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Morkus from Orkus
My favorite from this episode:

"Why don't you call the avengers?"
"Because if I can't stop an alien threat using the powers given to me by the fact that I am married man who was raised from a mother, there is no way that the superheroes group I put together to specifically defeat alien threats will be able to defeat this alien threat."
Yeah. That one got a serious head scratch from me as well.

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Morkus from Orkus
So its the dumbest reason....but I have to at least acknowledge its a reason. Unlike the dozen other marvel movies where you would normally call in the big guns and no one even mentions the idea.
Yeah. I had that thought, too. But hell, even saying something like, "I would, but they're all off fighting some Secret War, leaving us to fight off this Secret Invasion." would have been better.

The show is allegedly a spy thriller, but there's no uncertainty, no anxiety.

Because the villainous plot is to start a nuclear war, you know the MCU cannot let Gravik win.

And aside from the opening scene there's only one surprise reveal of a Skrull in the middle of a scene. The two times a person is revealed to be a secret Skrull, it ends up undercutting an otherwise good scene. Fury + Rhodey at the restaurant felt like an actual moment that might matter, but Rhodey was a Skrull, and just faking it. Fury + Gravik in the reactor, where Fury apologized? Could've been great. Except oops, it wasn't Fury.

It's so weird. The show got pitched as an important crossover event, and early ads said each episode would be an hour, so it feels like maybe something got cut out, like if the MCU decided to change course or something. Like if Sonya Falsworth was supposed to end up being, I dunno, a Skrull Queen. Or if there was secretly a Kang behind the whole thing. But sorta like with Falcon and the Winter Soldier, this feels like they made changes late in the game, and it messed up the show.

(And then we've got the ultramegasuper Skrull Khaleesi with all the powers of everyone, but who has so little personality I don't have to worry because she apparently has no motivation? Oof.)

I like the MCU, and I don't like this being a part of it, so either I'd just ignore it as non-canon, or I'll rewrite my memory of it and pretend it was well done.

I'm choosing the second option. Maybe no one will care, but I'm going to write that up and post it in a bit.


I haven't been watching the show, but is there an Avengers anymore? We've got maybe Sam Wilson and Bucky still actively on the job, Hulk's largely retired and so is Hawkeye, old Cap is old, Nat, T'Challa and Tony are dead, Antman and family weren't ever really formal members, Thor and Carol Danvers are most likely offworld.


So the show definately ended on a decided meh note. I agree with the F/WS concept, it was so ho hum and then they tried to cram a few world shaking events in at the end, and I honestly just don't care.

At least the Gravik scene at the end was emotional and cool. Though I guess the Skrulls can't even other skrulls apart? Man that has to make things confusing in their society. Though I actually did like the Qiah reveal, it was a nice moment.

So compared to the Super Skrull from teh comic (who had all the fantastic 4's powers), this super skrull is 10000x stronger. I mean literally should be nigh unbeatable, you have Captain Marvels Raw Might and Speed, you have Mantis' mind whammy, and you have the healing power of Extremis (without apparantely the blow up issue) as well as Groot. Feel free to throw in some Thor and Hulk might as well. It just feels so weird that literally the most powerful person possibly in the galaxy, by far the most powerful on screen to date except maybe Wanda at her peak....is just introduced into this ho hum yeah that happened kind of way.

Man Ritson is an idiot. He's not an idiot for wanting to take out the skrulls (honestly, I completely understand that), but to go on national television and basically tell the world "yeah your neighbor might be an alien"..... I mean of course that's going to create mass hysteria. He should have said some terrorist element trying to implicate the russians....keep things calm on the surface, and then go do some undercover assassinations.


The show is allegedly a spy thriller, but there's no uncertainty, no anxiety.

Because the villainous plot is to start a nuclear war, you know the MCU cannot let Gravik win.

And aside from the opening scene there's only one surprise reveal of a Skrull in the middle of a scene. The two times a person is revealed to be a secret Skrull, it ends up undercutting an otherwise good scene. Fury + Rhodey at the restaurant felt like an actual moment that might matter, but Rhodey was a Skrull, and just faking it. Fury + Gravik in the reactor, where Fury apologized? Could've been great. Except oops, it wasn't Fury.

It's so weird. The show got pitched as an important crossover event, and early ads said each episode would be an hour, so it feels like maybe something got cut out, like if the MCU decided to change course or something. Like if Sonya Falsworth was supposed to end up being, I dunno, a Skrull Queen. Or if there was secretly a Kang behind the whole thing. But sorta like with Falcon and the Winter Soldier, this feels like they made changes late in the game, and it messed up the show.

(And then we've got the ultramegasuper Skrull Khaleesi with all the powers of everyone, but who has so little personality I don't have to worry because she apparently has no motivation? Oof.)

I like the MCU, and I don't like this being a part of it, so either I'd just ignore it as non-canon, or I'll rewrite my memory of it and pretend it was well done.

I'm choosing the second option. Maybe no one will care, but I'm going to write that up and post it in a bit.
And they just hand-waved how she got all of those powers. The DNA samples were in a type of glass phial that has to have the neck snapped off, in order to access the contents. There was also just one sample shown. Then again they placed this sealed glass container into a "machine" of some sort in order to pass the traits on to Gravik, so who knows? Did Fury have the same sort of machine? Unlikely.

Yeah, as I said before, this just didn't grab me. Even "Falcon and the Winter Soldier" engaged me more than did this.

It was a poor finale and instead of being semi excited for the next movies I am probably not even going to see them

The great/good
Olivia Coleman, Ben Mendelssohn and Sam Jackson

The rest of the cast-kinglet Ben-adir started off as a cool villian but by episode 4 he was just bad. Same with rest

The bad
Plot started off good but this got into bad transformers script fast. At the end it got real world politics with an x president and was just syfy channel bad dialogue . It could have been so much better
Now we have the strongest hero Eva and what she’s going to be a spy? I like Emilia in GOT even with the poor ending but she has zero charisma in this role
We basically have a Spider-Man cartoon movie that blows this away more than any part of any live action Disney tv show and it’s voice acting
Watching a stream and the streamer thinks it’s not the best product as it’s rushed to 8 episodes to compete with Netflix and I believe them


I actually think Gravik was a solid villain, much more well-rounded than the usual Marvel fare.

And like Killmonger.....he was kind of right. I mean let's be honest Fury absolutely used and dumped his people. And realistically his views on humans was probably correct...as soon as humans found out that Skrulls lived among us....the shootings began. Now of course you can counter and say "well if the skrulls hadn't done terrible things this wouldn't have happened".

But...lets dig deep and really think about our species for a moment, is that really true? Do you think humans would really accept an alien race living next door that could literally change into any person at will, pretend to be your friend, your family, your lover?. I don't, I think that kind of violence was ultimately inevitable. So Gravik's has a solid point.

Then combined that with the absolute rage he feels at Fury. This was effectively a father figure that literally made Gravik kill for him, abandoned him, and broke every promise he made to his people. Yeah that's going to warp you.

But like so many charismatic leaders before him, Gravik just started to believe his own hype a bit too much. Started pushing his people a bit too far, dismissing any criticism, killing anyone who stepped just a bit out of line. We see that with the internal coup that failed, and its an all-too-common tale that is very understandable.

Frankly my only issue with the character was that he died too much like a chump. Literally one of the strongest creatures we have seen on screen killed in mere minutes.... a real waste.

Voidrunner's Codex

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