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(Rogue's Gallery) Yttermayn's Saga of the Dragon Cult

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
placeholder for john Tannerso v. 2.0: pathfinder

fire elementalist 2?
[B]DEX[/B] XX +X  HD XD6 + X  HP XX
[B]INT[/B] XX +X
[B]CHA[/B] XX +X

[B]                 Defense   MAX         SPELL



[B][U][I]Feats and features[/I][/U][/B]
[B][I]RACE[/I][/B] - Human
    [U]+2 to One Ability Score:[/U] Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability 
    score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
    [U]Medium[/U]: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or
    penalties due to their size.
    [U]Normal Speed:[/U] Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
    [U]Bonus Feat:[/U] Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
   [U] Skilled:[/U] Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one 
    additional rank whenever they gain a level.
   [U] Languages:[/U] Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high 
    Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret
    languages, such as Druidic).

[U]Favored class bonus [Wizard]:[/U] Add one spell from the wizard spell list to the
wizard’s spellbook. This spell must be at least one level below the highest spell 
level he can cast.

[B][U]ARCANE SCHOOL[/U][/B] - A wizard can choose to specialize in one school of Magic, 
    gaining additional spells and powers based on that school. 
   [B][U]Elementalist [fire][/U][/B] - Like a normal arcane school, an elemental school grants a number of school powers and one bonus spell slot of each level the   wizard can cast, from 1st on up. This bonus spell slot must be used to prepare a spell from the elemental school’s spell list. Unlike a normal arcane school, each elemental school requires the wizard to select his opposed element as his opposition school [water].
   [B][U]Fire Supremacy [SU] - [/U][/B]
   You gain resistance 5 to fire. At 10th level, this resistance increases to 10. At 20th level, you gain immunity to fire damage. In addition, whenever you are within 5 feet of a source of flame at least as large as a campfire, you can draw the fire around you for 1 round as a swift action. Anyone striking you with a melee weapon or unarmed strike takes an amount of fire damage equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). Weapons with reach avoid this damage.

   [B][U]Fire Jjett [SU] - [/U][/B]
   You gain resistance 5 to fire. At 10th level, this resistance increases to 10. At 20th level, you gain immunity to fire damage. In addition, whenever you are within 5 feet of a source of flame at least as large as a campfire, you can draw the fire around you for 1 round as a swift action. Anyone striking you with a melee weapon or unarmed strike takes an amount of fire damage equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1). Weapons with reach avoid this damage.


Wizards can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as 
noted on Table: Wizard under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. A wizard can prepare a cantrip from an opposition school, but it uses up two of his available slots (see below).

[B][I]SCRIBE SCROLL[/I][/B] - At 1st level, a wizard gains Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.

Scribe scroll - wizard bonus feat
chr lv 1
chr lv 3

[B][I]Traits [/I][/B]
[U]Deft Dodger[/U]
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.

[U]Gifted Adept[/U]
Benefit: Pick one spell when you choose this trait. Whenever you cast that spell, its effects manifest at +1 caster level.

skill points: X (lvl) * 2 (class) + 1 (int) + 1 (race)
[B][U]SKILL                    RANKS   CS   ABIL   MISC   TOTAL[/U][/B]
Appraise (Int)
Craft (Int)
Fly (Dex)
Knowledge (all) (Int)
Linguistics (Int)
Profession (Wis)
Spellcraft (Int).

Equipment 260 gp

Spell book

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Voda Vosa

First Post
Tuk, level 3

 Name: Tuk "Heavy hand" Apeldan
Class: Fighter
Race: Human
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral 

Str: 18 +4 (16p.)     Level: 3        XP: 0
Dex: 16 +3 (10p.)     BAB: +3         HP: 36 (1d10+2)
Con: 14 +2 (6p.)     Grapple: +7     Dmg Red: 0
Int: 10 +0 (2p.)     Speed: 30'(-10)      Spell Res: 0
Wis: 10 +0 (2p.)     Init: +3      Spell Save: +0
Cha: 10 +0 (2p.)     ACP: -4         Spell Fail: 0%

               Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:          10    +4    +0    +3    +0    +0    +1    18
Touch: 13              Flatfooted: 14

                           Base   Mod  Misc  Total
Fort:                      3     +2          +5
Ref:                       1     +3          +4
Will:                      1     +0          +1

Weapon                Attack   Damage     Critical
Spiked Chain            +8      2d4+6      x2
Net                     +6       -         -
Sling                   +6      1d4+4      x2

Languages: Common, Dwarven.

*  Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
* Human base land speed is 30 feet.
* 1 extra feat at 1st level.
* 4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.
* Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill.
* Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass human takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count.

Feats: Exotic weapon prof. Power attack. Cleave. Weapon focus (Spiked chain), Dodge

Skills               Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total
Climb                  5    +4          +9
Intimidate             6    +0          +6
Jump                   5    +4          +9 

Scale armor           50gp   30lb
Shield, large, wooden 7gp    10lb
Chain spiked          25gp   10lb    
Net                   20gp   6lb 
Sling                  1gp
Bed roll
Flint and steel
Iron pot	
X days of trail ration


First Post
Roderic Asturien, level 3

Roderic Asturien human male 3rd level Paladin

Str 16 (+3)
Dex 10 (+0)
Con 14 (+2)
Int 12 (+1)
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 14 (+2)
Alignment: Lawful good
HP: 31
AC: 16 (16 flat footed, touch 10)
Base Attack: +3, Grapple +6
Initiative: +4
Speed 30’
Saves: F +7, R +3, W+4

Racial Features:
+1 Feat at lvl 1
+4 skill points lvl1
+1 skill point/lvl

Class Features:
Simple Weapon proficiency
Martial weapon proficiency
Light armor proficiency
Medium Armor Proficiency
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Shield proficiency
Aura of Good
Detect Evil
Smite Evil 1/day
Divine Grace
Lay on Hands
Aura of Courage
Divine Health

Diplomacy 4 (+6)
Handle Animal 5 (+7)
Sense Motive 4 (+5)
Ride 6 (+8)
Swim 1.0 (+4)
Survival 1.0 (+2)

