ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] The Continuing Adventures of Korrigan & Co.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Session 91

At the tail end of this, our final session before a three-week break, we switched back to Unit A, who we had left in search of a pen for the bronze golem to write with.

I decided to alter the testimony of the golem, to make Grappa's communication more shorthand, halting and punctuated by failed attempts to overcome his geas (represented in bold as his hand is forced to write something other than he intended). I also needed to make reference to the missing golem eye - a thread I have reintroduced. I've attached the handout.

To wrap up the intro section of the adventure, I also had Rumdoom find the Epistle from Heid in a backlog of paperwork, which built up when he devoted all of his energies to the Rumschatology cult. Rumdoom was already feeling guilty about everything that had happened, so this was an opportunity to turn this up a notch.

Now all of the introductory scenes but one have been played out and the players know how much they have on their plates. All being well our campaign resumes on 5th November. Can't wait!


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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Heroic Tier Questionnaires

To keep my players' minds focused on the campaign during our hiatus (and also because I was interested), I sent out a questionnaire, asking them about character development and their favourite moments from the campaign so far, and hopefully harkening back to our character creation process, inspired by a post on these boards. I wish I'd thought to canvas for ideas on the forum, as a collective effort might have been better then my individual one. I've already had some responses back, and I really enjoyed them. Needless to say, I'll post them as and when, but to begin with, here are the questions I posed:

Briefly describe your character's personality (as you see it) emphasizing any changes or developments since the start of the campaign.

Role within the unit. What's your specialty?

Outline your relationship with other unit members.

What is your biggest achievement to date?

What event in the campaign has had the most impact on your character?

Do you have a treasured possession and, if so, what is it?

Describe your favourite moment(s) from the campaign so far.

Who is the most memorable NPC and why?

Whose name is on your Vendetta Bullet?

What are your character's primary goals and priorities?


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Uru's Q&A Response

Character name: Uru

Briefly describe your character's personality (as you see it) emphasizing any changes or developments since the start of the campaign:
Uru is a force of nature, the untouched Enkidu confronted by the civilized world. A dark thing older than he seems, he is changing in his confrontation with the spirit of this new age. Unlike some of his fellow fey he has adapted rather well. This changing of his self has not left him unscarred. As he pours himself into shaping the corpus of the world, he loses a bit of himself. He is the watcher beyond the shadows, perhaps in them to long. Death surrounds him, and is dealt from his hands as a blessing. In terms of his progression, Uru has become much more sophisticated in his interactions with others. His increasing understanding of mechanical things, the trip to the Fae wilds, and his traveling of the world has been re-created in miniature in the cultivation of his garden. The trip to save the ghost children on Cauldron hill a symbolic progression to save himself from losing the innocence he had before he came to the lands of men. The cruelty that lies beneath his gaze is unwavering, but not evil. He is a creature who exist alongside, rather than in the structures and norms of the society he inhabits. A dark spirit whispering in the dark, growing stronger.

Role within the unit. What's your specialty? Espionage and dark deeds. Uru is sent to gather information and watch hidden transactions, his mastery of stealth making him an asset in a variety of situations. His unpredictable behaviours are a mixed blessing, a chaotic mixture of happenstance, luck and curiosity that can create as many problems as it solves.

Outline your relationship with other unit members.

Korrigan: Noble ally but increasingly distant. As Uru has become more independent, he has drifted from the view and control of Korrigan. This has happened unnoticed, as Korrigan is drawn into his own affairs. Uru suspects, though will never admit it, that a time may come where he must choose between his destiny and his patriarch.

Rumdoom: the sadness of the dwarf is a hue that colours their interactions. The dwarf has been an ally and a force of destruction, but his private troubles and frequent absences mark him as a doomed man. Uru watches from the shadows, waiting for when the end must come for him, and hoping they see it together. The rise and fall of his cult and revelation of his control by the deep ones confirmed Uru’s suspicions that being in view of others was a weakness. The plumage of a bird so bright led many suitors who wished to wear its coat.

