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You don't need it, but another alt.Ranger:

Guilt Puppy

First Post
I've had this in mind for a while, and wanted to submit it to http://www.ottenhoff.org/rpgs/dnd/rangerproject (because I really enjoy the project, and think that's where the alt.Rangers should gather, rather than recurring posts here), but their submission rules are pretty explicit about wanting it critiqued first... I know you've seen enough of them already, but if you don't mind taking the time, tear any balance issues apart...

One of the main complaints about Rangers is the Favored Enemy bonus... It scales oddly, is DM dependent, and is fairly sparse. At the same time, this seems to be their logical schtick: The Ranger is an outdoorsman, a hunter, and so forth, and that's one of the abilities that follows naturally. So I've revised the Ranger to focus MORE on Favored Enemy, and give the ability enough flexibility to be used abnormally. He could pump all his bonuses into one favored enemy (you could make a mean Dragon-Slayer like that), or spread them around against common foes. The bonuses are frequent enough to allow the Ranger to adapt to individual adventures, and to build up a decent bonus against later-level creatures without making the investment as early on.

Also, I've granted the Ranger a few bonus feats, to allow for the feel of the PHB Ranger, without the front-load. Further, these feats extend into the territory of normally not-worthwhile feats, that nonetheless make sense for a Ranger to have.

If you're worried about the power level: By the standards used here, the PHB ranger ends up with a +15 accrued favored enemy bonus, in comparison to the +10 here -- the versatility makes up for the difference. Spells are dropped to make room for the two additional bonus feats (Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting are absorbed), as well as the fast Reflex save. This probably edges out the PHB Ranger by just a little power-wise, but doesn't really outshine the other core classes.

The Ranger:

Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d10
Class Skills/Skill Points: As PHB Ranger
BAB: +1 / level
Saving Throws: Fast Fort, Fast Refl, Slow Will
Weapon/Armor Prof: As PHB Ranger
Spells: None

Bonuses by level:
1: Track, Favored Enemy
2: Bonus Feat
3: Favored Enemy
5: Favored Enemy
7: Favored Enemy
8: Bonus Feat
9: Favored Enemy
11: Favored Enemy
13: Favored Enemy
14: Bonus Feat
15: Favored Enemy
17: Favored Enemy
19: Favored Enemy
20: Bonus Feat

Bonus Feats: Selected from Alertness, Ambidexterity, Endurance, Point-Blank Shot (Far Shot, Precise Shot), Run, Toughness, Two-Weapon Fighting. The benefits of Ambidexterity, Point-Blank Shot, Far Shot, Precise Shot, Run, and Two-Weapon fighting apply only when the Ranger is wearing light or no armor.

Favored Enemy: At first level and every odd level thereafter, the Ranger gains a bonus ability against Favored Enemies. This may take the following forms:

- Favored Enemy Bonus: As PHB: Pick a type, and gain a bonus of +1 to attack, damage, and so forth.
This ability may be taken multiple times. It may be chosen for a new creature type, or one previously selected; in the latter case, the Favored Enemy bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5.

- Favored Defense: Pre-Requisite: Favored Enemy Bonus +1 versus selected creature type. If wearing light or no armor, the Ranger gains a +1 dodge bonus versus attacks made by a creature of the selected type.

- Favored Expertise: Pre-Requisite: Favored Enemy Bonus +3, Favored Defense versus selected creature type. If wearing light or no armor, the Ranger may attack an enemy of the selected type with the benefits of the Expertise feat. If he has the Expertise feat, the maximum bonus increases to +8.

- Favored Enemy Detection: Pre-Requisite: Favored Enemy Bonus +1 versus selected creature type. By noticing scent, breathing patterns, tracks, and so forth, the Ranger becomes aware of the presence of a creature of the selected type within 60 feet. This does not determine location, species: For instance, a Ranger with Favored Enemy Detection (Aberration) may enter a room and know an aberration is present, but not that it is a Mind Flayer.

- Improved Favored Enemy Detection: Pre-Requisite: Favored Enemy Bonus +2, Favored Enemy Detection versus selected creature type. As Favored Enemy Detection, except the Ranger now knows the location and species (if the name of the species, or its attributes, would be familiar to him) of the creature.

- Favored Critical: Pre-Requisite: Favored Enemy Bonus +2 versus selected creature type. The Ranger's critical hit multiplier increases by one versus that creature type. You must be within 30 feet to use this ability with a ranged weapon.

- Slay Favored Enemy: Pre-Requisite: Favored Enemy Bonus +5, Favored Critical versus selected creature type. If a creature of the appropriate type is denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against the Ranger, he may as a full-round action take a single attack at a -5 penalty, which, if successful, is treated as a coup-de-grace attempt. You must be within 30 feet to use this ability with a ranged weapon.

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