Weapon Focus: Longsword
Mounted Combat
Improved Initiative

Longsword : Att +7, Damage 1d8 +3 (one-handed), crit 19-20/x2 (4#)
Dagger: Att +6 melee/+3 thrown, damage 1d4+3, crit 19-20/x2, RI 10 ft (1#)
2 Javelins: Att +3, damage 1d6+3, critx2, RI 30ft (4#)

Scale Mail Armor: AB +4, ACP -4 (30#)
Heavy Wooden Shield: AB +2, ACP -2 (10#)

Wooden Holy Symbol
Backpack (2#)
Bedroll (1#)
Winter Blanket (3#)
Flint & Steel
Small steel mirror (0.5#)
Belt Pouch (0.5#)
Trail Rations 5 days (5#)
50’ rope, silk (5#)
5 torches (5#)
3 oil flasks (3#)
Whetstone (1#)
Waterskin (4#)
3 sunrods (3#)

8gp, 5sp, 3cp


Scrag, Troll Savant
Whenever asked to identify himself, the young troll points a thumb in his chest and utters the word "Scrag." No one knows if its his name or if it is an indicator of an aquatic troll heritage. His sea-green and bluish hued skin would seem to indicate the latter, but he doesn't possess any of the other traits that seperate an aquatic troll from a regular troll.

Scrag simply wandered into town one day, nearly starved to death, collapsing on the steps of the temple. Being a young troll, the priest believed that perhaps this creature could be redeemed of his race's evil tendencies. To his credit, Scrag hasn't eaten anyone, yet, and has shown remarkable restraint at the jibes and insults thrown his way, though that may be because he doesn't understand them. The priest put the young troll to work hauling lumber, which Scrag does with no complaints. Thus far, Scrag seems content with his existence since he has food, water, and shelter. Whether he drifts into the murderous tendencies of his race, only time will tell.


Although taught the common tongue by the priest who took him in, Scrag very rarely chooses to speak, instead simply listening and following instructions. Scrag does show some self-awareness and self-reliance when it comes to defending himself, though he generally resorts to his natural weapons when doing so. Scrag's benefactor has often observed the young troll staring off into space during breaks in his work. The priest thinks that the young troll is merely daydreaming, though Scrag himself is mum on the issue. He also possesses a rather absurd sense of humor, erupting in a gurgling chuckle when something catches his fancy, though humans have a hard time figuring out just what it is he finds so amusing.


Race: Troll
Class (Level): Troll (4)
Alignment: Neutral
Size: Medium

Ability Scores

22 Str (10 points, +4 racial, +2 racial at 3rd level)
16 Dex (6 points, +2 racial at 2nd level)
20 Con (10 points, +2 racial at 2nd level, +2 racial at 4th level)
4 Int (0 points, -4 racial)
12 Wis (6 points, -2 racial)
4 Cha (0 points, -4 racial)

Combat Stats

HP: 36
AC: 18 (+2 armor, +3 natural armor, +3 Dex), Touch: 12, Flat-footed: 14
Speed: 30
BAB: +2
Grapple: +7 (+2 BAB, +5 Str)
Single Attack: Claw +9 (+2 BAB, +6 Str), 1d4+6 damage or Greataxe +8 (+2 BAB, +6 Str), 1d12+9, x3 crit or Longbow +5 (+2 BAB, +3 Dex), 1d8, x3 crit
Full Attack: 2 Claws +8 (+2 BAB, +6 Str), 1d4+5 damage; Bite +3 (+2 BAB, +6 Str, -5 secondary attack), 1d4+3 damage or Greataxe +8 (+2 BAB, +6 Str), 1d12+9, x3 crit; Bite +3 (+2 BAB, +6 Str, -5 secondary attack), 1d4+3 damage or Longbow +5 (+2 BAB, +3 Dex), 1d8, x3 crit

Fort: +7 (+3 base, +4 Con)
Ref: +4 (+1 base, +3 Dex)
Will: +2 (+1 base, +1 Wis)


All skills not listed that can be used untrained are simple ability checks.

Concentration - +5 (.5 ranks + Con)
Speak Language (Common) (2 skill points)


Wild Talent (2 power points and ability to take psionic feats)
Psionic Weapon (+2d6 with weapon and psionic focus, focus expended)

Racial Traits

Darkvision 90'
Low-Light Vision
Giant Type
Scent 10'
Regeneration 1 (heals 1 hit point per round; all damage = non-lethal except fire and acid)




Longbow (75 gp)
17 Arrows (1 gp)
Greataxe (20 gp)
Leather Armor (10 gp)
9 chunks of meat (3 gp; 3 sp each)
Backpack (2 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
Black Arrow Scroll Tube and Ring
8 gp

Changes from level 1 to 2:
+6 hit points due to level, +3 hit points due to Con bonus, +2 additional hit points as Con went from 16 to 18

+1 BAB

+1 Fort Bonus

+2 Dex and Con Bonus due to level up

+1 Improvement to Reflex save, AC, and ranged attacks due to Dex increase

Better Regeneration Improvement

Changes from level 2 to 3
+2 Str (thus changing all of his attacks except his longbow)

+1 Natural Armor (from +2 to +3)[/sblock]

Changes from level 3 to 4
+2 Con (thus increasing hit points)
+1 to BAB, +1 to Base Ref and Will Saves
+1 skill point (.5 rank in Concentration)
Scent 10'
Regeneration (full version) 1
Feat - Psionic Weapon
+12 hit points for 3rd hit die[/sblock]

Troll progression for reference - Post 57 of original OOC thread
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First Post
Rose - Level 5

[sblock=Rosalia Level 5]
[B]Name:[/B] Rosalia
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue 5
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] CN
[B]Deity:[/B] XXXX

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 5        [B]XP:[/B] 10,001
[B]Dex:[/B] 17 +3 (10p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +3         [B]HP:[/B] 27 (1d6+1) [COLOR="Red"]27[/COLOR]
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +3     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] --/--
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +7        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] --%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]Leather+1     10    +3    +0    +3    +0    +0    +0    16
[B]Touch:[/B] 13          
[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 13

