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Your Suspension of Disbelief: SHATTERED!

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It mostly has to do with changing genres. We were playing D&D and all of a sudden we are on a spaceship that crashed 100s of years ago and it became the 'dungeon'. The DM was trying to describe the captain's deck of Star Trek. Another one had to do with being shrunken down to mouse size for a convention. Fighting squirrels and such- maybe it was less suspension of belief and more just silly.


Magic Wordsmith
My suspension of disbelief can't be broken in a fantasy game. I've got room in my head for all manner of silliness.


Monty Python quotes. Really, any attempt to score cheap laughs by quoting from real world sources gets under my skin, but it's especially jarring when the character suddenly acquires a British accent. Two different players have done this at the table, once where I was a player and once where I was the DM. I put a stop to it immediately in the latter case, but I was new to the group in the former, and didn't want to cause a stir. I didn't last long with that group, but then it had other troubles, besides.

When a player breaks out their laptop to show a video or picture or play a soundbite they think is pertinent to a scene. Please, just don't.


Oh this is where the title goes?
When the enemy wizard casts a shatter spell on me right after I failed my Insight check to tell if he was lying!


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
My players often tend towards the very silly, so it takes a lot to knock me out of a game.

On another note, in my one of my friend's campaign she recently defeated Shia LaBeouf.

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