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(YB!) A Long Series of Chat Fights


First Post
[00:41] * Now talking in #ybfight
[00:41] * DarkElf is now known as Boron
[00:41] [Boron] Name: Boron
[00:41] [Boron] Rank: Copper Sash 1
[00:41] [Boron] Record: 2-0
[00:41] [Boron] Powers: Arena fighter, Profiteer, Golden Touch, Crowd Pleaser
[00:41] [Boron] Signature Styles: Manticore
[00:41] [Boron] Yen: 9
[00:43] [Rathan] we lose shaff??
[00:44] * Shaff goes to get his stats
[00:47] * Rathan needs to work early tomorrow.. so shaff better get his butt in gear soon..
[00:48] [Shaff] lol
[00:48] [Shaff] sorry
[00:48] [Shaff] god damn reno 911
[00:48] [Shaff] and friggin enworld is goin sooo slow
[00:48] [Boron] brb...restroom
[00:49] [Shaff] Shaff
[00:49] [Shaff] Green Belt 2
[00:49] [Shaff] Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[00:49] [Shaff] Dojo Styles: Thunder
[00:49] [Shaff] Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[00:49] [Shaff] Record: 14-10
[00:49] [Shaff] Yen 0
[00:49] [Shaff] Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[00:49] * Rathan notes that shaff should keep a notepad with his char stats in them for easy access..
[00:49] [Shaff] !mm insult
[00:49] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: I find your lover to be mad, your city to be worthless, and your weapon to be offensive.
[00:50] [Rathan] DE??
[00:50] [Shaff] hes in the bathroom
[00:50] [Rathan] ?
[00:50] [Boron] back
[00:50] [Shaff] [Boron] brb...restroom
[00:50] [Boron] !mb insult
[00:50] [MechaMeowth] Boron: I find your kin to be spoiled, your empire to be slovenly, and your sister's stance to be callused.
[00:51] [Rathan] Isee..
[00:55] [Shaff] ...
[00:56] [Shaff] hello?
[00:56] [Shaff] am i alone?
[00:56] * Shaff criens
[00:56] * Shaff cries*
[00:59] [Boron] Where'd Rath go?
[01:00] [Shaff] dunno
[01:04] [Shaff] i think he fell asleep....
[01:05] * Shaff is now known as Malandor
[01:06] * Malandor is now known as Shaff
[01:08] [Shaff] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
[01:09] * Disconnected
Session Close: Sat Aug 09 01:09:28 2003

Session Start: Tue Aug 12 23:13:38 2003
Session Ident: #ybfight
[23:13] * Now talking in #ybfight
[23:14] [DarkElf] Shaff
[23:14] [DarkElf] Green Belt 2
[23:14] [DarkElf] Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[23:14] [DarkElf] Dojo Styles: Thunder
[23:14] [DarkElf] Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[23:14] [DarkElf] Record: 14-10
[23:14] [DarkElf] Yen 0
[23:14] [DarkElf] Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[23:14] [Shaff] ty
[23:14] [Shaff] lol
[23:14] [DarkElf] Name: Boron
[23:14] [DarkElf] Rank: Copper Sash 1
[23:14] [DarkElf] Record: 2-0
[23:14] [DarkElf] Powers: Arena fighter, Profiteer, Golden Touch, Crowd Pleaser
[23:14] [DarkElf] Signature Styles: Manticore
[23:14] [DarkElf] Yen: 9
[23:14] [DarkElf] Yeah...you take forever to find your stats =P
[23:14] [Rathan] woah how did shaff get 10 yen for a mastery??
[23:14] [Shaff] umm wats kal's sash?
[23:14] [Rathan] ratasal??
[23:14] [Shaff] i had a match with his sash
[23:14] [Shaff] yep
[23:14] [Rathan] you beat ratasal??
[23:14] [Shaff] the stips were he would give me 6 yen, which would get me 10
[23:15] [Shaff] even if he won
[23:15] [Rathan] damn..
[23:15] [Shaff] he won and gave me 6
[23:15] [DarkElf] That's low...
[23:15] [Shaff] hehe
[23:15] [Shaff] hey, he is like tier 6
[23:15] [DarkElf] I mean, 2 would have been generous...
[23:15] [Shaff] im only tier 3
[23:15] [DarkElf] But that's LOW!
[23:15] [Shaff] he has over 30
[23:15] [DarkElf] ...
[23:15] [Rathan] na..... kal will do anything to get that sash up in ranks..he never gets fights anymore..
[23:15] [Rathan] gray have something like 130 yen....*lol*
[23:15] [DarkElf] Rath, that's because the world hasn't gone insane yet...completely
[23:16] [Rathan] heh....
[23:16] [Rathan] still 6 yen is a nice bargining chip... he he offered rathan that very same deal...I'd take it....
[23:17] [DarkElf] Ok. Lets fight
[23:17] [DarkElf] !mb ybmaster
[23:17] [MechaMeowth] DarkElf: MechaMeowth has decreed this match to take place at the plain north-west of the Altar of the Rainbow Circle on the dusk of the fist.
[23:17] [DarkElf] Axck
[23:17] [Shaff] yea
[23:17] [DarkElf] Too used to it =P
[23:17] [DarkElf] !mb ybinsult
[23:17] [MechaMeowth] DarkElf: I find your hero to be exactingly a tramp, your temple to be empty, and your moves to be child-like.
[23:17] [Shaff] i mean its pretty much, 6 yen to lose
[23:17] [Shaff] i was willing to let him advance, me lose 1 rank, and complete my item
[23:18] * DarkElf is now known as Boron
[23:18] [Shaff] !mm insult
[23:18] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: I find your kin to be shabby, your beloved barn to be unnecessary, and your arm to be child-like.
[23:18] [Rathan] hmmm..
[23:19] [Rathan] boron has the insults..
[23:19] [Rathan] choose your poison
[23:19] [Boron] Arsenic, please =)
[23:19] [Shaff] alchohol
[23:20] [Rathan] you know what I mean...type and lenth of match please..
[23:20] [Shaff] how long of match?
[23:20] [Shaff] okie
[23:20] [Boron] Hehe. I thought you'd let me poison 'im and end the fight fast =P
[23:20] [Shaff] lol
[23:20] [Boron] Uh, 5 flag speed, oh mighty and honourable judge
[23:21] [Shaff] im first
[23:21] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[23:21] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The snake rides upon the paradise; shreds the chaos of the wind!
[23:21] [Shaff] done
[23:21] [Boron] !mb ybmove
[23:21] [MechaMeowth] Boron: The confidant dragon penetrates the peaks; dominates the aggression of the spring!
[23:21] [Boron] Hrm...
[23:21] [Shaff] :):):):), forgot
[23:21] [Shaff] o well
[23:22] [Boron] Forgot?
[23:22] [Boron] Anyway, I'll call upon my power of pleasing the crowd!
[23:22] [Shaff] nothin
[23:22] [Boron] (Crowd pleaser)
[23:22] [Boron] Done
[23:23] [Rathan] you Crowd pleasering or no????
[23:23] [Shaff] he said ya
[23:23] [Rathan] k...
[23:23] [Rathan] Point and 4 yen to boron..
[23:23] [Boron] WOO!
[23:23] * Boron gets money thrown at him
[23:23] [Rathan] 1 flag boron; 0 flags shaff target 5!
[23:23] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[23:23] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The thunder leaps over the cliff and so it insanely obliterates the sands; dodges the gaze of the blade!
[23:24] [Boron] 0_0
[23:24] [Boron] I'm screwed...
[23:24] [Shaff] chi strike!
[23:24] [Shaff] done
[23:24] [Boron] !mb ybmove
[23:24] [MechaMeowth] Boron: The kama falls in the midst of the beach; averts the slash of the flame!
[23:24] [Boron] Done
[23:25] [Rathan] Poing
[23:25] [Boron] ...
[23:25] [Shaff] dman it
[23:25] [Rathan] point and style to shaff
[23:25] [Rathan] 1 flag boron; 2 flags shaff target 5!
[23:25] [Shaff] now i wish i would have done FoF
[23:25] [Shaff] lol
[23:25] [Shaff] ur first now i think
[23:25] [Boron] !mb ybmove
[23:25] [MechaMeowth] Boron: The tsunami destroys the ricefield; defends against the slash of the crevice!
[23:25] [Boron] Done
[23:25] [Shaff] lol didnt u do something like that before
[23:25] [Shaff] like the tsunamy drowns the ricefield
[23:25] [Shaff] lol
[23:25] [Boron] I think =P
[23:25] [Shaff] tsunamie*
[23:25] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[23:25] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The lightning appears through the atoll; unfailingly dodges the foray of the reptile!
[23:25] [Boron] tsunami
[23:26] [Shaff] done
[23:26] [Boron] ...
[23:26] [Rathan] hmmm..
[23:26] [Boron] Damn sig style...
[23:26] [Shaff] hmmm lightning is amplified in water
[23:26] [Shaff] o
[23:26] [Rathan] lightning has the habbit of appering out of thin air.. so point boron for a suprise attack..
[23:26] [Boron] Yeah, but the water's on your ricefield =P
[23:26] [Rathan] 2 flags boron; 2 flags shaff target 5!
[23:26] [Shaff] ummm
[23:26] [Shaff] ??
[23:26] [Boron] That was Shaff's attack...
[23:26] [Shaff] lol
[23:26] [Rathan] really...
[23:27] [Boron] I'm honest too, y'know =P
[23:27] [Rathan] well..point shaff then... sorry..
[23:27] [Shaff] lol, its okie
[23:27] [Rathan] 1 flags boron; 3 flags shaff target 5!
[23:27] [Rathan] continue please..
[23:27] [Shaff] i thought u were just being suffisticated and i was too dumb to know what u menat
[23:27] [Shaff] lol
[23:27] [Boron] 4 Shaff
[23:27] [Shaff] 4?
[23:27] [Boron] Lightening
[23:27] [Shaff] thunder is my style
[23:27] [Boron] Oh, wait
[23:27] [Rathan] what he has thunder not lightning
[23:27] [Boron] That was Thunder =OP
[23:27] [Boron] lol
[23:27] [Shaff] np
[23:27] [Boron] Your move, Shaff
[23:27] [Rathan] continue
[23:27] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[23:27] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The foot moves before the atoll; grasps the throw of the bone!
[23:28] [Shaff] done
[23:28] [Boron] !mb ybmove
[23:28] [MechaMeowth] Boron: The rat painlessly splits the ocean; defends against the stab of the maze!
[23:28] [Boron] Done
[23:28] [Boron] Heh...rat...maze...heh
[23:28] [Shaff] lol
[23:28] [Shaff] foot bone...
[23:28] [Boron] lol
[23:28] [Shaff] lol
[23:28] [Boron] Too...much...synergy!!!
[23:28] * Shaff wheeps
[23:29] [Shaff] waaahhhh
[23:29] * Boron whoops
[23:29] [Rathan] hmmm..
[23:29] [Rathan] yea point boron
[23:29] [Shaff] lol
[23:29] [Rathan] 2 flags boron; 3 flags shaff target 5!
[23:29] [Shaff] o well i tried
[23:29] [Boron] WOO!
[23:29] [Boron] !mb ybmove
[23:29] [MechaMeowth] Boron: The crane silences the tundra; waves away the speed of the pole!
[23:29] [Boron] Done
[23:29] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[23:29] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The mace flips before the village; removes the push of the stone!
[23:30] [Shaff] oooo
[23:30] [Shaff] my mace goes crazy on u
[23:30] [Shaff] done
[23:30] [Shaff] it flips out
[23:30] [Rathan] hmmm...
[23:30] [Boron] Flipping involves speed, which I block =)
[23:30] [Rathan] after carefull thought.. oh wait no.. point boron..
[23:30] [Rathan] lol
[23:30] [Shaff] not really
[23:30] [Boron] Not to mention the fact that a mace is a spiked ball on a pole =)
[23:30] [Rathan] 3 flags boron; 3 flags shaff target 5!
[23:30] [Shaff] damn
[23:30] [Shaff] lol DE
[23:30] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[23:30] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The snake tracks facing the brush; avoids the motion of the ledge!
[23:30] [Shaff] omg
[23:30] [Shaff] done
[23:30] [Boron] !mb ybmove
[23:30] [MechaMeowth] Boron: The phoenix crushes the peaks; negates the edge of the garden!
[23:30] [Shaff] i wish i could get a good move
[23:30] [Boron] Done
[23:31] [Shaff] ive gotten 1 really good move
[23:31] [Shaff] thats it, lol
[23:31] [Boron] And I just got a kick-@$$ move ]=)
[23:31] [Rathan] hmmm...
[23:31] [Shaff] u crushed peaks
[23:31] [Shaff] i avoided it
[23:31] [Shaff] lol them falling is a motion
[23:31] [Rathan] snakes do track.. but phoenix crush really well as well...point boron
[23:32] [Boron] WOO!
[23:32] [Rathan] 4 flags boron; 3 flags shaff target 5!
[23:32] [Shaff] damn.....................
[23:32] [Boron] !mb ybmove
[23:32] [MechaMeowth] Boron: The diamond hammer vanquishes the prairie; conceals the stab of the venom!
[23:32] [Boron] Done
[23:32] [Shaff] omfg
[23:32] [Boron] WOW!
[23:32] [Boron] What a move!
[23:32] [Rathan] dayum..
[23:32] [Shaff] do i even need to go...
[23:32] [Boron] Might as well
[23:32] [Rathan] yes..
[23:32] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[23:32] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The fist sweeps within the pillar; waves away the blood of the grave! *yen*
[23:32] [Shaff] omfg
[23:32] [Rathan] yen for boron....
[23:32] [Shaff] hey lets give em yen too!
[23:32] [Shaff] ummm
[23:32] [Rathan] Point and match boron....
[23:32] [Shaff] hey
[23:32] [Shaff] i wasnt done
[23:33] [Shaff] :p
[23:33] [Rathan] boron moves to silver sash 0
[23:33] [Boron] WOO! 6 Yen!
[23:33] [Shaff] hey hey!
[23:33] [Shaff] .....
[23:33] [Rathan] shaff down to green 1
[23:33] [Shaff] wtf
[23:33] [Shaff] i wasnt done yet
[23:33] [Rathan] oh...I'm sorry shaff..continue..
[23:33] [Shaff] Mastery: Ki-rin
[23:33] [Shaff] FoF
[23:33] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[23:33] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The trident storms the ricefield; shreds the quickening of the isle!
[23:34] [Shaff] ok, now im done
[23:34] [Shaff] lol
[23:34] [Rathan] hmmm..
[23:34] * Shaff sticks his tongue out
[23:34] [Boron] Doesn't matter
[23:34] [Shaff] LOL
[23:34] [Shaff] i know...