                   [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                1     +1          +2
[B]Ref:[/B]                 4     +3          +7
[B]Will:[/B]                1     +1          +2

[B]Weapon             Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Rapier+1           +4      1d6+1      18-20/x2
Shortbow+1         +7      1d6+1         x3
Dagger+1           +4      1d4+1      19-20/x2
TWF : Rapier+2, Dagger+2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarven, Elven

[B]Abilities:[/B] Sneak Attack +3d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense+1, Uncanny Dodge

[B]Feats:[/B] Improved Initiative (Hu), Nimble fingers (1st lvl), Two Weapon Fighting (3rd lvl)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] (8+2)x4 + 4 (hu) = 44, then +11  (Total=88)  [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 8/4
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Bluff                       5    +2          +7
Climb                       1    +0          +1
Diplomacy                   5    +2    +2    +9
Disable Device              8    +2    +2    +12
Disguise                    5    +2    +2    +9
Gather Info                 5    +2          +7
Hide                        8    +3          +11
Intimidate                  1    +3    +2    +6
Jump                        5    +0    +5    +10
Listen                      8    +1          +9
Move Silently               7    +3   +5    +15
Open Lock                   8    +3          +11
Perform (dance)             2    +2          +4
Search                      8    +2    +2    +12
Sense Motive                1    +1          +2
Sleight of Hand             1    +3    +2    +6
Spot                        7    +1          +8
Tumble                      1    +3    +2    +6
Use Magic Device            1    +2          +3
Use Rope                    1    +3          +4

[B]Equipment:                 Weight     Cost (gp)[/B]
Rapier+1                     2.0        20.0
Shortbow+1                   2.0        30.0
Dagger+1                     1.0         2.0
Arrows(20)                   2.0         1.0
MW Thief tools               2.0        30.0
Backpack                     2.0         2.0
Candles (10)                 0.0         0.5
Fishhook                     0.0         0.1
Flint & Steel                0.0         1.0
Rope Silk                    5.0        10.0
Sack                         1.0         0.1
Soap                         1.0         0.5
Small miror                  0.5        10.0
My outfit                    --          --
Leather Armor               15.0        10.0 
Ring of Jumping (+5 jump)
Oil of Magic Weapon x2        -        100
Potion of Magic Armor x1      -         50
Boots of Elvenkind (+5 move silently)

[B]Total Weight:  [/B]33.5lb      [B]Money:[/B]  377gp 7sp 5cp

                       [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]             38   76    115   230   575

[B]Age:[/B] 23
[B]Height:[/B] 5'5"
[B]Weight:[/B] 128lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] green
[B]Hair:[/B] light brown
[B]Skin:[/B] white

[sblock=Rosalia Level 4]
[B]Name:[/B] Rosalia
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue 4
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] CN
[B]Deity:[/B] XXXX

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 4        [B]XP:[/B] 3075+500=3575
[B]Dex:[/B] 17 +3 (10p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +3         [B]HP:[/B] 21 (1d6+1) [COLOR="Red"]21[/COLOR]
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +3     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] --/--
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +7        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] --%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]Leather       10    +2    +0    +3    +0    +0    +0    15
[B]Touch:[/B] 13          
[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12

                   [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]               1     +1          +2
[B]Ref:[/B]                4     +3          +7
[B]Will:[/B]               1     +1          +2

[B]Weapon             Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Rapier               +3      1d6+0      18-20/x2
Shortbow             +6      1d6+0         x3
Dagger               +3      1d4+0      19-20/x2
TWF : Rapier+1, Dagger+1

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarven, Elven

[B]Abilities:[/B] Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense+1, Uncanny Dodge

[B]Feats:[/B] Improved Initiative (Hu), Nimble fingers (1st lvl), Two Weapon Fighting (3rd lvl)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] (8+2)x4 + 4 (hu) = 44, then +11  (Total=77)  [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 7/3.5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Bluff                       5    +2          +7
Climb                       1    +0          +1
Diplomacy                   5    +2    +2    +9
Disable Device              7    +2    +2    +11
Disguise                    5    +2    +2    +9
Gather Info                 5    +2          +7
Hide                        7    +3          +10
Intimidate                  1    +3    +2    +6
Jump                        5    +0    +5    +10
Listen                      4    +1          +5
Move Silently               7    +3          +10
Open Lock                   7    +3          +10
Perform (dance)             2    +2          +4
Search                      7    +2    +2    +11
Sense Motive                1    +1          +2
Sleight of Hand             1    +3    +2    +6
Spot                        4    +1          +5
Tumble                      1    +3    +2    +6
Use Magic Device            1    +2          +3
Use Rope                    1    +3          +4

[B]Equipment:                 Weight     Cost (gp)[/B]
Rapier                       2.0        20.0
Shortbow                     2.0        30.0
Dagger                       1.0         2.0
Arrows(20)                   2.0         1.0
MW Thief tools               2.0        30.0
Backpack                     2.0         2.0
Candles (10)                 0.0         0.5
Fishhook                     0.0         0.1
Flint & Steel                0.0         1.0
Rope Silk                    5.0        10.0
Sack                         1.0         0.1
Soap                         1.0         0.5
Small miror                  0.5        10.0
My outfit                    --          --
Leather Armor               15.0        10.0 
Ring of Jumping (+5 jump)
Oil of Magic Weapon x2        -        100
Potion of Magic Armor x1      -         50

[B]Total Weight:  [/B]33.5lb      [B]Money:[/B]  377gp 7sp 5cp

                       [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]             38   76    115   230   575

[B]Age:[/B] 23
[B]Height:[/B] 5'5"
[B]Weight:[/B] 128lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] green
[B]Hair:[/B] light brown
[B]Skin:[/B] white

[sblock=Rosalia Level 3]
[B]Name:[/B] Rosalia
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue 3
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] CN
[B]Deity:[/B] XXXX

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 3        [B]XP:[/B] 3075+500=3575
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +2         [B]HP:[/B] 16 (1d6+1) [COLOR="Red"]16[/COLOR]
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +2     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] --/--
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +7        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] --%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]Leather       10    +2    +0    +3    +0    +0    +0    15
[B]Touch:[/B] 13          
[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12

