D&D General Your Character Died! Who's Fault Was It?

Oh no! Your character died! Who do you blame?

  • I blame myself. I took a risk and it didn't pay off.

    Votes: 34 49.3%
  • Another PC. The fighter didn't cover me! The cleric didn't heal me! The bard was...a bard!

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • I blame the dice! My plan was --perfect-- until I rolled that 2.

    Votes: 19 27.5%
  • It's the DM's fault! The trap/encounter/adventure wasn't balanced, we didn't get to rest, etc.

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • I blame the rules! Arrows/exhaustion/fireballs/disease shouldn't be fatal!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't understand the question. Characters can die?

    Votes: 6 8.7%


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Here on EN World, if your D&D character dies in the middle of an adventure, it's customary to assign blame. So think back to the last time your character croaked--maybe it was years ago, maybe it was just at the last gaming session--and tell us who/what was to blame. Choose the answer that is closest to the truth, and then tell us all about it in the comments!

(I know that some of us are "forever DMs," who might never have played a character, let alone had one snuff it in the middle of an adventure. So this poll might not be suited for everyone.)

In case you didn't catch it from my tone, this is supposed to be a cheeky, making-fun-of-yourself thread. If you notice your blood getting angered over this, you're doing it wrong.

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
The last time I had a character die: my warlock was killed by a kraken.

The scene: in the middle of a protracted battle scene, long after I had spent all of my warlock's limited spell slots, the kraken smashed our ship into pieces. All six of our characters were thrown into the water. The DM placed our characters at random on the battle mat (it was a 20x20 grid, we rolled a d20 twice to find our characters' X and Y coordinates).

My character ended up all alone in the lower-left corner of the battle mat...adjacent to the kraken. Everyone else was clustered together in the upper-right.

By the time our healer could stop drowning long enough to get in range, the kraken had already swallowed my warlock's lifeless body.

So it was a tough call--I suppose I could blame the DM for putting us all in random locations, or blame the cleric for insisting on wearing friggin' full plate aboard a warship, or the fighter for not doing his friggin' job and killing the kraken before it could destroy said warship, but no. The blame lies squarely on the dice.
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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I think the last time a character I was playing died it was a team effort lol. We walked into a fight with an entire tavern full of hostile NPCs that was very clearly telegraphed as too much for us to handle at once, but it was personal and as a group we were all in agreement that we were going to kill the sunsobitches no matter what it took. My barbarian singled out the boss and took all of his attention while the rest of the party mopped up the enormous number of minions. It worked for a while, but after several rounds it became clear that our strategy was not going to keep working, so my character and one other kept up the fight while the other three ran out and collapsed the ceiling of the tavern over our heads, taking the majority of the enemies (including the boss) down with us.

I voted for “I blame myself” though, because I volunteered for it.

Pathfinder 1e. Bad decision from me, bad luck and bad tactics from another player.

I was playing a rogue/vivisectionist with a really crappy will save, and another player was playing a strength focused magus. We were hit by a confusion effect and both failed the saves.

The fight until this point was basically us steamrolling the opposition, so I never did anything to buff my AC.

Initiative was basically: Magus -> Me -> Everyone else

So what happened was, of course, that the Magus hit me and I had to hit him back.

We are now in a Confusion Lock, and it's impossible for either player to get out of it.

So another player decides to break the confusion lock by attacking me. It was a great idea to attack one of us, but attacking me made little sense, since the Magus was ahead of me in initiative, so when it's his turn he hits me again and I am down, and since I took damage from the other player's attack I'm below -CON in HP.


I blame myself. I took the risk of playing an elf, thinking that perhaps 5E had broken the curse. Then at the end of the first session, last fight, the last enemy standing critted and because the DM wanted to give me a chance to survive he rolled the damage. Max normal and crit. Instant death ensued. 👻

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