ZEITGEIST Zeitgeist Newspapers

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So I took your newspaper and edited it, to fit my Zeitgeist campaign set in the Eberron world. Thank you again for the inspiration and work.

I send the newspaper to my players, and they all loved the newspaper. I received quite a few questions for the other pages, because they wanted to read the articles, but understood I can't write all of them. One of the funny replies was, they really liked reading short pieces about " normal" things happening in the world. Not realising almost all pieces reference something happening in the adventure path. Another player was excited to be famous, because he made the front page of the newspaper (Oxton Haldaran). I changed Xambria Meredith to be his elder sister ;)

I sincerely hope you're campaign will stay ahead of mine, so I can burrow your newspaper to adjust it to my Eberron campaign. I'm planning to adjust the second newspaper in the coming weeks.


  • The Passage Post - Therendor week 1 999YK.pdf
    362.7 KB · Views: 233

Newspaper are very "early modern" so I probably won't be able to keep the idea for other campaigns in the future, but my players love them. I agree that it conveys very well the idea that the players are becoming famous when they make the news. At first, credit was given to their boss and service, but at some point (level 7ish?) I had a (very anachronistic, but hey!) tabloid with a featured article "Who are really the constables?" with their bios (and a few unfounded rumours about them) and snippets of other other NPCS interviewed about them. They loved that and it made them feel part of the world.


What in particular did they miss?
During the second day of canvasing the nettles while looking for the good doctor, they stopped to eat lunch and to go over their leads. As this is the point that the players remembered reading "Cippiano Coffee" in the first newspaper (the bit about the catering) and connected that with their recent interrogation of the philosophy club at the Thinking Man's Tavern, it became evident that they had chosen to eat fish n' chips, and someone's meal was wrapped in that old edition of the paper. This revelation preceded the quote.


I took your 2nd newspaper and edited it for my campaign. First reactions of the players, the world is definitely doomed. Everything goes downhill. I think I will need to add some positive notes in the next edition. @Meigeall did you make a newspaper for the 3rd adventure allready?

As English is not my first language, did I make any glaring mistakes?


  • The Passage Post - Nymm week 2 999YK.pdf
    126.6 KB · Views: 178


Remind your player's that newspapers print doom and gloom because it sells, not because that's all there is.

I have not made a third paper yet. Unfortunately for anyone waiting, my group only meets every other week, so we're only about 2/3rds of the way through the second adventure.

As for mistakes, I noticed ones I made that you copied ("‘Dockers of the world unite’ is the
cry often heard upon at the piers" /at/ should be removed).

In my game, I have revealed neither the Family's existence, nor Cippiano's connection to it. Linguistically, your additional article looks good.


I have not made a third paper yet. Unfortunately for anyone waiting, my group only meets every other week, so we're only about 2/3rds of the way through the second adventure.
I've finished the second adventure and I'm going to write my 3rd newspaper. Did you already make a third paper and are you willing to share it if you did? I'll share mine when I finish my first draft.

I did tell my player's doom and gloom sells, but I would like to add some positive notes in the next newspaper.

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