Your Gas Price

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Liquid Awesome
I don't know whether this will be of benefit for those in other parts of the country, but today I heard that by the end of the weekend, the fuel pipeline into NC should be running at 85% capacity. They further said that by the first of the week most gas stations should have plenty of gas, that gas prices would not be increasing further and that within a couple weeks we should see them decline.

I can say that the BP station up the road from us dropped their prices from 3.49 down to 3.29 per gallon. But I should also state that they were (and traditionally have been) among the highest prices in town.

Rel said:
They further said that by the first of the week most gas stations should have plenty of gas, that gas prices would not be increasing further and that within a couple weeks we should see them decline.

"A couple of weeks''' meh.... Didn't take 'em that long to RAISE prices.


First Post
Prices here have steadied at $3.289/gallon for regular unleaded. They haven't changed in almost 48 hours. I haven't heard anything about shortages here, but anything's possible, especially with the mom & pop stations in the smaller towns.

I was just able to fuel up at a station in our neighborhood. They were the only station in the near-by-area that still had gas... probably mostly because they were the most expensive in the area. So - I filled up with unleaded (after sitting in line for a while) for 3.39 for unleaded.

green slime

First Post
Barendd Nobeard said:
Ah, but when you leave in 9 days, what will the gas prices be in your new location?!!

(7 days, 15 hours....)


Oh! There! Well, the prices there exceed 10 SEK / Litre, which works out to be.... in excess of $6.08 US a gallon for regular undeaded. Price has been around this much all spring/summer this year, at home.


mojo1701 said:
Even with shortages in the US, I still don't see why us Canadians are being hit as hard. Our refineries weren't affected.

Likewise here in Australia. The gov just likes linking the local price to the world price per barrel.

green slime

First Post
GreyShadow said:
Likewise here in Australia. The gov just likes linking the local price to the world price per barrel.

It has more to do with the fact that because world production in terms of the capacities of the refineries worldwide was almost flat out trying to cope with world-wide demand (mostly thanks to China's vastly increased thirst for oil and other resources), prior to the disasters of this year.

Add in the fact, that those countries with functioning refineries sell to people who can pay the most (free market). What would be the incentive for a company to sell to the local market at a price lower than it can get on the global market?

So reducing the number of functioning refineries world-wide increases the pressure on the price, even in your local market. Rather than some "evil" government conspiracy.


The man with the probe
Woho! I filled up today at 2.99 (That's sad that I'm hjappy about that). One place at that price was out of gas, but the other 2 had plenty. Most places around here are 3.19 minemum other than those 3. Don't know why.

Voidrunner's Codex

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