Recent content by CountPopeula

  1. C

    Steve Jackson Games and Paizo® Publishing Announce Munchkin Pathfinder®

    I just can't imagine this offering anything that the base Munchkin game doesn't. The other games, like The Good, The Bad, and the Munchkin or Munchkin Zombies have good themes that give Steve Jackson and John Kovalic something to work with to poke fun at different genres. Pathfinder is just...
  2. C

    Would D&D be better off in the public domain?

    I think the root of this question is "Is D&D a big enough brand for a company like Wizards of the Coast." The answer is no, D&D as a brand only made a profit one year since Wizards bought TSR. Both third and fourth edition were failures from a corporate standpoint. And even in the TSR days, the...
  3. C

    WotC to publish D&D PDFs again?

    It wouldn't surprise me if Wizars did publish PDFs through Drive-Thru for 5e. Because this would be a pretty boneheaded move. The should be publishing on the iBooks store. They aren't going to reach new customers on Drive-Thru, you have to be an existing fan to even know it exists. The iPad...
  4. C

    A subtle reminder from wizards.(or not so subtle)

    I think that a lot of the arguing just comes from people having differing definitions on what a "revision/new edition/whatever term we're using" means. To a lot of people, it means "everything that came before this is obsolete." To some people it doesn't. And I think the implication with the...
  5. C

    How Essentials are Like Broccoli Made Out of Meat

    This meme has gotten to the point where I don't even understand what the point people are trying to make is.
  6. C

    What other settings should get the FR treatment?

    I think no matter how they handle the remaining settings, since they're only going to do three books for each of them, they need to be boiled down to their essence. This wasn't done for Forgotten Realms. Although one could argue FR doesn't have much of an essence, what set the FR apart, mostly...
  7. C

    The Le Games: Apology to the Gaming Community

    Maybe that was the point? But I have to say that "Other people do it" isn't a defense with this any more than it is with, oh, say, steroids.
  8. C

    The Le Games: Apology to the Gaming Community

    He could specify which products he posted false reviews for and offer refunds. That would be restitution. This way, he loses nothing and possibly makes more money. That's not being punished.
  9. C

    Let's talk about minions...

    They don't have die. They just have to fall down. I think that's a big part of it. But, and this isn't really aimed at you, but the thread in general, if you're willing to concede the point that the minion rule (and the game as a whole) isn't written for your style of play, then what is the...
  10. C

    Dragon Roots Magazine DIDN'T sell the 4e Killed Gary shirts

    I most certainly would, given the chance. And that's not the same thing, you won't find any of Reagan's family at a republican convention. To be honest, I didn't want to bring it up, since I wasn't there, but from what I heard, your booth sounds far more offensive to me than these t-shirts...
  11. C

    DM Entitlement...

    I agree here, I think, in a way, both sides have made it seem like the DM is sitting there, in his cape, taking the advice he read in his hackmaster's guide to heart, being a jerkweed. I don't know if that this has ever happened.
  12. C

    Dragon Roots Magazine DIDN'T sell the 4e Killed Gary shirts

    You know, I make fun of Ronald Reagan all the time. I literally danced a jig when he died. Just because he's dead doesn't mean I'm going to pretend I liked him, and it certainly doesn't mean he's suddenly going to stop being the butt of my jokes. So Gary Gygax. I didn't know him, but he died...
  13. C

    Dragon Roots Magazine DIDN'T sell the 4e Killed Gary shirts

    Tasteless, rude, and offensive do not preclude something from being funny.
  14. C

    DM Entitlement...

    Semantics and terminology aside, I fail to see the difference between a player talking to the group about removing the DM and the DM talking to the group about removing a player. Provided the DM does talk to the group and doesn't act unilaterally.