Leon: A changeling who flitted from one path to the other. Leon was the two headed coin of fate, spinning and spinning and spinning. In his heart Uru has seen great anger, marked joy, tragedy and avarice. His increasing power in the realm of the Fey a guide to what such power would bring. His increasing preoccupations and ill-luck make Uru suspect that fate itself may be against his choice to take a path so rarely walked by his kind. Uru has killed with Leon, discreetly and as a fellow hunter. The member of the group he has the most respect for.

Malthusius: He is not a single man, but a whole blood-line of ancestors. Uru initially was wary of him, but over time realized his intentions were pure. The loss of his arm and their faux hostility a ritual between friends. Of all the people, it is Malthusius who Uru trust the most. If there was a single member of the team Uru would give up the shadows to save, it would be him. It was once Korrigan, but after so much time, it is Malthusius who will live on to tell the stories of their lives. If only one of the group were to survive whatever apocalypse is unfolding, it is he. The reason may be that Malthusius operates in a way parallel normal society as well, seeing all.

Matunaaga: Uru respects him as a combatant, and can see he has a distinguished blood-line. His interactions with the spirits of his people is a magic Uru can understand, and his deadliness with weapons of great respect. Of all the members of the team, he has little in the way of personal interaction with Matunaaga, but respects his ability in a fight.

What is your biggest achievement to date? Entering an Angel’s wings and passing through unscathed (DM's note - this happened in our version of the Clergy Vault on Odiem; quite a left-field choice). Alternatively, the construction of a cuckoo clock that tortures someone who betrayed me.

What event in the campaign has had the most impact on your character?
The journey onto Cauldron Hill had the most impact in terms of changing the physicality of Uru. Meeting with an ancient fallen demon taught Uru that all deals came with a price, and made him less likely to make pacts with anyone but himself. (Betrayal being a theme)

Do you have a treasured possession and, if so, what is it?
My Garden. It’s a place and a mind-set and a refuge all at once. It is a home for a menagerie of the bizarre, and its internal changes mark shifts in Uru’s own character. If a single object, my clock of liturgical torture.

Describe your favourite moment(s) from the campaign so far.
The train, I think it had a really good pacing and the tasks were varied. The investigation was interesting and hard, and I think the team really worked well together on it. Also, the preparation that went into it was intense, and so stressful. A single moment? Sneaking into the court of a Fae King despite it being nearly impossible after some really good dice rolls.

Who is the most memorable NPC and why?
Kell, what a bastard. Also, he has a cool car and he likes to hurt people with a bit of comedy. He is sort of like a batman villain from the rogues' gallery.

Honourable mention: The Fae bear that like to drink Honey Mead and get into dance competitions. (DM's note: here, the player is referring to Redcoat an NPC from a buffer adventure.)

Whose name is on your Vendetta Bullet?

The true name of the Voiceof Rot (pending)

Currently vacant. The last recipient is currently being tortured by the liturgical calendar.

What are your character's primary goals and priorities?

1.Preserve the Nettles and the lost spirits that reside there, and to do so further increase my ability to exist in this world and the next.

2.Develop as a technologist to further merge the mechanical with the biological, without sacrificing the essence of either.

3.One must grow their garden.

4.Kill the Voice of Rot. (DM's note: The player has said he wanted to do this since reading the Player's Guide before the campaign began. His whole journey as a character has been developing a rationale behind this ambition. Knowing what will happen later in the campaign, this is very exciting stuff!)
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Matunaaga's Q&A Response

Character name: Matunaaga (formerly known as Caji Dobra)

Briefly describe your character's personality (as you see it) emphasizing any changes or developments since the start of the campaign.
Matunaaga is a quiet, reserved member of the team. He struggles to find his place in this world as he trapped between several identities. Joining the RHC has only served to heighten the walking existential crisis that is his life. While he has learned to calm his mind in battle, he feels stretched when not in combat as if he is being pulled in conflicting directions.

Role within the unit. What's your specialty?
Matunaaga is a living weapon. He plays the role of a skirmisher and sniper.

