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Recent content by fnork de sporg

  1. fnork de sporg

    Alternative Summoning Class (of Kobolds)

    So my newest player wants a caster character that can summon kobolds and only kobolds. And only summon things. He wanted to have a list of different kinds of kobolds he can summon, like Kobold Ninjas or winged kobods, or kobolds carrying big bombs that run up to the enemy and detonate...
  2. fnork de sporg

    1st level adventures in a city of epic evil

    So my upcoming minicampaign is going to a 1st level part of good guys infiltrating an evil planar metropolis with intent of saving what few non-evil slaves or sacrificial victims they can manage. This campaign will be different from anything else I've run, with the need for secrecy, the near...
  3. fnork de sporg

    You've just assaulted a drow matriarch

    So you and you're buddies, most of whom are large crazy mosnter things, gate in to Menzobarranzan and attacked the house matron of the most powerful house in the city. You bypassed her guards and slayed her retinue of followers but through some trickery she manages to escape. Now comes her...
  4. fnork de sporg

    [Eberron] Warforged Origins - SPOILERS!

    Now, don't forget the Psi-Forged as well. If ever there was a perfect quori host they would be it. There's even a pretty obvious quori attack described in their fluff. Here's my theory. The original warforged were most likely not designed as hosts, since I don't think the quori needed hosts...
  5. fnork de sporg

    What alignment is House?

    He keeps his job mostly through his high charisma and the fact the Cuddy knows there will be cases only he can solve. He often tells Cuddy just that, though not usually in those words. What the f*** does "maximally chaotic" mean?
  6. fnork de sporg

    What alignment is House?

    Chaotic Neutral does not mean crazy. At least, not any more. Science is the rational observation of repeatable and verifiable causes and effects around you. It has nothing to do with law and is not a code of any kind. To ignore facts you have to be totally off your rocker crazy bonkers. House...
  7. fnork de sporg

    Discussing Draedens

    What's a Draeden?
  8. fnork de sporg

    Information on the Mercane/Arcane

    Lot's of people might have done things to cross the lady of pain, but I doubt all of them would flee in such a seemingly suicidal way as leaping through an unidentified portal. I wonder if the lady, sigil, and the mercane all have some similar or related origin? Can any Spelljammer guru step up...
  9. fnork de sporg

    Information on the Mercane/Arcane

    Ever since I established the mercane as being the default magic item dealers in my planar campaign they've become more and more prevalent. Now I've always enjoyed their concept but I've also always been a bit irked that their motives and origins are only described as Mysterious. What...
  10. fnork de sporg

    New LOTR DVD's out in Aug.

    I suppose if you really wanted to own both versions and you hadn't yet bought them this might be a good deal for you. Except not really since the price of buying both versions off ebay is almost certainly less than buying this new one. Value versus convenience, I guess.
  11. fnork de sporg

    One of my PCs is wearing a Lich's phylactery!

    The paladin's might not know who the PCs are. If they know what the phylatery looks like, have been searching for it for centuries, and then see one of the PCs wearing it around they might easily assume that the PCs are the Lich's minions. Or a non-good enemy of the lich might want to capture...
  12. fnork de sporg

    God of War, dungeons, and my game

    Another lesser known arthurian artifact is Clarent, arthur's other sword. From wikipedia "In the Alliterative Morte Arthure, an alliterative verse work of Arthurian literature, Clarent is one of King Arthur's two magic swords. While Excalibur is a sword of warfare, Clarent is one of peace, used...
  13. fnork de sporg

    Does your setting have Magic Shops

    If you're in a city with any kind of Planar connections, that has set public portals and trades with Sigil or the City of Brass or where ever, than you will almost certainly have the Mercane. They do nothing but sell items and you can try to make special orders from them. However any really...
  14. fnork de sporg

    Fans of mature (vile) material, what do you want?

    I want to speak about gore. I don't think anyone here has said they don't want to see to gore. It's just that just gore is not enough. It has to have a point. It has to have meaning behind. Innards and decay are cool but they aren't "vile" just by being there. But once you have that reason...