ZEITGEIST Zeitvice: one GM's guide to the best AP


Oh! That makes a lot of sense now. Did Av get destroied in the Gyre because of Urim or because it hit the outside edges of the Gyre? The heroes find themselves on Urim after the crash so I assume its more that Urim and Av smashed into each other and left Av a broken shell next to it in the graveyard.

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Oh! That makes a lot of sense now. Did Av get destroied in the Gyre because of Urim or because it hit the outside edges of the Gyre? The heroes find themselves on Urim after the crash so I assume its more that Urim and Av smashed into each other and left Av a broken shell next to it in the graveyard.
I don't think it was ever the intention for Urim to hit Av.

I don't know. Maybe the golden asteroids were the things at the edge of the Gyre that tore it apart?


I'm about to run the final session of The Last Starry Sky tomorrow and im very worried about one particular part. The ritual in the Governors Fortress reads as follows:

Ending the ritual safely requires four characters to simultaneously disassemble the ritual components. Each table requires a different check – Knowledge (arcana), Heal, Knowledge (nature), and Knowledge (religion), all DC 25. Failing even a single check causes Delft’s heart to stop, and the ritual to go out of control, dealing 8d6 electricity damage in a 15-foot radius burst (DC 25 Reflex for half).

The problem is... I only have Three PC's and only one has the knowledge skills for this challenge. How do i get through this scene without killing Delft?

I'm about to run the final session of The Last Starry Sky tomorrow and im very worried about one particular part. The ritual in the Governors Fortress reads as follows:

Ending the ritual safely requires four characters to simultaneously disassemble the ritual components. Each table requires a different check – Knowledge (arcana), Heal, Knowledge (nature), and Knowledge (religion), all DC 25. Failing even a single check causes Delft’s heart to stop, and the ritual to go out of control, dealing 8d6 electricity damage in a 15-foot radius burst (DC 25 Reflex for half).

The problem is... I only have Three PC's and only one has the knowledge skills for this challenge. How do i get through this scene without killing Delft?
i mean, if your players have a way to bring him back to life then and there and you're pretty sure they'd do it, you could just let him die and let them bring him back. you could also say that "stopping his heart" means he drops to 0 hit points, so they can heal him normally to bring him back up.

alternatively, you can change how ending the ritual works - maybe by changing the skills to skills your other players have (and reducing the number of tables by 1, if there's no NPCs that can help them), or by reducing the DC (and again reducing the tables), or by making it so that instead of needing to simultaneously disassemble them, you can disassemble them one at a time, but doing so deals the 8d6 electricity to delft each turn as you're disassembling them, effectively putting the party on a time limit. or something else i haven't thought of.

if you don't wanna do either of those, then uh...i guess he's screwed, yeah. at least until the party figures out how to raise dead again after the planes change (assuming they'd want him back).

Andrew Moreton

Change it.
Those are not high dc's for this far in the campaign so either make it 3 succesful checks at the same time or 3 or 4 succesful checks in sequence.
Or of course by this level , if you have a cleric in the party death is just a revolving door.
Another possibility would be a tragic death and have his spirit turn up in the Gyre
Or with 16th level pc's
Limited Wish
Summon monster some of those outsiders can probably make the checks
stick him in the absurdist web
Some other weird naughty word a high level party can pull, let them come up with a good idea then let it work

Voidrunner's Codex

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