[23:34] [Boron] You only get an extra point if the move was succesful
[23:34] [Boron] And we know it wasn't =)
[23:34] [Shaff] its a... 4 point move
[23:34] [Rathan] I'm tring to make your move have a little more weight shaff... but I just can't see it so...the judgement stands..
[23:34] [Boron] WOO!
[23:34] [Shaff] lol
[23:34] [Shaff] i know, i just wanted to use emn
[23:35] [Shaff] god damn it, i cant even beat lower tiers...
[23:35] [Shaff] :p
[23:35] [Rathan] k.... I really did try to make it work shaff.. but it still didn't seem good enought to overcome that awsome move by boron..
[23:35] [Shaff] "meh, good match kinda"
[23:35] [Rathan] I'll have your silver sash power in one min boron..
[23:35] [Shaff] "i cant believe u beat me, it wont happen again"
[23:35] [Boron] Already found it
[23:35] [Boron] I've gotta get cal to sticky that thread...
[23:36] [Boron] Silver sash: Signature Location, Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
[23:36] [Boron] I gain Prarie as a sig loc =)

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First Post
[Boron] Name: Boron
[23:25] [Boron] Rank: Silver Sash 0
[23:25] [Boron] Record: 3-0
[23:25] [Boron] Powers: Arena fighter, Profiteer, Golden Touch, Crowd Pleaser, Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
[23:25] [Boron] Signature Styles: Manticore
[23:25] [Boron] Signature Locations: Prairie
[23:25] [Boron] Yen: 15
[23:25] [Boron] Shaff
[23:25] [Boron] Green Belt 1
[23:25] [Boron] Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[23:25] [Boron] Dojo Styles: Thunder
[23:25] [Boron] Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[23:25] [Boron] Record: 14-11
[23:25] [Boron] Yen 0
[23:25] [Boron] Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[23:25] [Boron] !mb ybinsult
[23:25] [MechaMeowth] Boron: I find your Lady to be unbearable, your playground to be valueless, and your discipline to be forgettable.
[23:26] [Shaff] ty
[23:26] [Shaff] !mm insult
[23:26] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: I find your niece to be balding, your lands to be puny, and your karma to be feeble.
[23:26] * Golem has joined #ybfight
[23:27] [Shaff] ?
[23:27] [Kalanyr] 1d5
[23:27] * Golem rolls the dice for Kalanyr (1d5) and rolled 3.
[23:27] * Kalanyr is now known as Ratasal
[23:27] [Shaff] o
[23:27] [Shaff] lol
[23:27] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Aug 13 23:27:28 2003

Session Start: Wed Aug 20 00:08:19 2003
Session Ident: #ybfight
[00:08] * Now talking in #ybfight
[00:08] * Shaff has joined #ybfight
[00:10] [Rathan] Tiny the Jade Turtle
[00:10] [Rathan] Protector of the Wastelands
[00:10] [Rathan] Gold Sash 2
[00:10] [Rathan] 10/10
[00:10] [Rathan] Copper sash: Signature Style (Turtle), Arena Fighter,Profiteer , Crowd Pleaser, Golden Touch
[00:10] [Rathan] Silver sash: Signature Location (Wastelands), Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
[00:10] [Rathan] Gold Sash: Hard hitter, Bribe Judges
[00:10] [Rathan] Jade Turtle: Sig Style: Turtle
[00:10] [Rathan] Yen: 10
[00:10] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs X;'
[00:11] [Kalanyr] !mb ybmaster
[00:11] [MechaMeowth] Kalanyr: MechaMeowth has decreed this match to take place at the marsh east of the Jade Gate on the dusk of the turtle.
[00:11] [Rathan] ohhh... my sig
[00:11] [Rathan] !mb ybinsult
[00:11] [MechaMeowth] Rathan: I find your Emperor to be ape-like, your kingdom to be infested, and your glare to be rusty.
[00:11] * Rathan is now known as Tiny
[00:12] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs X. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 0 Tiny 0 X Goal X'
[00:14] * Kalanyr is now known as Ratasal
[00:14] * Ratasal is now known as Kalanyr
[00:14] [Shaff] Shaff
[00:14] [Shaff] Green Belt 1
[00:14] [Shaff] Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[00:14] [Shaff] Dojo Styles: Thunder
[00:14] [Shaff] Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[00:14] [Shaff] Record: 15-12
[00:14] [Shaff] Yen 5
[00:14] [Shaff] Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[00:15] [Shaff] !mb ybinsult
[00:15] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: I find your nephew to be insidious, your well to be tiny, and your armor to be bad.
[00:16] * Kalanyr sets mode: +m
[00:17] [Kalanyr] this fight is more interesting now
[00:17] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 0 Tiny 0 X Goal X'
[00:17] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 0 Tiny 0 Shaff Goal X'
[00:18] * Kalanyr sets mode: -m
[00:18] [Shaff] *sniff sniff*
[00:18] [Kalanyr] Tiny's insult of the infested kindom is indeed the worst! He may set style and length
[00:19] [Shaff] but but
[00:19] [Shaff] i insulted the armor hes not wearing
[00:19] [Shaff] :p
[00:19] [Tiny] hmmm... 8 flag speed please..
[00:19] [Shaff] jesus
[00:19] [Shaff] ...
[00:19] [Shaff] ok then....
[00:19] [Tiny] long matces for a sash= goood uen
[00:19] [Tiny] yen
[00:19] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 0 Tiny 0 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:19] [Shaff] yes i know...
[00:19] [Tiny] you first..
[00:19] [Kalanyr] it advantages you more than a Sash
[00:19] [Kalanyr] so worry not
[00:20] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:20] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The hammer sings underneath the grotto; grasps the offensive of the blade!
[00:20] [Kalanyr] you're more likely to win with more rounds
[00:20] [Kalanyr] mwahah
[00:20] [Tiny] hehehe..
[00:20] [Tiny] I stand to make more yen than lose tho..
[00:20] [Tiny] done
[00:20] [Tiny] ?
[00:20] [Shaff] hmmm
[00:20] [Shaff] ummm
[00:20] [Shaff] chi strike
[00:20] [Shaff] done
[00:21] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:21] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The lightning severs the wastelands; shields against the gaze of the ledge!
[00:21] [Tiny] hehehe
[00:21] [Tiny] Crowd Pleaser
[00:21] [Tiny] done
[00:21] [Shaff] whew good thing i chi strike
[00:21] [Shaff] u cant
[00:21] [Tiny] oh yea...forgot..
[00:21] [Shaff] :D
[00:21] [Tiny] sorry..
[00:21] [Shaff] thats y i did it!!
[00:21] [Shaff] MWAHAH
[00:21] [Tiny] "You keep me from simple yen boy!!! I wish crush your head for this!"
[00:21] [Shaff] im gonna ambush u from under the grotto!
[00:21] [Shaff] lol
[00:21] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 2 Tiny 0 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:22] [Shaff] 2?
[00:22] [Kalanyr] With an amazing blow with the power of Tiny's knowledge behind it he strikes Shaff for 2 flags
[00:22] [Tiny] wastlands loc
[00:22] [Shaff] o
[00:22] [Shaff] missed thar
[00:22] [Shaff] that
[00:22] [Tiny] hmmm.. me now..
[00:22] * Shaff sighs
[00:22] [Tiny] I think..
[00:22] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:22] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The willow glides higher than the ricefield; guards against the thrust of the venom!
[00:22] [Shaff] yep
[00:23] [Tiny] done
[00:23] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:23] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The crane illuminates the well; reduces the efforts of the sands!
[00:23] * Shaff hangs his head
[00:23] [Shaff] done..................
[00:23] [Kalanyr] The Crane makes beautiful light, the willow floats in air and then gets dropped in a race field
[00:23] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 2 Tiny 1 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:24] [Tiny] "Your move little one...
[00:24] [Tiny] "
[00:24] [Shaff] hmmm
[00:24] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:24] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The spider punches before the waterfall; wards off the pain of the crevice!
[00:24] [Shaff] done.
[00:24] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:24] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The lotus blossom masterfully scourges the prairie; dodges the beauty of the farm!
[00:24] [Tiny] Crowd Pleaser
[00:24] [Tiny] done
[00:25] [Shaff] "good move yen boy"
[00:25] * Shaff wishes MM would give him a good move
[00:25] [Tiny] "as if my moves aren't good... muhahahaha"
[00:26] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:27] [Kalanyr] Masterfully beating the prairie vs getting washed away by a waterfiall
[00:27] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 3 Tiny 1 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:27] [Kalanyr] and 4 Yen to Tiny
[00:27] [Tiny] hmmm my trn..
[00:27] [Tiny] turn
[00:27] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:27] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The fox carves the fountain; removes the pain of the flame!
[00:27] [Tiny] done
[00:27] * Shaff hangs his head again
[00:28] [Shaff] "you wont need to bribe yen boy, if this continues"
[00:28] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:28] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The dagger shreds the ricefield; leaps over the offensive of the maze!
[00:28] [Shaff] umm
[00:28] [Shaff] FoF
[00:28] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:28] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The scythe severs the hells; negates the offensive of the blade!
[00:28] [Shaff] done
[00:29] [Kalanyr] "Ah, the dagger, one of my favoured styles, but you're cutting rice with it, on the other hand Tiny is trying to break a foxes teeth, which does not impress me"
[00:29] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 3 Tiny 3 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:29] [Tiny] "your move"
[00:29] [Shaff] hmmm
[00:29] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:29] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The spider invades the well; parries the rising of the venom!
[00:29] [Shaff] done
[00:30] [Tiny] hmmm
[00:30] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:30] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The fang carves the cavern; parries the chaos of the sands!
[00:30] [Shaff] o hey, i get 2 ranks if i win!
[00:30] [Tiny] done
[00:30] [Tiny] why 2??
[00:30] [Shaff] that will make me green belt 3, highest ive ever been
[00:30] [Shaff] ur tier 4
[00:30] [Tiny] oh...I see..
[00:30] [Shaff] thats y i wanted only 1 bribe...
[00:30] [Shaff] im lower tier
[00:30] [Shaff] but o well
[00:32] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:32] [Kalanyr] The fang carves well this day
[00:32] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 4 Tiny 3 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:33] [Shaff] "ur turn money-lover"
[00:33] [Tiny] hmmm
[00:33] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:33] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The tiger tumbles facing the cavern; reduces the push of the canine!
[00:33] [Tiny] done
[00:33] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:34] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The southern cross strikes across the foothills; quells the touch of the insect!
[00:34] [Kalanyr] "When the stars themselves strike at your bidding you have me impressed!"
[00:34] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 4 Tiny 4 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:34] [Shaff] well i might as well try to get 1 of ur bribes out of it now
[00:34] [Shaff] no no
[00:34] [Shaff] mastery ki-rin
[00:34] [Shaff] done
[00:34] [Kalanyr] damn you
[00:34] [Shaff] lol
[00:34] [Kalanyr] now to decide if the ki-rin move is good enough
[00:34] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:35] [Kalanyr] The ki-rin strikes across the foothills; quells the touch of the insect!
[00:35] [Shaff] ki-rin is striking evertything on the foothills
[00:35] [Kalanyr] herald of the heavens against a tumbling tiger
[00:35] [Kalanyr] bah
[00:35] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 4 Tiny 6 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:35] [Tiny] hmmm
[00:35] * Shaff sighs
[00:36] * Tiny bribes the judge with 2 yen
[00:36] * Shaff hangs his head and shakes it...
[00:36] [Tiny] your move honor boy..
[00:36] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:36] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The lotus blossom torments the castle; parries the onslaught of the wind! *yen*
[00:36] [Shaff] o god...
[00:36] [Kalanyr] uh uh
[00:36] [Kalanyr] costs you 3 yen to brine
[00:36] [Kalanyr] costs you 3 yen to bribe
[00:36] [Kalanyr] and I don't take bribes
[00:37] [Shaff] u dont?
[00:37] [Kalanyr] A donation to fix that poor foxes teeth might go down well
[00:37] [Kalanyr] though
[00:37] [Shaff] damn it
[00:37] [Tiny] why three??
[00:37] [Shaff] lol had my hopes up...
[00:37] [Tiny] oh yea... k..
[00:37] [Kalanyr] 3 damage
[00:37] [Shaff] i was like...
[00:37] [Tiny] hmmmm
[00:37] [Tiny] yea I'll give three..
[00:37] [Shaff] done
[00:37] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 4 Tiny 3 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:37] [Tiny] ohhh yen for meee..
[00:37] [Shaff] yea..........
[00:37] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:38] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The crane dexterously rains upon the ocean; guards against the push of the tides!
[00:38] [Tiny] done
[00:38] [Shaff] crane pees on me...
[00:38] [Shaff] sheesh...
[00:38] [Kalanyr] yeah the crane is very dexterous as it falls into the ocean
[00:38] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 4 Tiny 4 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:38] [Kalanyr] yen to shaff
[00:38] [Shaff] yay...
[00:38] [Shaff] 6 altogether now!
[00:38] [Shaff] lol
[00:39] [Tiny] my turn??
[00:39] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:39] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The scorpion wracks the glade; redirects the push of the grass!
[00:39] [Tiny] done
[00:39] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:39] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The fang shouts below the ruins; grasps the motion of the bone! *yen*
[00:39] [Shaff] done
[00:39] [Shaff] another for u
[00:39] [Shaff] until he gives u the flag
[00:39] [Shaff] :p
[00:39] [Shaff] hmmmm
[00:39] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 5 Tiny 4 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:39] [Kalanyr] 2 yen to tiny
[00:39] [Tiny] your move honor boy..
[00:40] [Shaff] im due for a sig style soon...
[00:40] [Shaff] havent gotten 1 all game
[00:40] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:40] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The west wind flies underneath the foothills; quells the kick of the lash!
[00:40] [Shaff] ........................
[00:40] [Shaff] done
[00:41] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:41] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The mantis moves from the brush; leaps over the foray of the star!
[00:41] [Tiny] done
[00:41] [Shaff] lol mantis was taking a nap in the dead leaves
[00:41] [Shaff] :p
[00:42] [Kalanyr] yes the wind does fly and mantis's do move
[00:42] [Kalanyr] byt the wind is the more impressive of the two
[00:42] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 5 Tiny Shaff Goal 8'
[00:42] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 5 Tiny 5 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:43] [Shaff] yay
[00:43] [Shaff] "yen boy?:
[00:43] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:43] [Shaff] "*
[00:43] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The tsunami swims near the desert; grasps the terror of the club! *yen*
[00:43] [Tiny] done
[00:43] [Tiny] damn sucky yen mov
[00:43] [Tiny] move
[00:43] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:43] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The snake quells the castle; waves away the slash of the pole!
[00:43] [Shaff] done....