Outline your relationship with other unit members.
He has maintained a distance from the other members of the unit due to his own internal conflict. His wife believes that Korrigan will lead him to his destiny but he is still not sure. Recent events have proven to him that his place is by Korrigan's side, protecting him from harm. He has a lot of respect for Uru's capabilities but struggles to relate. While he initially felt a strong connection with Rumdoom, he now worries that the Dwarf may have lost his way of perhaps none of what he accomplished was real. He see's Leon as some one similar to himself, struggling with his own identity and his place in the grand scheme of things.

What is your biggest achievement to date?

"When one is truly at peace with ones self, one does not hold up one moment over another. Pride is a cancer that spreads and destroys."

What event in the campaign has had the most impact on your character?
Biggest impact so far was the fight with the Gidim. It was this that helped to unlock his mental strength.

Do you have a treasured possession and, if so, what is it?
The obvious answer would be his rifle but its not true. It is simply a tool that can be replaced. He most treasured possession is actually a charm that he wears under his shirt that was carved by his wife.

Describe your favourite moment(s) from the campaign so far.
Hard to say just one. But the entire train mission stands out the most at the moment.

Who is the most memorable NPC and why?
Kell is definitely the most memorable. Next to Azure Lord Blackthorn that is. :)

Whose name is on your Vendetta Bullet?
Matunaaga has taken a personal stand against Vendetta bullets. He does not wish to invite that much hate into his heart.

What are your character's primary goals and priorities?
Main priority at the moment is to protect Korrigan. Outside of that he is working towards becoming the ultimate weapon in order to protect those that he loves from the Gidim.

DM's Note: Love the way my players are notching up goals for epic tier!
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Leon's Q&A Response

Character name
Leon Veilleux

Briefly describe your character's personality (as you see it) emphasizing any changes or developments since the start of the campaign.
Leon is a straightforward man who has become mired in betrayal, deception and subterfuge and is struggling to define his own fate. His time in the Danoran military has left him with a bleak outlook on life, it is only through Lavanya that he has regained purpose. Previously preferring to be honest and up front in all cases Leon is increasingly keeping his own council. While his motivations don’t always line up with the unit he finds comfit in the structure and sense of purpose. He trusts the unit to complete the mission at hand but is increasingly of the opinion that the task we face is bigger than Risur.

Role within the unit. What's your specialty?
The face, jack of all trades. Leon’s force of personality has opened doors and gleaned facts many times. His ability to heal and to position his enemies has also been useful. (DM's Note: The player is a mastery of understatement.)

Outline your relationship with other unit members.

Korrigan: Has tremendous respect for his leadership and shares his pain of losing a loved one but feels they are far too different people to be that close.
Uru: the team member Leon feels closest to, Uri is shares his link with the fey. Uru is someone Leon trusts and likes but feels no need to exchange words. At the same time Leon sees the darker side of himself within Uru.

Rumdoom: Leon admires Rumdoom solidness but this has been shaken by the recent revelations of his mental implant

Malthusius: Leon believes Malthusius is in the best position to understand the nature of the problems we face but also that his mind-set may make him unable to take the necessary actions

Matunaaga: Leon sees Matunaaga as a man on a journey much like his own but their paths are not the same

What is your biggest achievement to date?
Rescuing an eladrin slave.

What event in the campaign has had the most impact on your character?
I'm not sure I could pinpoint a single event.

The times we encounter beings of immense power (fey titans, dragon, ancient demons, monsters from another plane). Leon has accepted that we are involved in something bigger than any individual.

Do you have a treasured possession and, if so, what is it?
I had an idol but it was stolen! (DM's Note: Funny, I didn't think he was all that attached to it. I stole it because he didn't use it all that much...)

Describe your favourite moment(s) from the campaign so far.
Running around with a magic portal lantern trying to gain an advantage in combat. (DM's Note: This genius manoeuvre won the Train Depot for the unit after they got bogged down by bad rolls and poor tactics. Leon grabbed the Wayfarer's Lantern and dashed about the battlefield, taking enemies completely out of the fight.)

