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... you might be an adventurer.

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This is fun!

- If your idea of a night out involves a werewolf infested forest, you might be an adventurer

- If you think a "soft drink" is a potion of cure light wounds, you might be an adventurer

- If you seem to sporadically change your abilities and skills every time a new edition comes out, you might be a really old adventurer

- If your name is Drizters or Legolars, you might be an unimaginative adventurer

- If you have your Strength modifier tattooed on your biceps, you might be an adventurer

- If "making your bed" involves casting Rope Trick, you might be an adventurer

- If you've looked death in the eye, headbutted it, taken all its stuff and sold it to a fruit vendor in a peasant village, you might be an adventurer

- If you think solar plexus is a good-aligned outsider, you might be an adventurer


First Post
If the thought of the Temple of Elemental Evil is more appealing than going home to your wife, you might be an adventurer.

I went out for milk, and came back 15 years later. How was I supposed to know some wackos had moved in next door and sequestered my wife to worship!

You may be an adventurer if you have a warship, and you live in a desert.

You may be an adventurer if the prospect of owning a Returning Frost-Burst Caber is a Christmas list item.

If you have ever played WHEEL OF REINCARNATION with the town folk of a village till one came back as something useful to crossbreed a dragon with. Then you may be an adventurer.

If you offer to settle a tavern tab by clearing out the owners basement of vermin.

If you offer to settle a tavern tab by promising not to plunder his daughters *cough*

If you offer to settle a tavern tab by promising TO plunder his daughters *wink*

You consider a portable hole full of gold coins "Fun for kids" but somehow forget how deep it is.

There's a town named after you, the people in it are all named after you, and every morning you shout their name out. The last one to arrive is forced to bath you. You may not be an adventurer, but you retired.

You call Tiamat, "Fluffy."

You have your deity on speed dial, your patron on edge, and your wives on a wagon.


If the villagers have a choice between a plague of locusts, and you visiting for a week, and they choose the locusts because it's better for their property values, you might be an adventurer.

If you've been stabbed, bitten, poisoned, thrown into a pit, drained of life-force, pinned under a collapsing ceiling, and dropped into lava, and you're still capable of duelling a dragon to death, you might be an adventurer.

If you just got into a town you've never been to before, and you start giving orders to everyone including the mayor, you might be an adventurer.

If your solution to every problem involves setting something on fire, you might be a pyromaniac. If it involves setting someone on fire, you might be an adventurer.

If, facing a moment of mortal peril, your response is to quote Monty Python, you might be an adventurer.

If you can no longer get a detect magic spell to work because the light coming off your own equipment drowns out everything else, you might be an adventurer.

If your most trusted friends are three guys you met in a tavern this morning, give it up... you're an adventurer.


You might be... if ... jokes stopped being funny 5 years ago!

Maybe when you're the one telling them... :p

Awesome thread.

If you find full plate easier to carry than to wear, you might be an adventurer.

If your stopping in to sell recently collected loot destroys the local economy, you might be an adventurer.

If you take shifts on guard while sleeping, even at an inn, you might be an adventurer.

If a rust monster scares you more than the Tarrasque, you might be an adventurer.

If you keep a collection of bat guano, you might be an Evoker, or a Dwarf looking for a classy smelling deodorant.
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First Post
...if cloaked men always approach you in bars (and this isn't a cause for concern).

...if you've killed as many city guards as orcs in the last week.

...if no one looks twice when you wear full plate jousting armor into a bar.

...if every visit to the tavern ends in a fight.

Voidrunner's Codex

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