[00:44] * Shaff still wants a sig style
[00:44] [Shaff] u got 8 yen so far this match right?
[00:44] [Kalanyr] the snake quells the castle and wtf is a Tsunai doing near a dessert?!
[00:44] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 5 Tiny 6 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:44] [Kalanyr] yen shaff
[00:44] [Shaff] yay
[00:44] [Shaff] 7!!!
[00:44] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:44] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The weasel appears below the temple; silences the onslaught of the grass!
[00:44] [Shaff] WEASEL!!!!
[00:44] [Shaff] BWAHHHHHHHHHHH!
[00:44] [Shaff] done
[00:45] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:45] [Kalanyr] 7 ?
[00:45] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The cherry blossom storms the prairie; blocks the storm of the body!
[00:45] [Shaff] i got 7 altogethere
[00:45] [Tiny] done
[00:45] [Kalanyr] how ?
[00:45] [Shaff] i started with 5
[00:45] [Shaff] i got 2 this match
[00:45] [Kalanyr] wha ?
[00:45] [Kalanyr] snake = 1 pointer
[00:46] [Shaff] yen dude
[00:46] [Shaff] not points
[00:46] [Kalanyr] ahh
[00:46] [Shaff] sorry
[00:46] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:46] [Kalanyr] Yes a Beautiful Cherry Blosssom Storm
[00:46] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 6 Tiny 6 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:47] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:47] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The snake severs the ocean; protects against the energy of the sickle!
[00:47] [Tiny] done
[00:47] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:47] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The foot splits the castle; silences the touch of the sands!
[00:47] [Shaff] done
[00:48] [Shaff] hehe, the water would go back into place
[00:48] [Shaff] if i won this match, with no sig styles....
[00:49] [Shaff] that would be a feat...
[00:49] * Shaff smiles
[00:49] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:49] * Shaff wishes he couold bribe the judges.... only hes honor, and wouold never do such a thing
[00:49] [Kalanyr] Foot moves suck, but splitting a castle is cool splitting the ocean is pointless
[00:49] [Kalanyr] hmmmmmmm
[00:50] [Kalanyr] neither defense is overly relevant
[00:50] [Shaff] crap
[00:50] [Kalanyr] neither move has much synergy
[00:50] [Shaff] going to weight...
[00:50] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:50] [Kalanyr] the ocean be closer to the Marsh in nature
[00:51] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 7 Tiny 6 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:51] [Shaff] since u already judged
[00:51] [Shaff] i liked my synergy
[00:51] [Shaff] :p
[00:51] [Tiny] yer move or mine
[00:51] [Shaff] ocean, and i had sand
[00:51] [Shaff] :D
[00:51] [Shaff] umm
[00:51] [Shaff] mine
[00:51] * Shaff gives mm watever hje wants to give him a decent move
[00:51] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[00:51] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The crane flies before the labyrinth; avoids the violence of the reptile!
[00:51] [Shaff] omfg
[00:51] [Shaff] done....
[00:52] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:52] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The claw assaults the dungeon; brilliantly quells the violence of the flame!
[00:52] [Tiny] donbe
[00:52] [Tiny] done even
[00:52] * Shaff cries
[00:52] [Shaff] "good match yen-boy, either way"
[00:52] * Kalanyr has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped)
[00:52] [Shaff] errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[00:53] * Kalanyr has joined #ybfight
[00:53] [Shaff] wb HONORABLE judge....
[00:53] [Tiny] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[00:53] [Tiny] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The claw assaults the dungeon; brilliantly quells the violence of the flame!
[00:53] [Tiny] [Tiny] donbe
[00:53] [Tiny] [Tiny] done even
[00:53] [Tiny] * Shaff cries
[00:53] [Tiny] [Shaff] "good match yen-boy, either way"
[00:53] [Tiny] * Kalanyr has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped)
[00:53] [Tiny] [Shaff] errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[00:53] * Shaff smiles at kal
[00:53] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:54] * MechaMeowth sets mode: +o Kalanyr
[00:54] [Tiny] oops...want me to repost his move???
[00:54] [Shaff] Shaff: The crane flies before the labyrinth; avoids the violence of the reptile!
[00:54] [Tiny] nm
[00:54] [Tiny] lol
[00:54] [Kalanyr] so whats your move then Shaff ?
[00:54] [Shaff] 1 step ahead of ya
[00:54] [Tiny] ty shaff..
[00:54] [Shaff] np
[00:55] * Kalanyr has quit IRC (Local Kill by Seri (but not by me! yay!))
[00:55] [Tiny] wha?
[00:55] [Shaff] .............
[00:55] [Shaff] proly dnd3e channel
[00:55] * Kalanyr has joined #ybfight
[00:55] [Tiny] there he is..
[00:56] [Shaff] wb again judgy wudgy
[00:56] [Shaff] Shaff: The crane flies before the labyrinth; avoids the violence of the reptile!
[00:56] [Tiny] Tiny: The claw assaults the dungeon; brilliantly quells the violence of the flame!
[00:56] [Tiny] [Tiny] [Tiny] donbe
[00:56] [Tiny] [Tiny] [Tiny] done even
[00:56] [Tiny] [Tiny] * Shaff cries
[00:56] [Tiny] [Tiny] [Shaff] "good match yen-boy, either way"
[00:56] [Tiny] [Tiny] * Kalanyr has quit IRC (Use
[00:56] [Shaff] Tiny: The claw assaults the dungeon; brilliantly quells the violence of the flame!
[00:56] [Shaff] again
[00:56] [Shaff] 1 step ahead of ya
[00:56] [Shaff] :p
[00:57] [Kalanyr] gah
[00:58] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:58] * Tiny thinks we're overloading kals brain
[00:58] [Tiny] heh
[00:58] * Shaff agrees
[00:58] [Kalanyr] stupid
[00:58] [Kalanyr] grumbles
[00:58] [Shaff] u can always just say i win
[00:58] [Shaff] and then it will be all over
[00:58] [Shaff] :D
[00:58] [Kalanyr] yeah that could work
[00:58] [Shaff] yea yea!
[00:58] [Kalanyr] claw assaults the dungeon
[00:58] * Shaff nods his head*
[00:58] [Kalanyr] crane flies
[00:58] [Kalanyr] hmm
[00:59] [Shaff] crane in its nat habbitat
[00:59] [Shaff] flying and all
[00:59] [Kalanyr] clever crane flies away from labyrinth as claw mangles dungeon
[00:59] * Shaff rubs his head and tries to think of a halfway good explaination for his move
[00:59] [Shaff] explanation rather...
[00:59] * MechaMeowth sets mode: +o Kalanyr
[00:59] * Kalanyr changes topic to 'Tiny vs Shaff. In the name of the Light this match is Taking place at the Marsh, on the Dusk of the Turtle. 7 Tiny 7 Shaff Goal 8'
[00:59] [Shaff] wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot
[01:00] [Shaff] ur first
[01:00] [Kalanyr] k
[01:00] [Kalanyr] !mb ybmove
[01:00] [MechaMeowth] Kalanyr: The wolf illuminates the pillar; scatters the edge of the holy ground!
[01:00] [Tiny] hmmm
[01:00] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[01:00] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The east wind cautiously mangles the cliff; silences the thrust of the blade!
[01:00] [Tiny] done
[01:00] [Tiny] !
[01:00] [Shaff] dang kal....
[01:00] [Shaff] if he would have got that
[01:00] [Shaff] i would be very happy
[01:00] [Shaff] cause he poinged
[01:00] [Shaff] but NOOOOO
[01:00] [Kalanyr] snicker
[01:00] [Shaff] :p
[01:01] [Kalanyr] I stole the move
[01:01] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[01:01] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The crane devours the swamp; parts the gaze of the stone!
[01:01] [Shaff] MRAH!
[01:01] [Shaff] done
[01:01] [Kalanyr] on the bright side I prevented someone else stealing one of my sigs
[01:01] [Kalanyr] hmmm
[01:01] [Shaff] how do u cautiosly mangle something?
[01:01] [Tiny] rut-ro
[01:01] [Kalanyr] crane in swamp is good
[01:01] [Tiny] very carfully
[01:01] [Tiny] lol
[01:01] [Kalanyr] stop trying to work out what I'm gonna say in advanced :p
[01:01] * Shaff sticks his tongue at rathan
[01:01] [Shaff] im trying....
[01:01] [Shaff] sorry kal....
[01:02] [Kalanyr] cautiously mangling is strange indeead
[01:02] [Kalanyr] on the otherhand winds mangle a cliff well
[01:02] [Kalanyr] the crane defends well against the stone of the cliff
[01:02] * Shaff members tiny has another bribe...
[01:02] * Shaff cries again
[01:02] [Kalanyr] the east winds defence isn't particularly good
[01:02] [Kalanyr] and the swamp is right by the marsh
[01:02] [Kalanyr] match to shaff
[01:02] [Kalanyr] unless Tiny wishes to bribe
[01:02] [Shaff] wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[01:03] * Tiny bribes the judge
[01:03] [Shaff] bribe?
[01:03] [Shaff] no no
[01:03] [Shaff] GAHQ!
[01:03] [Tiny] 1 yen
[01:03] [Shaff] GAH
[01:03] [Shaff] lol
[01:03] [Tiny] you first honor boy..
[01:03] [Kalanyr] k
[01:03] [Shaff] ok so uve made 4 yen so far?
[01:03] [Kalanyr] continue on, 4 yen for the Broken Fox Teeth Fund!
[01:03] [Kalanyr] Yay!
[01:03] [Shaff] 8 yen made
[01:03] [Shaff] 4 spent on bribes
[01:03] [Shaff] right?
[01:03] [Tiny] 6 yen made....
[01:04] [Tiny] 4 spent on bribes..
[01:04] [Shaff] u got 4 frm crownd pleaser
[01:04] [Shaff] 2 from the yen moves i won
[01:04] [Shaff] and 2 from the yen move u won
[01:04] [Tiny] oh yea..gotgot about those one..ty
[01:04] [Tiny] hehehe
[01:04] [Kalanyr] Rathan don't get Jack from moves you won
[01:04] [Shaff] np
[01:04] [Shaff] he doesnt?
[01:04] [Kalanyr] nope
[01:04] [Tiny] ummm... golden touch..
[01:05] [Shaff] y?
[01:05] [Kalanyr] he gets money from moves he won
[01:05] [Tiny] I get one for every one he gens right??
[01:05] [Kalanyr] who used a wealth mod?
[01:05] [Kalanyr] nope
[01:05] [Shaff] .....
[01:05] [Tiny] what golden touch do then???
[01:05] * Shaff is confused now
[01:05] [Kalanyr] you get 2 for every one you win
[01:05] [Kalanyr] Golden Touch = 1 yen if you win a round that includes a wealth mod
[01:05] [Tiny] did we get rid of profiteer??
[01:05] [Tiny] ohhhh my bad then.. sorry..
[01:06] [Shaff] so we did then?
[01:06] [Tiny] just go.. I'm made 2 yen so far....
[01:06] [Kalanyr] what ?
[01:06] [Kalanyr] whats profiteer got to do with anything
[01:06] [Tiny] all together..
[01:06] [Shaff] ok
[01:06] [Tiny] nm...
[01:06] [Shaff] got it
[01:06] [Shaff] my move
[01:06] [Kalanyr] Profiteer = 2 yen when you win a move
[01:06] [Kalanyr] with a yen
[01:06] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[01:06] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The northstar falls atop the plain; blocks the slash of the settlement as it brutally averts the tempest of the bone! *yen*
[01:06] [Kalanyr] or 4 for a yen+yen
[01:07] [Tiny] hmmm..
[01:07] [Shaff] nice, the star falls on u!!!
[01:07] [Tiny] hmmm
[01:07] [Tiny] done??
[01:07] [Shaff] and brutaliizes u!!!
[01:07] [Shaff] done
[01:07] [Shaff] lol
[01:07] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[01:07] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The snake tumbles through the dungeon; removes the motion of the fortification!
[01:07] [Shaff] so if he doesnt win this
[01:07] [Tiny] crap..
[01:07] [Tiny] done
[01:07] [Shaff] then he gets no yen this move?
[01:07] [Tiny] correct..
[01:07] [Shaff] o ok
[01:08] [Shaff] didnt it used to be the way i thought?
[01:08] [Kalanyr] nope
[01:08] [Shaff] okie then
[01:08] [Kalanyr] how much free yen have you given out ?
[01:08] [Shaff] ?
[01:08] [Kalanyr] when judginig
[01:08] [Kalanyr] how much free yen have you given to sashes
[01:08] [Kalanyr] cause you're gonna pay it all back ;p
[01:08] [Shaff] not much, he normally judges my matches, and i have no yen characters
[01:09] [Tiny] probally a few... nothing to be worried about... I've subtracted some yen from tiny cause I thought it worked that way as well...
[01:09] [Kalanyr] hw the heck did you get that idea?
[01:09] [Shaff] thats what i thought too
[01:09] [Kalanyr] anywayy the northstar is much cooler much much much cooler
[01:09] [Shaff] when yen move is generated
[01:09] [Shaff] a sash gets 1 yen
[01:09] [Kalanyr] point and match shaff
[01:09] [Tiny] cause I missread golden touch..
[01:09] [Shaff] and if he wins, he gets 2
[01:09] [Tiny] it's my fault..
[01:09] [Shaff] mine too....
[01:09] [Shaff] sorry
[01:09] [Kalanyr] it says wealth mod
[01:09] [Kalanyr] I'm pretty sure
[01:10] [Tiny] heh
[01:10] [Shaff] i won!?!?
[01:10] [Kalanyr] at least thats how I worded it
[01:10] [Kalanyr] Pay or Drop Tiny ?
[01:10] [Tiny] hmm... you won enough yen this match..I'll keep mine and drop a rank..
[01:10] [Shaff] WOOOOOOT
[01:10] [Kalanyr] Tiny -] Golden Sash 1
[01:10] [Shaff] i got 8 yen now!
[01:10] * Tiny wants to fight you twice now..
[01:10] [Tiny] heh
[01:10] [Kalanyr] Shaff - Green Sash 3


First Post
[04:40] [Tiny] Tiny the Jade Turtle
[04:40] [Tiny] Protector of the Wastelands
[04:40] [Tiny] Gold Sash 2
[04:40] [Tiny] 11/11
[04:40] [Tiny] Copper sash: Signature Style (Turtle), Arena Fighter,Profiteer , Crowd Pleaser, Golden Touch
[04:40] [Tiny] Silver sash: Signature Location (Wastelands), Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
[04:40] [Tiny] Gold Sash: Hard hitter, Bribe Judges
[04:40] [Tiny] Jade Turtle: Sig Style: Turtle
[04:40] [Tiny] Yen: 17
[04:41] [Tiny] !mb ybinsult
[04:41] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: I find your spouse to be dishonorable, your basement to be foul-smelling, and your pride to be honorless.
