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D&D 5E Your wishlist for fantasy adventure beyond medieval Europe


I'm currently running a city-based campaign with an aesthetic inspired by South and South Asian cultures, and I'm having a blast creating everything for the city of Karta.

And I think that, if/when this wraps up, I might want to do something inspired by stuff like Inuyasha, Big Trouble in Little China or Avatar: The Last Airbender. Although Paris is clearly Europe, I'd also like to play in a campaign inspired by BBC's The Musketeers.

What's on your wishlist for non-European and/or non-medieval fantasy adventure settings that you want to get the 5e treatment?

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Gaslamp Gothic style fantasy like Girl Genius webcomic or Maque of the Red Death ravenloft setting.

Steampunk Fantasy, like Iron Kingdoms or MagicPunk Fantasy like Eberron.



Fantasy sci-fy. Something along the lines of the Urza blocks from MTG. A sort of blending point between magic and technology that can give us multiple realms, flying ships and techno-organic plagues and everything in between. God what I wouldn't do for some good rules for a phyresies corruption progression for players.


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Byzantium and Beyond

I run a long time mytho-historical campaign set in Constantinople that also ranges into the East (Middle East and as far as Persia/Parthia), sometimes goes North (into Russia and Viking lands), and South into Alexandria and Egypt and further down the coast of Eastern Africa.

They also occasionally visit an entirely non-human world via the Weirding Road.

I really enjoy writing it and my players seem to really enjoy playing it.


Sword and planet/pulp would be great.

I don't like to use DnD for anything modern enough for gunpowder, for whatever personal quirky reason, so I'm not that interested in steampunk stuff, although I like the genre.

But I would LOVE to see Arabian/Al-qadim setting stuff!


Classical World/Bronze Age Mediterranean
Arabian Nights (e.g. Al Qadim)
Medieval Asia
Sword & Sorcery (probably could also capture Ancient near East, India, and Egyptian motifs)

Arabian Nights,
Ancient Greece,
Ancient Egypt,
Biblical eras.

…and although it is Medieval Europe, considering the success of Game of Thrones recently, I’d like somebody to do something based upon the War of the Roses era.

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