Recent content by Aussiegamer

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    Canada portrayed negatively in games?

    At least he is not complaining about your english skills!
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    Attack of Opportunity-themed Feats

    Bab restrictions are not the best way to do it, and I also agree feats make it a more D&D type use. Most players and GM's would forget about the extra combat abilities as the combat went on, except if they had a feat written down for that character. Also making it too complex in the end for...
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    Attack of Opportunity-themed Feats

    I gather they are not published but ideas of your own, and dam fine ones may I say. Just commenting on what you have put up, hopefully constructively, for you to read some feedback.
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    Attack of Opportunity-themed Feats

    I actually think they are a bit too powerful, most start feats give a +1 bonus which only gets to +2 at the next step. But this is a very uniques idea and a good one. AoO are a bit dull with a free attack, but giving the players a bit more spice for that attack is top notch! The brace seems...
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    Attack of Opportunity-themed Feats

    I would note that the bonus are only for those opponents that the AoO would have been against and say that it only last until the players next turn.
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    Attack of Opportunity-themed Feats

    With some changes this is an interesting use of AoO. As AoO is a free attack against an opponent as they have done something to allow the attack, so not should allow some advantage.
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    'qualitative' wound system?

    I used an ability damage system, with increasign damage for the stronger the damage.
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    D&D 4E d20 Modern 4e

    I don't get the time to read every bits of gossip about the new system and so ask here, if those with the real facts would be so kind as to tell us when I ask of them and that would alter the opinions of mne. So once again I agree, there is to be no cost to access the MSRD. Do you have an...
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    D&D 4E d20 Modern 4e

    I never said it would cost you for access to the MSRD..but for any newer stuff or maybe just to use something or rather. As they did I suppose for 3.5. So you reckon in this pay for e-tools access and pay a monthly fee for thr "Insider" there will not be a fee for the 3rd party to access what...
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    D&D 4E d20 Modern 4e

    If you bothered to read the replies in WotC you would see that you need to pay a monthly fee to access the better stuff on the WotC site, but maybe I misread that Roudi! Profit, proft profit...hum some seem to think that thats all a company sound be about. But if you don't have customers due to...
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    D&D 4E d20 Modern 4e

    they are releasing it, so that those interested in doing any 3rd party stuff will pay them for access to all the new stuff via that gleemax deal. Its all about the money and not the customers.
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    100 Ceremonial Feats

    You can ask Trevor at Blue Flame about publishing and see what he says. I am looking forward to see your gear. PS A quick look and it is impressive. Hope to hear from you soon, join BFP so I can chat more with you.
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    [Blue Flame Press] Beta testers wanted

    the name yer thanks I will fix that up. :heh: The site currently is the starting point for the beta testers to join in. I am under that flag and thus betas are required to enter via there first. I do have another site where betas can access the files. My name is Aussie-Gamer on flame...
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    D&D 4E d20 Modern 4e

    D&D insider...yer pay the bucks and get info from a company wanting to sell you the gear...nice one WotC! :confused: