Session 2
El Jefe and Terry the Tyrannosaur are standing by the RNS Coaltongues superstructure, keeping an eye on things. Terry is munching on a Sea Gull which dared to defy an slightly small Apex predator. Rinakth is at the bow talking to several artillery experts about the latest developments in Rifled Breech Loading Artillery, Ka'vert is in the middle of the crowd keeping an eye on things. Finally Oxorin is chatting with Sorkana outside the door to the duchesses room.
Sorkana tells Oxorin that the Duchess will be heading on deck soon, and she needs to go and make sure that the stewards have the right drink prepared , Oxorin believes this as her sense motive roll is 8 and Sorkana's bluff was 24 . Fortunatly Oxorin's perception is better and see's Sorkana heading down instead of up , she stealthily follows. The borrowed Raven on her shoulder broadcasts vague confusion to its master.
At the same time Delft tells El Jefe to go and check up on the Duchess to make sure she does not 'accidentally' miss the King's speech.
El Jefe goes downstairs poor perception rolls mean Oxorin and him do not see each other. He procedes to the door to the Duchesses cabin, noone answers his knock but he hears someone moving around, he thinks there should be three people in there. He cannot open the locked door so goes back on deck to find Rinakth who can.
AAt the same time Oxorin is sneaking after Sorkana and a halfling servent who seem to be heading down to engineering , she is concerned and the Raven becomes distressed alerting Ka'vert. On Deck Ka'vert and El Jefe meet up, El Jefe heads back downstairs with Terry. Ka'vert fetches Rinakth.
Below decks the excited Raven blows Oxorin's stealth roll, Sorkana heads down into engineering, challanging Oxorin and tells her to get off the ship, the halfling vanishes as he uses his invisibility potion. El Jefe heads down the stairs , foolishly he lets Terry go second Digitigrate legs and little stumpy arms prove to be bad for climbing down a warships ladders and he falls on El Jefe.
On the deck below Oxorin heads after Sorkana and is backstabbed by the Hobbit who only fails to skewer her when the Raven uses its bodyguard ability, she lets out a cry of shock which is heard by El Jefe and Rinakth who have respectively just climbed out from under a dinosaur and come down the stairs.
Ka'vert and El Jefe rush to support Oxorin who bashes the hobbit with a mace, this time they let Terry go down the stairs first which he managed flawlessly. Rinakth rushes to the Duchessess room and picks the lock it will be some time before he catches up with the others he encounters the Duchess climbing out of the porthole with the help of an unidentified Fey and a giant squid, he decides not to fight them as that would be suicide.
Ka'Vert puts the halfling to sleep, Oxorin moves to the engineering deck and all the gears of the machinery temporarily stun her and she can't work out whats going on (1 on perception) Ka'vert and El Jeffe Follow. Sorkana casts mirror image and steps away.
Ka'vert puts 2 stokers creeping up on Oxorin to sleep, Oxoring charges and tries to grapple Sorkana to drive her away from the Furnace and fails because a 1 is rolled again. Ka'vert looks up realising he made a mistake and went down the steps before Terry , Terry lands on him. Little stubby arms flailing uselessly in the air.
There is a confused fight as people try to hit Sorkana , her aggressive thundercloud and Burning hands injures everyone, including Rinakth who is trying to work out how to stop the boiler exploding as she is the only one with a clue about how these things work. Sorkana is grappled by Oxorin and then mage cuffed. Terry eats one fire sprite and after another one flies into a wall and is stunned (1 rolled) falls over on top of it (1 rolled tripped over a deck feature) and crushes it to death
Rinakth is able to work out what is going on and as the sabotage was in its early stages is rapidly with help from the others to do the muscle work able to calm things down and stop the explosion
They are congratulated on their good work , the king makes his speech without a major interruption and the team starts on paperwork.
They are briefed by Drelf and Lya on Axis island, they decide the ruins will be of interest and agree with Drelf that there is probably a reason why the Duchess attacked this island and they will try to check the ruins or any archeology notes they can find. The idea of swimming to the island terrifies them (In previous campaign there was precisely one PC fatality, drowned trying to swim, the same bridge crossing nearly killed 3 other pc's due to bad dice rolls and bad swimming skills) The availability of water breathing cheers them up