[04:41] [Tiny] I find you r pride of ki-rins to be honorless..
[04:41] [Tiny] heh
[04:42] [Tiny] kanadrin is no match for you....with the new sash progession she has no bribes... so :p
[04:42] [Shaff] lol
[04:42] [Shaff] i rped malandor's entrance
[04:43] [Shaff] u should reply
[04:43] [TheNewAncientMasters] nah but she's guaranteed at least 1 yen a fight
[04:43] [Tiny] fight tiny for now... if you lose I'll let you fight her..
[04:43] [TheNewAncientMasters] which you have to admit is nice
[04:43] [Tiny] true..
[04:43] [Tiny] you have to earn her fight... fight tiny.. hehehe
[04:43] [Shaff] Shaff
[04:43] [Shaff] Green Belt 3
[04:43] [Shaff] Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[04:43] [Shaff] Dojo Styles: Thunder
[04:43] [Shaff] Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[04:43] [Shaff] Record: 16-12
[04:43] [Shaff] Yen 8
[04:43] [Shaff] Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[04:43] [Tiny] just think...two juicy ranks if you beat me..
[04:43] [Tiny] muhahahaha
[04:43] [Shaff] !mb ybinsult
[04:43] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: I find your sensei to be like unto a tart, your mountain to be barren, and your discipline to be jaded.
[04:44] [Tiny] oh course I'm jade..
[04:44] [Tiny] lol
[04:44] [TheNewAncientMasters] nah fight Wolf_Mountain and Arkanyl in a Team Match
[04:44] [TheNewAncientMasters] you vs them ;p
[04:44] [Tiny] epppp
[04:44] [Shaff] ark is my master right?
[04:44] [Shaff] mal's master i mean
[04:44] [TheNewAncientMasters] Kendaz is Mal's Master
[04:44] [TheNewAncientMasters] Ark is just a Dark
[04:44] [Shaff] thats right
[04:44] [Shaff] kk
[04:45] [Shaff] yea
[04:45] [Tiny] lets make with the judgin..
[04:45] [Shaff] i figured jaded wouldnt be an insult
[04:45] [Tiny] I need sleep soon.. then I'll be back all night tomorrow night..
[04:45] [TheNewAncientMasters] okay
[04:46] [TheNewAncientMasters] someone repost the insults
[04:46] [TheNewAncientMasters] together please
[04:46] [Shaff] ok
[04:46] [Shaff] Tiny: I find your spouse to be dishonorable, your basement to be foul-smelling, and your pride to be honorless.
[04:46] [Shaff] Shaff: I find your sensei to be like unto a tart, your mountain to be barren, and your discipline to be jaded.
[04:46] [Shaff] lol u got insults
[04:47] [Shaff] u called me honorless too
[04:47] [Shaff] and my spouse
[04:47] [Shaff] omg
[04:47] [Shaff] thats the anti-honor insult
[04:47] [Shaff] lol
[04:47] [TheNewAncientMasters] Jaded isn't an insult, barren mountains aren't rare, and since when do Sash have teachers ?
[04:47] [TheNewAncientMasters] Dishonourable spouse oh thats nasty
[04:48] [TheNewAncientMasters] basement? You've been breaking into basements ? shame on you!
[04:48] [TheNewAncientMasters] And saying he's Honorless because of his pride
[04:48] [TheNewAncientMasters] oh thats such a clincher!
[04:48] [TheNewAncientMasters] Insults to Tiny!
[04:48] [Shaff] hehe
[04:48] [Tiny] hmmmm 6 flag speed..
[04:49] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[04:49] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The claw brutalizes the vineyard; leaps over the push of the barrens!
[04:49] [Tiny] hmmm..
[04:49] [Shaff] nice....
[04:49] [Shaff] FoF
[04:49] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[04:49] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The dragon burns the grotto; conceals the rolling of the farm!
[04:49] [Shaff] ummm
[04:49] [Shaff] done
[04:49] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[04:49] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The cherry blossom sweeps by the dungeon; dominates the motion of the horn!
[04:49] [Tiny] hmmm
[04:49] [Tiny] done
[04:50] [TheNewAncientMasters] !mb ybmaster
[04:50] [MechaMeowth] TheNewAncientMasters: MechaMeowth has decreed this match to take place at the cemetery north-west of the Obsidian Tower on the dusk of the cherry blossom.
[04:50] [Tiny] heh
[04:50] [Shaff] lol
[04:50] [Tiny] my move now has weight
[04:50] [Tiny] lol
[04:50] [Shaff] well thanks meowth
[04:50] [Shaff] :p
[04:50] [TheNewAncientMasters] Pretty Cherry Blossoms not terribly useful though
[04:50] [TheNewAncientMasters] horns not really relevant
[04:51] [TheNewAncientMasters] I guess Shaff brutalizes Tiny's vineyard and then follows up by burning Tiny's Grotto
[04:51] [TheNewAncientMasters] 2 Flags Shaff 0 Tiny Goal 6
[04:51] [Tiny] hey.... I inhearated those vinyards...... from Soth..
[04:51] [Tiny] grrrr
[04:52] [Tiny] go honor boy..
[04:52] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[04:52] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The northstar wracks the sea; reduces the assailment of the crevice!
[04:52] [Tiny] yeesh
[04:52] [TheNewAncientMasters] lol
[04:52] [TheNewAncientMasters] Soth's Vineyards
[04:52] [Shaff] done
[04:52] [TheNewAncientMasters] there wouldn't be enough left to Brutalize in that case
[04:52] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[04:52] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The tsunami mangles the canyon; absorbs the thrust of the horn!
[04:52] [Tiny] hmmm...
[04:52] [Tiny] done
[04:52] [Shaff] rut ro
[04:52] [TheNewAncientMasters] hmm
[04:52] [Tiny] stoopid horn
[04:53] [TheNewAncientMasters] Northstar crashes into the see, yeah that would wrack it, nice defsne too
[04:53] [TheNewAncientMasters] Tsunami mangles is nice
[04:53] [TheNewAncientMasters] horn's not relevant
[04:53] [TheNewAncientMasters] point Shaff!
[04:53] [Shaff] yay!!!
[04:53] [Tiny] drat...
[04:53] [Tiny] no bribe..
[04:53] [Tiny] continue..
[04:53] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[04:53] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The lotus blossom dances atop the city; quells the thrust of the lash!
[04:53] [TheNewAncientMasters] 3 Shaff 0 Tiny 6 Goal
[04:53] [Tiny] hmmm
[04:53] [Shaff] done
[04:54] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[04:54] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The wolf punches across the orchard; shields the aggression of the field!
[04:54] [Tiny] grrrr
[04:54] [Tiny] done
[04:54] [TheNewAncientMasters] hmm
[04:54] [Shaff] poing
[04:54] [Tiny] poing
[04:54] [Shaff] :p
[04:54] [Tiny] jinx
[04:54] [Shaff] 1
[04:54] [Shaff] 2
[04:54] [Shaff] 3
[04:54] [Shaff] 4
[04:54] [Shaff] 5
[04:54] [Shaff] i win
[04:54] [Shaff] errr
[04:54] [TheNewAncientMasters] Lotus Blossoms are pretty, Wolves don't punch anyway
[04:54] [TheNewAncientMasters] and poingness
[04:55] [TheNewAncientMasters] 4 Shaff 0 Rathan 6 Goal
[04:55] * Tiny bribes the judge
[04:55] [Tiny] 1 yen
[04:55] [Shaff] meh
[04:55] [TheNewAncientMasters] 3 Shaff 0 Rathan 6 Goal
[04:55] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[04:55] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The chimera stands with the labyrinth; drops on top of the offensive of the feline!
[04:55] [Shaff] done........
[04:55] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[04:55] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The mantis brutalizes the temple; fends off the cut of the insect!
[04:55] [Shaff] holy
[04:55] [Tiny] crowd pleaser
[04:55] [Tiny] done
[04:55] [Shaff] mantis kitty?
[04:55] [Shaff] :p
[04:55] [TheNewAncientMasters] lol
[04:56] [TheNewAncientMasters] Mantis make Temple fall down
[04:56] [TheNewAncientMasters] kinda trips itslef on its own defence but not significantly
[04:56] [Shaff] im using the labyrinth as a fort
[04:56] [TheNewAncientMasters] Chumera stands still
[04:56] [Tiny] lol
[04:56] [Shaff] lol
[04:56] [TheNewAncientMasters] 3 Shaff 1 Tiny 6 Goal
[04:56] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[04:56] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The snake strikes within the ruins; fends off the thrust of the flame!
[04:56] [Tiny] hmmm
[04:56] [Shaff] jeez......
[04:56] [Shaff] done
[04:57] [Tiny] (you have a mastery too don't forget shaff... yeesh)
[04:57] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[04:57] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The dragon penetrates the desert; absorbs the rolling of the farm!
[04:57] [Shaff] i kno
[04:57] [Tiny] done
[04:57] [Shaff] u got another bribe too
[04:57] [Tiny] yupyup..
[04:57] [Tiny] heh
[04:57] [Shaff] dontforget rathan
[04:57] [Shaff] :p
[04:57] [TheNewAncientMasters] Oh nice use of the Dragon's Power!
[04:58] [Shaff] ooo
[04:58] [Shaff] defended flame!
[04:58] [TheNewAncientMasters] Of course using it to dig in a desert seems strange
[04:58] [Shaff] oooo
[04:58] [TheNewAncientMasters] on the other hand the snake is biting rock
[04:58] * Shaff claps
[04:58] [Shaff] noooooo
[04:58] * Shaff cries
[04:58] [Tiny] lol
[04:58] [TheNewAncientMasters] but it is defending against fire twice the heat of the desert and the dragon
[04:58] [Shaff] o well i tried
[04:58] [TheNewAncientMasters] hmm
[04:59] [Shaff] lol ur dragon dove into the sand
[04:59] [Shaff] im trying really hard here
[04:59] [Shaff] :D
[04:59] * Shaff scratches his head
[04:59] [TheNewAncientMasters] neither day nor location are relevant, but in the dusk's light the snake hides well.
[04:59] [TheNewAncientMasters] point Shaff
[05:00] [TheNewAncientMasters] 4 Shaff 1 Tiny 6 Goal
[05:00] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[05:00] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The fang demolishes the atoll; absorbs the drive of the sands!
[05:00] [Tiny] drat
[05:00] [Shaff] oooo
[05:00] [Shaff] chi strike
[05:00] [Tiny] rut-ro
[05:00] [Shaff] mastery ki-rin
[05:00] [Shaff] done
[05:00] * TheNewAncientMasters gets something to pull the fang out with
[05:00] [Tiny] ouchie..
[05:00] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[05:00] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The oak annihilates the tower; dominates the throw of the tides!
[05:00] [TheNewAncientMasters] that looks like it could be worth a bit
[05:00] [Tiny] done
[05:00] [Tiny] YES!
[05:00] [Shaff] got somthing to pull the ki-rin out?
[05:00] [Tiny] I remove it with a gaint tree..
[05:00] [Tiny] lol
[05:00] [TheNewAncientMasters] oh very good!
[05:00] [Shaff] hmmm
[05:00] [TheNewAncientMasters] lets see
[05:00] [Shaff] well now
[05:00] [Shaff] both good moves
[05:01] [Shaff] this will be interesting
[05:01] [Tiny] shaff.. ssshhh!
[05:01] [Tiny] lol
[05:01] [Shaff] lol
[05:01] [Shaff] :p
[05:01] [TheNewAncientMasters] The Ki-Rin demolishes the atoll; abbsorbs the drive of the sands!
[05:01] [Shaff] oaks live in the sands!!!!!
[05:01] [TheNewAncientMasters] The Oak annihilates the tower; dominates the throw of the tides!
[05:01] [Shaff] ............
[05:01] [TheNewAncientMasters] hmmm
[05:01] [Tiny] SHAFF.... SSSSHHH!
[05:01] [Shaff] sorry rathan
[05:01] [Shaff] lol
[05:01] [TheNewAncientMasters] Good defense by Rathan saves him
[05:01] [TheNewAncientMasters] the atoll is indeed water bound!
[05:02] [TheNewAncientMasters] 4 Shaff 2 Tiny 6 Goal
[05:02] * Shaff makes a zipping signal around his mouth
[05:02] [Shaff] well crap
[05:02] [Shaff] ur up
[05:02] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[05:02] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The lightning removes the shrine; removes the energy of the insect!
[05:02] [Tiny] done
[05:02] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[05:02] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The wolf speaks from the cliff; wards off the terror of the rodent!
[05:02] [Shaff] done
[05:02] [Shaff] sig style
[05:02] [TheNewAncientMasters] yeah thats good
[05:02] [TheNewAncientMasters] byt the ligntning is better
[05:02] [TheNewAncientMasters] fried wolf anyone ?
[05:02] [Tiny] lol
[05:02] [TheNewAncientMasters] 4 Shaff 3 Tiny 6 Goal
[05:03] [Tiny] your up...
[05:03] [Shaff] lol
[05:03] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[05:03] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The spear slashes the sea; parts the thrust of the garden!
[05:03] [Shaff] done
[05:03] [Tiny] hmmm..
[05:03] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[05:03] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The chain stands upon the plain; silences the punch of the canine!
[05:03] [Tiny] done
[05:03] [Tiny] stoopid chain just standin around..
[05:03] [Shaff] but it doesnt stand
[05:04] [Shaff] its gotta lay....
[05:04] [Shaff] :D
[05:04] * Shaff shuts up again
[05:04] [TheNewAncientMasters] hmm
[05:04] [Shaff] i wont speak the rest of the match
[05:04] [TheNewAncientMasters] lazy chain isn't doing much, spears slash if used improprerly
[05:04] [TheNewAncientMasters] defences are irrelevant
[05:04] [TheNewAncientMasters] 5 Shaff 3 Tiny 6 Goal
[05:04] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[05:04] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The tiger drifts below the ravine; silences the efforts of the canine!
[05:04] [Tiny] hmmm
[05:04] [Tiny] done
[05:05] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[05:05] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The rat slashes by the grotto; shreds the onslaught of the spring!
[05:05] [Shaff] done
[05:05] [TheNewAncientMasters] how do you drift below a ravine ?
[05:05] * Shaff hums away merrily
[05:05] [TheNewAncientMasters] rat is less impressive than a tiger and isn't hitting anything
[05:05] [Shaff] o hey tiny
[05:05] * Tiny gives shaff the evil eye ad says "would you like me to show you damnit!"
[05:05] [TheNewAncientMasters] but the tiger drifts off on whatever it is below the ravine
[05:05] [Shaff] kitty is beating dog
[05:05] [TheNewAncientMasters] Point and Match Shaff!
