WOIN Zetan rules for repeated careers


Just a tourist passing your way...
Hi there,
How is the unfocused exploit intended?
In german (my first language), "subsequent" can be translated in two ways; did you mean he has to roll WIL if the character takes a career again he took the last time/just before the new career, or if he repeats a career he took ANY time in his life?

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I can't speak with any authority on this, but I'd guess that it doesn't matter when you previously took that career, you always need to test if you're taking a career you've taken before at any point in your character's life. The second go at the career needs an unmodified WIL check, the third time requires one with a -1d6 penalty, and a fourth would be -2d6, etc...

I do agree that the rule is a bit unclear, though I think the part I'm least sure of is that the first test is unmodified. It might be that you always make the check with the number of times you've been in the career before as the die penalty (so the first repeat, AKA the second time taking the career, requires a test with a -1d6). I don't think it's especially ambiguous with regard to what counts as a repeat though.

I would note that in my PDF of the Galactic Sentience Catalog, the first half of this exploit seems to be missing. There's a page break in the middle of the species entry and it the second page starts in the middle of the exploit as if a line or two got skipped. I'm using the exploit text from here for my interpretation in this post. I'm not sure if that's the most recent version.


Just a tourist passing your way...
Subsequent means at any time later. It does not have to be immediately after.
Hi, and thank you for clarifying :)
I would note that in my PDF of the Galactic Sentience Catalog, the first half of this exploit seems to be missing. There's a page break in the middle of the species entry and it the second page starts in the middle of the exploit as if a line or two got skipped. I'm using the exploit text from here for my interpretation in this post. I'm not sure if that's the most recent version.
Hi and thank you too :)
I also found it missing alongside with another exploit; instead there has been printed an vouki exploit. My print is ok so far.

Voidrunner's Codex

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