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[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


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Noriaki gives a smile to the captain and the Fitzpatricks as they approach. "Hello, captain." he turns back to Sasha. "If it's swordsmanship you're off to learn, you may be better off following us to the Games. We're sure to put on the best performance."
"I'm sure I'd learn a lot from your performance."

The Captain frowns as the young woman goes on. As she greets him he smiles again. Slightly exaggerated canines gleam pearly white. "Swordsmanship? Fah and fiddlesticks. What is it you want to do, fire-haired girl?"
Sasha chuckles. "I like to hunt," she says. "And shoot. Will they have archery in this contest you're going to? I came second in an archery contest once."

"Can't say I've ever been to the Jade Empire - or to the Valley for that matter." Castile is about to continue when she catches herself looking over the ship's railing. She lurches back as realizes how close she is to the bottomless sea.
Ishirou does not respond, but continues to gaze silently out to sea.

[sblock=ooc]He's probably just stunned from getting hit by so much charm all at once. Takes a fellow a while to recover.

Why do I always respond in threes?[/sblock]

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"I'm sure I'd learn a lot from your performance."

Eyeing the Irregulars with a tentative mind, Takahaan isn't quite sure what to think of such strange creatures. He had never seen the sort back in the Kingdom.

Breaking his apparent stare at the Irregulars, Takahaan looks back to the young lady. Nodding at her words, he replies with a friendly tone.

"I am sure that you would, as well. Noriaki is quite the prodigy when it comes to swordplay. It would be unwise for even me to spar him in a duel of blades, which is why I am very thankful that he will be competing alongside myself in the Games. That, and because it is my duty to protect him."


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Sasha gazes up at Takahaan's face, clearly somewhat dazzled by the dragonborn's huge frame and his rich, red scales. "You make him sound as though he doesn't need your protection," she says.

As she is speaking, Tlacamatli finishes his conversation with the other Magari and approaches the adventurers. The strange psychic presence that they felt when they first met him returns, drawing their attention.

"Sorry to interrupt," he says softly. "The captain is ready to depart, and I trust you all are as well. I have further business in Daunton, but we feel the ship must leave as soon as possible. Therefore my associates will guide you to the portal and beyond to Cactizatziliztli, where they will present you to the King. This is Mecatl, and here is Nelli." The two dwarves smile and nod as their names are pronounced, apparently not understanding much else in Tlacamatli's speech.
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"Jyaa...guides we won't be able to speak with. I suppose we should all get ready to not be able to speak with the natives." Noriaki says under his breath, barely loud enough for those around to hear. He perks up a bit and addresses Tlacamatli. "Shall we see you at the games, then, Masked One? Good fortune be with you on your business."

Farewell given, he turns and replies to Sasha, "There may be archery contests at these Games. Our guide told us there would be a wide variety of activities. I shall join all that I may compete in, but I am only really looking forward to the tests of arms. I doubt there shall be any other contests of Art that I may join."


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"King, we take you," affirms the dwarf who has been introduced as Nelli, smiling and bowing. "He please much. Games, you fight! No-ri-a-ki. Yes?"


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Noriaki turns to Nelli, taking a moment to translate bad Allerian into good Allerian and then into Tsugo. He gives a sharp nod, and a smile. "That's right. Nelli, yes? I am Noriaki Matsumoto, third son of the House of Storms." He looks about ready to finish, but decides that Nelli probably will only be baffled by too many titles, anyway and thinks better of it. "I shall please your King with my fighting."


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"You have made this voyage before," Hú Lí says to Aerys. "Are we going to depart soon? It is always exciting setting off."

She excitedly looks over the prow towards the open ocean.

"The sea is wide," she begins singing in a high tone, tapping her drum sharply after each phrase. "The sails fill with wind. Where is the ship bound? What harbor will welcome it?" She taps her drum twice, then returns to speaking.

"That is part of a longer song," she explains. "It is the tale of a sailor on an ocean voyage and all the wonders he encounters. I wonder, will our trip be as eventful?"[sblock=ooc]Bluff check for performance (1d20+11=20)[/sblock]


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Sasha gazes up at Takahaan's face, clearly somewhat dazzled by the dragonborn's huge frame and his rich, red scales. "You make him sound as though he doesn't need your protection," she says.

"Hmph. Don't let him get that dangerous idea in his head, it may be the end of him," Takahaan says with a dark, brief chuckle.

Takahaan swings his gaze toward the pair of dwarves introduced to them by the strange, masked figure. He watches as his more well-spoken friend introduces himself to the clumsily speaking dwarf, Nelli.

"And I am Takahaan Thanazashi, an officer in the Iron Legion, of the Kingdom of Jade. I hope our honorable attempts may please your gracious King."
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"The sea is wide," she begins singing in a high tone, tapping her drum sharply after each phrase. "The sails fill with wind. Where is the ship bound? What harbor will welcome it?" She taps her drum twice, then returns to speaking.

"That is part of a longer song," she explains. "It is the tale of a sailor on an ocean voyage and all the wonders he encounters. I wonder, will our trip be as eventful?"
Gelik, Ishirou, and Sasha turn around to listen, and Tlacamatli's eye-holes remain fixed on Hú Lí during the brief song. "You'll have to sing the rest of it for us," says Aerys, grinning.

"And I am Takahaan Thanazashi, an officer in the Iron Legion, of the Kingdom of Jade. I hope our honorable attempts may please your gracious King."
"Yes," says Nelli, not understanding most of Takahaan's words. "Sorry, I speak not good!"

"I wish you all good luck in the games," says Tlacamatli. He turns to his associates, who speak to him briefly in Magari. (Alkas can tell that they are saying goodbye, but not much else.)

[sblock=In Magari]"Goodbye, ancestor. Do not get lost in this strange land!"

"Goodbye, ancestor. The king will be pleased with your success."[/sblock]
Tlacamatli bows to everyone and departs. Shortly after, Captain Kovack gives the order for the Jenivere to set sail.

[sblock=ooc]I should have some actual genuine adventurin' started by late tonight or early tomorrow. Feel free to go on chatting up NPCs or messing about on the boat until then.[/sblock]


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"--or anything so burdensome as a tidbit of knowledge," Gelik mutters very softly, but unfortunately not softly enough to elude Alkas's keen ears. In a slightly condenscending tone, he explains: "The henges are circles of large, old stones. They're magical portals. One leads to the Valley of Bone, the other to the Kingdom of Jade."

"Ha! You sound just like Alistair." the dwarf says, letting the comment roll off him, he was used to verbal jabs from his time in the presence of nobles. He is about to ask further questions, when the psychic presence draws his attention. After Tlacamatli's comments about heading off Alkas bows slightly to the gnome, Master Gelik, it was a pleasure to make your acquant, er, acquant... to meet you. I hope we can speak more during the trip. I would really love to hear more about these portals. the dwarf says and turns towards the Magari. He returns the others bow and Alkas moves towards the starboard rail, resting one leg on it as the boat prepares to depart.

*** Once the voyage is underway ***

Alkas watches the waves and heads towards Hú Lí, "So, I used to be on a ship like this when I was younger. I was wondering if you've ever heard a shanty that goes like this:

When the course is laid and the anchor's weighed
A sailor's blood begins racing
With our hearts unbound and our flag unfurled
We're under way and off to see the world
Under way and off to see the world

Hey ho we'll go
Anywhere the wind is blowing

Manly men are we
Sailing for adventure on the deep blue sea

I think there's more to it, but I always liked that one...
Alkas says, his eyes staring far off in the water.

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