[05:05] [Shaff] o well i tried to help u
[05:06] * Shaff waits for the bribe
[05:06] * Tiny bribes
[05:06] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[05:06] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The snake rides in the midst of the cemetery; scatters the pain of the blade!
[05:06] [Shaff] done
[05:06] [TheNewAncientMasters] I'm the one who said abou tthe drifting :p
[05:06] [TheNewAncientMasters] not shaff
[05:06] [Tiny] oh.....nm..
[05:06] [Tiny] heh
[05:06] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[05:06] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The tiger seeks across the vineyard; waves away the chi of the body!
[05:06] [Shaff] :p
[05:06] [Tiny] damnit.... lest he's on my property...
[05:06] [Tiny] done
[05:06] [Shaff] yea i tried to help u!
[05:06] [TheNewAncientMasters] yes, this is better than before!
[05:06] [TheNewAncientMasters] the tiger is seeking!
[05:07] [Shaff] hide and go seek?
[05:07] [TheNewAncientMasters] the snake is trying to get a free ride! big deal
[05:07] [Shaff] i love that gamr
[05:07] [Shaff] game*
[05:07] [TheNewAncientMasters] 5 Shaff 4 Tiny 6 Goal
[05:07] [Tiny] yer move
[05:07] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[05:07] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The tiger slashes on top of the labyrinth; blocks the onslaught of the grave!
[05:07] [Shaff] done
[05:07] [Shaff] tigers all around
[05:07] [Tiny] hmmm.. this is nooo good..
[05:07] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[05:07] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The west wind painlessly shreds the wastelands; wards off the foray of the farm!
[05:07] [Tiny] ok..better..
[05:07] [Shaff] but thats the life of a tigger
[05:07] [Tiny] done
[05:07] [Tiny] 2 pointer
[05:07] [Shaff] cwap
[05:08] [Shaff] rut ro...
[05:08] [Shaff] green belt 2 again for me
[05:08] [TheNewAncientMasters] hmmm
[05:08] [Shaff] at least i got synergy
[05:08] * MechaMeowth has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped)
[05:08] [Shaff] i mean....
[05:08] [TheNewAncientMasters] yeah thats a good one, Tiny wins the match alright
[05:08] [Tiny] lol
[05:08] [Shaff] meh
[05:09] [TheNewAncientMasters] 2 Points and Match Tiny
[05:09] [Shaff] well im going to bed
[05:09] [Tiny] lol
[05:09] [TheNewAncientMasters] night Shaff
[05:09] [Shaff] i dont wanna go to green belt 1 tonight


First Post
[Shaff] Shaff
[21:42] [Shaff] Green Belt 2
[21:42] [Shaff] Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[21:42] [Shaff] Dojo Styles: Thunder
[21:42] [Shaff] Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[21:42] [Shaff] Record: 16-13
[21:42] [Shaff] Yen 8
[21:42] [Shaff] Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[21:42] [Kalanyr] hmm
[21:43] [Kalanyr] how many times did Wolf fight yesterday ?
[21:43] * Ariel thinks tiny needs an oppoenet again.. hehe
[21:43] [Shaff] 1 time
[21:43] [Ariel] ummmm... once??? aninst me...
[21:43] [Kalanyr] yeah thought so
[21:43] [Kalanyr] just the loss
[21:44] * Ariel has to update her chars reacords... hehe
[21:44] * Ariel thinks Kal needs to updat the hall of records.. *lol* :p
[21:45] [Kalanyr] I will when you do my Maths and PII assignments for me
[21:45] [Kalanyr] oh and my Physics labs too
[21:45] [Kalanyr] that'd be nice
[21:45] [Ariel] I'm j/k... yeesh
[21:45] [Shaff] stats?
[21:45] [Kalanyr] oh and watch #dnd3e from 5 to 9 my time
[21:45] [Kalanyr] ;)
[21:45] [Kalanyr] yeah I should have enough time if you manage that
[21:45] [Kalanyr] :D
[21:45] [Ariel] lol
[21:46] [Shaff] i dont got much time.........
[21:46] * Shaff sticks his tongue out at kal
[21:47] [Kalanyr] is enworld dead for anyone else?
[21:47] [Shaff] nope
[21:47] [Shaff] u need ur stats?
[21:47] [Ariel] nope..
[21:47] [Kalanyr] hmm
[21:47] [Kalanyr] I see
[21:47] [Kalanyr] MS IE is being a freaking pain again
[21:47] * Kalanyr boots up netscape
[21:47] * Ariel going to kill senoid for picking soo many flags..
[21:48] [Shaff] yea
[21:48] [Shaff] me too
[21:48] [Shaff] i dunno what she is thinking
[21:48] [Ariel] I'm MUCH higher tier than her..she thought it would give her a change..and it does..
[21:48] [Ariel] lol
[21:48] [Kalanyr] well technically you can't have more than 1
[21:48] [Kalanyr] 2
[21:48] [Kalanyr] 12
[21:48] [Kalanyr] unless by agreement in a speed match
[21:48] [Kalanyr] or 6 or 8 in a standard match
[21:48] [Shaff] its a 10 flag speed...
[21:49] [Kalanyr] bah
[21:49] [Kalanyr] thats a short match
[21:49] [Kalanyr] even Kalanyr can finish that up quickly
[21:49] [Kalanyr] Rata can 1 round it
[21:50] * Ariel doesn't wanna hear it.... stats WM??
[21:50] [Shaff] im sure
[21:50] [Shaff] cause hes broken
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Wolf Mountain
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Fanged and Clawed Wolf
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Grasshopper of the Mountain
[21:50] [Kalanyr] The Reaper with a Thunder Scythe
[21:50] [Kalanyr] of the
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Member of the Dojo of the Predator
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Brown Belt 2 26-20
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Yen 8
[21:50] [Kalanyr] quote:
[21:50] [Kalanyr] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Yellow Belt: Signature Style (Scythe),Dojo Style (Wolf), Fist of Fury
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Green Belt: Signature Style (Thunder),Dojo Style (Fang), Chi Strike, Master of Emotions
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Brown Belt: Signature Style (Grasshopper),Dojo Style (Claw), Fist of Fury, Master of Movement
[21:50] [Kalanyr] Scythe:Signature Style (Scythe)
[21:50] [Kalanyr] +Win +Loss
[21:50] [Shaff] okie
[21:51] * Kalanyr is now known as Wolf_Mountain
[21:51] [Shaff] !mb ybinsult
[21:51] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: I find your cat to be malodorous, your business to be awful, and your sash to be laughable.
[21:51] [Shaff] crap
[21:51] [Shaff] a sash insult
[21:51] [Ariel] insult oh honorable one...
[21:52] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybinsult
[21:52] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: I find your grandmother to be brazen, your city to be barren, and your spirit to be bad.
[21:52] [Ariel] hmmmm..
[21:52] [Ariel] ohhh bad sprit.... insults to MW
[21:52] [Ariel] 2: The fang impales the heavens; dodges the tempest of the venom!
[21:52] [Ariel] oops..
[21:52] [Ariel] disreguard that..
[21:52] [Ariel] !mb ybmaster
[21:52] [MechaMeowth] Ariel: MechaMeowth has decreed this match to take place at the volcano south of the Obsidian Tower on the evening of the snake.
[21:53] [Ariel] 0 Flags WM; 0 Flags Shaff; Goal X! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake
[21:53] [Shaff] o
[21:53] [Shaff] sorry
[21:53] [Shaff] ddint see ur post
[21:53] [Wolf_Mountain] me first I suppose
[21:53] [Ariel] uummmZ??
[21:53] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[21:53] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The crane rains upon the island; shreds the tempest of the mire!
[21:53] [Ariel] flags??
[21:53] [Wolf_Mountain] gah
[21:54] [Shaff] ummm
[21:54] [Shaff] 6 flag speed
[21:54] [Wolf_Mountain] knew I forgot something
[21:54] [Ariel] heh
[21:54] [Shaff] yea
[21:54] [Wolf_Mountain] hey its my choice :p
[21:54] [Shaff] wait wait
[21:54] [Shaff] we both honor
[21:54] [Shaff] which 1?
[21:54] [Wolf_Mountain] 12 Flag Standard (Groan)
[21:54] [Shaff] oops
[21:54] * Ariel refuses
[21:54] [Shaff] sorry
[21:54] [Wolf_Mountain] 12 Flag Speed
[21:54] [Shaff] .....
[21:54] [Shaff] dude
[21:54] [Shaff] i have to go soon
[21:54] [Wolf_Mountain] heh
[21:54] [Wolf_Mountain] fine
[21:54] [Ariel] he doesn;t have that much time....
[21:54] [Wolf_Mountain] 6 flag speed
[21:54] [Shaff] maybe 2 quick matches and im done
[21:54] [Ariel] knock it to 8 and I'd say he'd be ok...
[21:55] [Shaff] 6!
[21:55] [Ariel] ok 6 flag speed??
[21:55] [Ariel] 6 is it???
[21:55] [Shaff] wm first
[21:55] [Wolf_Mountain] yup
[21:55] [Wolf_Mountain] k
[21:55] [Ariel] 0 Flags WM; 0 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake
[21:55] [Wolf_Mountain] move is up there ^
[21:55] [Wolf_Mountain] Chi Strike
[21:55] [Ariel] got ya..
[21:55] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[21:55] [Ariel] The crane rains upon the island; shreds the tempest of the mire!
[21:55] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[21:55] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The kama kicks over the island; parts the energy of the grave!
[21:55] [Ariel] ohhh..
[21:55] [Ariel] nice
[21:56] [Shaff] done
[21:56] [Ariel] sig style..
[21:56] [Ariel] hmmm.
[21:56] [Shaff] lol crane peeing on me
[21:56] [Shaff] what is it with u 2
[21:56] [Shaff] having cranes pee on me!
[21:56] [Wolf_Mountain] kama without legs
[21:56] [Shaff] both of u!!!!
[21:56] [Ariel] hmmm..
[21:56] [Wolf_Mountain] we like to demonstrate our contempt ;)
[21:56] [Ariel] the crane rains of the kama's parade......
[21:56] [Shaff] umm
[21:56] [Ariel] Point WM
[21:57] [Shaff] i tide the kama to my leg
[21:57] [Shaff] yea
[21:57] [Ariel] 1 Flags WM; 0 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake
[21:57] [Shaff] then kicked
[21:57] [Shaff] lol
[21:57] [Wolf_Mountain] you first Shaff
[21:57] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[21:57] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The willow torments the badlands; protects against the punch of the garden as it slides underneath the storm of the elements!
[21:57] [Ariel] woah..
[21:57] [Shaff] FoF
[21:57] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[21:57] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The unicorn drops below the city; silences the chaos of the wood!
[21:57] [Shaff] done
[21:57] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[21:57] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The chain dances facing the glacier; scatters the descent of the rodent!
[21:57] [Wolf_Mountain] 0_0
[21:57] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[21:57] [Shaff] ...
[21:58] [Ariel] dancing chains can be dangerous.... to the wielder!
[21:58] * Wolf_Mountain gives MechaMeowth a cookie
[21:58] [Ariel] Point and FoF shaff..
[21:58] [Shaff] woo
[21:58] [Ariel] 1 Flags WM; 2 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake
[21:58] [Wolf_Mountain] you first shaff
[21:58] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[21:58] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The nunchaku prances from the glade; wards off the violence of the garden!
[21:58] [Shaff] chi strike
[21:58] [Shaff] done
[21:58] [Ariel] you sissy!
[21:58] [Ariel] lol
[21:58] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[21:58] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The northstar glides facing the fountain; averts the slash of the pole!
[21:59] [Wolf_Mountain] -_-;
[21:59] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[21:59] [Shaff] fountain garden!!!????!!!
[21:59] [Shaff] lol
[21:59] [Shaff] darn ur anime smileys!!!
[21:59] [Ariel] prancing nunck gets flattened by gliding star....
[21:59] [Ariel] Point WM
[21:59] [Ariel] 2 Flags WM; 2 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake
[21:59] * Shaff cries at the anime smiely
[21:59] [Wolf_Mountain] whats wrong with my smilies @_@
[21:59] [Shaff] lol
[21:59] [Shaff] ur first
[22:00] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[22:00] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The scorpion lies underneath the city; dodges the efforts of the horn!
[22:00] [Wolf_Mountain] heh
[22:00] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[22:00] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:00] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The snake drifts through the temple; removes the pain of the spring!
[22:00] * Wolf_Mountain lies in wait
[22:00] [Ariel] you both suck..
[22:00] [Shaff] shiznit
[22:00] [Shaff] done
[22:00] [Ariel] the snake drifts right past scorp in waiting.. Point Shaff..
[22:00] * Wolf_Mountain sets mode: -t
[22:00] [Ariel] 2 Flags WM; 3 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake
[22:01] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:01] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The hammer dominates the hells; dodges the descent of the star!
[22:01] [Wolf_Mountain] darn you snake drifting past me!
[22:01] [Shaff] mastery ki-rin
[22:01] [Ariel] niiiice
[22:01] [Wolf_Mountain] you can topic change now
[22:01] [Ariel] ty..
[22:01] [Wolf_Mountain] you done ?
[22:01] [Shaff] The Ki-rin Dominates the hells; dodges the descent of the star
[22:01] [Shaff] done
[22:01] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[22:01] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The fist tramples the island; fends off the push of the grave!
[22:01] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[22:01] [Shaff] MUAH!
[22:02] [Shaff] im not gonna say anything
[22:02] [Shaff] ill make it fair
[22:02] * Ariel changes topic to '2 Flags WM; 3 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake'
[22:02] [Ariel] hmmmm..
[22:02] [Wolf_Mountain] ||||\ [= Fist
[22:02] [Wolf_Mountain] ____
[22:02] [Shaff] ?
[22:02] [Wolf_Mountain] [-island
[22:03] [Shaff] ???
[22:03] [Ariel] hmmmmmmmm..
[22:03] [Shaff] whats ||||\?
[22:03] [Ariel] Exp round to WM
[22:03] [Wolf_Mountain] its a fist
[22:03] * Ariel changes topic to '3 Flags WM; 3 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake'
[22:03] [Shaff] darn u walking on ur hands!
[22:03] [Shaff] now im done for...
[22:03] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[22:03] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The foot flies underneath the forest; leaps over the kick of the bone!
[22:03] [Wolf_Mountain] not with me getting moves like this
[22:03] [Ariel] you were saying..
[22:03] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[22:03] [Ariel] lol
[22:03] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:03] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The trident sings with the waterfall; wards off the punch of the fortification!