The entire Train campaign was amazing, also the first part from the lighthouse into the keep. That was a really good start

Who is the most memorable NPC and why?
Don't even know where to begin. So many NPCs with some real depth. Even minor NPCs seemed to have a purpose for being, outside of the adventure. (DM's Note: Kudos to the Zeitgeist team - it does what it says on the tin!)

Whose name is on your Vendetta Bullet?
Right now, Kell. Also perhaps all of team b! :):):):)ers. (DM's Note: Because they gave another idol to Tatzel the dragon.)

What are your character's primary goals and priorities?
Find out what happened with Lavanya, find out some way of communicating with her.

Determine what the Obscurati are up to, stop them.

Get the idol off the dragon, stop the corruption.

Be himself. (DM's Note: Ironic...)
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Malthusius' Q&A Response

Character Name Inspector Malthusius

Briefly describe your character's personality (as you see it) emphasizing any changes or developments since the start of the campaign. Malthusius perceived by many as a kind old man. While true that he looks to find the best in all people, willing to give a second chance where many would not, he can make the hard choices. In lifetimes gone by he was a ruthless soldier who did what it took to complete the mission. His continuing reconnection to those lifetimes has given him a measure of that quality but it is something he struggles with.

Role within the unit. What's your specialty? Malthusius was initially called in as a consultant for his investigative skills. His keen eye for detail coupled with a strong ability to read people and a perfect memory mean that he can find things others miss. Since becoming a permanent unit member he has also become somewhat of a conscience for the unit, though the degree he is listened to varies from member to member.

Outline your relationship with other unit members.
Korrigan was a respected colleague and friend before this began. Malthusius cannot help but feel for the hardships Korrigan has gone through in the past year, especially the loss of his wife to a convoluted fae pact. The biggest strain on their relationship was when Korrigan (along with the rest of the unit) accepted a daemon pact. While he can understand why he would accept and forgives the slip from his usual honourable self it is not something he will forget. That being said he still values their friendship and respects the Marshall.

Malthusius’s relationship with Uru is the one that has changed the most. When they me he seemed like a feral little thing Korrigan had found on his travels and brought in for his skill at stealth and murder. But as he got to know the strange person he developed a much better understanding of who Uru is. Contrary to his initial impression Uru is a deeply moral person, just to a different set of morals than most. While Malthusius doesn't agree with all of his views they have found more that a little common ground and a strong friendship has developed.

Malthusius has a great respect for Rumdoom’s capabilities as a warrior but is concerned about the dwarf’s state of mind. He’s recent catastrophe with his philosophical group coupled with release from control by the Deep Ones has been especially trying and while Malthusius wants to help he feels that nothing he has to say will make Rumdoom feel any better. The few times they’ve connected, particularly when meeting Glendim Hide, have give the deva a firm belief that Rumdoom is ultimately a good man and will have Malthusius’s support as a colleague and friend should he need it.

Leon is somewhat of an enigma to Malthusius. He at times can appear very open and honest yet has also played his cards very close to his chest more than once. While possible that where Malthusius to train his keen sense on the Sergeant in more detail he might discern more he is vouched for by both Korrigan and Delft and thus has refrained from prying. So far everything Leon has done has been to help the mission and so Malthusius will trust in Leon to do what he feels is necessary for the mission and hope it isn’t anything too… drastic.

Matunaaga strikes Malthusius as a deeply private person. While he is a formidable warrior he is also an outcast of his people and seems to be trying to find a place in the world. Though Malthusius is keen to help he has the impression that Matunaaga would rather do this alone. He tries to remain open with the warrior and hopes that he will get a chance to know the man better but will not try to force it.

What is your biggest achievement to date? While there have been many achievements one that stands out is saving his new found friend Uru’s life after his ill fated trip up Cauldron Hill followed by helping him reclaim his garden and best the daemon that deceived him.

