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Zombies and Crooks (DM:Mal Malenkirk Judge: Covaithe )


First Post
As the zombie struggles to batter down the magical barrier protecting the barbarian, Andrec takes advantage of the zombie's distraction.

The zombie that was nearly decapitated by Molok retaliates with surprising ferocity and even with Jarel's Aegis taking off the edge from the blows, it still stings. Meanwhile, Jarel is fending off attacks from a zombie of his own.
Battle Awareness [Multiclass Fighter]
Prerequisites: Str 13, Wis 13
Benefit: You gain training in one skill from the fighters class skill list. Once per encounter, whenever an enemy that is adjacent to you shifts or makes an attack that does not include you as a target, you can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.

As a reaction on the zombie's turn; Battle Awareness (Melee Basic) vs AC13 (1d20+9,1d8+4=[13, 9], [1, 4]) 5 Damage.[/sblock]

Molok's blood still on it's fingertips, the zombie swings around in response to Andrec's blow, and the mighty warrior takes its head off. With a quick nod towards the door, Andrec dashes across the open space down the center of the warehouse to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Jarel-Karn.

[sblock=actions] Standard Action: Commander's Strike: Molok vs. the Zombie: vs AC13 (1d20+8,1d12+6=[8, 8], [8, 6]) and that finishes it off. (14 damage, + 5 from Battle Awareness = 19)
Move Action: Move to K2. That zombie's on the ground, right?[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Sorry! Stat updated.

PS: The spider Zombie wasn't affected by the fog; it creates lightly obscured squares and his darkvision beats that. I am pointing this out because -2 would have made him iss.

Which makes me realize that the fog has runs the course of its usefulness since most enemies will see in the fog and not you! Mesa dropped it on his turn after all.

Why does darkvision negate the fog penalty? Darkvision is black-and-white, and involves outlines. Color can't be seen by darkvision, only shapes. Fog, on the other hand, obscurres shapes. I don't see how DV negates the penalty. (Could you explain it to me, please? Thanks)[/sblock]

[sblock=Note for Players]Andrec's abilities that may affect you:
Bravura Presence:
When an ally who can see you spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to take advantage of this feature before the attack roll. If the ally chooses to do so and the attack hits, the ally can either make a basic attack or take a move action after the attack as a free action. If the attack misses, the ally grants combat advantage to all enemies until the end of his or her next turn.

Lend Might
Prerequisite: Warlord
Benefit: When an ally makes an attack granted by one of your warlord powers to attack an enemy adjacent to you, that ally gains a +1 bonus to the attack roll.[/sblock]

[sblock=Andrec Stats]
Passive Perception 12, Passive Insight 12
AC 18, Fort 17, Reflex 15, Will 14
HP 27/27, Bloodied 13, Surge Value 6, Surges 7/7
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Speed 5, Initiative +4
Action Points: 1, Second Wind
At-Will Powers: Commander's Strike, Brash Assault, Opening Shove
Encounter Powers: Diabolic Stratagem, Inspiring Word (2/encounter), Aid the Injured, Battle Awareness
Daily Powers: Concentrated Attack
Melee Basic: +9, 1d8+4
Condition: -
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Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Zombies and Crooks on Virtual Battlemat

[sblock=Updated Status and Map]
That ugly spider thing is Knotty Virtue. Hey, you want pretty pictures, you know what to do!

Spider Zombie : Marked (Jarel)

*Andrec : 24 / 27 [5/7] AP
*Jarel-Karn : 37 / 37 [9/11] AP
Mesa : 22 / 31 [6/9] AP
Montroya : 31 / 33 [3/8]
*One-Who-Waits: 26 / 26 [8/9] AP
Molok : 29 /33 [12/12] AP

Mesa, Molok and Montroya are up

Rinch (The grey helmet toward the back)
Perception 14
HP 104; Bloodied 52
AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 20
Speed 5
OA: Scepter of Striking
+9 vs Armor Class; 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of Rinch's next turn.

Pack Zombie (The Red M)
Perception +10; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 10, Will 11
Slam (Standard, at-will)
+7 vs Armor Class; 4 damage.
Pack Attack
A pack of zombies gains a +2 bonus to its attack roll if it is adjacent to at least one other pack zombie.

The Dark Servant (Book with the skull)
Perception 18
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 20; Fortitude 14, Reflex 18, Will 16
OA Unarmed Strike : +10 vs Armor Class; 1d8+3 damage.

Good old Zombie
Medium natural magical beast (undead)
Perception 10; darkvision
HP 40; Bloodied 20
AC 13; Fortitude 13, Reflex 9, Will 10
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA: +6 vs Armor Class; 2d6+2 damage.
Zombie Weakness : Any critical hit to the zombie reduces it to 0 hit points instantly.

Perception 16
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 11 ; see also mob rule
OA Dagger (if drawn) +7 vs Armor Class; 2 damage.
Mob Rule (Standard; encounter)
Archers gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least two other Archer are within 5 squares of it.

Spider Zombie
Perception 17; darkvision
HP 45; Bloodied 22
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 14
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA Slam (Standard, at-will)
+8 vs Armor Class; 1d6+5 damage.[/sblock]


First Post
No time for a long post, will post tonight hopefully: Until then if you are tired of waiting: Hand of Radiance vs the two M's and the spider zombie. +5, 1d4+4 radiant damage.


First Post
Montroya steps into the warehouse, hoping not to attract too much attention. The deva raises his staff high above his head, and there is a flash. Tendrils of light stream from the implement towards his foes. The spider creature dodges the tentril, but the others fall to Apoli's servant.

Move: Move to L1
Standard: Hand of Radiance vs spider, M(near) and M(far).
hand of rad vs spider/M(near)/M(far) (1d20+5=9, 1d4+4=8, 1d20+5=23, 1d4+4=5, 1d20+5=15, 1d4+4=8) [/sblock]

Init: +2
Passive Insight: 20 Passive Perception: 20
HP: 33/33 Bloodied: 16 Surges: 8/8(8)
AP: 1
Hand of Radiance
Vanguard's Lightning
Memory of a thousand lifetimes
Preserver's Rebuke
Rebuke undead
Blades of Astral Fire
Shroud of Warning
Silent Malediction

Mal Malenkirk

First Post

[sblock=OOC]Menrakion can't post for a day or two but e-mailed me his intentions. Stringbean seems MIA at the moment.

Mesa would obviously have used his Razor claw shifting at the first opportunity (when he was bloodied). Not being around to post means he acts last which means he is likely to ge healed and no longer bloodied and therefore unable to use his racial power until very late in the fight... The fight is going to be though enough as it is so I will let him use his shifting.

Molok steps back outside and swings with such power that had he connected squarely against the spider zombie he would have sliced it in two. As is, the beast manages to avoid the worst of it but is still sorely pressed. Molok's high fills with maniacal fury.

Mesa sends a lightning bolt toward the zombie but the undead monster is frighteningly fast and ducks in time.

The archers are grouping and their fire is becoming more effective.

The spider Zombie accepts Jarel's challenge and barey miss him.

The zombies are closing in and a sudden noise near the roof alerts the heroes to the approach of a second spider zombie who is crawling quickly on the ceiling and is directly above Andrec.

Molok vs Spider Zombie
vs AC 17 (1d20+7=12, 3d12+4=30) miss, half damage=15

Minor: Razor claw shifting

Archers vs Andrec, Montroya, Mesa
1:Andrec 2:Montroya 3:Mesa (1d20+9=19, 1d20+9=17, 1d20+9=29)
Andrec and Momtroya have cover (-2) so they are missed, Mesa is hit

vs Ref 15 (1d20+8+2=18, 1d4+2+1d4=8) hit for 8
I added the +2 for surprise even though I forgot to make a stealth check. It would have it anyway so I let it stand. Ps, the extra 1d4 of damage is necrotic.

Stealth (1d20+9-5=7) failed, the 2nd zombie appear on the map. 6 sqaure in the air, on the roof.

I forgot to paste the roll of SZ1 against Jarel but it was a 12+8=20, miss.

The zombie at M10 is under the bridge, not on it.

Spider Zombie 1: 30/45

Andrec : 24 / 27 [5/7] AP
Jarel-Karn : 37 / 37 [9/11] AP
Mesa : 11 / 31 [6/9] AP, razorclaw shifting (+1 AC, +2 speed), bloodied
Montroya : 31 / 33 [3/8]
One-Who-Waits: 26 / 26 [8/9] AP
Molok : 29 /33 [12/12] AP Rage (+4 to dmg is Molok or target is bloodied)

Mesa, Molok and Montroya are up

Rinch (The grey helmet toward the back)
Perception 14
HP 104; Bloodied 52
AC 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 20
Speed 5
OA: Scepter of Striking
+9 vs Armor Class; 2d6 + 6 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of Rinch's next turn.

Pack Zombie (The Red M)
Perception +10; darkvision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 14; Fortitude 14, Reflex 10, Will 11
Slam (Standard, at-will)
+7 vs Armor Class; 4 damage.
Pack Attack
A pack of zombies gains a +2 bonus to its attack roll if it is adjacent to at least one other pack zombie.

The Dark Servant (Book with the skull)
Perception 18
HP 52; Bloodied 26
AC 20; Fortitude 14, Reflex 18, Will 16
OA Unarmed Strike : +10 vs Armor Class; 1d8+3 damage.

Good old Zombie
Medium natural magical beast (undead)
Perception 10; darkvision
HP 40; Bloodied 20
AC 13; Fortitude 13, Reflex 9, Will 10
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA: +6 vs Armor Class; 2d6+2 damage.
Zombie Weakness : Any critical hit to the zombie reduces it to 0 hit points instantly.