[22:04] [Shaff] yes with moves like that
[22:04] [Shaff] i get 1 good move and its not enough
[22:04] [Shaff] done
[22:04] * Shaff sighs
[22:04] [Ariel] ohhh.. pretty trident in it's watery element..
[22:04] [Ariel] Point shaff..
[22:04] * Ariel changes topic to '3 Flags WM; 4 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake'
[22:04] [Wolf_Mountain] a pox on your rusty trident!
[22:04] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:04] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The sad crab glides near the island; negates the foray of the venom!
[22:04] [Wolf_Mountain] your turn Shaff
[22:04] [Shaff] ....
[22:04] [Shaff] .done
[22:04] [Wolf_Mountain] ooh 2 pointer for you
[22:04] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[22:04] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The lizard falls facing the ravine; dominates the stab of the storm!
[22:05] [Wolf_Mountain] and this match is yours
[22:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[22:05] [Ariel] how a two pointer again??
[22:05] [Shaff] doubt it...
[22:05] [Shaff] island
[22:05] [Ariel] so??
[22:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Emotion
[22:05] [Shaff] wait wait
[22:05] [Shaff] ye
[22:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Sad = Emotion
[22:05] [Ariel] oh.....riiight
[22:05] [Shaff] yea, i was thinking malandor
[22:05] [Ariel] got it..
[22:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Shaff - Green Belt
[22:05] [Shaff] sorry
[22:05] [Shaff] malandor is island
[22:05] [Shaff] yea master of emotin
[22:05] [Ariel] falling lizard ='s death.. Point, Mod and Match Shaff..
[22:06] * Ariel changes topic to '3 Flags WM; 6 Flags Shaff; Goal 6! 0 Yen Volcano;Snake'


First Post
[Kanadrin] Kanadrin
[22:09] [Kanadrin] Copper Sash 0
[22:09] [Kanadrin] 3/16
[22:09] [Kanadrin] Copper Sash: Signature Style (Lotus Blossom), Arena Fighter, Profiteer, Crowd Pleaser, Golden Touch
[22:09] [Kanadrin] Red Luckstone: No Powers Yet
[22:09] [Kanadrin] Yen: 8
[22:09] [Shaff] Shaff
[22:09] [Shaff] Green Belt 4
[22:09] [Shaff] Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[22:09] [Shaff] Dojo Styles: Thunder
[22:09] [Shaff] Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[22:09] [Shaff] Record: 17-13
[22:09] [Shaff] Yen 8
[22:09] [Shaff] Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[22:09] * Wolf_Mountain is now known as Ratasal
[22:09] [Kanadrin] yummy yen.....
[22:09] * Ratasal offers to swap kanadrin items for the duration of this match
[22:09] [Kanadrin] ohhh..more yummy yen
[22:09] [Kanadrin] heh
[22:10] [Shaff] .............
[22:10] [Shaff] nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[22:10] [Shaff] im only 1 tier higher
[22:10] [Shaff] i fought tiny....
[22:10] [Shaff] lol
[22:10] [Shaff] tiny is higher tier.......
[22:10] [Ratasal] oh come on
[22:10] * Shaff cries
[22:10] [Shaff] lemme see it
[22:10] [Shaff] again...
[22:10] [Ratasal] Kanadrin only gets access to the first 2 powers
[22:10] [Kanadrin] huh??
[22:11] [Shaff] he wants to trade items for the match
[22:11] [Kanadrin] huh??
[22:11] [Ratasal] yeah remember you can't use items above your tier ;)
[22:11] [Shaff] o
[22:11] [Shaff] yea but
[22:11] [Shaff] whats the first 2?
[22:11] [Kanadrin] !mb ybinsult
[22:11] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: I find your betrothed to be juvenile, your stable to be cursed, and your hand to be child-like.
[22:11] [Ratasal] I dunno
[22:11] [Ratasal] probably FoF and ST
[22:12] [Shaff] ok nvm then
[22:12] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:12] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The grasshopper slays the well; guards against the chaos of the lash! *yen*
[22:12] [Shaff] ooops
[22:12] [Shaff] damn it
[22:12] [Ratasal] hmm
[22:12] [Shaff] thats a great move
[22:12] [Shaff] i mean, darn it
[22:12] [Kanadrin] damnit! you took me good yen move!
[22:12] [Ratasal] I find Kandadrin's insults better
[22:12] [Ratasal] I mean at least iss an insult
[22:12] [Shaff] !mb ybinsult
[22:12] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: I find your sibling to be jaded, your mountain to be disgusting, and your zen to be insidious.
[22:12] [Kanadrin] muhahahaha
[22:12] [Ratasal] Hard Hitter and Sneaky Trick
[22:12] [Ratasal] are the first two powers
[22:13] [Kanadrin] HHer will be tinys next power...
[22:13] [Kanadrin] on his item..
[22:13] [Ratasal] hmm
[22:14] [Ratasal] Jaded Sibling Juvenile Brother equally suckful
[22:14] [Kanadrin] drat...we need someone else to judge after kal.. shaff is leavin I think..
[22:14] [Kanadrin] after this match I mean
[22:14] [Shaff] well, when my time ends
[22:14] [Shaff] which is less than 30 min i think
[22:14] [Kanadrin] lets get a move on then..
[22:14] [Ratasal] cursed stable is better
[22:14] [Ratasal] zen is better
[22:15] [Ratasal] hmm which is better overall then
[22:15] [Ratasal] hmmm A childlike hand does not hit as hard
[22:15] [Ratasal] Insults to Kanadrin
[22:15] [Kanadrin] hmmm... 5flag speed..
[22:15] [Ratasal] pick your poison
[22:15] [Kanadrin] your first chi boy..
[22:15] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:15] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The nunchaku tramples the grotto; absorbs the speed of the flame!
[22:15] [Shaff] ummm
[22:16] [Shaff] chi strike
[22:16] [Shaff] done
[22:16] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[22:16] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The wolf quietly scourges the tower; negates the violence of the farm!
[22:16] [Kanadrin] drat
[22:16] [Kanadrin] donr
[22:16] [Kanadrin] done even and poinged
[22:16] [Ratasal] ooh but that wold move is just so cool
[22:17] [Kanadrin] heeeyy..
[22:17] [Ratasal] much better than the nunchakus
[22:17] [Ratasal] oh well
[22:17] [Ratasal] 1 Flag Shaff 0 Kanadrin
[22:17] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[22:17] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The crab slashes across the desert as it drifts above the bone; parries the rolling of the bird!
[22:17] [Shaff] ur up
[22:17] [Kanadrin] hmmmm..
[22:17] [Kanadrin] done
[22:17] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:17] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The thunder blasts the temple; avoids the kick of the mire!
[22:17] [Shaff] hmmm
[22:17] [Shaff] interesting
[22:17] [Shaff] done
[22:19] [Ratasal] hmm
[22:19] [Ratasal] yeah thunders better
[22:19] [Ratasal] Boom goes the temple
[22:19] [Ratasal] 3 Flag Shaff 0 Kanadrin
[22:19] [Shaff] hehe
[22:19] [Shaff] wanted to see if u would catch it
[22:19] [Kanadrin] yer up..
[22:19] [Shaff] since u hate it so much
[22:19] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:19] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The crab quells the hells; defends against the rising of the grave!
[22:19] [Shaff] FoF
[22:19] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:19] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The rat kicks the glade; leaps over the edge of the star!
[22:19] [Shaff] done
[22:19] [Kanadrin] hmmm
[22:19] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[22:20] * Ratasal ponders a script on Thunder kill $nick (Spammer) ;)
[22:20] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The lizard attacks the castle; dominates the throw of the reptile!
[22:20] [Kanadrin] done
[22:21] [Kanadrin] ?
[22:21] [Shaff] rat u there?
[22:22] [Ratasal] yes yes I am
[22:22] [Shaff] okie
[22:23] [Shaff] omg, just saw something
[22:23] * Shaff PM's kanadrin
[22:23] [Kanadrin] quiet!
[22:23] [Shaff] im not saying anything all match
[22:23] [Shaff] it might not even be about ur move
[22:23] [Ratasal] hmm quelling the hells, rising of the grave, kinda tripping yourself up there, trapping people in hell, on the other hand the lizard is kinda tripping itelf up too, hmmm
[22:23] [Ratasal] !mb ybmaster
[22:23] [MechaMeowth] Ratasal: MechaMeowth has decreed this match to take place at the waterfall south of the Garden of Worship on the morning of the weasel.
[22:24] [Shaff] o lol
[22:24] [Ratasal] hmmmm
[22:24] [Shaff] yea that might be a good idea
[22:24] [Shaff] ...
[22:25] [Ratasal] hmm well the watefall is opposed to the firey nature of the hells
[22:25] [Ratasal] Point Kanadrin
[22:25] [Kanadrin] lets rush this shall we...shaff is almost outa time..
[22:25] [Ratasal] 3 Shaff 1 Kanadrin
[22:25] [Ratasal] damn that what was a tough round
[22:25] [Shaff] i got about 15 min
[22:25] [Kanadrin] my turn??
[22:25] [Shaff] yea
[22:25] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[22:25] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The hammer flies in the midst of the brush; blocks the kick of the river!
[22:26] [Kanadrin] hmmm
[22:26] [Kanadrin] done
[22:26] [Shaff] lol
[22:26] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:26] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The superior crane punches higher than the dungeon; shields the descent of the stone!
[22:26] [Shaff] Mastery Ki-rin
[22:26] [Shaff] done
[22:26] [Kanadrin] you already used that didn;t you??
[22:26] [Shaff] The superior Ki-rin punches higher than the dungeon; shields the descent of the stone!
[22:26] [Shaff] no
[22:26] [Shaff] i used fof
[22:26] [Kanadrin] h that was the other match.. heh
[22:26] [Kanadrin] nm..
[22:27] [Ratasal] hmm
[22:27] [Ratasal] lets see
[22:27] [Ratasal] Flying hammer hits bush
[22:27] [Ratasal] Ki-Rin without arms punches higher than its target
[22:27] [Ratasal] defences are blargh
[22:27] [Ratasal] round is blargh
[22:27] [Ratasal] but hammer gets this one
[22:27] [Ratasal] 3 Shaff 2 Kanadrin
[22:28] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:28] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The mantis drops within the ruins; quells the edge of the holy ground!
[22:28] [Shaff] done
[22:28] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[22:28] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The lotus blossom wounds the cemetery; protects against the descent of the crevice!
[22:28] [Shaff] im not gonna get any more good moves...
[22:28] [Shaff] lol
[22:28] [Kanadrin] sig!
[22:28] [Kanadrin] crowd pleaser
[22:28] [Shaff] o jesus
[22:28] [Kanadrin] done
[22:28] [Shaff] why cant i comment!!!!
[22:28] [Shaff] lol
[22:29] [Ratasal] hmm mantis falls inside some stones , lotus blossom wounds the sacred holy grounds of the cemetart but Shaff defends against that
[22:29] [Ratasal] hmmm
[22:30] [Ratasal] nah Lotus Blossom sounds cooler than silly mantis
[22:30] [Ratasal] 3 Shaff 4 Kanadrin
[22:30] [Ratasal] 4 Yen Kanadrin
[22:30] [Ratasal] now give me my yen
[22:30] [Kanadrin] ummm..
[22:30] [Kanadrin] k..
[22:30] [Kanadrin] my move??
[22:30] [Shaff] ?
[22:30] [Shaff] yea
[22:30] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[22:30] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The weasel breaks the prairie; wards off the throw of the body! *yen+yen*
[22:30] [Kanadrin] woah!
[22:30] [Shaff] ...........................
[22:30] [Kanadrin] done
[22:30] [Shaff] game over
[22:30] [Ratasal] shoulda take me up on that item
[22:30] [Ratasal] ;p
[22:30] [Kanadrin] you four yen me..
[22:30] [Ratasal] that'd be a 3 pointer
[22:31] [Kanadrin] you=and
[22:31] [Shaff] is that a 2 pointer?
[22:31] [Kanadrin] nope..I don't have hardhitter
[22:31] [Kanadrin] just one..
[22:31] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:31] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The tsunami lies within the tower; parries the assailment of the maze!
[22:31] [Shaff] done
[22:31] [Shaff] im gonna flood that damn tower if it kills me!
[22:31] [Shaff] stupid tower...
[22:31] [Shaff] ur stoooooopid
[22:32] [Shaff] i mean im gonn flood that darn tower
[22:32] [Shaff] omg my mom is being gay
[22:32] [Kanadrin] heh.. kanadrins record is 3/16.....lol
[22:32] [Shaff] she wants me to be in bed by the time she gets home
[22:32] [Shaff] its friggin 9:30
[22:32] [Shaff] and im in highschool
[22:32] [Shaff] ses retarded
[22:32] [Ratasal] okay so Shaff has a water tower
[22:32] [Ratasal] and the weasel breaks stuff
[22:33] [Ratasal] yeah point match and 4 yen to Kanadrin
[22:33] [Kanadrin] yay!
[22:33] [Ratasal] do you wanna steal some of Shaff's yen too ?
[22:33] [Kanadrin] total of 10 yean made this match..
[22:33] [Kanadrin] yup..
[22:33] [Kanadrin] hehehe
[22:33] [Ratasal] k Kanadrin absconds with 2 of your yen
[22:33] [Kanadrin] 2 ranks and 10 yen...I made out like a bandit..
[22:33] [Shaff] thought u said it was only 1 point?
[22:33] [Ratasal] and rises to Copper Sash 2
[22:33] [Ratasal] Shaff Falls to Green belt 3


First Post
[Shaff] Shaff
[22:42] [Shaff] Green Belt 3
[22:42] [Shaff] Sig Styles: Kama, Ki-rin, Wolf
[22:42] [Shaff] Dojo Styles: Thunder
[22:42] [Shaff] Powers: fists-of-fury, chi strike, Master of emotions
[22:42] [Shaff] Record: 17-14
[22:42] [Shaff] Yen 8
[22:42] [Shaff] Items: Bola the Ki-rin: Sig style: Ki-rin, Mastery (Ki-rin)
[22:42] * Kanadrin is now known as Ariel
[22:42] * Kalanyr is now known as Wolf_Mountain
[22:42] [Shaff] !mb ybinsult
[22:42] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: I find your Master to be honorless, your dojo to be squandered, and your ninjitsu to be blunt.
[22:43] [Shaff] i got about 10 minutes
[22:43] [Shaff] so we gotta be like, wam wam wam wam
[22:43] [Ariel] insults kal??
[22:43] [Ariel] I mean W
[22:43] [Wolf_Mountain] I may disappear in a sec
[22:43] [Ariel] WM
[22:43] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybinsults
[22:43] [Ariel] rut-ro
[22:43] [Shaff] for how long?
[22:43] [Shaff] no s.............