                   [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]               1     +1          +2
[B]Ref:[/B]                3     +3          +6
[B]Will:[/B]               1     +1          +2

[B]Weapon             Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Rapier               +2      1d6+0      18-20/x2
Shortbow             +5      1d6+0         x3
Dagger               +2      1d4+0      19-20/x2
TWF : Rapier+0, Dagger+0

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarven, Elven

[B]Abilities:[/B] Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense+1

[B]Feats:[/B] Improved Initiative (Hu), Nimble fingers (1st lvl), Two Weapon Fighting (3rd lvl)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] (8+2)x4 + 4 (hu) = 44, then +11    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 6/3
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Bluff                       5    +2          +7
Climb                       1    +0          +1
Diplomacy                   5    +2    +2    +9
Disable Device              6    +2    +2    +10
Disguise                    5    +2    +2    +9
Gather Info                 5    +2          +7
Hide                        6    +3          +9
Intimidate                  1    +3    +2    +6
Listen                      4    +1          +5
Move Silently               6    +3          +9
Open Lock                   5    +3    +2    +10
Perform (dance)             2    +2          +4
Search                      6    +2          +8
Sense Motive                1    +1          +2
Sleight of Hand             1    +3    +2    +6
Spot                        4    +1          +5
Tumble                      1    +3          +4
Use Magic Device            1    +2          +3
Use Rope                    1    +3          +4

[B]Equipment:                 Weight     Cost (gp)[/B]
Rapier                       2.0        20.0
Shortbow                     2.0        30.0
Dagger                       1.0         2.0
Arrows(20)                   2.0         1.0
MW Thief tools               2.0        30.0
Backpack                     2.0         2.0
Candles (10)                 0.0         0.5
Fishhook                     0.0         0.1
Flint & Steel                0.0         1.0
Rope Silk                    5.0        10.0
Sack                         1.0         0.1
Soap                         1.0         0.5
Small miror                  0.5        10.0
My outfit                    --          --
Leather Armor               15.0        10.0 

[B]Total Weight:  [/B]33.5lb      [B]Money:[/B]  2gp 7sp 5cp

                       [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]             38   76    115   230   575

[B]Age:[/B] 23
[B]Height:[/B] 5'5"
[B]Weight:[/B] 128lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] green
[B]Hair:[/B] light brown
[B]Skin:[/B] white

[sblock=Rosalia Level 2]
[B]Name:[/B] Rosalia
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] CN
[B]Deity:[/B] XXXX

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)  [COLOR="Red"]-4[/COLOR]   [B]Level:[/B] 2        [B]XP:[/B] 1275
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +1         [B]HP:[/B] 10 (1d6+1) [COLOR="Red"]2[/COLOR]
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +1     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] --/--
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +7        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] --%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]Leather       10    +2    +0    +3    +0    +0    +0    15
[B]Touch:[/B] 13          
[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12

                   [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]               0     +1          +1
[B]Ref:[/B]                3     +3          +6
[B]Will:[/B]               0     +1          +1

[B]Weapon             Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Rapier               +1      1d6+0      18-20/x2
Shortbow             +4      1d6+0         x3
Dagger               +1      1d4+0      19-20/x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarven, Elven

[B]Abilities:[/B] Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Evasion

[B]Feats:[/B] Improved Initiative (Hu), Nimble fingers (1st lvl)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] (8+2)x4 + 4 (hu) = 44, then +11    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Bluff                       5    +2          +7
Climb                       1    +0          +1
Diplomacy                   5    +2    +2      +9
Disable Device              5    +2    +2    +9
Disguise                    5    +2     +2     +9
Gather Info                 5    +2    +2      +9
Hide                        5    +3          +8
Intimidate                  1    +3    +2      +6
Move Silently               5    +3          +8
Open Lock                   5    +3          +8
Perform (dance)             2    +2          +4
Search                      5    +2    +2    +9
Sense Motive                1    +1          +2
Sleight of Hand             1    +3    +2    +6
Tumble                      1    +3          +4
Use Rope                    1    +3    +2    +6

[B]Equipment:                 Weight     Cost (gp)[/B]
Rapier                       2.0        20.0
Shortbow                     2.0        30.0
Dagger                       1.0         2.0
Arrows(20)                   2.0         1.0
MW Thief tools               2.0        30.0
Backpack                     2.0         2.0
Candles (10)                 0.0         0.5
Fishhook                     0.0         0.1
Flint & Steel                0.0         1.0
Rope Silk                    5.0        10.0
Sack                         1.0         0.1
Soap                         1.0         0.5
Small miror                  0.5        10.0
My outfit                    --          --
Leather Armor               15.0        10.0 

[B]Total Weight:  [/B]33.5lb      [B]Money:[/B]  2gp 7sp 5cp

                       [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]             38   76    115   230   575

[B]Age:[/B] 23
[B]Height:[/B] 5'5"
[B]Weight:[/B] 128lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] green
[B]Hair:[/B] light brown
[B]Skin:[/B] white
[sblock=Rosalia Level 1]
[B]Name:[/B] Rosalia
[B]Class:[/B] Rogue
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Alignment:[/B] CN
[B]Deity:[/B] XXXX

[B]Str:[/B] 10 +0 (02p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 1        [B]XP:[/B] 835
[B]Dex:[/B] 16 +3 (10p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +0         [B]HP:[/B] 7 (1d6+1) [COLOR="Red"]1[/COLOR]
[B]Con:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Grapple:[/B] +0     [B]Dmg Red:[/B] --/--
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Res:[/B] --
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (04p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +7        [B]Spell Save:[/B] --
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (06p.)     [B]ACP:[/B] -0         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] --%

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]Leather       10    +2    +0    +3    +0    +0    +0    15
[B]Touch:[/B] 13          
[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 12

                   [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]               0     +1          +1
[B]Ref:[/B]                2     +3          +5
[B]Will:[/B]               0     +1          +1