What event in the campaign has had the most impact on your character? There are two that have had big impacts on Malthusius. The first was agreeing to let Xambria Meredith into his mind rather than be lost to the void. Although that relationship has taken a turn for the worse after daemon deals it gave Malthusius a new perspective. Second is the loss of his right arm. While he has spoken with Wolfgang and it could be reattached it serves as a personal reminder to him of just what they are up against and so for now remains locked in a trunk under his bed.

Do you have a treasured possession and, if so, what is it? My right arm. It’s a constant reminder of how high the stakes are.

Describe your favourite moment(s) from the campaign so far. While there have been some great moments one of my favourite was back when we were trapped with Wolfgang in the church. Trying his best to take a third options Malthusius sat and memorised the content of the folder Wolfgang had in under an hour to faithfully reproduce it back at RHC head quarters and give us a lead where we might not have had one.

Who is the most memorable NPC and why? Wolfgang von Reklinghousen. Met all the way back in the first adventure he’s been a help to the unit in little ways ever since. It’s nice to have an NPC who could have easily just disappeared after the first adventure stick around and keep getting involved with the players.

Whose name is on your Vendetta Bullet? Malthusius’s abhorrence if killing where possible (indeed having only killed once in the whole campaign and it was an accident) he would never use a Vendetta Bullet.

What are your character's primary goals and priorities?
Stop the Ob.
Reseal artifacts too dangerous for the world.
Find out how to truly connect with his past lives and maintain this one.

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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Korrigan's Q&A Response

Character name
Marshal Korrigan

Briefly describe your character's personality (as you see it) emphasizing any changes or developments since the start of the campaign.
Pragmatic, intelligent, open-minded. Follows a strong moral compass (but not necessarily one set by society or tradition). He is comfortable being a leader, but doesn't normally force anyone to obey orders unquestioned, relying more on guiding and encouraging the course of actions that leads towards his chosen goal. He is good at diplomacy but not by the way of flattery or coercion but by conviction and logic.
The development has been mainly in the way of self-reflection and realization of his abilities and the role he can play in the events. If at first he was satisfied to be a soldier who simply followed orders and hoped that those who were giving them did it in good faith and for the greater good, now he is more inclined to make his own decision on what and how needs to be done to achieve what he believes is right. So perhaps he has become bolder, and at the same time shed some of the misguided idealism.

Role within the unit. What's your specialty?
He is the leader of the unit, but not a dictator. He has enough confidence and trust in his people, to let them handle most situations as they see fit. He sees his role in setting the goals, and providing overall guidance. He prefers to let his men propose and discuss the possible courses of action, and then make the final decision. He also feels responsibility for them and is ready to do whatever is necessary to help if the need arises.

Outline your relationship with other unit members.
His unit is a lot like his family. He is a mentor to all except Malthusius, who is a friend and sometimes a mentor himself.

What is your biggest achievement to date?
Everyone is still alive (meaning not only the unit but also the people of Flint who are under his protection). There have been losses of course, which is unavoidable in war, but overall he has been able to ensure the safety of those in his charge. Which is pretty much the main point of his life. (DM's Note: Everyone apart from the dead people, that is.)

What event in the campaign has had the most impact on your character?
Maybe the trial in the Vault. Which may not be such a big deal in the scope of things but it was a tipping point at which Korrigan realised that he should take his fate in his own hands and do what he thinks is right no matter what.

Do you have a treasured possession and, if so, what is it?
Possessions are simple means to an end. They are tools, and if a tool is lost another can be aquired.

Describe your favourite moment(s) from the campaign so far.
I like the campaign in general, so I can name the least favorite instead which is Korrigan's personal story about his wife and child. I think primarily because I don't really know how to handle it and while I realise that it should be very important to the character I personally don't feel any emotional investment or other incentive to pursue it (other than being awkwardly reminded about it from time to time). (DM's Note: This response in particular made the whole excercise worthwhile. I need to bring this plotline to a close.)

Who is the most memorable NPC and why?
I liked Luke Jierre and Ottavia. It's tragic that we ended up on the opposite sides of the front line when in other circumstances perhaps a beautiful friendship could have developed.

