can find the other thread. .. and I'll oblige you. :p
I just saw this epsode the other night and couldn't resist... I'll understand if Eric's Grandmother wouldn't like this and apologize in advance if it offends anyone.

Monty Python Episode Forty-two: Light entertainment war

Fawcett (stifling his impatience) He ... used to do things for them. The total value ...
Presiding General What things?
Fawcett (exasperated) He .. he used to oblige them, sir. The total value ...
Presiding General Oblige them?
Fawcett Yes, sir. The total value of the uniform ...
Presiding General How did he oblige them?
Fawcett What sir?
Presiding General How did he oblige them?
Fawcett (more and more irritated) He ... um ... used to make them happy in little ways, sir. The total value of the uniform could therefore not have been less than ...
Presiding General Did he touch them at all?
Fawcett Sir! I submit that this is totally irrelevant.
Presiding General I want to know how he made them happy.
Fawcett (losing his temper) He used to ram things up their ...

Wulf Ratbane

S'mon said:
(Necromancy inspired by Quasqueton's thread)

How did this work out then, Wulf?

Quite the Raise Thread there...

The campaign is still going fine. I continue to underestimate the PCs-- although this is impacted by the fact that I use Action Points, which makes a huge difference.

The drow ended up with one of the pieces the PCs need; and the PCs still have the Ghoul King's Crown (which they have hidden back in Barakus). The drow would like both the Crown and the rest of the pieces, but every assault I have thrown at them, the PCs have overcome. (And they killed the hydra, too.)

In the meantime the PCs have left Barakus behind entirely and headed off to the Vault of Larin Karr. I was trying to seed future adventures, and had delivered to the paladin a note from the lord of the neighboring village asking for help cleaning some hobgoblins out of his keep. The paladin took this as an urgent cry for help and put the entire Barakus adventure on hold.

The PCs had followed a tunnel out of the drow area in Barakus, into the Underdark, and many, many miles underground towards the Vault of Larin Karr. At about the halfway point, they realize they are not "on the same adventure" so they call for a vote: go back to finish Barakus, or go help Lord Kyle with his hobgoblin problem.

The vote was something like, 3 votes to return to Barakus (the fighter, cleric, and sorcerer) and 1 vote to go help Lord Kyle (the paladin).

At which point (God, I love this) the paladin says, "Well, unfortunately this isn't a democracy," and starts walking off to help Lord Kyle again.

And the rest of the party tumbled in line and followed him!

Wulf Ratbane

S'mon said:
:) Cool

I also bought Vault of Karin Larr and I've placed the Quail Valley (reduced to 1 mile/hex) in the area west of Endhome.

It took me a while to realize how critical it is to change the map scale to 1 mile/hex, but I've done the same thing.

I've also tried to set everything in Greyhawk, with Endhome where Safeton is located (which puts VoLK somewhere between Safeton and Hommlet!)

It's a bit fiddly but it's good enough.

Voidrunner's Codex

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