[B]Weapon             Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Rapier               +0      1d6+0      18-20/x2
Shortbow             +3      1d6+0         x3
Dagger               +0      1d4+0      19-20/x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Dwarven, Elven

[B]Abilities:[/B] Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding

[B]Feats:[/B] Improved Initiative (Hu), Nimble fingers (1st lvl)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] (8+2)x4 + 4 (hu) = 44     [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Bluff                       4    +2          +6
Climb                       1    +0          +1
Diplomacy                   4    +2          +6
Disable Device              4    +2    +2    +8
Disguise                    4    +2          +6
Gather Info                 4    +2          +6
Hide                        4    +3          +7
Intimidate                  1    +3          +4
Move Silently               4    +3          +7
Open Lock                   4    +3          +7
Perform (dance)             2    +2          +4
Search                      4    +2    +2    +8
Sense Motive                1    +1          +2
Sleight of Hand             1    +3          +4
Tumble                      1    +3          +4
Use Rope                    1    +3    +2    +6

[B]Equipment:                 Weight     Cost (gp)[/B]
Rapier                       2.0        20.0
Shortbow                     2.0        30.0
Dagger                       1.0         2.0
Arrows(20)                   2.0         1.0
MW Thief tools               2.0        30.0
Backpack                     2.0         2.0
Candles (10)                 0.0         0.5
Fishhook                     0.0         0.1
Flint & Steel                0.0         1.0
Rope Silk                    5.0        10.0
Sack                         1.0         0.1
Soap                         1.0         0.5
Small miror                  0.5        10.0
My outfit                    --          --
Leather Armor               15.0        10.0 

[B]Total Weight:  [/B]33.5lb      [B]Money:[/B]  2gp 7sp 5cp

                       [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]             38   76    115   230   575

[B]Age:[/B] 23
[B]Height:[/B] 5'5"
[B]Weight:[/B] 128lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] green
[B]Hair:[/B] light brown
[B]Skin:[/B] white
Rosalia hated knitting! It brought too many bad memories to the young girl. Her widowed mother was knitting all day long to bring back just about enough to get a clear soup for diner and a piece of meat on rare occasions. Rosalia had learned knitting and her delicate fingers made her quite good at it. She could have done like her mother but her mind was wandering elsewhere. She was a pretty girl and she had started to realize it though her mother had made sure she would not date 'inconvenient' people as her mother would say. Her mother was a modest person but strong in character and morale values.

One day her mother sent her to do a costume job for Amelia, a famous local dancer. Rosalia discovered another world where feminity and grace were used at their full potential.
As time went, she would stay hours watching Amelia practise her dancing, see her dress and put on make-up, see her deal with people and in particular men, who seem to be many to come and visit her...
Amelia took care of her and taught her a bit of dancing and gave her a very different vision of the world...

Rosalia's mum died suddenly and Amelia took charge of her when she was 16. She would accompany her everywhere. She discovered that Amelia was more than a dancer. She would do jobs or 'services' as she called them for rich men, services that would invovle spying, lying and stealing - not only information, and more. Initially shocked, Rosalia started to get involved in these jobs and use her beauty and charisma to get information or else. Very quickly she turned into a woman, sure of her abilities and charms, knowing how to play men to her advantage. As she matured, she decided to take control of her life herself and left Amelia and her little schemes to herself. So she went and started dancing in a few bars to earn a living though she is looking for bigger opportunities.[/sblock]
Rosalia is a beautiful woman in her mid-twenties. Her green eyes always seem to be smiling at you whilst her smile makes her just adorable. When she moves her head, her long and slightly curly brown-red hair flows around her. Her skin is rather pale and makes her eyes and lips shine like beacons. Her face is ovale with a thin delicate nose. She wears a rather boyish outfit though, with brown leather trousers, a light blue shirt held by a large red leather belt that lets you guess her hourglass anatomy. In other word, Rosalia doesn't get unnoticed in the crowd and always ends up being the centre of attention.


Rosalia is recuited by the xx to check problems arising in the village of.. She is supposed to meet an ally their and a black arrow with azur fletching is supposed to be a sign of reconnaissance. The village is in the middle of nowhere. At a temple of Pelor she meets other mercenaries and strangely one of them has had vision of a wizard fighting a dragon with a sword and a.. Checking at the local inn (beer 5cp) does teach that murders have been weird with black goo and aberrations. On the road, a kobold ambush. She finds a 3-finger like amulet on one of the kobold. +207xp
The group moves further in the forest after a difficult night with the cat being contaminated by the black goo. It gets to a cavern and Rosalia explores it. the ogre is there and seems to be fighting with 'something' to keep control of himself. He fails and attacks us to be defeated and killed. +204xp
Lots of kobolds and centipedes to defeat.
Tobie the cat can talk! Or can he? Whilst his master is very quiet. Dialogue with the cat + 50xp
Defeated more centipedes.
Defeated a group of kobolds with their shaman. All black goo. One candle golden holder, 5 three-toed claw symbols, one book, one wand (m. missile), a pair of bracers, a pearl, 3 flasks of oily liquid.
+50xp for OOC with Tuk[/sblock]
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Deuce Traveler

This is borrowed from Ytterman's initial rogue's gallery post:

Experience tracker:

Rosalia 3575 (+50 for initiating good party wide RP +125 for not acting like EVERY SINGLE OTHER F'ing ROGUE +50 for playing true to character, +50 for posting his lvl2 second after my xp bribe, +25RP)

John 3725 (+100 for discovering deep meaning +100 for making me Lol, + 50 rp w/Scrag+150 recovery exp, +50 for posting his lvl2 first of all, +25 for touching RP with Grok, +25RP)

Scrag 3725 (+100 for funny RP w/Grok +100 for Skin of Evil ID +50 for volvo question +50 For continuing to play a character who is not your own creation and is by nature difficult to RP + 50 rp w/John +100 making GM lol, +25 'cause he was at a disadvantage to get lvl2 stuff done, needing troll progression +25RP)

Tuk 3675 (+100 for being on the ball +25 for being the baddest ass +50 for a picture of Scrag + 100 for busting my balls +100 for being a brilliant man of action, +50 for responding first when I offered an xp bribe to get lvl2 stuff done, +25RP)