Whose name is on your Vendetta Bullet?
Korrigan is not the kind of person to hold strong personal grudges. If a name should be chosen, the yet undiscovered mastermind behind the Obscurati would be the one.

What are your character's primary goals and priorities?
Korrigan thinks of the large picture. Safety and prosperity of the city and of the country (and not only the immediate threats, but also the social and economic challenges of the time). Obviously his powers are limited, but he will do what he can including thinking outside the box (as in the situation with gaining political leverage instead of relying simply on the authority of an RHC officer). One step at a time. He will likely continue to pursue the political line as it will give him more power to protect the people in the long run.


Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Rumdoom's Q&A Response

Character name Real Name: Kagan
Nickname: RumDoom

Briefly describe your character's personality (as you see it) emphasizing any changes or developments since the start of the campaign.

RumDoom started life as a dependable and solid soldier who was prone to bouts of depression and alcoholism and also moments of exuberance. His journey from a drunken brawler to an apocalyptic warrior convinced of his own invincibility began with the discovery of a strange power that enabled him to manifest the end of the world around him.

Along the way RumDoom was used as a pawn in a Heid Eschatol religious group led by Khaled Vhalchek, the powerful owner of Black Star Mining who he is now determined to avenge himself against for death of his beloved, and his unborn child.

RumDoom's destiny was set when the party were attacked by an enormous sea Kraken. Seeing that the entire ship was about to be engulfed, RumDoom steeled himself against his innate fear of water and cast himself at the beast, at the same time unleashing every ounce of strength from his soul in an icy embrace with death. Both the Kraken and Rumdoom were thought to have been lost to the depths.

Miraculously, Rumdoom survived but, as it became clear later, he had been controlled to some extent by the Deep Ones, the very beings that Rumdoom believed to have stolen the Legendary Khum-Ruk Nazar (the Stone of Not). Ironically, it was this event that spurred RumDoom on to create his own cult based on the Heid Eschatol that centred not on Ending things, but on taking control of things, when all the time RumDoom himself was being controlled. He was eventually betrayed by some of those closest to him, and for all of his own invincibility the weakness of those around him proved to be his undoing.

The betrayals and the weakness of those around him are leading RumDoom to become increasingly insular. He is currently reluctant to continue with his Rumschatology Sect because he fears that this will lead to more people being hurt or killed for his own cause. If it wasn’t for his debt to Korrigan, RumDoom would probably leave the RHC and strike out on his own in search of the Khum-Ruk Nazar, to fulfill his destiny at the end of the world.

Role within the unit. What's your specialty?

In a fight, RumDoom will be front and centre, providing he can get there fast enough!

Outline your relationship with other unit members.

Korrigan dragged RumDoom out of his alcohol induced depression, got him into the RHC and gave him a reason for living again. RumDoom is forever in debt to Korrigan, Korrigan is his leader.

RumDooms view of Korrigan has altered slightly since the incident with the Demon which Korrigan made a pact with, this is the last thing that RumDoom would have expected from his leader and whilst he understands the reasons why Korrigan made it, the trust between them has diminished slightly.

Uru is about as different from Rumdoom as could be possible and although there will always be a part of RumDoom that will feel a mild revulsion toward Uru although this has been tempered with a grudging respect and admiration for the role that Uru plays so well for the unit.

RumDoom is a very straight -aced rank and file soldier. Leon's military background does not endear him to RumDoom as Leon fought for the other side, was nearly court-martialed for killing his own leader and subsequently abandoned his home land, only escaping execution for war crimes because Korrigan offered him a pardon if he joined the unit. RumDoom wouldn’t voice his distrust of Leon publicly out of respect for Korrigan but socially he would keep him at arms length.

Although little in the way of common ground exists between them, RumDoom likes the cut of his jib, and out of respect for his great age both in this life and others, RumDoom always keeps a protective watch over Malthusius in a fight.

RumDoom likes Matunaaga. They share a similar philosophy to life Rumdoom greatly respects Matunaagas fighting skills and style.

What is your biggest achievement to date?

