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Your most pointless TV/movie/book nitpicks

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I think FDIC only covers something like $250K. Probably the least of the issues but anyone with even $1M in the bank would be dumb to not better protect their assets.
I have a friend who came into sudden wealth as an adult. The very first thing that happened when he got this windfall was his financial advisors made him split it up into multiple buckets, in multiple countries, just to make it harder for any one thing to "happen" to all of it.

It's pretty implausible that a billionaire wouldn't have this done to the nth degree. (How are you going to hack into and drain wealth if it's tied up in investments and ownership shares of businesses around the world?)

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In "The Fellowship of the Ring," when explaining the story of the Ring to Frodo, Gandalf says, "I wondered often how Gollum came by a Great Ring, as plainly it was -- that at least was clear from the first."

Gandalf doesn't explain his reasoning, but he is definitely claiming to have known "from the first" that Bilbo held a Great Ring. Gandalf knows the whereabouts of the Three (he himself holds one), so at this point he has already pegged Bilbo's as being one of the Seven, one of the Nine, or the Ruling Ring.

And later, quoting Saruman in some past conversation: "The Three, the Seven, and the Nine had each their proper stone. Not so the One. It was round and unadorned..."

At this point, Gandalf had all the information he needed to identify the Ring. Yet it wasn't till Bilbo's birthday party that he took up the search in earnest, and he still spent seventeen years confirming his suspicion before acting. WTF, dude?

(I classify this as a ridiculous nitpick because all you have to do is replace "a Great Ring" with "one of the Rings forged in the Second Age" or some such -- allowing for Bilbo's to be one of the lesser Rings -- and it fixes everything. Tolkien just muffed one sentence in a work of immense scope and complexity; and it was one of very few errors. I mean, you can trace the logistics of Mordor's assault on Gondor and Rohan's race to defend it, with supply chains and armies advancing on multiple fronts, and everything hangs together perfectly. But that one throwaway line still bugs me.)
I'd classify that as just Gandalf not assuming he knows everything. After all, the One Ring was forged in secret, and the locations of the Three are a secret known only to a handful, it would be foolish to assume without further research that there are no more secrets of Ring-lore out there that Gandalf does not know.


I have a friend who came into sudden wealth as an adult. The very first thing that happened when he got this windfall was his financial advisors made him split it up into multiple buckets, in multiple countries, just to make it harder for any one thing to "happen" to all of it.

It's pretty implausible that a billionaire wouldn't have this done to the nth degree. (How are you going to hack into and drain wealth if it's tied up in investments and ownership shares of businesses around the world?)
Well, let's bear in mind that this is the same show in which someone hacked the show's holographic imaging computer by hand-carving a virus program into a piece of bone for the computer to then scan and, for some insane reason, save as an executable file and run on its own initiative.


I have a friend who came into sudden wealth as an adult. The very first thing that happened when he got this windfall was his financial advisors made him split it up into multiple buckets, in multiple countries, just to make it harder for any one thing to "happen" to all of it.

It's pretty implausible that a billionaire wouldn't have this done to the nth degree. (How are you going to hack into and drain wealth if it's tied up in investments and ownership shares of businesses around the world?)
It's like in the Dark Knight Rises when Bane's crew breaks into the Gotham stock exchange and suddenly Wayne Tech's stocks are all messed up. Like, duh, they wouldn't have fixed what was clearly criminal interference of some kind?

The explained that in Solo though. (I can't believe I typed that with a straight face.)
Back in your box, Geroge. We know you screwed up the first time because it sounded cool and you didn't know what a parsec is. Just admit it and move one, rather that coming up with some silly convoluted explanation.

Carrie didn't believe no one wears underwear in space, even though she went along. We don't either.

Certain points of view be darned. Learn to live with your mistakes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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