Grok 3875 (+100 for funny RP w/Scrag +75 for Solid cleric-ing +50 for lulz +25 chuckle +100 first responder bonus, +25 for touching RP with John, +25RP, +250 XP for saving the party with prayer)

Roderic 3625 (+100 for figuring out my dumb trivia + 50 figuring out what the vials are for +100 for using his head, +100 for being very paladin, +25 cause I'm such a nice guy, +25RP)

Breakdown of general XP earned:
+100 Good RP all the way around +150 Library Kobolds +700(Derro,wormswarm,buttload kobolds) +486(kobolds,logbrag, etc) +113(stirges, kobolds on slope (Jacobee became inactive) +50(centipedes) +265(kobold leader and lackeys, sleeping kobolds) +100 (Spider) +675 (Kobolds and Mutated Kobolds) +500 (Pre-emptive kill vs Mutating Pod Kobolds)
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[sblock=Level-up changes for Deuce Traveler]
10 more hit points Grok's L2 hit points (1d8+2=10)
+1 to BAB
+1 to Fort save
+1 to Will save
+1 L0 spell (4)
+1 L1 spell (3+1)
+1 rank in Heal skill (+5 total)

7 more hit points hp for level-up to third! (1d8+2=7)
+1 BAB
+1 Ref Save
+1 L2 spell (1+1)
+1 Rank in Heal Skill
+1 Feat [Weapon Focus, Heavy Mace]

8 more hit points [http://www.enworld.org/forum/showth...Dragon-Cult-quot-OOC-2&p=6706914#post6706914]
+1 BAB
+1 Fort save
+1 Ref save
+1 Rank in Heal Skill
+1 Abiilty Score Increase -- Wisdom
Spells: Oth-5/day prepared, not expended when cast, 1st-4/day+1, 2nd-3/day+1,
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L4 hit die for Grok:

[sblock=Grok, Level 4 Half-Orc Cleric of Pelor]

PC Name : Grok Gender : Male HD : 4
Player : Leif Height : 6'2"
Race : Half-Orc, Half-Human (Narsven) Weight : 255lb. HP : 35/35
Class : Cleric Age : 20 Current/Normal
Level : 3 Hair : Black
Align : Chaotic/Good Eyes : Brown XP : Enough for 4th Level (min 6000) as of 9/21/2015
Deity : Pelor Speed : 20' Needed for
Size : Medium Next Level : 10,000
SHEET UPDATED : 09/21/2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Base Racial Magic Misc Ability / Modifier
Bonus Item Score
STR : 15 +2 -- -- 17 / +3
DEX : 13 -- -- -- 13 / +1
CON : 14 -- -- -- 14 / +2
INT : 8 -2 -- -- 6 / -2
WIS : 18 -- -- -- 18 / +4
CHA : 8 -2 -- -- 6 / -2
+1 ability increase every 4th level is added to base number.


AC Total : 17 (18 vs. one foe - Dodge Feat) MELEE RANGED
AC Flat-Footed : 16 Total : +4 Total : +2
AC Touch Attack : 11 (12) Base : +1 Base : +1
Base : 10 STR : +3 DEX : +1
Armor : +4 Misc. : +1 Dodge Feat Misc. : --
Shield : +2 [If Longspear weilded, AC: 15, FF:14, T: 11]
Dexterity : +1 INITIATIVE
Size : -- Total : +1
Magic : -- DEX : +1
Misc. : -- Misc. : +0


Fort: +6 = 4 +2 +0 +0
Ref : +2 = 1 +1 +0 +0
Will : +8 = 4 +4 +0 +0


Orc blood
Darkvision 60'



Indicate for level, class, race, etc.
Augment Healing [Cure spells heal +2 hp per cleric level - Grok's clw heal 1d8+8] - for L4
Dodge [+1 AC against one opponent]
Weapon Focus, Heavy Mace - +1 Att






Indicate current abilities only
Domain Access (Healing, Sun)
Turn undead




Fill in skills you have ranks in AND skills that
can be used untrained. Mod is the final score, Rnk
Skill Point Total : 2 is the number of ranks attained in the skill, Abl
Max Class ranks : 5 is the related ability modifier, and Msc is for any
Max Cross-Class ranks : 2.5 miscellaneous bonus from feats, race, synergy, etc.
Skill Related
Mod = Rnk Abl Msc | Skills: Ability
+2 = 0 +2 +0 | Concentration (CON)
-2 = 0 -2 +0 | Craft: (INT)
-2 = 0 -2 +0 | Diplomacy (CHA)
+7 = 4 +3 +0 | Heal (WIS)
-2 t = 0 -2 +0 | Knowledge: arcana (INT)
-2 t = 0 -2 +0 | Knowledge: history (INT)
-2 t = 0 -2 +0 | Knowledge: religion (INT)
-2 t = 0 -2 +0 | Knowledge: the planes (INT)
+3 t = 0 +3 +0 | Profession: (WIS)
-2 t = 0 -2 +0 | Spell Craft (INT)

! = Armor Check Penalty (-0) applies
t = trained only



DOMAINS: Healing (Granted Power - heal 1d4+1 with touch), Strength (Granted Power - Str Surge, grants +1 to attack or combat maneuver)
Base Ability
LVL DC Spell/Day + Domain Spell/ Day
-0- 13 Prepare 5 per day, but NOT expended when cast
-1- 14 4 + 1 [___ left for day]
-2- 15 3 + 1 [___ left for day]

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Spell Lvl 0¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Stabilize (dying creature stabilizes)
Cure Minor Wounds (restores 1 hp)
Detect Magic
Resistance [grants target +1 to saves for 1 min.]

¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯Spell Lvl 1¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Comprehend Languages
Divine Favor [+1/3levels (max +3) to weapon attack & damage, dur. 1 min.]
Protection From Evil [+2 to AC & Saves]
Summon Monster I [Celestial Badger, HD:1d8+2 HP: , Init:+3, AC:15, 2 claws +4 melee (1d2-1) and bite -1 melee (1d3-1), SA: Rage-if takes damage, flies into rage, +4 Str, +4 Con, -2 AC, attacking madly until it or opponent is dead]
Cure Light Wounds (D) [1d8+2/cleric level (Augment Healing Feat)]

____________________ ______________________
Spell Lvl 2
Bear's Endurance [subject gains +4 con for 1 min/level]
Bull's Str [subject gains +4 Str for 1 min/level]
Summon Monster II [Celestial Eagle, HD: 1d8+1 HP: , Init: +2, AC:14, 2 talons +3 melee (1d4), 1 bite -2 melee (1d4), Low-Light Vision, +8 Spot]
Cure Moderate Wounds [heals 2d8+2/cleric level hp damage (Augment Healing Feat)]



ATT is your final attack modifier when using the weapon.
COST : 12 COST : -- COST : 5



NAME : Scale Mail NAME : Heavy Wooden
TYPE : Medium TYPE : Shield
Dodge Bonus +1 vs. 1 opp.
WGHT : 30# COST : 7gp
COST : 50gp



Indicate in notes which item(s) are bonus regional equipment.
Don't forget to add weapon, armor, magic items, and treasure
weights to total weight carried.
Cost Wt # Item Notes
12 8.0 heavy mace [+7 Att, Dam 1d8+3, X2]
-- -.- sling [+1 Att, Dam 1d4+1, X2]
5 9.0 longspear [+6 Att, Dam 1d8+3, X3]
1 10.0 100 bullets, sling
50 30.0 scale mail
7 10.0 heavy wooden shield
1 -.- wooden holy symbol
2 2.0 backpack
0.1 5.0 --bedroll
1 4.0 --grappling hook
25 1.0 --holy water
1 4.0 --waterskin
1 4.0 --waterskin
5 10.0 10 --trail ration
1 -.- --flint & steel
1 0.5 --belt pouch
1 10.0 --rope, hemp 50'

TOTAL WEIGHT W/ BACKPACK : 107.5 (medium)

MAGIC ITEMS List items weights, costs, location, number of charges (if any)

[ ] Light (0 - 58 lbs) 30 ft
[x] Medium (59 - 116 lbs) 20 ft, Max Dex +3, Chk Pen -2, Run x4
[ ] Heavy (117 - 175 lbs) 20 ft, Max Dex +1, Chk Pen -6, Run x3

TREASURE List where carried
GP: 5
SP: 9




Grok is the son of one of the WarChieftans of the Bloody Moon tribe of Orcs and a hapless human maiden who had the misfortune of being captured during one of the tribe's raids. Thoroughly brainwashed, she came to accept her lot in life and even gained some degree of acceptance and respect among the tribe, aided, no doubt, by her "adoption" by the Cheiftan's Main Consort and her willingness to work for the good of the tribe. Upon reaching manhood, Grok came into increasing competition with his half-brothers, and ultimately decided that he would live longer if he left the tribe and sought acceptance among his mother's people. This acceptance was grudging at best, but Grok found a home in the Church of Pelor, which became, in effect, his adopted family. He bears no ill will for either the Bloody Moon tribe nor his mother's folk, but considers himself to be a member of neither. Grok lives only to serve Pelor and to look out for himself and his friends (including his fellow devotees of Pelor), who are his only real family now.

Grok's friend John, a wizard played by Scott DeWar, has offered to teach Grok how to read! Grok isn't sure if he believes that John will really do this, or even if it can be accomplished, but he is still very excited! Something of a personality change may be on the horizon for Grok.

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Roque Hawley

Human Fighter 5

STR 18
CON 12
DEX 12
INT 13
WIS 12
CHA 10
BAB +5
HP 35 [10+3d10 (5, 5, 2, 8)+4 Con]
AC 20 (10+9+1 Dex) 19 Flat 11 Touch
FORT +6 REF +2 WILL +2
Initiative: +1

+1 Heavy Flail +11 1d10+9 B 19-20/x2 Disarm Roll +20 vs. opposed attack Trip Roll +14 vs. Touch
Javelin +7 1d6+4 P 20/x2 r30'
Dagger Melee +10 1d4+4 P or S 19-20/x2
Dagger Ranged +7 1d4+4 P 19-20/x2 r10'

1st level Weapon Focus Flail
4th level fighter bonus Weapon Specialization Flail
1st level fighter bonus Combat Expertise
2nd level fighter bonus Improved Disarm
3rd level Improved Trip
Human Bonus Power Attack

SKILLS (2+1 Race+1 Int) x 8 Languages: Common

Class Skills
Climb (4+4 Str)
Craft (+1 Int)
Handle Animal (2+1 Cha)
Intimidate (4+1Cha)
Jump (5+4 Str)
Ride (5+1 Dex)
Swim (4+4 Str)

Cross-Class Skills
Balance (+1 Dex)
Hide (+1 Dex)
Listen (+0 Wis)
Move Silently (+1 Dex)
Search (+1 Int)
Sense Motive (+0 Wis)
Spot (4+0 Wis)
Tumbling (+1 Dex+2 Syn)

A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, medium, and light) and shields (including tower shields).

At 1st level, a fighter gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets and the bonus feat granted to a human character. The fighter gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd level and every two fighter levels thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.

Medium: As Medium creatures, humans have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Human base land speed is 30 feet.

1 extra feat at 1st level.

4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each additional level.

Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Any (other than secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Speak Language skill.

Favored Class: Any. When determining whether a multiclass human takes an experience point penalty, his or her highest-level class does not count.


+1 Heavy Flail 2315 gp
+1 Javelin x5 5 gp (standing stones magic bonus)
+1 Dagger x2 4 gp (standing stones magic bonus)
+1 Lance 10 gp (standing stones magic bonus)
+1 Full Plate Armor 2650 gp
Explorers Outfit 0 gp
Standard Adventurer's Kit 15 gp
--Backpack, Belt Pouch, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Hempen Rope (50’), Sunrods (2), Trail Rations (10 days), Waterskin
Potion of cure light wounds 50 gp
Horse, light, combat trained 110 gp
Bit and Bridle, Military Saddle, Saddle Bags 26 gp
Horse Chow x6 days 3 sp
Wandermeal x10
Blanket 5 sp
Tent Small 10 gp
214 gp 1 sp remain

Roque was a simple farmer, but wars came and he had to abandon the life of a farmer. He took up the weapon that was most like the farm tools he knew.