Perception 16
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 16; Fortitude 13, Reflex 14, Will 11 ; see also mob rule
OA Dagger (if drawn) +7 vs Armor Class; 2 damage.
Mob Rule (Standard; encounter)
Archers gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses while at least two other Archer are within 5 squares of it.

Spider Zombie
Perception 17; darkvision
HP 45; Bloodied 22
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 17, Will 14
Immune disease, poison; Resist 10 necrotic; Vulnerable 5 radiant
OA Slam (Standard, at-will)
+8 vs Armor Class; 1d6+5 damage.


First Post
One-Who-Waits moves past the doorway as Knotty Virtue makes a sudden strike at the spider zombie. Unfortunately, zombie-dodge is faster than snake-attack.

[sblock=actions]Standard: Watcher's Strike on spider zombie. +4 vs reflex; damage (1d20+4=15, 1d8+4=11) Argh, missed.

(Well, at least the free shift may be helpful.)

Move: One-Who-Waits moves to P0 to get out of the archers' line of fire.

Who is "cultist"? Is that the book/skull thing?[/sblock]

[sblock=ministats]One-Who-Waits Male Deva Shaman 1
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 20, Senses: Normal
AC:16, Fort:13, Reflex:14, Will:15
(+1 to defenses against attacks by bloodied enemies)
Resist Necrotic 5, Radiant 5
HP:26/26, Bloodied:13, Surge Value:6, Surges left:8/9
Action Points: 0
Call Spirit Companion
Spirit's Fangs
Stalker's Strike
Watcher's Strike

Healing Spirit
Healing Spirit
Speak with Spirits
Twin Panthers
Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
Second Wind

Spirit of the Healing Flood


Full sheet: One-Who-Waits[/sblock]

[sblock=Spirit Effects (IMPORTANT TO DM AND PCS)]
A reminder of the effects that the spirit (Knotty Virtue) has on combat. The first three are important to players.
  • Any ally of One-Who-Waits who starts their turn adjacent to Knotty Virtue can shift 1 square as a free action, as the first action during their turn.
  • Any ally of One-Who-Waits who is adjacent to Knotty Virtue gains a +4 bonus to their damage rolls against bloodied enemies.
  • Knotty Virtue occupies 1 square. Allies can move through its space but enemies cannot.
  • Any enemy that leaves a square adjacent to Knotty Virtue without shifting is subject an opportunity attack (the Spirit's Fangs power).
  • Knotty Virtue has the same defense values as One-Who-Waits and can be targeted by attacks.
  • If a single attack deals 10 or more damage to Knotty Virtue, the spirit disappears and One-Who-Waits takes 5 damage. Otherwise Knotty Virtue is unaffected by attacks.
  • When One-Who-Waits takes a move action, he can move Knotty Virtue up to 6 squares as well.
  • Knotty Virtue is unaffected by terrain and environmental phenomena.


First Post
Montroya sees the archers, converging on the catwalk above the battle. An arrow glances off his staff, deflecting wide and sticking out the wooden floor. Raising his staff once more, rays of light dart from the implement striking towards the archers. A pair of the archers fall from the catwalk.

Hand of Radiance vs archers at: J10, L10, O10. Hand of Radiance vs reflex of J10, L10, O10 (1d20+5=21, 1d4+4=5, 1d20+5=20, 1d4+4=5, 1d20+5=6, 1d4+4=5) [/sblock]

Andrec encourages him, and Montroya calls upon Apoli's radiance to strike out at their enemies again. The third archer slumps to the catwalk and the zombie near him is badly burned. The undead to his right is seared and falls to the ground.
[sblock=Action Point]
Taking adv of bravura presence. Hand of Radiance vs Archer at O10, Zombie at M10 and zombie min at R1. Hand of radiance vs reflex of Archer at O10, Zombie at M10 and zombie min at R1. (1d20+5=21, 1d4+4=6) Okay, I forgot to change the rolls to 3, so that roll was for the Archer, now the other two. Zombie at M10 and zombie min at R1 (1d20+5=22, 1d4+4=5, 1d20+5=21, 1d4+4=7) [/sblock]

Encouraged by his action, the deva scrambles up the ladder, like some sort of ape. Moving across the catwalk the deva smiles, his canines elongated, more like a tigers.

[sblock=Actions]Since I hit with AP attack, I'll take the move action from bravura precence. I'll use that, with my remaining action to move up the ladder. I have 12 squares of movement, so I move one to K1. I climb at half speed, so I use 8 squares to climb the ladder. My final remaing 3 squares of movement will take me to K4 on the catwalk.[/sblock]

My turn ends when I am at K4 on the catwalk. The enemies that are killed on my turn are: the archers @ J10, L10, O10, the zombie minion @ R1. I hit the zombie at M10 for 5 radiant, or 9 total.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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