[22:43] [Shaff] gah
[22:44] [Ariel] shaff..lets not rush...wait till tomorrow..
[22:44] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybinsults
[22:44] [Wolf_Mountain] no I'll be right back
[22:44] [Ariel] insult
[22:44] [Shaff] if its 5-6 flag speed
[22:44] [Shaff] we can do it
[22:44] [Wolf_Mountain] I just think I'm gonna get killed
[22:44] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybinsult
[22:44] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: I find your son to be dishonorable, your presence to be unbearable, and your sash to be impotent.
[22:44] [Ariel] hmmm....
[22:44] [Ariel] calling DW honorless is nasty..
[22:44] [Ariel] insults shaff..
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] I'm DW ?
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] woot
[22:45] [Shaff] 5 flag speed
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] I want my PA
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] :p
[22:45] [Ariel] he said yer master is honorless..
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] !Mb ybmove
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[22:45] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The fang prances over the shrine; guards against the descent of the grass!
[22:45] [Ariel] lol
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] glurgle
[22:45] [Ariel] poing
[22:45] [Shaff] i called m own master honorless too then
[22:45] [Shaff] lol
[22:45] [Ariel] right
[22:45] [Ariel] still
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] why is that a poing ?
[22:45] [Shaff] poing?
[22:45] [Ariel] it was your insult..
[22:45] [Wolf_Mountain] I'm the one with fang sig style
[22:45] [Shaff] lol yea
[22:45] [Shaff] done?
[22:46] [Wolf_Mountain] Chi Strike
[22:46] [Ariel] oh..I thought shaff had it too.. he has wolf tho..I member..
[22:46] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[22:46] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:46] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The tsunami crushes the grotto; scatters the energy of the maze!
[22:46] [Ariel] hmmmm..
[22:46] [Ariel] Point shaff..
[22:46] [Shaff] FoF
[22:46] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:46] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The rat sings facing the shrine; fends off the thrust of the grave!
[22:46] [Ariel] 1 shaff; 0 WM
[22:46] [Shaff] 2
[22:46] [Ariel] you can't he chi struck.,.
[22:46] [Shaff] oops
[22:46] [Shaff] my bad
[22:46] [Wolf_Mountain] lol
[22:46] [Ariel] so...
[22:46] [Wolf_Mountain] you first
[22:46] [Ariel] 1 shaff; 0 WM
[22:46] [Shaff] i said done before he said chi
[22:46] [Shaff] i missed it
[22:46] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:47] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The tsunami tramples the swamp; leaps over the stab of the storm!
[22:47] [Shaff] FoF
[22:47] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:47] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The foot dances over the badlands; stands above the kick of the venom!
[22:47] [Shaff] done
[22:47] [Wolf_Mountain] hmm
[22:47] [Wolf_Mountain] done ?
[22:47] [Ariel] ^
[22:47] [Shaff] i said done
[22:47] [Shaff] crap
[22:47] [Shaff] 4 minutes...
[22:48] [Shaff] may have to finish 2morrow
[22:48] [Ariel] yup..
[22:48] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[22:48] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The foot storms the prairie; shreds the gaze of the feline!
[22:48] [Wolf_Mountain] hmm
[22:48] [Wolf_Mountain] give it a go I guess
[22:48] [Wolf_Mountain] FoF!
[22:48] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmovoe
[22:48] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[22:48] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The northstar forcefully eliminates the tundra; shreds the touch of the star!
[22:48] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[22:48] [Ariel] 2 points WM??
[22:48] * Wolf_Mountain has quit IRC (Local Kill by Reiella (The supreme turtle obliterates the volcano so fast that it absorbs the Ancient Volcano; aggressively conceals the motion of the fires. *yen+yen* ))
[22:48] [Ariel] heh
[22:49] [Ariel] still Point and FoF.....
[22:49] [Ariel] shaff!
[22:49] [Ariel] 3 shaff; 0 WM
[22:49] * Kalanyr has joined #ybfight
[22:49] [Ariel] [Ariel] heh
[22:49] [Ariel] [Ariel] still Point and FoF.....
[22:49] [Ariel] [Ariel] shaff!
[22:49] [Ariel] [Ariel] 3 shaff; 0 WM
[22:49] [Ariel] * Kalanyr has joined #ybfight
[22:49] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:49] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The grasshopper glides underneath the ruins; shields the touch of the maze!
[22:49] [Shaff] chi strike
[22:49] [Shaff] done
[22:50] [Kalanyr] poing
[22:50] [Kalanyr] !mb ybmove
[22:50] [Ariel] ahhh..
[22:50] [MechaMeowth] Kalanyr: The lotus blossom dances before the paradise; wards off the tempest of the body!
[22:50] [Kalanyr] Done
[22:50] [Ariel] point WM
[22:50] [Ariel] [Ariel] 3 shaff; 1 WM
[22:50] [Ariel] go wm
[22:51] [Kalanyr] !mb ybmove
[22:51] [MechaMeowth] Kalanyr: The tsunami drowns the foothills; waves away the descent of the maze!
[22:51] [Kalanyr] FoF
[22:51] [Kalanyr] !Mb ybmove
[22:51] [Kalanyr] !mb ybmove
[22:51] [MechaMeowth] Kalanyr: The staff destroys the glade; shields against the chaos of the grave!
[22:51] [Kalanyr] Done
[22:51] [Ariel] ouchie..
[22:51] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:51] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The rat sings on top of the tundra; silences the terror of the field!
[22:51] [Shaff] crap
[22:51] [Shaff] done
[22:51] [Ariel] Point and FoF WM
[22:51] [Ariel] [Ariel] 3 shaff; 2 WM
[22:51] [Ariel] [Ariel] 3 shaff; 3 WM
[22:51] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:51] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The willow punches the vineyard; quells the offensive of the insect!
[22:51] [Shaff] done
[22:51] [Shaff] hey if i get booted
[22:51] [Shaff] gimme a few minutes my mom might let me back on for the finish
[22:52] [Ariel] k...
[22:52] [Kalanyr] !mb ybmove
[22:52] [MechaMeowth] Kalanyr: The fang swims underneath the cliff; leaps over the aggression of the river!
[22:52] [Ariel] hmmmm...
[22:52] [Kalanyr] bleck
[22:52] [Kalanyr] Done
[22:52] [Ariel] hmmm..
[22:52] [Kalanyr] 2 piunter
[22:52] [Ariel] point shaff..
[22:52] [Ariel] [Ariel] 4 shaff; 3 WM
[22:52] [Ariel] 4 shaff; 3 WM
[22:52] [Kalanyr] !mb ybmove
[22:52] [MechaMeowth] Kalanyr: The phoenix seeks by the bluff; shreds the slash of the wood!
[22:52] [Kalanyr] Done
[22:52] [Shaff] !mb ybmove
[22:52] [MechaMeowth] Shaff: The trident eliminates the bluff; parries the thrust of the barrens!
[22:52] * Shaff has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped)
[22:52] [Ariel] lol
[22:52] [Ariel] point and match....
[22:52] [Kalanyr] poor Wolf
[22:52] [Ariel] shaff!
[22:52] [Kalanyr] Brown Belt 0
[22:53] [Kalanyr] down I go again
[22:53] [Ariel] yupyup..
[22:53] [Kalanyr] sigh
[22:53] [Ariel] he's now BB 0 as well..
[22:53] [Kalanyr] damn it losing to that stupid move yesterday started me on a damn bad track
[22:53] [Ariel] yea.. it did..
[22:53] [Ariel] I'll let you pick on kanadrin maybe... see if rei will judge.. hehe
[22:54] [Ariel] shaff ---] BB0 Brown Belt: Signature Style, Dojo Style, Fist of Fury, master of Movement
[22:54] [Kalanyr] Rei is busy atm
[22:54] [Ariel] sig style trident.....
[22:55] [Ariel] shaff says good match from AIM Kal..


First Post
[Tiny] Tiny the Jade Turtle
[23:04] [Tiny] Protector of the Wastelands
[23:04] [Tiny] Gold Sash 3
[23:04] [Tiny] 12/11
[23:04] [Tiny] Copper sash: Signature Style (Turtle), Arena Fighter,Profiteer , Crowd Pleaser, Golden Touch
[23:04] [Tiny] Silver sash: Signature Location (Wastelands), Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
[23:04] [Tiny] Gold Sash: Hard hitter, Bribe Judges
[23:04] [Tiny] Jade Turtle: Sig Style: Turtle, Mastery: Turtle
[23:04] [Tiny] Yen: 13
[23:04] [Wolf_Mountain] oh well
[23:04] [Wolf_Mountain] Here we go
[23:05] [Tiny] kanadrin is after if rei has time..
[23:05] [Tiny] wait I said kanadrin..
[23:05] [Tiny] nm..
[23:05] * Wolf_Mountain casts FoD of tiny :p
[23:05] * Tiny is now known as Kanadrin
[23:05] [Kanadrin] Kanadrin
[23:05] [Kanadrin] Copper Sash 2
[23:05] [Kanadrin] 4/16
[23:05] [Kanadrin] Copper Sash: Signature Style (Lotus Blossom), Arena Fighter, Profiteer, Crowd Pleaser, Golden Touch
[23:05] [Kanadrin] Red Luckstone: Hard Hitter
[23:05] [Kanadrin] Yen: 13
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Wolf Mountain
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Fanged and Clawed Wolf
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Grasshopper of the Mountain
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] The Reaper with a Thunder Scythe
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] of the
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Member of the Dojo of the Predator
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Brown Belt 2 26-20
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Yen 8
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] quote:
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Yellow Belt: Signature Style (Scythe),Dojo Style (Wolf), Fist of Fury
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Green Belt: Signature Style (Thunder),Dojo Style (Fang), Chi Strike, Master of Emotions
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Brown Belt: Signature Style (Grasshopper),Dojo Style (Claw), Fist of Fury, Master of Movement
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Scythe:Signature Style (Scythe)
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] +1 win +3 loss
[23:05] [Wolf_Mountain] Brown Belt 0
[23:06] [Wolf_Mountain] This has not been wolfs day
[23:06] [Wolf_Mountain] joy and now a sash to steal my hard earned yen
[23:06] [Wolf_Mountain] oh only have 6 yen atm
[23:06] [Kanadrin] time to lose some yen honor wolf..
[23:06] [Wolf_Mountain] forgot that tiny stole some
[23:06] [Wolf_Mountain] yeah knowing my luck
[23:06] [Kanadrin] heh
[23:06] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybinsult
[23:06] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: I find your groundskeeper to be uncivilized, your home to be decayed, and your skill to be quaint.
[23:06] [Kanadrin] !yb ybinsult
[23:06] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: I find your grandmother to be boorish, your apartment to be tiny, and your puppy's punch to be dull.
[23:07] [Kanadrin] my insult sucks..
[23:07] [Kanadrin] lol
[23:07] [Reiella] Adequately put Kanadrin
[23:07] [Reiella] The honor of insults go to Wolf_Mountain
[23:07] [Reiella] !mm masters
[23:07] [Wolf_Mountain] hmm
[23:07] [Reiella] !mm master
[23:07] [MechaMeowth] Reiella: MechaMeowth has decreed this match to take place at the foothills north of the Graveyard of the Undying on the morning of the whip.
[23:07] [Wolf_Mountain] 4 flag speed
[23:07] [Kanadrin] hmmm... limiting my yen are we???
[23:07] [Kanadrin] you
[23:07] [Kanadrin] re up..
[23:07] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:07] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The trident leaps over the beach as it punches the Endless Beach; shields against the aggression of the maze!
[23:08] [Kanadrin] ummm??
[23:08] * Reiella changes topic to '0 Kanadrin, 0 Wolf; Goal 4! foothills, whip'
[23:08] [Kanadrin] oximoron??
[23:08] [Wolf_Mountain] Chi Strike (Because I can!)
[23:08] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:08] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[23:08] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The cherry blossom dodges upon the glacier; redirects the stab of the farm!
[23:08] [Kanadrin] done
[23:08] * Wolf_Mountain sets mode: +t
[23:08] [Wolf_Mountain] oxymoron :p
[23:09] [Reiella] Leaping trident holds the day, Point Wolf
[23:09] [Wolf_Mountain] I need a script that auto fixes your spelling ;)
[23:09] [Reiella] hmm
[23:09] [Reiella] stupid trill bug
[23:09] [Wolf_Mountain] you first oh rich foe
[23:09] [Kanadrin] hmmm..
[23:09] * Reiella changes topic to '0 Kanadrin,1 Wolf, Goal 4, foothills/whip'
[23:09] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[23:09] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The scorpion speaks through the temple; slashes close to the aggression of the ice!
[23:09] [Wolf_Mountain] which bug today?
[23:09] [Kanadrin] done
[23:10] [Reiella] channel manager not recogonizing me being opped
[23:10] [Kanadrin] if you wrote it kal..it could ony serve to improve me.. heh
[23:11] [Wolf_Mountain] grr why won't it version you!?
[23:11] * Kanadrin also aspired to be an IRC Op someday..
[23:11] [Kanadrin] aspires...
[23:11] [Kanadrin] yer move I belive Wolfy
[23:11] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:11] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The wolf stands above the orchard and brutally vanquishes the lash; dodges the assailment of the club!
[23:11] [Wolf_Mountain] gah
[23:11] [Wolf_Mountain] lag death
[23:11] [Kanadrin] damn..
[23:12] [Kanadrin] I mean dang..
[23:12] [Kanadrin] oops..
[23:12] [Kanadrin] heh
[23:12] [Wolf_Mountain] hmm
[23:12] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:13] [Reiella] the wolf stands, the scorpion speaks, the scorpion slashes near ice, the wolf dodges the club.
[23:14] [Reiella] the wolf brutally vanquishes the lash, but who lashed? Ah yes that is right, the day itself is lashing.
[23:14] [Reiella] Point and Style Wolf.
[23:14] [Kanadrin] ouchie..
[23:14] * Reiella changes topic to '0 Kanadrin, 3 Wolf, Goal 4, foothills/whip'
[23:14] [Kanadrin] my move or yours??
[23:14] [Kanadrin] yours..
[23:14] [Reiella] as a sidenote just to clarify, tie break did not enter it, was just flavor
[23:14] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:14] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The thunder seeks below the heavens; dodges the storm of the tides!
[23:14] [Kanadrin] eeeep..
[23:15] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:15] [Kanadrin] !mb ybmove
[23:15] [MechaMeowth] Kanadrin: The tiger overwhelms the shrine; reduces the speed of the club!
[23:15] [Kanadrin] crowd pleaser..
[23:15] [Kanadrin] done
[23:15] [Wolf_Mountain] poor shrine :(
[23:16] [Kanadrin] *CHOMP*
[23:16] [Reiella] The thunder seeks underneath the heavens... Poetry in Motion, while the tiger assails the shrine, gnarling at the clubs of the shrine keepers.