  • Roque.jpg
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Scrag Dimtroll

Whenever asked to identify himself, the young troll points a thumb in his chest and utters the word "Scrag." No one knows if its his name or if it is an indicator of an aquatic troll heritage. His sea-green and bluish hued skin would seem to indicate the latter, but he doesn't possess any of the other traits that seperate an aquatic troll from a regular troll.

Scrag simply wandered into town one day, nearly starved to death, collapsing on the steps of the temple. Being a young troll, the priest believed that perhaps this creature could be redeemed of his race's evil tendencies. To his credit, Scrag hasn't eaten anyone, yet, and has shown remarkable restraint at the jibes and insults thrown his way, though that may be because he doesn't understand them. The priest put the young troll to work hauling lumber, which Scrag does with no complaints. Thus far, Scrag seems content with his existence since he has food, water, and shelter. Whether he drifts into the murderous tendencies of his race, only time will tell.


Although taught the common tongue by the priest who took him in, Scrag very rarely chooses to speak, instead simply listening and following instructions. Scrag does show some self-awareness and self-reliance when it comes to defending himself, though he generally resorts to his natural weapons when doing so. Scrag's benefactor has often observed the young troll staring off into space during breaks in his work. The priest thinks that the young troll is merely daydreaming, though Scrag himself is mum on the issue. He also possesses a rather absurd sense of humor, erupting in a gurgling chuckle when something catches his fancy, though humans have a hard time figuring out just what it is he finds so amusing.

Race: Troll
Class (Level): Troll (5)
Alignment: Neutral
Size: Large

Str 24 [I](10 points, +4 racial, +2 racial at 3rd level, +2 Racial at 5th level[/I])
Dex 16 [I](6 points, +2 racial at 2nd level)[/I]
Con 20 [I](10 points, +2 racial at 2nd level, +2 racial at 4th level)[/I]
Int  4 [I](0 points, -4 racial)[/I]
Wis 12 [I](6 points, -2 racial)[/I]
Cha  4 [I](0 points, -4 racial)[/I]

[B]Combat Stats[/B]

     [B]HP:[/B] 36
[B]     AC:[/B] 18 [I](+2 armor, +4 natural armor, +3 Dex, -1 large size)[/I], [B]Touch:[/B] 12, [B]Flat-footed:[/B] 15
[B]  Speed:[/B] 30
[B]    BAB:[/B] +2
[B]Grapple:[/B] +8 [I](+2 BAB, +7 Str, -1 large)
[/I][B]  Reach:[/B]10'

[B]Single Attacks:[/B] 
[*]Claw +8 [I](+2 BAB, +7 Str, -1 large)[/I], 1d4+6 damage
[*]or Greataxe +8 [I](+2 BAB, +7 Str, -1 Large)[/I], 1d12+10, x3 crit
[*]or Longbow +5 [I](+2 BAB, +3 Dex)[/I], 1d8, x3 crit

[B]Full Attack: [/B]
[*]2 Claws +8 [I](+2 BAB, +7 Str, -1 Large)[/I], 1d4+7 damage;
[*]Bite +3 [I](+2 BAB, +7 Str, -1 large, -5 secondary attack)[/I], 1d4+7 damage
[*]Greataxe +8 [I](+2 BAB, +7 Str, -1 Large)[/I], 1d12+10, x3 crit;
[*]Bite +3 [I](+2 BAB, +7 Str, -1 Large,-5 secondary attack)[/I], 1d4+3 damage
or Longbow +4 [I](+2 BAB, +3 Dex, -1 Large)[/I], 1d8, x3 crit

[B]Fort:[/B] +7 [I](+3 base, +4 Con)[/I]
 [B]Ref:[/B] +4 [I](+1 base, +3 Dex)[/I]
[B]Will:[/B] +2 [I](+1 base, +1 Wis)[/I]


All skills not listed that can be used untrained are simple ability checks.

Concentration - +5 (.5 ranks + Con)
Speak Language (Common) (2 skill points)

[B]Feats[/B][INDENT]Wild Talent (2 power points and ability to take psionic feats)
Psionic Weapon (+2d6 with weapon and psionic focus, focus expended)

[B]Racial Traits [/B][INDENT]Darkvision 90'
Low-Light Vision
Giant Type
Scent 10'
Regeneration 1 (heals 1 hit point per round; all damage = non-lethal except fire and acid)

[B]Languages:[/B] [I]Common, Giant[/I]

[B]Equipment[/B][INDENT]Longbow (75 gp)
17 Arrows (1 gp)
Greataxe (20 gp)
Leather Armor (10 gp)
9 chunks of meat (3 gp; 3 sp each)
Backpack (2 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
Black Arrow Scroll Tube and Ring
8 gp [/INDENT]
[sblock=Level ups]
[sblock=what came before]
[sblock=Changes from level 1 to 2:]
+6 hit points due to level, +3 hit points due to Con bonus, +2 additional hit points as Con went from 16 to 18

+1 BAB

+1 Fort Bonus

+2 Dex and Con Bonus due to level up

+1 Improvement to Reflex save, AC, and ranged attacks due to Dex increase

Better Regeneration Improvement

[sblock=Changes from level 2 to 3]
+2 Str (thus changing all of his attacks except his longbow)

+1 Natural Armor (from +2 to +3)[/sblock]

[sblock=Changes from level 3 to 4]
+2 Con (thus increasing hit points)
+1 to BAB, +1 to Base Ref and Will Saves
+1 skill point (.5 rank in Concentration)
Scent 10'
Regeneration (full version) 1
Feat - Psionic Weapon
+12 hit points for 3rd hit die[/sblock]

[sblock=Changes from Level 4 to 5]
Medium to Large Size
Reach 10'
+2 Str
+4 Natural Armor

Troll progression for reference - Post 57 of original OOC thread[/sblock]
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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