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Recent content by jarlaxlecq

  1. J

    Rest in Peace, Scotty

    Rip :(
  2. J

    Superman Returns Question

    Its been said that this movie is going to be a direct sequal to the original '78 movie. It's pulling a Highlander and pretending the 2nd (and 3rd and 4th) movie never happened. Which I can agree with given that they were pretty bad. My question is this. The 1978 Supes was your pre-crisis supes...
  3. J

    Supergirl for Dummies

    For anyone else that was curious about this, i did some research and found the following thread that did a pretty good job of explaining things http://www.newsarama.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=36009&highlight=Power+and+Girl As does this site http://supergirl.astraldream.net/index.html
  4. J

    Another N00b DC question - Alan Scott

    I've taken an interest in the JSA and i'm a little confused as to how the original Green Lantern Alan Scott related the the Green Latern Corp. Are they somehow related? is his ring the same as theirs that someone how got misplaced and into Alans hands? Since hes still around and was never...
  5. J

    Supergirl for Dummies

    yeah i saw that cover of power firl. Good stuff :p ;)
  6. J

    Supergirl for Dummies

    I was hoping to get a run down of the current Super-girl , her background and how it falls into place with Pre-Crisis Super Girl, Matrix / Linda Davers and Powergirl. Do they replace each other, do they co-exisit? I've always been more of a Marvel Fan but lately i've favored DC (maybe its the...
  7. J

    Help me find an old post!

    A long time back there was a synopsis of Episode 3 posted on Enworld, It had to be close to a year ago. I went into pretty good detail. Can anyone help me find it. I want to print it and compare it after i watch the movie to see how close it was. Thanks :D
  8. J

    Which Caster would you suggest

    Ok, i'm leaning towards the Sorcerer. What are some of the good varients of the sorcerer, because while i'm liking him, he doesn't seem different enough from the Wizard.
  9. J

    Which Caster would you suggest

    My group recently finished a campaign and is getting ready for a new one. I'm starting a new character and can’t make up my mind as to what I want to play. We start at level 6 with standard Gold. Standard rolls for scores. Initially I was thinking of a monk however all the characters I’ve played...
  10. J

    WB's The Batman

    you are its called JLU :p ;)
  11. J

    The gods didn't go epic!

    Not at the rate Robert Jordan's writing the story. my god book 10 and no end in sight :eek:
  12. J

    The gods didn't go epic!

    I think they need to re-release deites but not to give them boosted states, that what i hated about DD in the first place, they should be talking less about the gods and more about the religeon that surrounds the god. Talk about their temples and retuals instead of what their damage reduction...
  13. J

    Where do orcs live? Kobolds? I was surprised to learn.

    Its said that when the world was created each races gods claimed space for their repective race. Humans claimed the plains. the elves took the forest, the dwarves took the mountains. well Gruumph the orc's god apparently over sleeped ;) and missed out. To make up for it he drove his spear into...
  14. J

    Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans 9/18 [Spoilers!]

    great episode, reminded me of Star Trek the motion picture. unstoppable force coming back to earth to find its purpose. Good stuff
  15. J

    Justice League Unlimited: Epsiode 7 The Greatest Story never told

    Instead of adding yet another couple of pages to the other ever expanding thead i though we break it up and had a thread for each episode.