[23:17] [Reiella] But wait, what is that in the sky! It's Meowth and his Bountiful Head Coin saying I'm big stupid... and that Wolf_Mountain has won this round and match.
[23:18] [Kanadrin] drat... only one yen..
[23:18] * Wolf_Mountain hides from the coconut rain coming
[23:18] * Kanadrin hands WM 2 yen...
[23:19] * Kanadrin throws yen at meowth... making him go away..
[23:19] [Wolf_Mountain] yay back to 8 and Brown Belt 1


First Post
[Tiny] Tiny the Jade Turtle
[23:21] [Tiny] Protector of the Wastelands
[23:21] [Tiny] Gold Sash 3
[23:21] [Tiny] 12/11
[23:21] [Tiny] Copper sash: Signature Style (Turtle), Arena Fighter,Profiteer , Crowd Pleaser, Golden Touch
[23:21] [Tiny] Silver sash: Signature Location (Wastelands), Bribe Judges, Master of Wealth
[23:21] [Tiny] Gold Sash: Hard hitter, Bribe Judges
[23:21] [Tiny] Jade Turtle: Sig Style: Turtle, Mastery: Turtle
[23:21] [Tiny] Yen: 13
[23:21] * Kalanyr sticks his tongue out at Young Meowth
[23:21] [Tiny] .. hehe... he's almost like gamera..
[23:21] * Kalanyr is now known as Wolf_Mountain
[23:22] [Wolf_Mountain] hehe can I convince you to fight Kal
[23:22] [Wolf_Mountain] ?
[23:22] [Wolf_Mountain] :D
[23:22] [Tiny] kal doesn't have the yen to back my loss.
[23:22] [Wolf_Mountain] you've got a 3 pointer there
[23:22] [Tiny] heh
[23:22] [Wolf_Mountain] so its fair
[23:22] [Reiella] that's mean kal
[23:22] [Wolf_Mountain] lol
[23:22] [Reiella] I won't even explain why that's mean :p
[23:22] [Wolf_Mountain] Wolf Mountain
[23:23] [Tiny] he'd got turtle RoD..I know this..
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Fanged and Clawed Wolf
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Grasshopper of the Mountain
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] The Reaper with a Thunder Scythe
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] of the
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Member of the Dojo of the Predator
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Brown Belt 2 26-20
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Yen 8
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] quote:
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Yellow Belt: Signature Style (Scythe),Dojo Style (Wolf), Fist of Fury
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Green Belt: Signature Style (Thunder),Dojo Style (Fang), Chi Strike, Master of Emotions
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Brown Belt: Signature Style (Grasshopper),Dojo Style (Claw), Fist of Fury, Master of Movement
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] Scythe:Signature Style (Scythe)
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] except Brown Belt 1
[23:23] [Tiny] he's
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] +2 win +3 loss
[23:23] [Tiny] !mb ybinsult
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] I do not have RoD turtle
[23:23] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: I find your cousin to be foul-smelling, your fish pond to be valueless, and your defense to be dishonorable.
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] I swear this on my sacred honou
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] r
[23:23] [Tiny] not WM..kal does tho..
[23:23] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybinsult
[23:23] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: I find your student to be unbearable, your building to be weathered, and your judo to be annoying.
[23:24] [Reiella] a valueless fishpond?
[23:24] [Reiella] a valueless fishpond?!
[23:24] [Wolf_Mountain] Kal Doesn't have RoD turtle either I swear on his sacred honour
[23:24] [Reiella] One can only come up with such an insult due to either blatant stupidity, or a fragrant lack of respect for ones opponent.
[23:24] [Reiella] I will chose the later at this time, and grant the honor of insults to tiny
[23:25] [Tiny] hmmm... 7 flag speed..
[23:25] [Wolf_Mountain] rofl
[23:25] [Wolf_Mountain] nice flavour
[23:25] * Reiella changes topic to '0 Tiny, 0 Wolf, Goal 7'
[23:25] [Reiella] !mm master
[23:25] [MechaMeowth] Reiella: MechaMeowth has decreed this match to take place at the cliff south of the Jade Cliffs on the dusk of the mantis.
[23:25] [Wolf_Mountain] whats the masters ?
[23:25] [Tiny] hmmm..
[23:25] * Reiella changes topic to '0 Tiny, 0 Wolf, Goal 7 mantis/cliff'
[23:25] [Tiny] cliff..got it..
[23:26] [Tiny] yer up chi wolf..
[23:26] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:26] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The rat charges the labyrinth; reduces the slash of the elements!
[23:26] [Wolf_Mountain] lalala
[23:26] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:26] [Tiny] hmmmm..
[23:26] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:26] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The lightning dodges upon the paradise; parts the edge of the bird!
[23:26] [Tiny] hmmmm..
[23:27] [Tiny] done
[23:27] [Wolf_Mountain] damn it you stole 2 of my sigs! Thats it I'm gonna start charging yen whenever people use Kal's sigs :p
[23:27] [Tiny] :p
[23:27] [Reiella] Point Wolf. dodging lightning is hard, but when the lightning itself dodges, it must be easy. Or at the very statistically improbable.
[23:27] * Reiella changes topic to '0 Tiny, 1 Wolf, Goal 7 mantis/cliff'
[23:28] [Tiny] still you..
[23:28] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:28] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The spider obliterates the plain; quells the touch of the lash as it overwhelmingly reduces the motion of the flower!
[23:28] [Tiny] woah..
[23:28] [Wolf_Mountain] yup
[23:28] [Wolf_Mountain] FoF
[23:28] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:28] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The dragon destroys the clearing; guards against the beauty of the blade!
[23:29] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:29] * Tiny feeds MM a cookie.....
[23:29] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:29] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The wolf assaults the beach; redirects the quickening of the club!
[23:29] [Tiny] crap..
[23:29] [Tiny] done
[23:29] [Reiella] The choice is made.
[23:29] [Reiella] Point, FoF Wolf.
[23:29] * Tiny now reaaaaaly ticked
[23:29] * Reiella changes topic to '0 Tiny, 3 Wolf, Goal 7 mantis/cliff'
[23:30] [Tiny] still you..
[23:30] [Tiny] I think..
[23:30] [Wolf_Mountain] k
[23:30] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:30] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The crab removes the forest; protects against the blood of the sickle!
[23:30] [Tiny] yeesh
[23:30] [Wolf_Mountain] yeah tis
[23:30] [Wolf_Mountain] lalala
[23:30] [Wolf_Mountain] FoF
[23:30] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:30] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The chimera cuts the canyon; dodges the roar of the farm!
[23:30] [Tiny] done??
[23:31] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:31] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:31] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The mace slashes facing the pillar; conceals the energy of the wood!
[23:31] [Tiny] hmmmm.....
[23:31] [Tiny] hmmmmmmmmm...
[23:31] [Tiny] done
[23:33] [Reiella] The crab removes the forest, but it's energy is hidden by the slashing mace.. hmm
[23:34] [Reiella] A mace used to slash, is hardly effective, albiet a random attack... Move and FoF Wolf
[23:34] * Reiella changes topic to '0 Tiny, 5 Wolf, Goal 7 mantis/cliff'
[23:34] [Tiny] drat
[23:35] [Tiny] you still right??
[23:35] [Reiella] still wolf, no chi
[23:35] [Tiny] k..
[23:35] [Tiny] go chi wolf..
[23:35] [Wolf_Mountain] yup I'm here
[23:35] [Wolf_Mountain] just waiting if you're bribing
[23:35] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:35] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The tsunami bows by the dungeon; absorbs the terror of the isle! *yen*
[23:35] [Tiny] nope... go ahead...
[23:35] [Tiny] hmmm..
[23:36] [Wolf_Mountain] Chi Strike!
[23:36] [Tiny] drat!
[23:36] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:36] [Wolf_Mountain] No Crowd Pleaser for you
[23:36] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:36] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The claw assails the volcano; guards against the thrust of the ice!
[23:36] [Tiny] hmmmm..
[23:36] [Tiny] Mastery Trutle....
[23:36] [Tiny] HA!
[23:36] [Tiny] done
[23:37] [Tiny] go gamera!
[23:37] [Reiella] Playing to the judge? Or evading an auto-default
[23:37] [Tiny] yes..
[23:37] [Tiny] lol
[23:37] [Wolf_Mountain] both
[23:37] [Tiny] yes..
[23:37] [Reiella] In any case. 3 points, and 2 yen Tiny...
[23:37] * Reiella changes topic to '3 Tiny, 5 Wolf, Goal 7 mantis/cliff'
[23:37] [Tiny] sweet..
[23:37] [Tiny] my move..
[23:37] [Wolf_Mountain] you first now oh foe of mine
[23:37] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:37] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The hammer seeks below the swamp where it secretly sucker punches the settlement; removes the drive of the abomination!
[23:38] [Tiny] ohhh... nice
[23:38] [Tiny] crowd pleaser
[23:38] [Tiny] done
[23:38] [Tiny] like the sound of that move... makes my skin crawl..
[23:38] [Tiny] lol
[23:38] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:38] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The grasshopper silences the ricefield; shreds the speed of the rodent!
[23:38] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:38] [Tiny] also a commendable move
[23:39] [Reiella] Hmm, a hard decision, although I find doubt in a grasshopper bringing silence to a ricefield.
[23:39] [Tiny] OUCH!... burnt myself.... son of uhh... *lloks up and the op's* sea cook!
[23:39] [Reiella] Point, and 4 yen (CP is 4 right?) Tiny
[23:39] [Tiny] yup..
[23:39] * Reiella changes topic to '4 Tiny, 5 Wolf, Goal 7 mantis/cliff'
[23:39] [Tiny] yer move honor wolf..
[23:39] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:39] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The tsunami drifts in the midst of the ricefield; shields the motion of the fires!
[23:40] [Wolf_Mountain] come on good move
[23:40] [Wolf_Mountain] please
[23:40] [Tiny] washing away the rice are you??
[23:40] [Wolf_Mountain] *gurgle*
[23:40] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:40] [Wolf_Mountain] Come on POING!
[23:40] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:40] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The mantis swims close to the grotto and so it charges the Hall of Bones; shields against the foray of the flower!
[23:40] [Tiny] done
[23:40] [Reiella] Odd that.
[23:40] [Reiella] Really odd that.
[23:40] [Tiny] lol
[23:40] [Reiella] Good thing it wasn't grasshopper :)
[23:40] [Tiny] our moves have nothing in common..
[23:41] [Tiny] riiight
[23:41] [Tiny] no defense is usefull nor our attack anywhere's the same..
[23:41] [Tiny] heh
[23:41] [Tiny] well maybe my mantis riding the tusnami.....
[23:42] [Tiny] heh
[23:42] [Tiny] oh god..I've turned into shaff...
[23:42] * Tiny shivers
[23:42] [Reiella] well I can't come to an immediate decision on the moves.
[23:42] [Reiella] I like the tsunami move for it's synergy however.
[23:42] [Tiny] drat!
[23:43] [Reiella] despite the mantis charging the hall of the dead. move Wolf
[23:43] * Reiella changes topic to '4 Tiny, 6 Wolf, Goal 7 mantis/cliff'
[23:43] [Tiny] hmmm..
[23:43] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:43] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The tsunami tracks close to the village; removes the pain of the holy ground!
[23:43] [Tiny] hmmm.. not bad..
[23:43] [Tiny] done
[23:43] [Tiny] not goo either mind you..
[23:43] [Wolf_Mountain] that'll be 1 yen for using Ratasal's sig!
[23:43] [Tiny] goo=good
[23:43] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:43] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The spider rains upon the cliff; absorbs the pain of the star!
[23:44] [Tiny] :p
[23:44] [Reiella] wow moves are clustered today.
[23:44] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:44] [Reiella] spider rains on cliff, spider goes splat
[23:44] [Reiella] at least the tsunami didn't splat itself, move Tiny.
[23:44] * Reiella changes topic to '5 Tiny, 6 Wolf, Goal 7 mantis/cliff'
[23:45] [Tiny] yer move wolfy...
[23:45] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:45] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The fist glides underneath the village; dances with the slash of the bone as it elegantly negates the foray of the reptile!
[23:45] [Wolf_Mountain] come on sig
[23:45] [Tiny] Rata better be collecting..
[23:46] [Tiny] done??
[23:46] [Wolf_Mountain] can I do anything else?
[23:46] * Tiny shrugs??
[23:46] [Wolf_Mountain] done
[23:46] [Tiny] k..
[23:46] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:46] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The chain delicately charges the glade; quells the edge of the mountain!
[23:46] [Tiny] heh
[23:46] * Tiny sighs
[23:46] [Wolf_Mountain] and nah my characters are exempt ;p I just collect from other people
[23:46] [Tiny] done
[23:47] [Reiella] a delicate chain charge?
[23:47] [Reiella] ok... a delicate chain charge?
[23:47] [Reiella] what are you some kind of pansy (granny censor) freak? :p
[23:47] [Reiella] point Wolf
[23:47] * Tiny bribes the judge with one yen
[23:47] [Reiella] Ooh money
[23:47] * Wolf_Mountain waits for the inevitable
[23:47] [Reiella] ok, I guess I was out of line for that pansy comment
[23:48] [Reiella] do over or something
[23:48] [Wolf_Mountain] you first
[23:48] [Tiny] !mb ybmove
[23:48] [MechaMeowth] Tiny: The mantis sings from the well; redirects the assailment of the flower!
[23:48] [Tiny] doh!
[23:48] [Tiny] done
[23:48] [Wolf_Mountain] !mb ybmove
[23:48] [MechaMeowth] Wolf_Mountain: The scythe drowns the rapids; shreds the quickening of the storm!
[23:49] [Tiny] crap..
[23:49] [Wolf_Mountain] Done
[23:49] [Tiny] noooo way am I spending 3 yen bribing that..
[23:49] [Wolf_Mountain] ooh pretty 3 pointer
[23:49] [Reiella] Hmm the scythe drowns the rapids, poor mantis singing in the well
[23:49] [Reiella] gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle
[23:49] [Reiella] Point, Style and Item Wolf
[23:50] [Tiny] forget it....
[23:50] * Tiny pays the wolf 4 yen not to drop tier..
[23:50] [Tiny] heh
[23:50] [Wolf_Mountain] I thought you'd brine with your hard earned yen
[23:50] [Reiella] and since 3 yen aren't going to my bank account, Tiny remains the exact same tier as before!
[23:50] [Wolf_Mountain] yay 12 yen!
[23:50] [Wolf_Mountain] only 3 more and I can get my mastery
[23:50] * Reiella fades into the shadows

Voidrunner's Codex

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