At the start of the campaign, RumDoom was drunk more often than not. Despite all the problems in his personal life Rumdoom is quietly proud that he has managed to pull himself together to repay the trust that Korrigan placed in him by picking him for the unit.

What event in the campaign has had the most impact on your character?
The suicidal attack on the Kraken propelled RumDoom to a messianic status. His belief in his own invincibility stemmed from this moment.

Do you have a treasured possession and, if so, what is it?
For a long time RumDoom's floating shield was never out of his sight until his fear of water went to the depths with the Kraken.
Now, fixated by the end of the world, physical possessions have little dominion over RumDoom

Describe your favourite moment(s) from the campaign so far.

Killing the Kraken
Uru sewing the mine foreman's lips together

Who is the most memorable NPC and why?
Lorcan Kell and the Lychees – the most memorable NPC in a great scene in the theatre. (DM's Note: I had Lorcan Kell messily eating lychees while he tortured and killed the subordinate who had led the unit to him.)

Whose name is on your Vendetta Bullet?
Khaled Valchek & Azon the Stone Forger

What are your character's primary goals and priorities?
Locate the Khum-Ruk Nazar
Kill Khared Valcheck
Kill Azon the Stone Forger
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Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
Dude, Azon the Stoneforger? Random criminal establishment owner in Nalaam? Remind me what he did to piss Rumdoom off.

Back in adventure #4 I had to manage the medium-term absence of Rumdoom's player, so altered the Sly & the Family Stone encounter such that it would mean the unit leaving the train in order to trek into the mountains about half a day. This meant that Rumdoom had to go help Damata Griento on his own, in accordance with the agreement they had made with Vlendam Heid.

At the same time, I wanted to let Rumdoom know about the significance of his ancient armour. This armour was a family heirloom gifted him by well-wishers Hildegaard and Harn back in Flint, after he lost everything he owned fighting the Kraken Hydra (another stage-managed exit from the campaign...) The armour is covered in runes and once belonged to the historical order of runepriests who guarded the Stone of Not (an artifact the player made up as part of his character background). It was a way for him to access the runepriest multiclass feat (as I prefer 'active' feats like this to have some sort of narrative behind them or they just seem implausible).

I intended for Vlendham Heid to tell Rumdoom what his armour signified, but the player made a point of taking his armour off when he went for a chat with the great philosopher in his hotel room. So I altered Azon the Stoneforger, made him a dwarf, and a secret sympathizer with Grundon Zubov, etc. Rumdoom, in order to disguise himself for the mission, had shaved off his beard, so Azon assumed he was one of the faithful. He was especially impressed (as was I) when Rumdoom took out Sly and his crew single-handed.

My intention was for Azon to nurse Rumdoom back to health and help him escape the Family, but his help wasn't needed. Instead, he told Rumdoom about what his armour once meant, and agreed to meet him in Flint, which he did, after the mission was over. He tutored Rumdoom in the use of the runes, and helped him establish his sect of Rumschatology, but swiftly realised that Rumdoom was no Doomsday cultist. So he set about using the cult to fleece the dwarven community (and Rumdoom) of 10000gp on the premise that he would use the money in a ritual to cure Khoomrung Morkanstall - Rumdoom's old politician friend who was mutilated by Lorcan Kell.

Instead, he and the Rumschatology 'security detail' stole the money and disappeared to join Grundon Zubov, killing society treasurer Harn when he resisted their attempt, and leaving Rumdoom in the frame because he disappeared at the same time (having been dominated by the Deep Ones). The security detail included Kvarti Gorbartiy - who is not at all happy about what happened - and dour Drakren brothers Thered and Thangir Kharngraft who (along with poor Khoomrung, and villainous Khaled Valchek of Black Star Mining) were also members of the eschatologist cell Rumdoom was involved with at the start of the campaign.

All of this makes the eschatologist thread of Cauldron Born more personal for Rumdoom, as not only are his erstwhile friends involved in the terrorist campaign, he inadvertently funded it!

Hope that clears it up for you. (Note to self: simplify, simplify...)

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